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1、Basic Wine Knowledge葡萄酒概述,什么是葡萄酒?,葡萄酒是以100%葡萄为原料酿制而成的酒,属于一种酿造酒!,GRAPES 葡萄,葡萄酒的酿造,Sugar 糖份,Grape Juice葡萄汁,Crush压榨,葡萄酒的酿造,SUGAR 糖份,Fermentation发酵,YEAST 酵母,ALCHOOL酒精,WINE IS FERMENTED GRAPE JUICE 葡萄酒是经过发酵的葡萄汁,葡萄酒成分,含香物质(0.1%)色素和丹宁(红葡萄酒)(0.3%)酸(1%)糖份(0.1%干-8%sweet甜)酒精(餐酒10%,加强葡萄酒20%)水份(80%-90%),注:以上为重量的

2、大约百分比,Types of wine葡萄酒种类,葡萄酒的种类(按类型分),静态葡萄酒Red.White.Dessert.Rose气泡酒Champagne加强型葡萄酒,葡萄酒种类(按生产工艺分),Grape Varieties葡萄品种,Main White Grape Varieties主要白葡萄品种,White Grapes白葡萄品种Chardonnay/莎当妮 Sauvignon Blanc/白苏维翁 Riesling/薏丝琳 Pinot Grigio/灰皮诺,Main Grape Varieties 主要葡萄品种,Red varieties 红葡萄品种Cabernet Sauvignon

3、/加本力苏维翁 Merlot/梅洛 Shiraz(Syrah)/设拉子 Pinot Noir/黑皮诺 Gamay/甘美Sangiovese/桑吉奥维斯 Nebbiolo/尼比奥罗 Zinfandel/仙芬黛 Tempranillo/泰普妮洛,Old World旧世界France法国 2*Italy意大利 1*Spain西班牙3*,New World新世界USA美国 4*Australia澳大利亚6*Chile智利Argentina 阿根廷5*New Zealand新西兰South Africa南非,葡萄酒的产区,(Southern hemisphere+USA)南半球美国,(European

4、Countries)欧洲国家,Long tradition and history悠久历史和传统,Main factor is the grape variety 主要根据葡萄品种Consistent weather 相应气候,French Wines法国葡萄酒,Mother country for fine wines 优质葡萄酒的故乡One of the highest levels of consumptions:55 liters人均葡萄酒消费高,55升/人AOC terroir AOC产区的自然条件Complete vineyards 酒庄众多The barrel is a Fren

5、ch invention 葡萄酒桶由高卢人发明,French Wine Regions法国葡萄酒产区,Champagne香槟,Bordeaux 波尔多,Burgundy勃根蒂,Languedoc 朗克地区,Appellation Control System法定产区,ITALY意大利,特级法定产区酒,法定产区酒,地区餐酒,普通餐酒,Italian Wines意大利葡萄酒,Italy is the largest wine producer in the world意大利是世界上最大的葡萄酒生产商Italy has an impressive wine history,probably as e

6、arly as 800 BC.意大利拥有悠久的葡萄酒历史,大约开始于公元前800年,A diversity of wines with more than 300 native grape varietals拥有超过300种葡萄品种Piedmont.皮尔蒙特Tuscany 托斯卡纳Veneto 维纳图,Appellation Control System法定产区,ITALY意大利,特级法定产区酒,法定产区酒,地区餐酒,普通餐酒,Italian Wines Classification意大利葡萄酒等级划分,DOCG:The highest level,all bottled with the s

7、eal of the government 最高等级,所有的葡萄酒都由政府封印DOC:Equal to the French AOC.与法国AOC同级IGT:Table wine,but the origin has to be mentioned.Exceptional wines can be found under varietal or brand name 桌酒,必须标明产地。除非能通过葡萄品种或品牌得出它的产地,Australian Wines澳大利亚葡萄酒,Australia benefits from lots of sun exposure and consistent cl

8、imates.-Good grape growing conditions澳大利亚得益于充足的阳光与持续的气候条件,非常适宜葡萄的生长State of the art wine making techniques,fruit driven and varietal focused.聚焦于葡萄制造技术,注重葡萄酒的果香味和葡萄品种Shiraz is the famous variety of Australia设拉子是澳洲著名的葡萄品种,世界著名品牌-奔富,WOLF BLASS WINESbyASC Fine Wines,American Wines美国葡萄酒,400 000 hectares

9、公顷的葡萄园1976 Steven Spurrier holds a blind tasting in Paris Spurrier 在巴黎举办了盲品First wine in the 16th century16世纪,第一瓶葡萄酒问世Zinfandel is a specialty of California.仙芬黛是加利福尼亚州的特色葡萄品种,New Zealand 新西兰,Rather cool climate,more suitable for white wines,but good red wines from the north相对凉爽的气候,适于白葡萄酒的生产.北部也有优质的红

10、葡萄酒Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc represent more than 50%of the vineyards.在这里,莎当妮和白苏维翁占据超过总栽种量的50Produces very good Pinot Noir 优质的黑皮诺Key regions:Marlborough,Nelson,Auckland,Hawkes Bay主要产区:马博罗,尼尔森,奥克兰,鹰湾,Good producers:Montana,Matua Valley优质生产商:蒙太拿,马腾山谷,Wine Labels酒标,How to Read Wine Label怎样解读酒标?,Winery 酒庄名Vintage年份Alcohol Level酒精含量Net Volume 净含量(Name of Wine)酒名,New World 新世界Grape Variety葡萄品种Old World 旧世界Appellation产地Classification等级,Usual contents of a label 酒标里包含的内容,Sample from the Old World 来自旧世界的样标,Sample from the New World来自新世界的样标,


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