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1、高三英语练习13,主讲:徐英 江苏省扬中高级中学审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,一、单项选择1.From _ astonished look on his face,I came to realize that he had never thought the performance would turn out to be such _ great success.the;aB.the;不填C.an;不填D.an;a,解析:the astonished look特指他脸上的表情;a great success指的是成功的一件事,一、单项选择,2.There are varieties of

2、 programs in the TV station to _ many different types of interests and tastes among the public.cater toB.appeal toC.apply toD.adjust to,解析:cater to sbs needs/tastes迎合某人的需要/口味;appeal to sb对某人有吸引力;apply to sb适用于某人;adjust to sth适应某物/某事,3.When _ Beijing Opera masks,people usually use white to highlight

3、_ is bad in human nature.painted;all B.to paint;allC.being painted;that D.painting;what,解析:主语people和paint是主动关系,故用painting;highlight的宾语从句缺主语,故用what。,4.In schools,is it required that no parent _ to classrooms during class time?have accessB.has connectionC.have contactsD.has access,解析:require后的从句应该用虚拟语

4、气-should do形式,should可省略。A项have access是should have access的省略形式。,5.Theres nobody here _ our English teacher.Fortunately,she is more than glad to give us help when we are in trouble.rather thanB.other thanC.more than D.less than,解析:rather than而不是;other than 除了;more than 超过,非常,多于;less than少于。此句意思是:在这除了我

5、们英语老师之外没有别人。幸运的是她很愿意帮助我们。,6.Can I use the telephone on the table,sir?Under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.anyone is allowed to useB.anyone is allowed usingC.is anyone allowed to useD.is no one allowed using,解析:本题考查的是否定词用于句首句子使用部分倒装及动词allow的用法Under no circumstance

6、s意为“决不,在任何情况下都不”类似的短语还有:at no time,in no way,by no means,on no account,in no case.allow的用法allow sb.to do sth.其被动形式是sb.be allowed to do sth.,7.Id like to _ his reputation with other business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to cooperate with him.take into account

7、B.account forC.make up for D.submit to,解析:take sth.into account把考虑在内;account for是的原因,说明,占;make up for弥补;submit to屈服于,递交,8.Where did you meet him for the first time?Maybe it was in the museum _ we listened to the lecture _ I met him.that;that B.where;thatC.which;that D.that;which,解析:先行词museum在定语从句中作状

8、语,故用where或in which。而第二个空是强调句的构成部分,此强调句为it was in the museum that I met him。,9.It shocked us all _ that little boy hadnt been separated from that patient,he would have been infected with H1N1.A.if that B.that if C.if D.that,解析:it是形式主语,代替后面的 that if that little boy.with H1N1,在主语从句中还包含一个if条件状语从句。,10.Ha

9、s your father returned from Africa yet?Yes,but he _ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.A.was B.has been C.will beD.would be,解析:呆在这是过去的事,故用过去时。而has been强调现在还在这。此题句意为:-你父亲从非洲回来了吗?-是的。但他(过去)就在这呆了三天,然后就被派到澳大利亚了。,11.The idea for the new plan came to his mind,while _ to his

10、experiment in the lab.devoting B.devoting himself C.he was devoted D.devoted,解析:主句的主语the idea和时间状语从句的主语he不一致,故用完整时间状语从句。,12.Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population.A.making up of;occupied with B.consisting of;making u

11、pC.made up of;consists of D.consisted of;taking up,解析:consist of=be made up of 由组成,由构成make up组成.,构成be occupied with忙于.take up从事,占据(时间,空间)此题句意为:加拿大是一个由许多民族和外来移民组成的国家,其中外来移民成为了其人口的大多数,故选B。,13.His business failure left him at the edge of desperation,but,_,he managed to go out of the shadow through year

12、s of efforts.A.time and tide wait for no man B.dont count your chickens before they are hatchedC.no pains,no gains D.time heals all wounds,解析:A:时间不等人/岁月不待人。B:不要过早地乐观。C:不劳无获。D:时间能够治疗一切创伤。此题强调go out of the shadow through years of efforts(经过多年才从失败的阴影中走出来),故选D。,14.Severe laws must be made to fight again

