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1、考前辅导,Instructions for Advanced Grammer,主要内容,语法知识作业讲解Test,语法知识:主语从句,主语从句是一种名词性从句,顾名思义,即句子的主语不是简单的名词或名词短语,而是一个从句。这个从句在句子中作主语,一般都位于句首。e.g.What you need most is courage now.你现在最需要的就是勇气。如果主语从句较长,为了保持句子整体结构的平衡,常把主语从句移至句子后部,而用it来做形式主语,不过像what,whatever,whoever 引导的主语从句除外。一般情况下,主语从句代表的都是单数,因此谓语动词要用第三人称单数。,语法知

2、识:主语从句,1.以what,who,whom,whose,which,whatever,whoever等关系代词引导的主语从句e.g.What he says is not important.他说的话并不重要。Whichever you want is yours.你要哪个哪个就是你的。Whom you like better is up to you yourself.你更喜欢谁由你自己决定。,语法知识:主语从句,2.以that,whether等从属连词引导的主语从句e.g.That we shall be late is certain.我们要迟到了,这是肯定的。It is certa

3、in(that)we shall be late.Whether he will join us wont make too much difference.他是否加入我们,没有太大的区别。It wont make too much difference whether he will join us.Tips:此处that不充当句子的成分,只是单纯的连接词,通常不可以省略,尤其在分句置于句首的情况下,that绝对不可以省略。,语法知识:主语从句,3.以when,where,how等连接副词引导的主语从句e.g.When we arrive doesnt matter./It doesnt m

4、atter when we arrive.我们什么时候到没有关系。How it was done was a mystery.那是怎么做的是一个谜。Where I spend my summer is none of your business.我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。,语法知识:主语从句,主语从句与形式主语it1.关系代词型(what等)引导的主语从句,直 接将主语从句放在句首。e.g.What he cares is money instead of his family.他在乎的是钱而不是家人。2.连词that引导的主语从句,通常用形式主语代替主语从句e.g.It is a pity(

5、that)he didnt come.That he didnt come is a pity.,语法知识:主语从句,3.连接代词(whether)或副词(when等)引导的主语从句,可以使用形式主语代替主语从句,也可直接在句首使用主语从句。e.g.It was a problem whether they would support us./Whether they would support us is problem.他们是否会支持我们还是一个问题。When he leaves for U.S.A is not decided yet./It is not decided yet whe

6、n he leaves for U.S.A.他什么时候动身去美国还没定。,语法知识:主语从句,主语从句中的虚拟语气形容词为necessary,important,impossible,strange,natural,essential时,在“It+be+形容词或过去分词+主语从句”中,主语从句要虚拟,用should,should可以省略。e.g.It is necessary that the problem(should)be discussed at once.立刻讨论这个问题很有必要。,语法知识:主语从句,主语从句与强调句的区别1.在主语从句中不能去掉It was that,在强调句中,

7、把It was that去掉之后,仍然是个完整的句子。It was strange that he had made a mistake.(主语从句)It was she that had been wrong.(强调句),语法知识:主语从句,主语从句有以下的引导词:what,who,whom,whose,which,whatever,whoever,whichever,而强调句的引导词只有that,whoe.g.It is immaterial where or when he goes.他去何处或者何时去是无关紧要的。It is said that hes got married.听说他已

8、经结婚了。It was you that I care.我在乎的是你。It was in London that I first saw her.我是在伦敦第一次见到她的。,语法知识:分词,分词是一种限定动词,分为现在分词(doing)和过去分词(done)。它保留着动词的若干特征,又具有形容词、副词的特征。分词有时态和语态变化,又带有宾语并能被状语修饰。分词在句中主要作定语、状语用,作表语、补足语也十分普遍。现在分词和过去分词的区别:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。e.g.Anne was staring at the f

9、alling leaves.(进行)/The fallen leaves covered the ground.(完成),语法知识:分词,1.作定语 分词作定语有两种形式:A.前置定语Make less noise.Theres a sleeping child.不要出太大声音,有个孩子在睡觉。We only sell used books.我们只卖用过的书。B.后置定语The young man sitting between John and Mary is the editor of the campus newspaper.The bridge built last month nee

10、ds repairing.上个月建造的那座桥需要修理。,语法知识:分词,C.过去分词作定语有的既可前置也可后置e.g.All the broken windows have been repaired.所有坏了的窗户已经修理好了。All the windows broken have been repaired.D.分词短语作定语必须置于被修饰词之后,相当于一个定语从句。e.g.Those wishing to join this club should sign here.想加入本俱乐部的人在这里签名。(=Those who wish to join the club should sign

