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1、prepositions(介词),常见介词,方位介词aboveoveronbelowunderbeneath,above,over,beneath,below,under,on,Be careful,there is a heavy box_ your head.The sun is _ the mountain in the east.There are some stamps_the desk.The position he pointed to was _ the sea level.The little mouse is _ the table,so it is not easy to

2、 find it.,over,above,on,abovebelow,under,2.across over through past,across,over,through,past,横穿,穿越,表示运动发生在物体的表面,跨过 越过,表示运动发生在物体的上方,穿过,通过表示运动发生在某物的空间,从经过,表示运动发生在某物的旁边,The Great wall winds its way from west to east,_deserts,_ mountains,_ valleys,till at last it reaches the sea.The crowd of people walk

3、ed _ the City Hall to the Centre Square.Swim _ the river,go _ the street,fly _ the mountain,_ the door,window,a bridge _ the river,across,over,through,past,across,_ across,over,through,over,at 表示在较小的地方(门牌);在某物旁(不确定的地方)in 表示在较大的地方(国家,城市);在某物范围内.(地点的排列顺序是由小到大).on 表示在某物上(表面接触);road 前用on,street前用in/on;楼

4、层用on;farm前用on,field前用in.,on the sixth floor.on the farm,on the ground a city on the Changjiang river,on the left on the right,3.表示地点时 at,in,on 的区别,at 116 Changhe Street.,at the stationairportat the theatrethe partythe meeting conference-,at the end of at the bottom of at the foot of-,In the world in

5、 Asia in the country in the village in the street in the skyin the lake in the woods in an armchair in hospital prison church,.,4.在-上 on 侧重与表面接触 in侧重与接触的深度,We found a square hole _the west wall.There is a map of the world _ the wall.hitbeatstrikepat sb _ the face eyemouthchesthitbeatstrikepat sb _th

6、e headforeheadnoseearneckshoulder(takeseizecatchshake sb _ the armhand)There are lots of apples _ the tree.Birds often play _ the tree.,in on 表静态,into onto表动态“往里 往上,in,on,in,on,by,on,in,5.表方位的介词in,on,to,off的区别,in 表示在境内.on 表示相邻或在边界上,不在境内.to 表示在境外,不接壤.off 表示在海面上靠近海岸的地方.,Guangdong lies _ the south of C

7、hina and Fujian is _ the east of it.Hainan is _ the coast of the mainland.,in,on,off,6 介词 among 和 between 的区别,1)一般情况下,between用于两者之间,among用于三者或三者以上之间。It is about 100 metres between the post office and our school.Divide the money among the four of you,2)但在有些情况下between可用于三者或三者以上之间。A)提到明确位置时Switzerland

8、lies between France,Germany,Australia and ItalyB)提到事物之间区别时Do you know the difference between lie,lay and laid?C)提到各分配对象时 He divided his money between his wife,his son and his daughter.(此句也可用among,但意义有差别。between强调个体各有一份,among强调整体,表示分钱的范围),D)强调两者以上的事物两两之间的相互关系:the Treaty Between the Three Powers 三国协约(

9、不可用among)E)用在“between ourselves”结构中,意为“私下说的话(不可告诉别人)”。The matter is highly classified.It is between ourselves.这件事高度机密,不能告诉别人。,二 表示时间介词1.at,in,on的区别1 The train leaves _ 6:00pm,so I have to be at the station _ 5:40 at the latest.A.at;until B.for;after C.at;by D.before;around2 The old man died _ cold _

10、 a cold night.A.from;at B.of;in C.of;on D.for;during3 The railway was opened _ traffic _ April 4,1985.A.to;on B.to;in C.by;on D.for;on,C,C,A,in,on,at的区别和用法1)at 表示在某一时刻或短暂的时间。at one oclock(在一点钟),at dawn(在黎明),at sunrise(在日出时),at noon(在正午),at that time(在那时),at the last moment(在最后一刻),at breakfast(在早餐时)a

11、t dark at亦可表示“年龄”、“节日”等。at the age of twenty(在二十岁时),at Mid-autumn(在中秋节时),at Christmas(在圣诞节时),2)in 用来表示某年、某月、季节、上下午、傍晚等时间 in 1998 in May,in May,1998in the morningafternoonevening,in the night(特指某一夜间,而at night表泛指的夜间),in the day(在白天)in summer in the twentieth centuryin modern timesin ones old age(在某人晚年

