1、口 语 技 能 训 练,第一节 口语表达训练之一复述1 什么是复述 复述的基本要求是:第一,准确地体现原材料的中心和重点;第二,条理清楚,反映各部分内容的内在联系;第三,把书面语转换为口头语。2 训练要领 要对原材料认真阅读与理解,同时注意记忆的技巧;要防止取舍不当,偏离中心。,3 训练方法 复述训练的较好方式之一是讲故事。训练设计第二节 口语表达训练之二演讲1 什么是演讲 演讲是借助有声语言和态势语言的艺术手段,就某个问题面对听众说明事理、发表意见的一种口语交际活动。演讲有命题演讲和即兴演讲两种形式。2 命题演讲训练(一)命题演讲的主要特点(二)命题演讲的技巧,(三)演讲训练要领 注意有声语
2、言的重音、顿连、节奏、语调等的处理,演讲者的态势是其内心情感的真实流露。在较大场合下演讲时还要注意了解听众及会场情况等。(四)演讲的“开场白”(五)演讲的“结束语”3 即兴演讲训练 即兴演讲是在特定场境和主题的诱发下,或者是自发或者是别人要求、立即进行的演讲,是一种不凭借文字材料进行表情达意的口语交际活动。(一)即兴演讲的特点(二)即兴演讲的技巧(三)即兴演讲训练,英语语音(English Pronunciation),任课教师:雒 丽一、课程简介英语语音是英语专业的一门必修基础课。本课程教学要求学员掌握英语语音、语调的基本知识,了解英语语音的分类,单个音素的形成以及连贯言语中语音的结合规律。
3、掌握一些常见的语音技巧,如:不完全爆破、连读、重音、节奏、意群与停顿等,以促进听和说的能力。课程教学着重实践练习,讲解与掌握语音理论也是为了更好地指导实践。,二、本课程重点和难点内容简介,一、语音学习的重要性;成人掌握外语发音的方法;英语标准音;音素与音标的区别。二、发音器官。了解单元音发音的发音器官及其相 应的名称。三、单独的英语音素。前元音i:i e 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。后元音::的发音要领;发音口腔部位的异同。中元音:的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。合口双元音 的发音要领、发音口腔部 位的异同。,集中双元音 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。爆破音 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异
4、同。摩擦音 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。破擦音 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。鼻辅音 的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异清晰舌侧音和含糊舌侧音的发音要领、发音口腔部位的异同。半元音的发音要领。半元音 的发音要领。辅音连缀。不完全爆破。,四、连贯言语中的语音。音的强读和弱读。意群和停顿。连读。单词重音。句子重音。节奏。五、语调。语调的基本概念。降调的基本用法。升调的基本用法。降升调的基本含意,本课程内容梳理以应用领域、应用方法讲解,(一)单独的英语音素内容梳理:1 前元音:e 发音共同特征:舌尖均抵下齿;前舌不同程度地向硬腭抬起;唇形依次开扁。元音字母e及字母组合ee,ea,ie,ei 可以读作
5、:。元音字母i及字母组合ui,和半元音字母y可以读作。元音字母e及字母组合ea可以读作e。元音字母a可以读作。,1 后元音::发音共同特征:舌端均不抵下齿;舌后部不同程度地向软腭抬起;这五个音除:之外,都 是圆唇元音。元音字母a及字母组合ar,al,au 可以读作:。2 中元音:发时后舌的前部稍高,双唇向两边伸张,稍扁。牙床半开,喉头肌肉较紧张,普通话中没有和相似的音。学这个音时可以先发a:,然后将牙床缩小到三分之二,双唇稍扁。,发时,舌平放口中,舌中部略隆起。双唇中常,牙床半开,喉头肌肉松驰,发时,唇舌牙床都很自然,只要一张口就能发出音。发:时,舌中部略略隆起,比发:时较高,双唇中常稍扁,牙
6、床近乎半合,喉头肌肉较紧张。4.合口双元音 ei是从e 滑动到i的合口双元音。双唇稍扁,牙床从半开到合,喉头肌肉不紧张,是长音。是从到u的合口双元音。双唇从中常到圆,牙床从半开到合,喉头肌肉松弛,是长音。,ai是从到i的合口双元音。发时舌端抵下齿,前舌较低。双唇中常,牙床从全开到合,喉头肌肉稍紧,是长音。au是从a到u的合口双元音。双唇从中常到圆,牙床从全开到合,喉头肌肉稍紧张,是长音。是从滑动到i的合口双元音。双唇从圆到扁,牙床从开到合,喉头肌肉不紧张,是长音。5 集中双元音 是从i到的双元音。集中到中元音,又叫集中双元音。双唇中常,牙床从全合到半开,喉头肌肉松弛,是长音。,是从到的集中双元
7、音。发时舌端抵下齿,前舌稍高。是介乎e和之间的前元音,和更相近。双唇中常,牙床从开三分之 二到半开,喉头肌肉不紧张,是长音。这是从u滑动到的集中双元音。字母组合oor,our等在单词中可以读作,ure可以读作或。6 爆破音 发p时,双唇紧闭。p是双唇音。气流从口腔冲出,送气有力。清音,发音时不震动声带。和p相同。但在词尾发得很轻,不如p送气有力。浊音,发音时震动声带。,发音时,舌瑞抵齿槽。t是齿槽音。气流从口腔冲出,送气有力。清音,发音时不震动声带。t和汉语拼音中的t,即普通话中的“特”相似,两者都是清音。但英语的t比汉语拼音的t清脆有力,发音时舌端抵齿槽而不放在上门齿。和t相同。但在词尾发得
