1、Grammar:Finding a Balance,Lecturer:Li JingShandong Normal UniversityDecember,2006,大学英语语法专题讲座,“Difficulties with grammar cause more discouragement and drive away more students than anything else in our profession.”-Stevick(1998:82),Introduction,关于语法学习的几个误区(Misunderstandings about what grammar is)学习英语
2、语法的目的大学英语语法学习应该达到什么程度?(How well should grammar be learned?)学习英语语法的范围如何学习大学英语语法?(How is grammar learned?)学习英语语法的方法,大学生英语语法学习中的常见误区(1),第一,把某一技能的学习变成单一的看待。语法学习不是孤立的,不应该跟听说读写译(receptively and productively)等其他技能分离开来。,语法与听说,Now lets learn grammar happily!,语法与读写,作文题 You have to write a story for your Engli
3、sh teacher.Your story must have this title:Winning the Prize,语法与读写,这几篇都是华侨大学大一学生的原版作文,虽然很有想象力,却也有很多语法错误:One day,when I wander in the street without any goals,suddenly,I was taken roughly to a car,and then the strangers caught me,and let my eyes hidden under a black mask so that I couldnt see anythin
4、g.Some minutes later,I was aware that we go into a dark and cool room!And I heard some words of them:“Boss,we succeed,son of Bill Gates has been catched by us,”.“Well done,we can have a large sum of money.”In the moment,I felt I was full of energy just like superman,then I beat them and took them to
5、 the police station.As a result,the government gave me New York as a prize!,语法与读写,One day,a lion named Jack was sleeping beside a tall tree.Just then,Jim,a cat,walk towards the lion,woke him up with a light pat and said:“Why dont we have a game?”“Uh,thats a great idea.But what can I benefit from it?
6、”“A delicious meal.”“OK.”Nodded the lion.Jack stand up and walk towards the forest.They then saw a crowd of pigs playing together.The cat whispered:“Go and see who will be the first one to catch them.”Jack rushed out at once and catch a small unlucky pig.“Ha Ha,I win the game!”“Dont be so eager.Now
7、lets see who can climb the tree with that meat.”With those words,the cat grabbed the meat and climbed to the top.The lion struggled to climb the tree but he failed.“We have a tie,Jim.And whats the next?”“Ha ha,the next stage is who can enjoy the meat as quickly as possible!”laughed Jim.,语法与读写,One da
8、y,a teacher call us to have a exam in order to look our English level.The exam is difficult,especailly the last one.The problem is let us write a story for your English teacher,but I dont know how to write.When I see the classmates have finished.I was nervous.At that moment,I think a ideal(idea),too
9、.I write a good compitition(composition)to my English teacher.,语法与翻译,Im going to be working all day tomorrow.看样子明天我要工作一整天了I will/shall work all day tomorrow.我打算明天工作一整天Im about to work all day.我就要开始这整整一天的工作了(能看到,听到或感觉到立刻发生的事)the boiling waterthe boiled waterthe boiled sweet,语法与翻译,He was killed by a h
10、eavy stone.他被一块大石头砸死了.He was killed with a heavy stone.他被人用一块大石头砸死了.,大学生英语语法学习中的常见误区(2),第二,把知识等同于技能。语法学习不仅是简单的知识学习,也是一项技能。要学会一项技能,核心问题是练。即“做中得学”,把知识变成技能。第三,把语言学习看作是针对各类考试的训练。第四,速成心理。,学习英语语法的目的(Snow,2003:108),To gain a balanced view of grammar study,recognize the importance of accuracy in language us
