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1、英语双关语,一、同音异义双关(谐音双关),1.Seven days without water makes one weak.七天不进水,人就会虚弱。weak和week是同音异义词。因此这句话听起来可以理解为:Seven days without water makes one week.,2.They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.其中的pray(祈祷)和prey(捕食),发音相同,外形相似,因此这句话的意思是:他们今天为你祈祷,明天就会加害于你。3.You earn your living and you urn your dead

2、 人们谋求生计,火化死者。earn与urn(火化)同音异义,用在一起显得俏皮,别有趣味。,二、同词异义双关(多义词双关),1.A:Whats the longest sentence in the world?世上最长的句子是什么?B:Prison for life.无期徒刑。sentence既有“句子”的意思,也有“刑期”的含义。,2.Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong,but little sense of right and left.女性对善恶感觉惊人,而对左右感觉麻木。该句借用同词异义双关讽刺女性方向感差,开车左右不分。3.

3、He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.其中的grave有两个含义,一个是“严肃的”(形容词),一个是“坟墓”(名词),因此这句话的意思是:他不是一个严肃的人,除非他躺到坟墓里,才能严肃起来。,三、语意歧解双关 1.Customer:Waiter,will the pancakes be long?煎饼还是要等很久吗?Waiter:No,sir.Round.不,先生,是圆的。顾客使用的long指的是时间的漫长,而服务员把它曲解为(形状的)“长形”,趣味由此而生。,Frank:Why did you shout at Sue like that

4、?Frank:你为什么要对Sue像那样说话?Mary:She raised cane.Mary:她惹祸了。Frank:What on earth did she do to get your goat?Frank:她究竟做什么了惹你这样生气?Mary:Maybe she didnt have a sink in her apartment.Mary:也许她公寓没按下水道。,Frank:What exactly did she do?Frank:她究竟怎么做的?Mary:She poured water out of her window.Who could put up with such a

5、 senseless woman?Mary:她把水从窗户倒出去。谁能够和这种不通情理的人相处?Frank:I get it now.Maybe she thought you would enjoy seeing a waterfall.Frank:我现在晓得了。或许她以为你会喜欢瀑布。,【注解】1.raise cane(习)制造麻烦2.on earth(在句中起强调作用)究竟,到底3.get sb.s goat(俚)惹某人生气,惹人发火4.senseless在这里作“不懂情理”解5.在该对话中,Frank在回答Mary时所使用的a waterfall在修辞格上称“双关语”,这是Frank根据

6、Mary告诉他She poured water out of her window这句话而来的。该双关语表示出Frank对Sue从楼上往下泼水这一行为的幽默的讽刺,同时也较巧妙地缓和了Mary对此事的气愤。,【注解】1.raise cane(习)制造麻烦2.on earth(在句中起强调作用)究竟,到底3.get sb.s goat(俚)惹某人生气,惹人发火4.senseless在这里作“不懂情理”解5.在该对话这是Frank根据Mary告诉他She poured water out of her window这句话而来的。该双关语表示出Frank对Sue从楼上往下泼水这一行为的幽默的讽刺,同

7、时也较巧妙地缓和了Mary对此事的气愤。,What weather does mice most dislike?-When it is raining cats and dogs.Cats and dogs是倾盆大雨的意思。英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.不眠之夜 white night 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits.,赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad 名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth 脚踏实地 be down-to-earth 功夫不负有心

8、人 Everything comes to him who waits.爱屋及乌 Love me,love my dog.,活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn.赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad 赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.,世上无难事只要肯攀登 Where there is a will,there is a way.塞翁失马焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.唯利是图 draw water to ones mill,Thank you!,


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