8、很轻,不如t送气有力。浊音,发音时震动声带。不要将词尾的d发得太重,以致听上去象普通话中的“德”。英语的d在词尾几乎听不见。,发k时,后舌隆重起。k是后舌音。气流从喉咙用力冲出来,送气有力。清音,发音时不震动声带。g的发音方法和k相同。但g在词尾发得很轻,不如k送气有力。浊音,发音时震动声带。不要将词尾的g发得太重,以致听上去象普通话中的“哥”。英语的g在词尾几乎听不见。,7 摩擦音 发f时,将上 齿放在下唇上。气流从上齿与下唇间的隙缝通过齿唇发生摩擦而成。清音。是浊音,连续不断发f,将声带震动,就会发出v。普通话中没有和v相似的音,所以发时往往将上齿轻轻碰下唇,不发生磨擦。应将上齿固定地放在
10、,就会发出。h是声门音。气流从两条声带间的隙缝(声门)间通过,磨擦声门而成。清音。发h时,不要在喉头或口腔的任何部分发生磨擦。发h时很象喘一口气,不要发成普通话的“喝”。发r时,舌端抬向齿槽后部。舌向后面的硬颚弯曲。发生磨擦而生r音。浊音。,8 破擦音,是t和的结合。的发音部位和完全一样。发时,舌端先顶在齿槽后部,不留隙缝,然后渐渐放开,使成隙缝,气流缓缓从中冲出。发时有的磨擦,又有t的爆破,是破擦音。清音。的发音位置和发音方法都和相同。浊音。tr、dr发音时,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,形成完全阻碍,双唇稍向前突出,气流冲开这个阻碍发出短促的t、d爆破音后,随即发r音,气流从舌尖齿龈后部间的缝隙泄出,
11、两者破擦成一音。tr是清辅音,dr是浊辅音。,ts、dz发音时,舌端抵上齿龈(发t、d的姿势),形成完全阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍发出轻微的t、d爆破音后,立即发s、z音,气流从舌端齿龈的缝隙泄出,两者浑然一体,破擦成音。ts是清辅音,dz是浊辅音。词尾的ts,ds常读作ts和dz。9 鼻辅音m n l m是双唇音,发音位置和p,b相同。气流从鼻腔通 过.浊音,发音时震动声带。m在辅音中属于响音,发音比较响亮。应注意发m时双唇始终是紧闭的,尤其在词尾,不要读成普通话的“莫”。,发n时,舌端抵上齿槽,和发t,d相同。n是齿槽音。气流从鼻腔中通过.浊音。发n时必须将舌端抵齿槽,尤其是词尾的n,不要将唇
13、上齿不要碰到下唇,发出类似v的音素。w具有半元音的特点,即发音部位和元音相似,但没有长度,只能向元音过渡,起辅音的作用。发j时,前舌抬高,和元音i的发音部位相似,还要将舌身抬向硬颚。气流通过时,舌面和硬颚稍有摩擦发出,所以j也是摩擦音。浊音。,12 辅音连缀 两个或两个以上的辅音相邻称作辅音连缀。注意辅音连缀中间不能有停顿,也不能加元音E。辅音连缀出现在词首、词中和词尾,也出现在短语中间。13 不完全爆破 爆破音和爆破音或其他辅音相邻,第一个爆破音之形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称作不完全爆破。不完全爆破适应于语音学习中的重点,也是一个难点;掌握不好不完全爆破,就不可能讲地道的英语。在以下几种情况下
14、发生不完全爆破:,爆破音加爆破音 爆破音加摩擦音 爆破音加破擦音 t,d 在m,n的前面时,t,d受后面音素的影响发生鼻腔爆破。t,d 在l的前面时,t,d受后面音素的影响发生舌侧爆破,(二)连贯言语中的语音内容梳理:,1.音的强读和弱读 在句子中不重读的虚词常采取弱读的形式,例如人称代词her 的读音为hE:,在句子中不重读时可读他的弱读形式hE。助动词can 的读音为kAn,在不重读时可读他的弱读形式kEn等等。在英语中不但用改变原因的方式来弱化一个希德银,还可以用省略音节的方式来弱化,例如 I am ai Am 可以弱化成Im aim,he is hi iz可以弱化成hes hiz,I
15、have ai hAv可以弱化成Ive aiv等等。一般说来,虚词在句子中不重读时采取弱读的形式,重读时则采取强读的形式,但是这并不是绝对的。有时一个不重读的虚词在句子中并不重读,但是为了要使这个此发得清楚起见也可以采取强度的形式。,2 意群和停顿 人的思想不是以孤立的单词形式,而是以词组形式组织和表达的。在讲话时,人们往往在一个意群后面,而不是在每个单词后面停顿。停顿是英语学习中必须重视的一种英语语流现象,却往往被忽视。有一个试验可以检测学生掌握停顿的水平:要求学生和原版录音同步朗读。试验结果表明学生的语速比录音中的慢,而停顿却比录音中的短,这充分说明学生没有掌握好英语的弱读形式,没有养成正
16、确的英语停顿习惯。语流中意群的划分有下面两个主要因素决定:语速。语速快,意群可长些;语速慢,意群可短些。句子语法结构的长度。短句可有一个独立的意群。长句要 划分成两个或两个以上的意群。,3 连读 人们在流利交谈中,音素之间必然会产生连读现象。连读是快速语流的自然结果,也可以使语流更流畅、表达更得体。连读主要发生在一个词组内,有下列三大类:词末辅音和词首元音连读。例如:put it on,take it off 词末元音和词首元音连读。例如:go on,how old 词末不发音的r和紧接其后的词的词首元音连读,r必须发音。例如:far away,for ever4 单词重音英语单词中重读的音节
17、接受单词重音,重音符号标在重读音节的左上方。单音节词都有重音符号,但是其重音符号不必标出;双音节或多音节词可以有一个或一个以上的重读音节,其重读音节因词而异,很不规则。因此,学习英语生词时,为了掌握正确的重读音节及读音,必须查词典,以便正确朗读,否则,重读音节错了,会引起误解或令人费解。英语单词重音很不规则,但是可以遵循下面一些规则:,双音节词作为名词,重音在第一个音节,作为动词重音在第二个音节。例如:progress n.progress v.复合名词的重音一般在第一个音节上。例如:blackboard handbag 有些复合词有双重音。例如:kindhearted four-footed