11、e.正确对待语法学习,认识到准确使用语言的重要性.To acquire both knowledge of grammatical forms and skill in using the forms.掌握不同的语法形式以及使用这些形式的技巧.To gain both receptive control and productive command of structures.能够接受和理解一定的语言规则,并运用这些语言规则去遣词造句.弥补氛围难以在短期内培养一定语感的缺憾,比较经济地获得英语整体的语感。,学习英语语法的范围,学习英语语法的范围,指的是学习英语语法需掌握的内容程度。求得对英语的
13、语法,紧扣大学英语教学大纲,按照语法项安排章节,同时书中以大量的考试真题(CET-4、CET-6、研究生入学考试和TOEFL等)为例对语法点进行详细阐述;最大的特点是将历年考题进行了分类整理,按照考试要点列出以供参考,这是很多语法书所不具备的。(全新版)大学英语语法手册,(上外教育出版社,2004年1月)涵盖面广,归类叙述详尽。重点在补充提高,练习充足,有代表性。薄冰语法及其他,注意的几个问题,看懂不代表学会学会不代表用对避免粗心大意避免眼高手低避免不求甚解,看看类似的情况:,Im thank you all the same.(画蛇添足)Please sent it to me.I must
14、 to learn the book.,不要眼高手低,I was at the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.A:We are requiring extra help.Can you give us a hand?B:Sorry,I only do what is required for me.,不要眼高手低,The most substances expand in volume when they are heated.To the finalists,Bob and I,the last high jump was
15、the most difficult.对决赛选手我和鲍伯来说,最后的跳高项目是最为艰难的。,不要眼高手低,1.on the point of doing 是固定词组,意思是“正要、打算”2.Require不用于进行时态;要求某人做某事是“require sth.of sb.”3.most只有在表示形容词最高级作定语时需加定冠词,表示“大多数”没必要加the.4.应把Bob and I改为Bob and me,因为它们是the finalists的同位语,都作介词to的宾语。,不要眼高手低,The clerk told his friend that in spite of his ineffi
16、ciency his boss was always referring to his lack of qualifications.He wondered why he had been appointed.The clerk told his friend that his boss was always referring to his lack of qualifications,though the boss himself was inefficient.He wondered why the boss bad been appointed.His father hit him i
17、n his face.(the)When I walk in the street,I always take my mother by her arm.(the),1.Her mother helped her solve the problem.2.After she entered the room,Mary flung herself to the bed.3.He bought pens,notebooks and such.他买了钢笔、笔记本等等。4.His parents believed that he was a clever boy,but he wasnt such in
18、 fact.他的父母相信他是个聪明的孩子,但事实上他并非如此。5.I have that which you gave me.我有你给我的那个。6.Virtue and vice are before you,this(=the latter)leads to misery,and that(=the former)to peace.善与恶在你前面,后者导致不幸,前者带来平安。,1句中helped之后若用herself则指的是her mother,语义不同 2句中she指代的是主句中的Mary在主从句中,或有分词状语的句子中,代词所代替的对象有可能在其后出现,要准确识别 3.4句中指示代词su
19、ch具有名词和形容词的性质,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。5 句中that 指物的单数形式6句为省略,避免不求甚解,例:1.Seeing is believing.To see is to believe.2.One and a half apples is left on the plate.One and a half tons of rice are sold.One and a half hours are allowed for exam.3.The dog runs at me.The dog runs to me.,4.介词 with,by,in,The workers a
20、re paving a road with stone.工人们正用石子铺路。(有形)Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy is a good opera.是-出好戏。(无形)The length is measured in meter.This board was cast in bronze not in gold.这个牌匾是铜铸的,不是金铸的有形with无形by,语言、单位、材料ina prisoner in/with irons 戴/带/拿着镣铐的囚犯in rags衣衫褴褛in/with fear 恐惧(程度,状态不同)又如on the field 与in
21、 the field,When they leave home,they dont know what to do_themselves.在没有上下文的单句中,介词for,with,by都是可以填的。意思分别是:离开家之后,他们不知道能为自己做些什么。离开家之后,他们不知道自己能做些什么,例:1995年6月四级第53题 The survival of civilization as we know is threat.A)within B)under C)towards D)upon 全句意思是:“当今人类文明的生存正在受到威胁”。在4个选项中,只有B)under表示“在情况下”或“遭到”。i
