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1、Conjunction 连词,初三英语专项复习,并列连词;从属连词,连词是用来连接词、短语、从句和句子的。在句中,连词不单独作句子成分,也不重读。,Xiao Ming and Wei Fang are good friends.He usually gets up at six in the morning and goes to bed at half past nine in the evening.The old man is Toms grandfather and the young man is Toms father.Ill go with you if I am free.,六

2、、连词的分类,1.并列连词(连接并列的词,短语或句子)2.从属连词(引导从句,如宾从或状从),并 列 连 词,相联关系and,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut(also),as well asand:三者或三者以上的并列成分,只需在最后两者之间加and,前面各个之间用逗号You,he and I are all students.改为if/unless 引导的从句:Work hard,and you will be able to pass the exam.If,Youunless,并 列 连 词,bothandBoth my father an

3、d mother are teachers.He loves both science and art.not onlybut alsoNot only my father but also my mother loves me.eitherorEither my two brothers or my father is going to meet my mother at the airport.She can talk to you either in English or in Chinese.neithernor,并 列 连 词,as well as=andas wellHe has

4、experience as well as knowledge.He has experience and knowledge,as well.as well as强调前者,谓语动词要根据前者确定 not only but also强调后者谓语动词根据后者确定,如:I as well as Tom am good at maths.=Not only Tom but also I am good at maths.Mr Li is not only our teacher but also our friend.=Mr Li is our friend as well as our teach

5、er.,2.转折关系but,while,notbutThere isnt anything but a newspaper on the shelf.A clock has no mouth,but hands.Li Ming is idle,while his brother is diligent.3.选择关系 or,eitheror改为if/unless 引导的从句:Hurry up,or youll be late for school.,并 列 连 词,并 列 连 词,4.因果关系for,so,(for 表示附加的推断的理由)We must be in a hurry,for we

6、havent enough time.I must go now,for my mother is waiting for me.I have a lot of things to do,so I cant go with you.,从属连词用来引导状语从句:(1)引导时间状语从句的after,before,when,while,as,until,till,since(自从,直到),as soon as等。(2)引导原因状语从句的because,as,since,now that等。(3)引导条件状语从句的if,unless,as long as(只要)等。(4)引导让步状语从句的though

7、,although,even though,even if,while,however,whatever,whoever,whenever,wherever等。(5)引导目的状语从句的so that,in order that等。,从 属 连 词,1)时间状从,Dont talk while youre eating.吃饭时不要说话。Vegetables are best when they are fresh.蔬菜新鲜时最好吃。He came just as I was leaving.我正要走时他来了。She didnt go to bed until her mother came.He

8、 went to bed last night till 11:30pm.We have learned English since you were 9 years old.Try to finish your work before you leave.离开前设法把工作做完。After we have finished tea,we will sit on the grass.喝完茶之后我们将坐在草地上。Ill let you know as soon as I hear from her.我一接她的信就通知你。,2)原因状从,He distrusted me because I was

9、new.他不信任我,因为我是新来的。As you are sorry,Ill forgive you.既然你悔悟了,我就原谅你。Since weve no money,we cant buy it.由于我们没钱,我们无法购买它。Seeing that hes ill hes unlikely to come.因为他病了,他大概不会来了。Now that she has apologized,I am content.既然她已经道了歉,我也就满意了。,3)条件状从,Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不介意吧?Dont come unless I telep

10、hone.除非我打电话,否则你别来。As long as youre happy,it doesnt matter what you do.只要你高兴,你做什么都没关系。In case it rains they will stay at home.万一下雨,他们就呆在家里。注意:在条状从句中,常用一般现在时表示将来意义,不能用将来时态。有时表示条件的 if之后可能用 will,但不是将来时态,而是表意愿或委婉的请求(will为情态动词)。如:If you will sit down for a few moments,Ill tell the manager youre here.请稍坐,我

11、这就通知经理说您来了。,4)让步状从,Although they are twins,they look entirely different.他们虽是孪生,但是相貌却完全不同。I like her even though she can be annoying.尽管她有时很恼人,但我还是喜欢她。You wont move that stone,however strong you are.不管你力气多大,也休想搬动那块石头。Whatever we have achieved,we owe to your support.我们取得的一切成就都归功于你们的支持。Whoever you are,y

12、ou cant pass this way.不管你是谁,你都不能从这里通过。Whenever I see him I speak to him.每当我见到他,我都和他讲话。,5)目的状从,He raised his voice so that everyone could hear.他提高了嗓音,以便每个人都能听见。Take your umbrella(just)in case it rains.带上雨伞,以防下雨。She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand.她把那些指示慢慢重复了一遍好让他听明

13、白。,(6)引导结果状语从句的,so that;sothat,suchthat等。(7)引导比较状语从句的than,asas等。(8)引导地点状语从句的where,wherever,everywhere,anywhere等。(9)引导方式状从的有than,asas(中间用原级),从 属 连 词,6)结果状从,I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.我去听演讲去得很早,所以找个好座位。I had so many falls that I was black and blue all over.我摔了许多跤,以致于全身都是青一块紫

14、一块的。He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.他关窗子用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。,7)比较状从,She was now happier than she had ever been.现在她比过去任何时候都快活。I glanced at my watch.It was earlier than I thought.我看了看表,时间比我想像的早。He doesnt work as hard as she does.他工作不像她那样努力。,8)地点状从,The church was built where there had

15、once been a Roman temple.这座教堂盖在一座罗马寺庙的旧址。Ill take you anywhere you like.你想到哪儿我就带你到哪儿。Everywhere I go,I find the same thing.不管我走到哪里,我都发现同样情况。,9)引导方式状从,Why didnt you catch the last bus as I told you to?你怎么不听我的话赶乘末班公共汽车呢?Nobody else loves you the way(=as)I do.没有人像我这样爱你。I sounds as if you had a good tim

