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1、秘书资格考试(三级),涉外英语,Vocabulary and Structure,Section A(Directions:From the words and phrases below,choose the correct ones to fill in the blanks in their proper forms)(10 marks)aware of,as a whole,ringup,bring forward,as far as,as a result of,are confident,aware of,as a whole,ringup,bring forward,as far

2、 as,as a result of,are confident,1.The remaining 15 units were sold _ enquiries directly to our Export Department.2.He feels we are now ahead in this field _ the Danish market is concerned.3.We are extremely proud of this design and _ that sales will be high.4.Im afraid the date of the next meeting

3、really must_.5.What should we do if we want to _ somebody_?,as a result of,as far as,are confident,be brought forward,ring,up,Section B:Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.10 marks.,1.He wants you to _ the report by the end of the month.A.submit B.write C.give D.deliver2.Unfortunately,Mr

4、.Karl is not always polite _ such occasions.A.with B.on C.in D.at3.We have receive his _ report.A.file B.finale C.final D.finished4.There should be extra chairs in case there are _ attendees.A.unwanted B.expected C.forgotten D.unexpected,A,B,C,D,5.As _ by the Municipal Education Bureau,Mr.Li wont be

5、 able to come on time.A.informed B.told C.asked D.ordered6.There is a computer on the desk of every staff member that has software _ access to the files of every customer.A.enabling B.enable C.to enable D.enabled7.If you have any items to be concluded,please _ them to me by Jan.10th.A.forward B.pass

6、 C.hand D.get,A,A,A,8.Whatever she _,one could not allow her to go hopelessly to the bad.A.may deserve B.may have deserved C.had deserved D.has deserved9.Darwin had no doubt that species _ over time,but he needed evidence.A.changed B.are changing C.change D.have changed10.Each new species _ to its e

7、nvironment.A.must be adapted B.must adapt C.adapts D.is adapted,B,C,B,Reading Comprehension(20 marks),Pre-reading questions:What do you know about stress?How to deal with stress?,.Reading Comprehension,Passage 1 As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast loosing the art of relaxation.Once

8、 you are in the habit of rushing through life,being on the go from morning till night,it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.In fact,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.A

9、 certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.,The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual.Some people are not afraid of stress,a

10、nd such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities.Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties.When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically.In fact we make choice between light and fight.And in more primitive days the c

11、hoices made the difference between life or death.The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response.,It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as hi

12、gh blood pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress.Since we cannot remove stress from our lives(it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.So what do you think of stress?What is your way to deal with it?,Stress is worse than it is supposed

13、 to be.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentionedWhen exposed to stress,it is a life-or-death choice.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentionedManagers only employ those who dont lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentionedLong time under stress will endanger peoples health.A.Right

14、 B.Wrong C.Not mentionedIt is a good idea to remove stress if we could do so.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentionedIts a basic quality for managers not to be afraid of stress.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentionedStress wont lead to poor performance and ill health if it is under control.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not ment

15、ioned,B,B,C,A,B,A,A,Passage 2,Pre-reading questions:Have you or your family invested money in The Stock Market?What is the function of The Stock Market do you think?,Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large.The same problem,on a smaller scale,faces practically every com

16、pany trying to develop new products and create new jobs.There can be little prospect of raising the sort of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know,and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance,they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for l

17、ong-term projects.So companies turn to public,inviting people to lend them money,or take a share in the business through The Stock Exchange.,By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institution,both at home and overseas.When the saver needs his money back,he does not

18、have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it.Instead,he sells his shares through stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities.Without hospitals,r

19、oads,electricity,telephones,railways,this country could not function.All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly,requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone.,The government,local authorities,and nationalized industries there

20、fore frequently needed to borrow money to finance major capital spending,and they,too,come to The Stock Exchange.There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development.In on

21、e way or another,this new money must come from the savings of the country.The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.,8.According to the passage,almost all companies involved in new production and development must _.A.rely in their own

22、 financial resourcesB.persuade the banks to provide long-term financeC.borrow large sums of money from friends and people we knowD.depend on the population as a whole for finance9.The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is _.A.repaid to its original owner as soon as p