22、s under threat相当于is experiencing threat所以答案是B)within的意思是“在里面、在以内”。towards的意思是“向、对”。upon可以表示“在后立即”,但是不能与threat搭配表示“遭到”之意。,1997年1月四级第48题 _ one time,Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.A)On B)By C)At D)Of 答案是C)At。介词短语at one time的意思是“曾经、一度”。其它的选项都不能与one time构成短语。,介词+
23、反身代词,1.above oneself 妄自尊大(多与get连用)2.among oneselves 相互间,共同3.below oneself 情绪沮丧 4.beside oneself 非常激动,控制不住自己5.between ourselves 只限于我们知道而不外传,私下说(主语一般为第一人称单数)6.for oneself 为自己;亲自;独自(此义有时可与by oneself换用),介词+反身代词,7)in oneself 本身,内心中,本质上Australia is a continent in itself.澳大利亚本身就是一个大陆。8)of oneself 自行,自动地(不受
24、外界干扰)He had not even thought of saying this,but it was suddenly said of itself.突然脱口说了出来。9)on/upon oneself 负责,代行其职(多与take连用)You should not have taken it upon yourself to accept the invitation for the whole family.你不该代表全家接受邀请。10)to oneself 暗中;单独,独自享用 Bill laughed to himself when John fell down.暗暗发笑。Wh
25、en one dines in a restaurant one likes a table to oneself.独占一张桌子。The teacher left Mary to herself to solve the problem.,避免不求甚解-例5代词,人称代词并列时,出于礼貌,通常第二人称居前,第三人称居中,第一人称在后。You,Mary and I have already known about it.但在下列情况下,说话人一般把自己放在他人之前讲。1.表示承认错误,承担责任,检讨工作时。It was I and John that broke the window.I and
26、 he are to blame.2.代表国家或家庭时,突出元首或家长地位。I and all the ministers warmly welcome Your Highness.我和全体大臣热烈欢迎殿下。,避免不求甚解-例5代词,3.回忆往事,由自己联想到别人时。Remember the time I and you drove into my hometown.你当然还记得我跟你一同驱车进入我的故乡的情景吧。4.别人与自己关系亲密时。Play snooker together every Wednesday,I and George.我和乔治每周三都在一块玩彩色台球。,避免不求甚解-例5
27、代词,each 和every 的用法each用来强调两个或两个以上的人或事物中的每一个都各有自己的特点,意为“各自,每人”,即可作定语,也可作主语、宾语、同位语。every只用于三个或三个以上的人或物,意为“任何一个”,只能作定语。都作“每一个”解时,each强调个体,every强调整体;each可跟of短语,every只能作定语。I have read every book he lent me.我读完了他借给我的所有的书。Each of us has strong and weak points.我们每个人都有优缺点。Each has his own task.每个人都有自己的工作。The
28、y each have different opinions about it.他们对那事各有不同的看法。,避免不求甚解-例5代词,everyone 和every one的用法every one即可指人也可指物,可跟of短语。everyone与everybody同义,只能指人,不可跟of短语。Every one of us has to attend the meeting.我们所有人都得参加那个会。Everyone over eighteen has a vote.每个18岁以上的人都有选举权。,避免不求甚解例6,none指代可数名词时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。None of thes
29、e electronic devices have/has ever been used.none other than 不外乎是,正是,就是The man was none other than my husband.那人(不是别人)正是我的丈夫。none+the+形容词比较级 仍然,依然For all his years,he is none the less vigorous and active.他虽然年老,但仍然生气勃勃,精力旺盛。none but 只有None but the aged and the sick stayed at home.只有年老和生病的人留在家里。,动词的用法
30、,内容:,动词的时态(Tense)动词的语态(Voice)虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)非谓语动词(动名词Gerund,不定式infinitive,分词Participles)主谓一致,Tense,The simple present;the present progressive;The simple past;the past progressiveThe present perfect;the present perfect progressiveThe past perfect;the past perfect progressiveThe simple future;t
31、he future progressiveThe future perfect;the future perfect progressiveThe past future,简单/一般现在时,一般用法:表经常或习惯做的事;长期或固定的状态;按常理应存在或现在仍然存在的情况;讨论书本电影的内容;讲故事,做说明,或现场报道.特殊:1.在here comes,there goes结构中现在时表 将来:Look,here comes your sister!There goes the last bus.2.客观真理I learned in my primary school that the Eart