18、 少数复合词重音在第二个音节。例如:whatever throughout,1 句子重音 英语单句中实义词,即实词,如名词、形容词、副词、实义动词、数词、疑问词和感叹词等一般都重读,其重读音节必须长而响亮,这称为句子重音。虚词,即功能词,如冠词、连词、介词、助动词、情态动词等在句中一般不重读。2 节奏 一个重读音节和不等数的非重读音节一起构成一个节奏群。节奏训练的有效方法是打拍子。通俗地说,一个节奏群等于一拍。,节奏对中国学生来说有一定难度,因为汉语中每一个字必须十分清晰。受汉语影响,中国学生习惯强读式,往往掌握不好弱读式,节奏感就差。要掌握好英语节奏,首先要掌握句子重音和英语的弱读式,进行大
19、量节奏操练,养成正确的英语节奏习惯。一般地说,英语实词如名词、形容词、副词和实义动词等在句中接受句子重音。但是实际上,这些词经常受节奏的影响而失去句子重音,往往是节奏的规律调节句子重音,而不是全部由语法规则来决定句子重音。,(三)语调内容梳理,1.语调的基本概念 人们交谈时,上瘾的生活讲,音调的高或低,构成语调。每一种语言有其独特的语调。语调可以表达词汇无法发表达的微妙和情感。在与外部世界进行交际的过程中,得体的语调可以促进相互理解、增进交谊和加强合作;而错误的语调则会引起误解、伤害对方,在外交或商务场合中,甚至可能导致谈判破裂。英语语调中最常用、最重要的三个调是:降调、升调和降升调。2降调。
20、降调的基本意义是肯定、完整、独立,即讲话人对所讲的内容肯定无疑、所表达的意思是完整的、语法结构是独立的。降调的基本用法列举下面十类:,直截了当的陈述句,因为说话人对他所说的内容 肯定无疑。例如:They are working very hard.特殊疑问句一般用降调。例如:What are you reading?强命令用降调,因为听着没有选择的余地,必须服从。例如:turn right!选择文句用降调。例如:Would you care for a cup of tea or coffee?从句前面的主句用降调。例如:I picked up the receiver and was ove
21、rjoyed when I recognized the voice of Marion.,非限制性定语从句的先行词用降调。例如:The woman handed an expensive mink coat to the assistant,who wrapped it p for her s quickly as possible.非限制性同位语前的先行词用降调。例如:We have just seen Dr.Ning,our new dean.表示痛苦、恐惧、愤怒、惊讶等强烈情感的感叹词用降调。例如:My goodness!一般疑问句通常用升调,但是,若有言下之意的一般疑问句用降调。例如
22、:Are you satisfied?言下之意是“你应该满足了。”修辞性疑问句是表示较强意思的陈述,不需要回答,用降调。例如:Is that a reason for despair?言下之意是“Thats not a reason for despair.”,2.升调 升调的基本意义是不肯定、不完整、不独立,即讲话人所谈内容不很肯定、所表达的意思往往是不完整的、语法结构通常不独立,因此升调主要用于短语后面,也常常用于句中不完整的部分后面。升调的基本用法列举一下九类:一般疑问句用升调,表示讲话人提出疑问。例如:Have you been staying here long?反意问句用升调,表示
23、讲话人对事实不肯定。例如:We can come here another time,cant we?选择文句的第一部分用升调,给听着一个选择的余地。例如:Will you go to the United States or Britain?句首状语用升调,因为其语法结构不独立、疑似不完整。例如:If there are no evening engagements,she will go to her study after dinner.,列举时,被列举的事或人用升调,升调表示意思不完整,句末用降调。例如:There are seven days in a week:Monday,Tue
24、sday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.祈使句表示请求时用升调。例如:Come and see me again.陈述句加个问号用升调,表示听者想确认对方 所讲的内容。例如:(Mary and Jane got there safely.)They got there safely?陈述句用升调时,讲话者有言下之意没有表达,留给听者去思考。例如:Ill leave home.You cant do that.问候或警告时常用升调。例如:Mind your head.,3.降升调降升调是降调和升调功能的结合。讲话人对所说内容比较肯定,
25、用降调,但是忽又改变主意,保留了一部分意思,语调转为升调,所以,降升调往往包含言下之意,让听者去思考。降升调是中国学生不太熟悉的一个语调,了解了降升调的基本含意,可以更有效地进行思想交流。,美语发音技巧 1Todays tip is on distinguishing“can”and“cannot”in spoken American English.“Cannot”is usually contracted to“cant”.So many learners of English assume that in order to distinguish between“can”and“cant