23、ossibleB.raises by the selling of shares in the companies,D,B,C.exchanged for part ownership in The Stock ExchangeD.invested in different companies on The Stock Exchange10.When the savers want their money back they _.A.ask another company to obtain their money for themB.look for other people to borr

24、ow money fromC.put their shares in the company back on the marketD.Transfer their money to a more successful company,C,.English-Chinese Translation,1.Any units or organization would put up notices to announce their activities at any time.A notice usually includes the following items:time and date,pl

25、ace,the event or activity,and sometimes the requirements.There is no strict format of writing a notice.You just feel free in writing it.任何单位或组织有必要随时张贴通知来公布活动。通常,一则通知包括以下内容:时间、地点、事件或活动,有时候也包括活动要求。通知没有严格的写作格式,可灵活处理。,2.The short-term objective we would set for our company is to secure 25%of the existin

26、g market by the end of 2002.This would provide a firm basis for further expansion from 2003 onwards.Long-term objectives are discussed in detail in our report.(5 marks)我公司的短期目标是确保2002年前拥有25%的市场占有率,以便为公司2003年后的扩展打下基础。我们的报告也详细探讨了公司的远景目标(或长期目标)。,3.The strategy we would advice to achieve the objective i

27、s to offer customers leasing facilities instead of outright purchase.A draft leasing agreement is being drawn up by our legal department and this will be made available within the next few days.我们建议为了实现目标应该提供顾客设备的租用而不是直接购买。我公司司法部门正在起草租赁合约,未来几天之内便会生效。,4.A return envelope that requires no postage is e

28、nclosed for your convenience in replying.(2 marks)随函附寄一张免邮资的信封,以便您回复。5.We have taken steps to prevent any repetition of such mistakes,and we request you to accept our apologies for the error of our clerk.(3 marks)我们已经采取了措施来防止类似错误的再次发生,同时,对于我公司员工所犯的错误,我们深表歉意。,.Writing,Directions:You are Li Hua,a soph

29、omore from English department at Renmin University.Write an e-mail to apply for the post as a campus correspondent advertised in Oct.18 21st Century.Use the information provided below.(20 marks)Requirements:1.university student 2.have interest in the job 3.good writing skill in English,Your qualific

30、ations:1.fluency in English(have passed PETS5)2.familiar with the newspaper and a reader for more than five years 3.a member of Students UnionTheir e-mail address:Your e-mail address:Date of writing:11 Nov.,2006 Name of writer:Li Hua,Writing Sample,Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Hua,a sophomore fro

31、m English department at Renmin University.In am quite interested with your advertisement to recruit a campus correspondent in Oct.18 21st Century.I believe I am competent for a campus correspondent you need.Firstly,I major in English and am good at English since I was a senior-middle-school student.

32、Ive worked hard since I entered the university.Not only can I speak and write English fluently but also I have passed PETS5 last semester.,Secondly,I am very familiar with 21st Century,which I have subscribed for more than five years,and I am indeed a big fan to the newspaper.As the saying goes,inte

33、rest is the best teacher.For these years,I so concern about the newspaper that I know the target reader,the attracting material and the writing style of 21st Century.Last but not least,I am a member of Students Union.I am always active in various activities in our university,which gives me a good ch

34、ance to grasp the latest news happened on our campus.This could be one of the essential qualifications for a good campus correspondent.,Generally speaking,I am really interested with the post as a campus correspondent,and I hope I can meet your requirements.Please e-mail me at as soon as you make yo

35、ur final decision.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua,Wish You All Success!,submit:to sb./sth.yield or surrender to the power,will or authority(of sb./sth.)present(a plan,a piece of writing,etc)for consideration or decision.,deliver:take sth.(letter,goods)to the place where they have been sent.hand s

36、th.over;give sth.up.give(a lecture,speech,sermon,etc)in public,forward:v.send(goods,information,etc).adj.eg.a forward step adv.eg.look forward to n.(篮球或足球的)前锋,correspondent:n.journalist;adj.being in agreement or matchingcorrespondence:n.with agreement;lettercorrespond:v.with/to agree;exchange letters,


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