1、Narration,记叙文,第二组:吕柯慧,What is narration?,Narration is the type of writing that tells a event or a series of events.such as:real storiesimaginary storiesbiographiesnew itemsnarrative poems,basic structure,in sequence of time 顺叙flashback 倒叙narration interspersed with flashbacks 插叙narration intersperse
2、d with comments 夹叙夹议,there are five aspects which should be considered by the writer:1.context2.selection of details3.organization4.point of view5.purpose,context,what happened,when and where it happenedwho took part in it.注意时态,point of view,first person(using“I”)third person(“he”“she”“it”“theycan b
3、e used),how to write narrtive?,draw a outline1.introdution(when、who、what、where)2.body first major event second part of the story thired part.Climax,the high piont3.conclusion,what details are included?,emotions,thoughts,actions.sightsoundsmelltastetouch,figurative language,similesmetaphorpersonificationhyperbolealliterationonomatopoeia,