13、st drunk driving._.It has cost so many lives these recent years.A.All right B.Fine C.UnbelievableD.Exactly,解析:All right:行了,好吧。Fine:好的。Unbelievable:难以置信。Exactly:的确如此,确实,非常对。,15.The 5-month-old baby _ had the doctor not been“stealing vegetables”in an online game and missed the opportunity to save the

14、baby.should not die B.should not have died C.must not die D.must not have died,解析:此题考查虚拟语气与过去相反的虚拟语气的基本结构是:If had done.,.would/should/might have done此题中had the doctor not been“stealing.=if the doctor had not been“stealing”,故答案为B。,二、完形填空16.A.how B.what C.why D.that,解析:此题是强调句:It was.that.就是因为有了Pam老师我才

15、真正理解了我所学习的内容。,二、完形填空,17.A.as B.1ike C.so D.if,解析:Seem like看上去好像句意:对于一些人来说这件事好像不算什么大事,解析:Ms.Pam 是老师,所以teach her students.。,18.A.students B.children C.classmates D.families,19.A.grades B.salary C.1ife D.subjects,解析:grades分数 salary薪水life 生活 subjects科目通过in Math class我们知道应该是work for good grades,20.A.whil

16、e B.until C.before D.unless,解析:While当时候,然而,虽然 until直到为止before在之前,趁.还未 unless除非.句意:我现在仍然记得有好几次都想趁老师不注意偷偷地溜出教室,21.A.seat B.classroom C.yard D.kitchen,解析:Seat:座位 classroom:教室yard:庭院 kitchen:厨房yell across the classroom 在教室对面喊,22.A.see B.help C.catch D.beat,解析:catch:抓住 beat:打根据句意:老师总是在我一只脚才跨出教室的门就把我当场抓住,

17、从来没有没抓住的时候,故选C。,23.A.succeeded B.stopped C.worked D.failed,解析:succeed:成功 work:工作,起作用fail:失败,不,没见上题解释。,24.A.forbid B.let C.encourage D.hope,解析:无let sb.to do和hope sb.to do结构。通过后面的句子so we could do our homework,可知老师每天鼓励我们到这来学习。,25.A.peace B.confusion C.surprise D.home,解析:in peace=peacefully平静地,宁静地 in co

18、nfusion混乱,乱七八糟 in surprise惊奇地,惊讶地 do our homework in peace安静地学习/做作业。,26.A.inside B.outside C.besideD.near,解析:学生心里知道老师是对的,故选A。,27.A.praised B.scolded C.blamed D.respected,解析:respect sb.for sth.=sb.be respected for sth.因为某事尊敬某人praise sb.for sth.因为某事表扬某人scold/blame sb.for sth.因为某事责备某人此句意思是学生们尊敬他们的老师。,2

19、8.A.frightened B.caring C.hard D.right,解析:通过后面的句子she always wanted to know.,可知老师很关心学生,故选B。,29.A.duty B.time C.foolishness D.humour,解析:通过that you just have to laugh at可知老师具有幽默感,故选D.,30.A.jumped B.grew C.scored D.drank,解析:根据she was more concerned than ever about everyone doing well,可知老师希望学生学习好,成绩好,故选s

20、cored。,31.A.expected B.received C.wished D.hoped,解析:固定短语expect sth.from/of sb.期望某人某物/对某人报有某种期望。,32.A.previewing B.reviewing C.1earning D.making,解析:preview:预习,预看;预先审查 review:再检查,重新探讨,复习,温习 通过文章得知学生养成了每天复习的习惯,故选B。,33.A.highB.hanging C.lowD.down,解析:通过I knew I was ready得知作者对考试充满信心,故选A。,34.A.failure B.st

21、udent C.success D.hero,解析:failure:失败,失败的人/事。success:成功,成功的人/事。hero:英雄。,35.A.hated B.appreciated C.forgot D.loved,解析:作者之所以能把数学学好,都是因为老师对他的帮助,所以学生对老师充满了感激之情。,三、阅读理解36.The best title for this passage is“Toyota is _”.A.in trouble B.under hearing C.finished D.still running,解析:文章主要讲Toyota陷入困境,故选A.,三、阅读理解,

