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1、No.1:There wont be billows when theres no wind,whats mean,无 风 不 起 浪,No.2:Raising my head,I see the moon so bright;withdrawing my eyes,my nostalgia comes around.,举头望明月,低头思故乡。,Miss home,No.3:Nothing venture,nothing have.,不入虎穴,焉得虎子,Guess,No.4 I See noEnding,yet high And low Ill search with my will unbe

2、nding.,This is a famous sentence,路漫漫 其修远兮,吾 将上下 而求索。,No.5:If two people are of the same mind,their sharpness can cut through metal.,Believe it,二人同心,其利断金。,Brothers in arms,Brothers in arms,Brothers in arms,N0.6:During the day do not do good conscience,afraid of ghosts at midnight knock on the door,Ar

3、e you Afraid of The picture,不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门,No.7:knife grinding does not make good work,磨 刀 不 误 砍 柴 功,We dont forget to recuperate and build up energy,No.8:The meter a day is early morning,April and may are the key of the year,Morning and spring,wonderful time,一天之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。,No.9:Cannot see the wood for the trees.,A little bit of progress,you will see better,Tai shang-Great symbol,一叶障目,不见泰山,No.10:You will cross the bridge when you get to it,If you arent believe it,having a try!,船到桥头自然直,Goodbye!,


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