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1、一、理解社会工作与社会福利(Understanding social work and social welfare),1、社会福利的含义Social welfare is the organized system of social services and institutions,designed to aid individuals and groups to attain satisfying standards of life and health,and personal and social relationships that permit them to develop t

2、heir full capacities and to promote their well-being in harmony with the needs of their families and the community.(社会福利是社会服务和机构的有组织的体制,帮助个体和群体获得满意的生活和健康水平、发展个人能力和提升福祉(与家庭和社群需要相协调)的个人和社会关系。)社会福利是社会制度的组成部分,牵涉较大数量人群的福祉和利益,包括身体、教育、心理、情绪、信仰和经济需要。社会福利经济上是大事情。Social welfare encompasses social work,public

3、welfare,and other related programs and activities.,Conflicting views of the role of social welfare in society(关于社会福利在社会中的作用、相互矛盾的观点),1)Residual view:Social welfare services should be provided only when an individuals needs are not properly met through other institutions,primarily the family and the

4、market economy.2)Institutional view:Social welfare is a proper,legitimate function of modern industrial society in helping individuals achieve self-fulfillment.3)Developmental view:Designing a planned social change to promote the well-being of the population as a whole in conjunction with economic d

5、evelopment.This view advocates social interventions that contribute positively to economic development.不同观点会影响社会工作如何发挥作用。,Social work as an organic part of social institutions(作为社会制度有机成分的社会工作),Social institutions and their functions,一、理解社会工作与社会福利(Understanding social work and social welfare),2、社会工作的

6、定义国际社会工作者联盟(International Federation of Social Workers,IFSW):The social work profession promotes social change,problem solving in human relationships,and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well being.Utilizing theories of human behavior and social systems,social work intervenes at t

7、he points where people interact with their environments.Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work.(社会工作专业促进社会变迁、人的关系中的问题解决、人们解放和赋权以改善福祉。社会工作使用人的行为和社会系统的理论在人与环境相互作用之处实施干预。人权和社会公正原则是最基本的。),一、理解社会工作与社会福利(Understanding social work and social welfare),The Social Work Di

8、ctionary(1995):the applied science of helping people achieve an effective level of psychosocial functioning and effecting societal changes to enhance the well-being of all people(帮助人们实现有效的心理社会功能水平、影响社会变迁以改善所有人的福祉的应用科学).王思斌:以利他主义为指导、运用科学理论助人自助的社会活动。Council on Social Work Education(1959):Social work s

9、eeks to enhance the social functiong of individuals,singly and in groups,by activities focused upon their social relationships which constitute the interaction between man and his environment.理解社会工作的概念、学科特点,还需要理解social functioning,psychosocial functioning的含义。,二、理解社会工作实务,1、社会工作实务是社会工作基础的基本要素社会工作基础包括:

10、1)社会工作价值观和伦理;2)多样性:理解人们经验、需要、信仰的差异和相似性,能够将评估方法、社会干预与特定人群对应;3)理解社会和经济公正(social and economic justice):Understanding the dynamics and consequences of social and economic justice,all forms of human oppression and discrimination.推动社会变迁和社会干预的技术;4)对受社会问题影响的风险人群的理解;5)人类行为和社会环境:人生物-心理-社会发展的知识和理论、个人生活于其中的社会系统

11、(家庭、团体、组织、机构、社群)的知识;6)社会福利政策与服务:了解政策及其对社会工作的影响,如何根据社会和经济正义分析和影响政策的形成;7)社会工作实务:Foundation practice content must include knowledge,values,and skills to enhance the well-being of people and to help ameliorate the environmental conditions that affect people adversely.8)研究:包括量的、质的研究,二、理解社会工作实务,2、理解社会工作的传

12、统方法(traditonal ways to think about social work practice):社会工作行业构造了不同的结构化的方式(schematic ways)来描述和影响它的工作。1)Knowledge,values and skillsKnowledge:“biopsychosocial knowledge”,“practice wisdom”Notion of spirituality(信仰的观念):devotion to the immaterial part of humanity and nature rather than worldly things su

13、ch as possessions;an orientation to peoples religious,moral or emotional nature.文化能力(cultural competence):ability to navigate cultures different from ones own(找到正确处理不同于自己的文化的文化的方法的能力);to deliver professional services in a way that is consistent with the cultural sensibilities of the community in whi