26、”,one must listen for the final“t”sound/t/.And when speaking,one must pronounce final t sound/t/clearly.However,this is not in fact how native speakers distinguish“can”and“cant”.People do not say I can drive a car,but I cant drive a motorcycle.People say I can drive a car,but I cant drive a motorcyc
27、le.The difference between“can”and“cant”is in stress.“Can”is not stressed,the verb after it is.“Cant”is stressed.The verb after it is not.Also since can is not stressed,the vowel is reduced to/a/,so“can”is actually pronounced“can”.Listen to another example.“I cant go on Saturday,but I can go on Sunda
28、y.”Did you hear the t sound?Did you notice the difference words being stressed?Listening again.“I cant go on Saturday,but I can go on Sunday.”If you want to understand whether someone is saying he can or cant do something,you have to be listening for a stressed“cant”or a verb stressed after“can”.Wha
29、t does this mean?“I can speak Japanese,but I cant speak Taiwanese.”Thats right,I can speak Japanese,but I cannot speak Taiwanese.When you are speaking it is very important that you follow this rule too.When learners of English say I can help you,native speakers often unsure what is meant because of
30、improper stress.So remember,you can stress“cant”,but you cant stress“can”.,第三节 口语表达训练之三交谈1 交谈的特点 1 话题灵活;2 听说兼顾;3 口语化。2 成功交谈的基本要求 1 注意对交谈对象的了解;2 注意交谈地点和交谈时机的把握;3 注意交谈的体态、语调。3 交谈过程中话题的提出、展开、控制和转移,Todays tip is on how syllable stress can affect the meaning of words.Remenber that stressed syllables are
31、said louder and are lengthened,and unstressed syllables are pronounced more softly,and often have the vowel sounds reduced.Sometimes,this difference can be the difference between a verb and a noun,or an adjective.There are at least 14 pairs of words in which syllable stress alone makes this differen
32、ce.Some examples include addict,addict,convict,convict,perfect,perfect.Each time the second syllable is stressed,the word is a verb.When the first syllable is stressed,the word is either a noun or an adjective.Lets look some examples more closely.Permit,permit,a permit is a noun,it is a piece of pap
33、er which authorizes you to do something.For instance,a fishing permit allows you to go fishing.Permit is a verb.It means to allow.For instence,fishing isnt permitted here without a permit.Another example is perfect,perfect.Perfect is an adjective.It means 100%correct,no mistakes or errors.The verb i
34、s perfect,it means to make something perfect.For example,“I want to perfect my English”means“I want to make my English perfect”.Make sure you stress the right syllable.It can be the differece between different parts of speech.This has been todays daily tip.Till then,tomorrow,for another tip on learn
