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1、English Writing,Zhao Xiaojun Foreign languages School Inner Mongolia Normal University,Ideas&Improving,Zhao XiaojunCollege of Foreign Languages,2023/7/31,3,Teaching Aims,Ways to generate ideas for a given-titled compositionWays to improve the draftImprove the writing ability,2023/7/31,4,Three ways t

2、o generate ideas,QuestioningListing&groupingFree-writing,2023/7/31,5,Questions you may ask about the topic,1.“What”questions:Whats the problem?Whats the reason?Whats the answer?Whats my opinion?What can I do about it?2.“Who”questions:Who was involved?Who did it?Who was affected?Who do I believe?3.“W

3、hy”questions:Why did it happen?Why did it change?Why did I do it?Why do I care?4.“When”questions:When did this happen?When did I realize this?When did it change?5.“How”questions:How did it happen?How did it get started?How was I affected?How was others affected?How can I change this situation?,2023/

4、7/31,6,Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”,1.Whats the problem?,2.In what courses?,3.How did it get started?,Questions,ANSWERS,Often get poor grades.,Compulsory courses such as Writing and Intensive Reading,I didnt take the courses seriously and did not think them useful.I didnt try to me

5、morize new words and didnt do all the assignments.,2023/7/31,7,Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”,4.Why didnt I memorize the new words?,5.How do I feel about them now?,6.What can I do about it?,Questions,ANSWERS,Boring work.Thought I could always depend on dictionaries in the future.,I r

6、ealize one can not learn the language well without the basic vocabulary.,Ill attend the classes regularly and do every assignment as required,2023/7/31,8,Listing&Grouping“The pleasure of having a bicycle”,I.List all words or phrases related to the topic:1.not very costly;2.easy maintenance;3.one wil

7、l never forget the skill;4.exercise the whole body;5.personally satisfying;6.freedom to move around;7.easy to learn;8.no need for a big shelter;9.see the beauty of nature better;10.stop at any place;11.no pollution;12.in close contact with nature;13.reduces stress;14.can be lent to others;15.may be

8、stolen easily;16.can do the repairing job oneself;17.anyone can afford it,2023/7/31,9,Listing&Grouping“The pleasure of having a bicycle”,II.Examine the list,and cross out the ones which do not fit.III.Group the remaining points,1.Relatively inexpensive,2.Healthy,3.Flexible,1,17,4,11,12,13,6,8,10,14,

9、15,4.Personally satisfying,5,9,2023/7/31,10,Free-writing,1.Brainstorming 2.Choosing 3.Working out an outline 4.Doing free-writing,2023/7/31,11,A brainstorm describes a state of mind when one is hit with an inspiration or many sudden and exciting ideas.,1.Brainstorming,2023/7/31,12,2.Choosing ideas,C

10、hoosing ideas is to narrow down the scope and decide which ideas you are going to use in your composition.,2023/7/31,13,3.Working out an outline,A.Pattern of an outline Topic Thesis:I.Introduction II.Main ideas 1.Sub-idea 2.Sub-idea a.Supporting details b.Supporting details III.Conclusion,2023/7/31,

11、14,3.Working out an outline,B.Two types1).Topic outline:fragments2).Sentence outline:complete sentences,2023/7/31,15,Example:topic outline,Topic:My neighbors were moving away I.My neighbors getting ready to move II.My neighbors being a family of two A.The wife,Wang,“head”of the family 1.A good cook

12、2.A good dressmaker 3.A peasant woman B.The husband,Fan,a typical peasant III.My loss of Wangs friendship A.The cause B.The consequenceVI.My regrets and the lesson I have learned,2023/7/31,16,Topic My neighbors were moving awayI.My neighbors were getting ready to move.II.My neighbors were a family o

13、f two.A.Wang,the capable housewife,was actually“head”of the family.1.She could make all kinds of delicious dishes.2.She could cut clothes as fashionable as those sold in town and had made nice trousers for my daughter.3.Wangs family were completely country folks B.Fan,the husband,was a soft-spoken a

14、nd timid man of few words 1.He had the habit of squatting down at the threshold when having his meals 2.He(more facts should be supplied)III.I lost Wangs friendship A.Wangs nasty relatives destroyed my garden.B.I didnt accept Wangs apology.IV.Im sorry to see them go and regret having lost Wangs frie

15、ndship just because I was too angry.,Example:sentence outline,2023/7/31,17,Rules for writing an outline,1.The two types cant be used together in the same outline;2.Parallel structures are used for the headings of the same rank;3.Use the same signals to mark the equal important parts,such as Roman nu

16、merals,capital letters or Arabic numbers.,2023/7/31,18,Topic:Contrast between my roommates Jenny and Linda,I.Interests 1.Jenny,inactive type Reads,watches TV,likes talking 2.Linda,“outdoors”type Jogger,swimming II.Attitude toward schoolwork 1.Jenny grows tense before exams,studies for hours,takes no