12、)in ones teens/twenties/thirties,in ones youth in the day time in one s life in the past inthose days in the future,3)on用于某日或特定某日的早晚、上下午等。on Sunday(在星期日),on October the first,1999(在1999年10月1日),on Monday morning(在星期日早晨),on a cold evening(在一个寒冷的晚上),on New Years Eve(新年前夕)on Christmas Day,At 9 on the mo

13、rning of April,1976At 9 in the morning in April,1976,during the Christmas Days,2.in,within,after的区别和用法1)in 表从现在时间角度看将来,意为“在之后“,“过若干时间就”。The project will be finished in a week.2)within 表示期限,,意为“在某时间之内”。(将来或过去)He must be back within a week.他必须一周之内回来。3)after 表示“什么时间之后”,后可接表某一时刻或某种活动的词。The meal was read

14、y after thirty minutes.三十分钟后饭熟了。We left after the party.晚会后我们离开了。,My father will be back from abroad in three days.He left home and went to the front after two days two days laterIll go and see her after three oclock.after+一段时间,常与过去时连用after+时间上的一点,常与将来时连用In the past,no villagers dared do that.In the

15、 pastlast few years,great changes have taken place in the village.,4.during,for的区别和用法during 表示“在(某一段时间)内”,“在期间”,用于已知一段时间或已限定的时期或阶段。for 用来指延续一段时间。例如 I went to shanghai during the vacation and stayed there for 20 days.我假期里去了上海并在那儿呆了二十多天。,5.by,till/until的区别和用法1)by表示到某时某事已发生或已出现情况,经常与完成时连用;till 表示行动或状态一

16、直迟续到某一时间(肯定句中延续动词)。We discussed about the matter till/until midnight.我们一直谈那件事,直到午夜时分。(midnight 指动作的终点).You must hand in your term paper by next Monday.你必须在下星期日之前交学期论文。(不晚于星期一,可以是星期一,也可以是这之前某个时间发生),2)till/until 经常用在否定句中,译作“到才”,强调时间晚了。例如 He didnt arrive until ten oclock.他直到十点钟才来。,三、besides,but,except,

17、except for,other than的区别和用法Beside 在-旁边1)Besides 除在外还有(常与also,else,any other,more 连用)(包括再内)例如 He had to learn English besides Japanese.副词,此外 而且,2)but与except同义,但but多用在every,any,no(及它们的复合词),all,none,who,what,where等后。Who but George would do such a thing?除乔治之外,还有谁会干这种事?,3)except表示“除了”,不包括其后的宾语。Everyone c

18、ame on time except Henry.,4)except for“除了,只是”,前后比较对象不属于同一类或同一个层次。,The road was empty except for a few cars.,肯定整体,否定小部分 They are good boys except for their shortcoming,Except that 加句子Except when加句子除了当-时候,5)other than与except用法相似,但other than还有其他的含义:A)not,any thing but(不是,除了)例如 She can hardly be other t

19、han grateful.她会感激不尽。B)otherwise than;in any other way than(与不同;与不同方式)例如 You cant get there other than by swimming.除游泳之外,别无其他方法抵达那里。6)apart from 可表示besides,except,except for或without的意义:,例 1 Its time-consuming apart from the cost(=besides).除了价格高以外,还很费时。例 2 You did a good job,apart from a few slight fa

20、ults(=except for).除了一些小缺点外,你做得还不错。例 3 He cares nothing in the world apart from himself(=except).在世上,他除了自己什么都不在乎。例 4 There is no short-cut to it apart from hard work(=without).除了努力工作,别无捷径可走。,四、表示价格,比率,标准,速度的介词 at 表示价值,价格,比率或速度,表单价.for 表示交换,指总价钱 by 表示度量单位或标准.后接表计量单位的名词一般是单数,前面需加定冠词the.数词或复数名词前不加.We ar

21、e flying _ a speed of 400kms/hr.I bought these books _ 5 dollars each.I bought these books _ 30 dollars.He is paid _ the week.Eggs are sold _ the dozen.,at,at,for,by,by,by the yearday month-by the dozentonyardjin-by weight heightlengthwidth,五、工具、手段、方式介词,By sea by water by land by air by rail,By bike