35、ing English.,Todays tip is on sound linking.Although in written English,therere spaces between every word,in spoken English therere always never(1)pauses between words.In order to understand spoken English,it is(2)essential to understand how this linking is done.Today lets(3)concentrate on the most
36、common sound linking situation.Whenever a word ending in a consonant sound is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound,the consonant sound is linked to the vowel sound as if they were part of the same word.Lets look at some examples.Id like another bowl of rice,please.First,note that although
37、 therere six words in the sentence,all the words are linked together without pause.Listen again.Id like another bowl of rice,please.Now listen to how the words“like”and“another”are linked.“Like another”,“like-another”.“Like”ends in a consonant sound,and“another”begins with a vowel sound.So the“k”fro
38、m“like”is linked to the“a”from“another”to produce“kanother”.Listen to the example sentence again.Id like another bowl of rice,please.In the sentence there is another example of a consonant being linked to a vowel.A bowl of,a bowl-of.It sounds like that youre saying the word“love”.Heres another examp
39、le.Id love a bowl of rice.Id love a bowl of rice.This sound linking is probably the biggest problem for learners of English when they try to understand native speakers talking.Well talk more about sound linking in future daily tips,as this is an extremely import feature of spoken English.Todays tip
40、is to link consonants to vowels which come after them.,美语听力与发音技巧(“h”音的略读),Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English.Todays tip is on sound linking.Remember that although written English has spaces between every word,spoken English doesnt have pauses after every word.As a matter of fact,long strings
41、of words are all linked together.And it is this linking,which often makes it difficult for learners of English to understand native speakers talking.Todays tip is to notice how the“h”sound is often dropped in personal pronouns such as“he”,“him”,“his”and“her”.And when it is dropped,what is left is a
42、vowel sound,and the vowel sound is always linked to the preceding word.Lets look at an example.Give her a book.Giv-er a book.Notice how the“h”is dropped and how“give her”become“giv-er”.Look at another example.Tell him to ask her.Tell-im to ask-er.Did you notice that“tell him”became“tell-im”and“ask h