17、tes carefully.2.Linda takes things easy before tests,and surrounds herself with food,can never sit still.,2023/7/31,19,4.Doing free-writing,Rules:Dont stop to correct mistakes or consult your friends or dictionaries.,Compensation strategyOvercoming limitations in writingSwitching to the mother tongu

18、e2.Coining words3.Using a circumlocution or synonym,2023/7/31,20,How to revise the draft?,1.Content:look at the composition as a whole.A.What is the topic of the composition?Does the draft fulfill the assignment?B.Is the thesis clear?Is it supported by enough facts(details,examples,reasons,etc)?C.Is

19、 there irrelevant material that should be removed?D.Is the logic sound?Are there gaps in the logic?,2023/7/31,21,How to revise the draft?,2.Organization:look at the arrangement of the materials.A.Does the introductory paragraph lead to the main point of the paper?B.Does each paragraph have a separat

20、e central idea?Does it relate to the papers main idea or to the previous paragraph?Are there proper transitions between sections?Are the paragraphs arranged in climactic order?C.Does the concluding paragraph give the reader a clear impression of what the paper intends to say?,2023/7/31,22,How to rev

21、ise the draft?,3.Sentences:make correct&good sentencesA.Is each sentence clearly related to the sentence before it and to the sentence after it?B.Are there unnecessary sentences that may be removed?C.Are there structural mistakes?D.Are there wordy and redundant sentences?E.Is there variety in senten

22、ce type?,2023/7/31,23,How to revise the draft?,4.Diction:A.Are there words that are not appropriate for the topic or the style of the whole paper?B.Are there words or phrase which are directly translated from Chinese but which may mean something different in English?C.Are there collocations which ma

23、y be incorrect because they are taken from Chinese?,5.Mistakes in grammar,spelling,punctuation,word-division and other mechanics.,2023/7/31,24,What do we learn?,Three ways to generate ideas questioning,listing&grouping,and free-writing.II.Four steps to do free-writing brainstorming,choosing,working

24、out an outline,doing free-writing III.Outline topic&sentenceIV.Ways to revise the draft content,organization,sentences,diction,and mistakes,2023/7/31,25,Suggested Reading,Ding Wangdao.(2005).A basic Course in Writing.Chapter 6Yang Junfeng.(1999).Basic Writing in English.Part Two-I,2023/7/31,26,Thank

25、 you!Bye-bye!,EMail,2023/7/31,27,Types of words,mon words:a few thousand words,used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes.2.formal and technical words:words used by people of special professions or fields,on special occasions or for special purposes.These words are political,legal,scientific,tech

26、nical,business and literary words.Here are examples of the first and second kinds of words:same,speech,learned,destroy.piece.endeavor,fragment 3.nonstandard words:used by people who are not well-educated or by people of special groups,such as people of a particular region or an age group.,2023/7/31,

27、28,Types of words(continued),Some of these words may not be understandable to people in general,and may disappear after a short period of time.These words are slang,jargon,dialectal,and obsolete words.eg.aint(am not,isnt,hasnt);deal(agreement);neat(nice),2023/7/31,29,How to achieve accuracy and appr

28、opriateness,1).Use common or informal words for general purposes;use formal or nonstandard words only on special occasions or for special purposes;2).Use specific and concrete words when giving details;use general or abstract words when making summaries;eg.general specific animal tiger,fox,insect la

29、ugh giggle,roar,grin3).Use idiomatic expressions and words in acceptable collocations;avoid combinations that are unidiomatic;,2023/7/31,30,4).When there are synonyms,choose the word that expresses the meaning most exactly and that suits the content and style.,2023/7/31,31,Types of Verbs,Transitive

30、verbsIntransitive verbsDitransive verbsPhrasal verbsLink verbsAuxiliary verbs and Modal verbs,2023/7/31,32,Transitive Verbs,1.often followed by objects eg.The temperature rose 10 degrees.2.used together with prepositional phrases or adverbs eg.She always reminds me of her mother.3.delexical verbs(ha

31、ve the same meaning with+v./n.)a.+v.(n.)b.+n.,2023/7/31,33,Intransitive Verbs,1.no objects following.eg.He was shivering all over.2.followed by objects a.changed from vt.eg.He runs a store./He runs fast.b.followed by objects of the same a happy life.,2023/7/31,34,Ditransive verbs,1.usual pattern:vt.

32、+indirect o+direct o2.vt.+direct o+to/for+indirect o eg.Sing us a song,please.Sing a song for us,please.We owed him$100.We owed$100 to him.3.rarely change the order eg.I wish you good luck.,2023/7/31,35,Phrasal Verbs,Phrasal verbs have a certain meaning1.vi.+adverbs eg.break in;come about2.vi.+prep.