11、 here.),语法知识:分词,2.作状语分词在句中作状语,可以表示各种不同的语义内容。它可以表示时间、原因、让步、结果、方式、条件等。如:A.表示时间e.g.Arriving in Paris,I lost my way.到了巴黎,我迷了路。The hunter walked slowly in the forest,followed by his wolf-dog.猎人在森林里慢慢地走着,后面跟着一只狼狗。,语法知识:分词,表示与主句中谓语动词同时性的现在分词强调时间意义时,分词前可以加上while,when等从属连接词,但as没有这种用法。e.g.Dont talk while havi

12、ng dinner.吃饭时不要说话。When crossing the street,do be careful.过马路时要小心。,语法知识:分词,B.表示原因表示原因的分词短语一般置于句首 Having lived in London for years,I almost know every place quite well.在伦敦住过多年,我几乎对每个地方都很熟悉。Seriously injured,he had to be taken to hospital.由于伤得严重,只好把他送往医院。,语法知识:分词,C.表示结果The fire lasted nearly a month,le

13、aving nothing valuable.大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。Football is played in more than 80 countries,making it a popular sport.80多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。D.表示方式I stood by the door,not daring to say a word.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。,语法知识:分词,E.表示条件United,we stand;divided,we fall.联合起来我们就能站立,分裂我们必然倒下。Being more careful,you can

14、 make fewer mistakes.如果你更细心,你会犯更少的错误。强调条件时,可以在前面加上unless,once等。e.g.You shouldnt come in unless asked to.不让你进来你不准进来。Once losing this chance,you cant easily find it.一旦失去这次机会你就很难找回。,语法知识:分词,3.作表语分词作表语表示主语的某种性质或状态。e.g.The shops have remained shut for a week.这家商店关门一周了。What you said is really inspiring.你所

15、说的真令人鼓舞。,语法知识:分词,4.作宾语补足语I oftentimes hear a girl singing downstairs.我有时听到楼下有一个小姑娘在唱歌。I find some students in this school often punished by the teachers.我发现这所学校的学生经常被老师惩罚。,语法知识:分词,分词的独立主格结构 分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,否则,就必须在分词前另加上自己的逻辑主语(名词或主格代词)的这个结构叫独立主格结构或分词的复合结构。e.g.Permitted by her mother,the child

16、stays up to 10 oclock.Weather permitting,Id like to go climbing.,语法知识:分词,1.独立主格结构常放在句首。表示时间、条件、原因时,其作用分别相当于个时间、条件、原因状语从名句。表示伴随方式时,相当于一个并列句。e.g.Supper finished(=After supper was finished),we started to discuss the picnic.吃完晚饭,我们开始讨论野餐的事。All the tickets having been sold out(=As all the tickets have be

17、en sold out),we had to wait for the next weeks show.所有的票都卖出去了,我们只好等着看下周的演出。,语法知识:分词,2.表示独立主格结构中的being常省略。如:The football match(being)over,crowds of people poured out into the street.足球赛五结束,从群便涌到大街上。Nobody(being)in,I didnt enter the hall.里面没有人,我没进大厅。,语法知识:分词,3.表示伴随方式的独立主格结构,有时可用“with宾语宾语补足语”的结构来替换。e.g

18、.He lay there thinking,his hands behind his head(with his hands behind his head).他双手放在头下,躺在那里思考着。The river looks more beautiful,flowers and grass growing on both sides(=with flowers and grass growing on both sides).这条河看上去更加漂亮,因为两岸长满了鲜花和绿草。,语法知识:分词,with宾语宾语补足语的结构是英语中常见常用的结构,其宾语补足语可以是现在分词、过去分词、不定式、形容词

19、、副词、介词短语等,在句中可作定语,也可作状语,表示原因、方式等。e.g.The children looked at us,with their eyes opening wide.孩子们眼睛睁得大大地看着我。I would miss the train,with no one to wake me up.没人叫我,我会错过火车的。With the examinations over,we had a long time to rest.考试结束了,我们有一段长长的时间可以休息。,语法知识:分词,4.有些惯用的分词短语在句里可以没有逻辑上的主语而独立存在,它们往往作为句子的独立成分来修饰全句

