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1、Chapter 4 语义翻译 Unit 2 表达中的选词,选词就是在译文里寻找最恰当的表达方式,一、选词与文体的关系,Fowler 兄弟在 the kings English 一书中提出用词的五条标准:能用人们熟悉的词,就不用牵强的词;能用表示具体的词,就不用表示抽象概念的词;能用单个的词,就不用多个的词;能用短词、简单词,就不用长词、大词;能用盎格鲁撒克逊词,就不用拉丁词。,二、词的文体分类 标准英语(standard English)与非标准英语(口语 colloquial、书面语 literary、正式formal、非正式 informal、俚语slang、古语archaism 等),文

2、体:Door!Shut the door(please)?I could do without the draught from that door.May we have the door shut(please)?I wonder if you would mind closing the door.I m sorry to trouble you,but could I ask you to close the door for me,please.从命令到客气请求。,谈话对象地位的变化:家人客人、生人 长辈同辈或晚辈上级、同级 下级,Different meaning in diffe

3、rent style,Steed(诗歌用语)马 horse(一般用语)gee-gee(儿语)cast(文学用语)掷抛 throw(一般用语)chuck(较随便的用语,俚语),英汉文体的对等,如:,Die,亡、故、卒、弱、逝、殁、殪、毙、殂、陨、薨、崩,亡故,物化,谢世,过世,下世,仙逝,千古,作古,归西,不在,过去,不禄,见背,牺牲,舍身,就义,捐躯,捐棺,殉职,殂落,迁化,永别,老了,没了,完蛋,毙命,死亡,丧命,阵亡,横死,送命,夭折,早逝,客死,升天,圆寂,如灭,驾崩,宾天,回老家,玩儿完,登鬼录,填沟壑,山陵崩,粉身碎骨,见马克思,溘然长逝,寿终正寝,呜乎哀哉,一命呜呼,跨鹤西游,百年

4、之后,三长两短,杀身成仁,舍生取义,马革裹尸,肝脑涂地,死于非命,兰摧玉折,玉楼赴召,地下修文,香消玉殒,倩女离魂,Perish,succumb,suffocate,expire,decease,croak,depart,drown,fall,hang,Cease respiration,relinquish life,lose ones life,emit the last breath,cease to exist,come to naught,meet ones death,end ones days,drop dead,be no more,Pass away,fade away,go

5、 west,keel over,go to glory,return to the earth,fall asleep,rest in peace,close ones eyes,answer the last call,return to dust,kick the bucket,pay the supreme sacrifice,To sleep 长眠Be no more 没了,不在了Close ones eyes 闭眼,合眼Lay down ones life 献身Die a martyr 牺牲Pass away 去世 与世长辞Expire 逝世End ones day 寿终To wes

6、t 归西,Come to a violent death 横死,死于非命Give up the ghost 见阎王,Kick the bucket 翘辫子,翻白眼Answer the last call 授命Abandon the world 谢世Pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘Depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉Pass over to the great beyond 驾鹤西游Go to glory 仙逝,Return to dust 入土Join the choir invisible 入寂,归寂 Release souls fro

7、m suffering 超度Go to Nirvana 去极乐世界Demise 崩,薨,虚指的抽象名词在翻译中不是那么简单。为了做到表达准确,我们在选词时既要考虑到词语的语域和语体,又要照顾到词语的感情色彩是文学词语呢,还是用宗教词语;是用书面体词语呢,还是用口语体词语;是用褒义词呢,还是用贬义词。,yet,as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life,who is really deserving of the praise the stone-cutter carves over his bones;who is a good

8、 Christian,a good parent,a good child,a good wife or a good husband;who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss,.,不过偶尔也有几个死人当的起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里人也的确哀思绵绵的追悼他们。,Exercise,domicile Residence住宅 Abode Home,domicile(很正式的公文用语)residence(正式用语)住宅 abode(诗歌用语)h

9、ome(一般用语)例如:,domicile Middle English domicilie(中古英语 domicilie)from Old French domicile(源自古法语 domicile)from Latin domicilium(源自拉丁语 domicilium)住处【律】户籍,定居户籍期票支付场所fiscal domicile(税居地)permanent domicile(固定户籍),Residence The place in which one lives;a dwelling.住所某人居住的地方;住宅The act or a period of residing in

10、 a place.居住时间居住在某个地方的行为或时期A medical residency.医院医疗的处所The official home or location of a corporation.驻地某个公司的正式处所,abodeA dwelling place;a home.居住处;住所The act of abiding;a sojourn.逗留;暂居停留的行为;暂居,Home 家,家庭;家乡Her home is far away.她的家很远。Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth.孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。,


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