16、e.听起来你似乎过得很愉快。,whether if 是否,从属连词用来引导宾语从句:(1)引导陈述句做宾语从句,that(2)引导一般疑问句做宾语从句,if,whether(3)引导特殊疑问句做宾语从句,who,when,what,how,which,how long,why等,从 属 连 词,从 属 连 词,whose,what,which,where,when 引导的名词性从句(含宾语从句)that,whether,if,who,I dont believe(that)he is honest.He asked me whether I knew his sister or not.I w

17、ondered if they had seen the man before.注意:1).that 常省略2).think,believe,guess等动词引起的宾语从句中,要否定前置。(注意反意疑问句)I dont think he has seen the film,_?She didnt believe he had seen the film,_?,has he,did she,从 属 连 词,2.when,as,while,until(till),since,after,before,as soon as,by the time引导时间状语从句when,as,while:when的

18、用途最广泛。as表示主句、从句的动作同时发生。while只能跟延续性动词作谓语。主从句都用进行时时,两个动作同时进行。He looked behind as he ran.(一边一边)He came in while I was reading.Mum was cooking while I was reading.,从 属 连 词,I didnt go to bed until my father came back last night.As soon as I arrive in Beijing,I will write to you.3.because,since,as,now tha

19、t 引导原因状语从句 注:since=now that 表示原因的强度由强到弱:because-since-as。回答why提出的问题用 because回答。because引导的从句较多放在主句之后。since 和as引导的从句置前置后的均有,通常置前,且表示对方一知悉的和较为明显的原因。,从 属 连 词,They didnt go to the seaside yesterday because it was rainy.Since everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.As I am leaving tomorrow,Iv given him th

20、e key to the gate.4.though,although 引导让步状语从句,不与but 连用,须强调时用yet,still.He was tired.He went on working.,Although he was tired,he went on working,从 属 连 词,5.so that,in order that 引导目的状语从句可以转化为to/so as to/in order to 的简单句My father got up early.He could catch the early bus.6.sothat,suchthat引导结果状语从句The she

21、lf is so high that I cant reach it.Its so high a shelf thatIts such a high shelf thatHe read so few papers that he didnt know about it.可以转化为enough to和tooto 的简单句。The shelf is not low enough for me to reach.The shelf is too high for me to reach.,My father got up early in order to catch the,从 属 连 词,7.i

22、f,unless 引导条件状语从句 if not=unless8.where,wherever,everywhere,anywhere 引导地点状语从句Go where you like.Where there is smoke,there is fire.Put the glass where you can see it.9.asas,than,thethe引导比较状语从句He is as tall as his father.The more you eat,the fatter you will be.Id rather go swimming in a river than in a

23、 swimming pool.,从 属 连 词,10.as 的用法作连词1).引导时间状语从句“当时候”“一边一边”He was reading as she came in.They talked as they walked.2).引导原因状语从句“因为,由于”As I am ill,I wont go.3).引导方式状语从句“像一样”He works as others do.作介词“作为”As a pupil,you should study hard.比较:like 介词“像一样”不引导从句The old man is reading like a pupil.,1.-Will th

24、e foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008?-I dont think so.Now _ the young _ the old can speak some English.A.eitheror B.not only but also C.neithernor D.bothor 2.We didnt catch the train _ we left late.A.so B.because C.but D.though 3.Tom failed in the exam again _ he wanted to pas

25、s it very much.A.if B.so C.though D.as,4.I wont believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words _ I have tested him myself.A.after B.when C.if D.until5.The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours _ he realized it.A.when B.until C.after D.before6.-This dress was la

26、st years style.-I think it still looks perfect _ it has gone out this year.A.so that B.though C.if D.since7.Hurry up,_ you will miss the train.A.and B.so C.however D.or,8.The mountain was _ steep _ few people in our city reached the top.A.soas B.sothat C.asas D.tooto9.-Do you remember our pleasant j

27、ourney to Xian?-Of course.I remember everything _ it happened yesterday.A.as soon as B.though C.because D.as if10._ you cant answer this question,we have to ask someone else for help.A.Although B.While C.Whether D.Since,用适当的连词填空 1._ they are brothers,they dont look like each other at all.2.The dress

28、 was very expensive,_ I didnt buy it.3.-Do you know _ I could pass the exam?-Sorry,Ive no idea.4.Mr.Brown knows little Japanese,_ he cant understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.5.The war was over about a year ago,_ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to de

29、al with.,Although,so,whether/if,so,but,6.-Is David at school today?-No.He is at home _ he has a bad cold.7._ Lily _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.8.Study hard,_ you are sure to have a good result in the exam.9.Please have a wash _ you go to bed.10.The twins have learned

30、a lot _ they came to China.,because,Either,or,and,before,since,中考真题(2007年)39.Which would you like to buy,a DVD player_ an MP3 player?A.so B.orC.butD.and40.Peter was late for the meeting _ he missed the ferry.A.thoughB.because C.whileD.if,or,because,70.Mr.Li is our teacher and friend as well.(保原意)Mr.

31、Li is _only our teacher _also our friend.71.Will Bob join the swimming club?Please tell me.(合并为一句)Please tell me _Bob _join the swimming club.,not,but,if/whether,will,中考真题(2008年),39.We should leave early tomorrow,_ we wont get there on time.A.soB.orC.butD.and40.Bill wont make any progress _he studies harder than before.A.ifB.whenC.becauseD.unless,or,unless,Homework,Omitted,


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