20、。如:generally/strictly/roughly/broadly/narrowly speaking,judging from/by,considering,supposing,providing,provided等。如:Talking of the computer,I like it very much.谈到电脑,我非常喜欢。Considering the time,we have decided to start early tomorrow morning.考虑到时间,我们已经决定明早一早出发。,语法知识:分词,Doing&Done的区别1.分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,

21、要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。e.g.Not having enough hands,we turned to them for help.(we dont have enough hands).Taught by mistakes and setbacks,we have become wiser and handled our affairs better.(we are taught/teach us).,语法知识:分词,2.分词作定语时,现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(即与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(即与名词是动宾关系

22、)。e.g.This is really an exhausting day to all of us!We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries.,语法知识:分词,分词作表语分词作表语通常看作形容词来用。现在分词表示主语的性质,而且主语多为物;过去分词表示主语的心理感受或状态,主语多为人。【例】The film“Harry Potter”is re

23、ally exciting,and I am excited about it.His response to the question was quite disappointing.I really felt disappointed at his response.,语法知识:倒装句,自然语序与倒装语序(主语谓语的位置关系)全部倒装和部分倒装 在倒装语序中,若整个谓语都在主语之前,称全部倒装;若谓语的一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)谓语主语之前,则称之为部分倒装。e.g.1.Out went the children.2.Are you still work in that factor

24、y?引起倒装的原因:语法需要和修辞需要 语法需要的倒装是必须的,否则会出现语法错误;修辞需要的倒装则是任意的,目的是为了强调,否则还是可以还原成自然语序。,语法知识:倒装句,1.多数疑问句都是倒装语序(当主语是疑问词或被疑问词所修饰的词时,用自然语序)e.g.Who is the tallest in your class?Which team won?2.there be 句型及其变体用倒装语序 在 there be 句型及其变体there live(stand,lie,appear,seem,remain,exist等)中,按语法需要谓语动词全部位于主语之前,成为倒装语序。e.g.Ther

25、e once lived in the house an old hunter.,语法知识:倒装句,3.省去if的虚拟条件从句需用倒装语序 表示虚拟语气的条件状语从句若省去if时,要将were,had或should置于从句的主语之前。若从句是否定句,否定词留在主语之后。e.g.Should you be fired,your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.(与将来事实相反)Were I you,I would go and ask the teacher.(现在)Had it not been yo

26、ur help,I couldnt have finished my home work.(过去),语法知识:倒装句,4.以so,neither,nor引起的表示和前面句子意思相同的句子用倒装语序e.g.-Its burning hot today,isnt it?-Yes,so it was yesterday.-I would never ever come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!-Neither would I.,语法知识:倒装句,5.以there,here,now,then 开头且谓语动词是be,come,go等的句

27、子用倒装语序。e.g.There goes the bell.Now comes your turn.6.As 引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序 e.g.Try as she might,Mary couldnt get the door open.,语法知识:倒装句,7.直接引语前置,名词作引述句主语时,用倒装语序 e.g.“It is just unbelievable!”said a teacher from Guangdong province.8.某些表示愿望的感叹句用倒装语序 e.g.May our friendship last forever.,语法知识:倒装句,修辞需要only及

28、其所修饰的状语谓语句首时用倒装语序 由否定词never等和含否定意义的短语所引起的句子 当sothat和suchthat位于句首时 当表示地点的介词短语放在句首作状语时,常用全部倒装 表示时间频率的状语位于句首,且表示强调 某些描述情景的句子有时为了保持句子的平衡,语法知识:倒装句,Examples:Only when your identity has been checked,will you be allowed in.Hardly did I know about it.Many a time has Mike given me good advice.So curious were

29、the children that they tried to find out what happened.At the foot of the mountain lies a village.The door opened and in came an old woman.,作业讲解,9.Not for a moment _ the truth of your story.A、he has doubted B、he doubts C、did he doubt D、he did doubt(C)10.David has made great progress recently._,and_.

30、A、So he hasso you haveB、So he hasso have youC、So has heso have you D、So has heso you have(B),期末考试,词汇(按要求写出所给词的正确形式)10%考查同学们对同一个词不同词性的掌握情况e.g.judge(noun)judgment appointment(verb)appoint commerce(adjective)commercial,期末考试,语法(该题考察学生的对语法的掌握程度)1.填空(所给词的适当形式填空)10%e.g.In those days,when I(be)a little boy,the city had no industry to speak of.2.选择 20%e.g._role she played in the film!No wonder she has won an Oscar.A.How interesting B.How an interesting C.What interesting D.What an interesting,


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