33、eg.account for;call on3.vt.+adv.eg.bring about;hurry up4.v.+adv.+prep.eg.put up with,2023/7/31,36,Phrasal verbs containing n.,1.V.+n.eg.change ones mind2.v.+n.+prep.eg.get hold of3.v.+prep.+n.e into being,2023/7/31,37,Two Forms of Verbs,Finite FormsNon-finite Forms,2023/7/31,38,Finite Forms of Verbs

34、,Features 1.the verb will be coherent with subject;2.the verb should represent different tense,voice,and mood.,2023/7/31,39,Non-finite Forms of Verbs,Features 1.neednt be coherent with subject2.can be used as many sentence elements but predicate3.three types:infinitive,gerund,&participle,2023/7/31,4

35、0,Tenses,The present indefiniteThe present(past)continuous tenseThe simple future tense/the past future tenseThe future continuous tenseThe simple past tenseThe present(past)perfect tenseThe present(past)perfect continuous tenseThe sequence of tenses,2023/7/31,41,Voices,2023/7/31,42,Moods,The Indica

36、tive MoodThe Imperative MoodThe Subjunctive Mood,2023/7/31,43,The Present Indefinite,Verbs:stative verbs:love,owe.inatantaneous verbs:declareUsage:1.经常发生或反复发生的动作。eg.He gets up at six.2.现在的情况或状态。eg.She knows several languages.3.永恒的真理。eg.It snows in winter.,2023/7/31,44,一般现在时表示现在动作,1.球赛解说egnow YaoMing

37、 gathers the ball.2.演示说明egwatch,I switch on the current.3.动作描述或舞台动作描述He sits down.4.表示一些没有时间性的动作 a.剧情介绍eg.How does the story end?b.转述书面材料的内容eg.The notice says,c.指路eg.How do I get to?/You go down.d.图片说明eg.The wounded child stands e.用在here和there的后面eg.Here comes the,2023/7/31,45,Sentences,1.What is a c

38、orrect sentence?1).It should be structurally correct complete;2).It should begin with a capital letter;3).It should end with a full stop,or a question mark,or an exclamation mark;4).It should express a single complete idea.,2023/7/31,46,2.Improve the following sentences,1).How to operate this comput

39、er?2).Have lost my key.3).Because he didnt finish his assignment.4).The old man returning home after 8 years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there.,2023/7/31,47,3.Types of sentences,1).The Periodic Sentence:the sentence that is not complete in structure or meaning

40、until it reaches the last word,which is the most important word of the sentence.2)The short and long sentences a.short sentences:powerful,effective,clear and easy to read in ads and speech.b.long sentences:effective and adequate.c.alternating short and long sentences,2023/7/31,48,3).Simple,Compound,

41、Complex,and Compound-Complex sentences,a.The simple sentence has a single subject-verb combination.Eg.Tom and Mary went to the park,ate there and came back late yesterday.b.The compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences.Two forms:coordination conjunctions and semicolon.,2023/7/31,4

42、9,Complex&Compound-Complex sentence,A complex sentence is made up of a simple sentence and a statement that begins with a dependent word.eg.Because I got up late,I didnt have breakfast.(subordination),A compound-complex sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences and one or more dependent wo

43、rd statements.Eg.Because I got up late this morning,I didnt have breakfast and I was late for class,too.,Sentences I-Common Errors,Zhao XiaojunCollege of Foreign Languages,2023/7/31,51,Teaching Aims,1.Let Ss understand the typical errors in sentences structure 2.Ways to avoid and correct3.Improve th

44、e writing ability,2023/7/31,52,.Run-on sentences,A run-on sentence incorrectly runs together two independent sentences without any signals to mark the break.E.g.The exam was postponed the class was canceled as well.,2023/7/31,53,1.punctuation:comma,semicolon or period2.joining word(conjunction,adv,p

45、hase)The exam was postponed,and the class was canceled as well.The exam was postponed;the class was canceled as well.,How to correct?,2023/7/31,54,.Fragmentary sentences,Fragment A word group that lacks main parts of the sentence(subject,predicate)&that does not express a complete thought.,2023/7/31

46、,55,Forms of Fragmentary Sentences,dependent-word fragmentsing&to fragmentadded-detail fragmentmissing-subject fragment,2023/7/31,56,1.Dependent word fragment,Because I was late for class.I didnt meet Mr.Green.After I arrived in Chicago.,2023/7/31,57,How to correct?,1).attach(the fragment to the sen

47、tence that has a relationship with it);Because I was late for class,I didnt meet Mr.Green.2).eliminate the dependent word After I arrived in Chicago.,2023/7/31,58,2.-ing&to fragment,E.g.She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only$500.Not realizing until a week later that

48、 the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.,2023/7/31,59,How to correct?,1).attach E.g.She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only$500,not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.2).change the fragment into a complete sentence Not realiz

49、ing She didnt realize,2023/7/31,60,3.Added-detail fragment,E.g.The class often starts late.For example,yesterday at a quarter after nine,instead of nine sharp.,2023/7/31,61,How to correct?,1).attachThe class often starts late,for example,yesterday at a quarter after nine,instead of nine sharp.2).cha

50、nge the fragment into a complete sentenceFor example,yesterday it began at a quarter,2023/7/31,62,4.Missing-subject fragment,E.g.One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital.And takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in them.,2023/7/31,63,How to c


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