22、37.What is the purpose of the hearing?,America hopes that Toyota apologizes to the US customers.,B.America wants to get Toyota out of the US market.,C.America wants to help Toyota out of difficulty.,D.America hopes that Toyota admits their cars have electronic system problem.,解析:根据第六自然段可以推出正确答案为D。,3

23、8.What can we infer from the passage?,A.Toyota provides very good post sale service.,B.Toyotas biggest market is in the United States.,C.Toyota will be closed soon.,D.Toyotas dealership in the US will all be closed.,解析:根据文中Toyota has recalled 8.5 million cars,more than 6 million of them in the Unite

24、d States.可以得出B为正确答案。,39.Why does Toyota recall cars and offer customers money back for rental cars and other expenses?,A.It tries to avoid the maximum damages to the company.,B.It is a big company and has means to fix every problem.,C.Its part of post service.,D.Its a way to compete in auto market.,

25、解析:根据第三段The cost to Toyotas reputation is only now starting可知答案为A。,40.The last sentence of this passage indicates _.,A.Analyst Koji Endo is fully confident about Toyota.,B.Toyota could meet a worse situation.,C.Toyota would get out of trouble sooner or later.,D.Toyota would build up a better reputat

26、ion among its customers.,解析:根据倒数第二段可知to feel the full effect指的是to meet a worse situation。故选B。,四、单词拼写,41.I regret to i_ you that the meeting has been cancelled.,42.I have never s_ my friends of their loyalty to me,and I trust them.,43.My teeth are s_ to any cold food.,44.Though they are sisters,they

27、dont r_ each other at all.,45.Well do all we can to a_ you to solve all the problems.,nform,uspected,ensitive,esemble,ssist,四、单词拼写,46.That man is _(醉心于)with power.,47.She suggested that each _(竞争者)should be praised for what they had done in the race.,48.A committee was _(任命,委任)to look into the case.

28、,drunk,competitor,appointed,49.They set up an _(有影响力的)company to advise more people to make the best use of water.,50.Is this you _(永久的)address,or are you staying there for a very short period of time?,influential,permanent,五、任务型阅读,解析:根据第一段that really makes effective self-management possible可知51题答案为

29、effective。,effective,五、任务型阅读,prove,decisions,Honesty,kept,解析:根据第二段第三句话The Helen Keller of this world give dramatic evidence可知52的答案为prove。,根据第三段第二句话中in the decisions we make.可知53的答案为decisions。,根据第三段倒数第二,三句话可知54的答案为Honesty。,根据第三段最后一句Its our ability to make and keep promises可知55的答案为kept。,解析:根据第四段一、二句可知

30、56答案为what。,what,stick,根据第四段carrying it out可知57答案为stick。,Conclusions,follow,controlled,解析:文中最后一段进行总结,得出两个结论,故58的答案为conclusions。,根据最后一段第二句You are a follower of可知59答案为follow。,根据最后一句中的control your feelings and moods可知60的答案为controlled。,六、书面表达 近年来私家车总数量急剧增长,引起了一些社会问题,有些大城市正在考虑是否要控制私家车的总量,市民们对此意见不一。请根据下面表格

31、内容写一篇短文,并说明你自己的观点和建议。,六、书面表达,范文:The rapid increase of private cars in recent years has caused some social problems.Some big cities are considering whether to control the number of cars.Different people have different ideas about it.Some people think it necessary to do so.For one thing,the roads are

32、so crowded that traffic jams can be seen everywhere.,For another,therere not enough parking areas available for cars.Besides,by controlling cars,we can reduce air pollution around us.They suggest cities improve public transportation and people be encouraged to ride bicycles.However,some people think

33、 it unreasonable.They hold the opinion that the increase of private cars will promote the car industry,which contributes greatly to,the development of the countrys economy.Moreover,cars bring convenience to people and save them a lot of time.They suggest cities improve the management of traffic and raise the cost of using cars.,In my opinion,we should take measures to solve the problem.Laws should be passed to regulate the traffic.And cities should build more subways so that people can have a better choice for travel.,Thanks for your attention!,


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