14、ch the services are offered.,二、理解社会工作实务,Values and ethics:Values are beliefs about what is good or right.Ethics are rules or prescriptions for behavior that reflect those values.Skills:knowing,valuing,doing是同等重要的。Licensed social workers complete ongoing continuing education units through professiona

15、l workshops,conferences,or seminars that provide skills training for new situations,new populations,and new ways of thinking about the work.,Social Work Values,Knowledge,and Skills,二、理解社会工作实务,2)Types of client groupings:根据服务受益人来分组Individual work or casework:Group work:Community organization:共同的地点,如邻

16、里、小镇、农村地区、国家等;共同的关注、利益或认同。International work:在国际水平来解决影响人们福祉的社会问题。在美国社会,个案工作是自然的起始点;团体、组织的社会工作比个案工作复杂。文化因素会影响到案主结构的划分,在有些社会,家庭、社区是主要的参照点。3)Process loops:社会工作者和案主的活动通常按照一个相对标准化的阶段进行建立关系(engagement):在工作者、案主、案主的环境之间建立关系。评估和计划(assessment and planning):评估风格与工作者的理论视角、机构的使命有关;评估内容就是要理解实务情境。,二、理解社会工作实务,Plann

17、ing is an integral part of assessment.Developing the plan will require you and the client to assess or evaluate the options,the resources,the barriers,the particulars of emotion,and the agreed-upon goals along with the established methods of reaching them.The plan should also include some considerat

18、ion of the less-than-obvious or unexpected outcomes of reaching a goal.干预(intervention):the doing of the work that will enable the client and the practitioner to accomplish the goals decided upon in the assessment.干预是案主与工作者共同的活动,而不是工作者单方面的努力。干预过程(类型、水平、焦点等)受工作者的理论观点的影响。干预成效评价(evaluation):思考投入的努力和资源是

19、否充分、有效。对工作有效性的评估可以使未来在同样情境中的案主受益。许多人认为在整个服务过程中要使用评价结束关系(disengagement):主要关注良好的结束。回顾工作、谈论关系、怎么发展、哪里起作用、哪里不起作用、计划进一步发展。,二、理解社会工作实务,3、整合的社会工作实务(generalist social work practice)1)Karla Krogsrud Miley 等的定义(1995):Generalist social work provides a comtemporary approach for meeting the purpose of social wor

20、k.This view moves beyond the confines of individually focused practice to the expansive sphere of intervention with multiperson systems.Broadly defined,generalist social work considers the interplay of personal and collective issues and works with a variety of human systems societies,communities,nei

21、ghborhoods,complex organizations,formal groups,informal groups,families,and individuals to create changes which maximize social functioning(大致定义,整合社会工作考虑个人问题与集体问题的相互作用,对不同的人的系统社会、社群、邻里、复杂组织、正式和非正式团体、家庭、个人以创造使社会功能最大化的改变).,二、理解社会工作实务,2)整合社会工作实务的特点:实务工作者确认在多种系统水平的改变潜能系统内部、系统之间、各种环境系统之间,具备对不同大小的系统开展社会工作

22、服务的能力;“人在情境中(person-in-environment)”:在社会环境的背景之中考察人的行为;专业社会工作会在不同的情境下开展;将社会政策、社会工作研究活动与直接实务整合起来。3)社会工作四个相互关联的目标:通过帮助个人、团体、家庭、组织、社群完成任务、减少不幸、使用资源来改善、恢复、维持、提高他们的社会功能;社会政策、服务、资源、项目的规划、拟定、贯彻,以满足基本需要、支持人的能力的发展;通过组织的、行政的主张或政治与社会行动最求政策、服务、资源、项目,给风险人群赋权、改善社会和经济公正;发展和检验社会工作专业知识与技术。,Resultant Behavior,二、理解社会工作实务,4)指导整合社会工作的理论框架:内部-外部力量范式(Inner-outer forces paradigm),Microbiologicalpsychologicalsocial,Mezzofamilygroupsschool,Macrocultureinstitutionsorganizationscommittees,Innerforces,Person,Outerforces,


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