43、er”became“ask-er”?This happens very frequently in spoken English,especially when“he”follows an auxiliary verb.For example,“what will he do?”becomes“What will-i do?”“Where will he go?”becomes“Where will-i go?”“When will he come?”becomes“When will-i come?”“Who will he meet?”becomes“Who will-i meet?”“H
44、ow will he know?”becomes“How will-i know?”“Has he gone?”becomes“Has-i gone?”“Had he done it before?”becomes“Had-i done it before?”“Must he go?”becomes“Must-i go?”“Can he do it?”becomes“Can-i do it?”“Should he leave?”becomes“Should-I leave?”its important to accustom yourself to the dropped“h”sound in
45、 sound linking.This has been todays daily tip.,美语听力与发音技巧(辅音连续),Todays tip is on sound linking.When 2 identical or similar consonants are in a row,most sounds are not pronounced.For example,stop Peter.“stop”ends in the sound“p”,and“Peter”begins in the same sound.Together the words are linked as“sto-p
46、eter”.The words arent pronounced stop Peter.To pronounce two identical sounds one after another,would sound like someone stuttering.English words are always linked smoothly.Similar but not identical sounds such as voiced and voiceless pairs of consonants are also linked in this way.For example,its a
47、 big cake.“big”begins in the sound“g”,cake begins with the sound“k”.“k”and“g”differ only in that“k”is voiceless and“g”is voiced.When they are next to each other in a phrase theyre linked smoothly by not aspirating or pronouncing fully the first of the 2 sounds.Listen carefully as I read the example
48、again.Its a big cake.Notice how the first sound“g”is not released.If the pair of sounds is reversed,like in“I like goats.”it is the“k”sound which is not pronounced.Listen closely.I like goats.I like goats.Therere 8 pairs of consonants that differ only in the presence or lack of vocal cord vibration.
49、Listen as I give one example of sound linking for each pair.v,f:I love France.,:Lets bathe three times.z,s:She is Susan.,:The garage should be cleaned.d,t:He has a huge chin.b,p:Put the cap back on.d,t:Dad told me.k,g:I like Gavin.(?)It is important to include this type of sound linking in your spee
50、ch if you want to achieve fluency.It is also important to be aware of how this linking affects how spoken English sounds.Otherwise you may not understand native speakers speech.,美语听力与发音技巧(句子中的重音),Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English.Todays tip is on word stress on sentences.In general,it is tru