22、 by bus by taxi by plane by ship by boat by train by spaceship,In the a plane,on a the train,on the a my bike,on foot,on a horse,By in on overthrough 等多用与无形的工具或手段 by hand in ink on the telephone over the radio through the telescope,使用语言,原料,材料用 in in English in blue ink,In this that the same wayBy th

23、isthat meansBy means of With this that method,With+a the my+有形的工具或身体某些器官With a pen with our eyes,by post/mail by telegram,by phone,at引起情绪的原因(因听到或看到-),be glad pleased happydelightedsad surprised-at,be angry at be excited at-具体事物-,for and with后接表示感情的抽象名词,其中with侧重与随着心理变化而发生的感情变化,She often hangs down he

24、r head for shameHe went red with angerHer face went red with cold,at work,at play,at war,In good order in poor health in good condition in a hurry in public in peace in danger-,处于某种状态,On business on sale on watch on strike on holiday on fire on show on a visit,3.pay attention tobe used to stick to l

25、ead to get down to look forward to object to see to be devoted to the key to,2.The key to the door the answer to the question a visit to,With the door open with the light on with his hands in his pocket with his eyes looking at me with all the work done with a lot of work to do,5.With的复合宾语,4.(much)T

26、o ones delight surprise horror sorrow joy regret=to the delight surprise horror sorrow joy regret of sb,1.Of use=useful of importance=important of value=valuable of help=helpful of no use=useless,on“关于”,学术性强:a lecture on computer,about“关于”,知识性或随便谈论:a discussion about the plan,be familiar with sb./st

27、h.熟悉某人/某be familiar to sb.为某人所熟悉,be strict with sb.对某人严格要求be strict in sth.严格对待某事,at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点,in the way挡路,障碍,妨碍 in a way在某点上,在某种程度上 by the way顺便问一下 on ones way(to)在路上,in the air 空中,在流传 on the air播出,shout to 呼喊,向喊 shout at对吼,责骂,in the endat lastfinally by the end of到末止,after a tim

28、eafter some time过一段时间后 behind time迟到,过期 ahead of time提前,超前 sometime某时 some time某段时间,某一时期 sometimes有时 at a timeeach time每次 at one timeonce曾经,at the end of在结束时,在末端,,for a momentfor a while/minute一会儿 for the moment暂时 in a moment立刻 at the moment当时 the moment/minute/second/instanceas soon as 一就,be tired

29、of 讨厌 be tired withfrom 因而疲倦,be pleased with名词/what从句 对满意 be pleased at抽象名词 听/看到而高兴,be known to sb.为某人所知 be known as 作为而出名,被叫作 be known for因而出名,be busy with sth.忙于某事 be busy(in)doing sth.忙着做某事,I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _.At last B.in case C.once again D.in time2._ production

30、 up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.A.As B.For C.With D.Through3.The suit fitted him very well _ the color was a little brighter.A.except for B.except that C.except when D.besides4.i know nothing about the young lady_ she is from Beijing.A.except B.except for C.except that D.beside

31、s5.Would you slow down a bit,please?I cant _ you.A.keep up with B.put up with C.make up to D.hold on to,6.Rose was wild with joy _ the result of the examination.A.to B.at C.by D.as7.The home improvements have taken what little there is _ my spare time.A.from B.in C.of D.at8.The sunlight came in _ th

32、e windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.A.through B.across C.on D.over9.You are so lucky?-what do you mean _ that?A.for B.in C.of D.by 10.The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory.A.to B.over C.by D.on,11.-What do you want to d

33、o_ these old boxes?-To put things in when I move to the new flat A.by B.for C.of D.with12.They had a pleasant chat _ a cup of coffee.A.for B.with C.during D.over13.I am sorry its _ my power to make a final decision on the project.A.over B.above C.off D.beyond14.In order to change attitudes _ employi

34、ng women,the government is bringing in new laws.A.about B.of C.towards D.on 15.The accident is reported to have occurred _ the first Sunday in February.A.at B.on C.in D.to,16.We hadnt planned to meet.We met _ chance.Of B.in C.for D.by17.John became a football coach in Sealin Middle School_ the begin

35、ning of March.A.on B.for C.with D.at18.People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began.A in B.at C.of D.about19.When do we need to pay the balance?_September 30 A.In B.By C.During D.within20.He is up_1.80cm,and taller than his twin brother_3 inches.A.by to B.to by C.by by D.to to,


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