32、h goes around the Sun.,现在进行时,一般用法:说话时正进行的动作,近期发展趋势或正进行的变化,刚发生的暂时的非永久性的习惯动作特殊:1.表将来,计划安排好要做的事(静态动词不用进行时)Im leaving at noon tomorrow.2.与频度副词always,constantly,continually,forever等连用,表令人不满或烦恼的事.在这个意义上,静态动词也可有现在进行时.Its always raining.You are always seeing something strange.Im continually forgetting peopl
33、es names.,现在进行时,3.有些动词既有静态意义又有非静态意义,用作后者时可用现在进行时.You appear to have made a mistake.She is appearing in a new play.I have a new car.Im having some problems.,现在进行时,4.be及个别静态动词有时也用现在进行时表一时的情况.Dont talk rot.Im being serious.别胡扯了,我是说正经的.Hes being silly.他这是一时犯傻.Are you forgetting your manners?你是不是没有礼貌了?,一
34、般过去时和过去进行时,1.used to表过去经常,但would也有这样的用法,也可以表过去经常或重复发生的情况.We used to/would take the train to work every morning.2.过去进行时只表示短暂的动作或情况,如果是谈论长久的情况,用简单过去时.It happened while I was living in Paris.这事发生时,我正住在巴黎.He lived in Paris during his last years.他晚年住在巴黎.,现在完成时和现在完成进行时,为强调不久前刚发生的事情持续到现在,可用现在完成进行时.现在完成进行时通
35、常用来表示短暂的动作或情况.谈到长久的情况时,一般用现在完成时就可以了.They have been waiting outside for two hours.National productivity has been declining.I have been working hard all day.,过去完成时和过去完成进行时,1.如果两件事情或两个动作紧连着,前一个动作可以不必用过去完成时.She stopped talking when she saw me.她看见我就不说话了.2.过去完成时只有在叙述过去的事情中,需要追述到更早的一件事的时候才使用.如果按时间顺序叙述一串事实,
36、不必用过去完成时.He said something rude,and I was very upset about it.3.过去完成进行时用于强调过去特定时间之前发生的事情存在了一段时间或一直持续着.也可表示较先发生的一个持续动作.I had been expecting some change.Her eyes were red because she had been crying.,简单将来时和将来进行时,1.简单将来时表预测或打算.2.将来进行时表已决定的,肯定会发生的事,常与表将来时间的状语连用.强调某事将来正在进行或表未来某种暂时性的安排.其疑问句是在提出请求时探问对方是否方便
37、.Dont call me after 7,because I will be studying at the library.Will you be using the car tomorrow?3.如果是指不确定的时间,将来进行时与简单将来时没有多大差别.Dont get impatient.She will be coming/will come soon.别着急,她就要到了.,一般现在时表将来,1.在I hope,Lets hope 后的that从句中.(除非要强调事情发生的时间较后才用将来时)I hope you have a pleasant weekend.2.I dont ca
38、re,I dont mind,It doesnt matter,It is not important后面的间接问句中.I dont care whether we win or not.It is not important whether he comes or not.,其他时态,We will have finished by tomorrow afternoon.Ill have been teaching for 30 years in July.I was nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.,时
39、态的呼应和简化,It was his hope that I would become a lawyer.She said she was English.I will tell what I will do.Id be happy if you will.,语态,被动语态:1.不知道动作的施行者是谁 Hes almost been murdered.I felt as if I was being watched.2.施行者是谁不重要,说话的重点在承受者 Such items should be packed.3.施行者显而易见或已经提及 I was shocked by her attit
40、ude.,Examples:,4.施行者泛指人们 The house was believed to be haunted.5.说话人不希望或认为不必要透露施行者的身份 The origin has been destroyed.,主动形式表被动,有些主动语态的不及物动词可以有被动意义,如burn,clean,cook,draw,read,wash,write等那些可以与badly,easily,well,difficult/hard to 等词连用的动词:The essay reads smoothly.My new pen writes well.Umbrellas sell best i
41、n the rainy season.,不用被动语态的词和词组,很多表状态的及物动词不用被动,如:enter;benefit;escape;fit;flee;have;lack;race;surviveBurst into;consist of;exist on;feed on;lie in;live on,References,Snow,Don.More Than a Native Speaker.Nanjing University,2004.3张成炜,上海外语教育出版社.2004.1,Diligence is the mother of good luck!,Thank You for Your Attention,