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1、Asking the Way,知识与技能目标:1、掌握turn left、crossing等词汇2、理解并运用指路和问路的常用句型 过程与方法目标:运用情景教学的方法 情感态度与价值观1、学习并遵守交通规则2、交通以安全为主,Read and answer questions.,Questions:,1.where does paula want to go?,2.Which street is it on?,Paula:Can you tell me the way to the library?Wang:Sure.Turn left at the next crossingPaula:Is

2、 it on Xinhua Street?Wang:Yes.You cant miss it.,Questions:,1.where does Paula want to go?,2.Which street is it on?,Xinhua Street,Library,Do group work,1、祈使句2、miss的含义,Paula:Can you tell me the way to the library?Wang:Sure.Turn left at the next crossingPaula:Is it on Xinhua Street?Wang:Yes.You cant mi

3、ss it.,Turn left at the next crossing.这是一个祈使句,省略主语,多用来发出指令或提出建议。它的否定形式是在动词前面加“dont”。,You cant miss it.在这里意为“你一定会找到的”。Miss 此处意为“错过”,它还有“想念”的含义。,Paula:Can you tell me the way to the library?Wang:Sure.Turn left at the next crossingPaula:Is it on Xinhua Street?Wang:Yes.You cant miss it.,13,Exercise-1,Lo

4、ok and match.看图,将图中的标志与框中的词语搭配。,()traffic lights()the second turn()turn right()road()crossing()turn left()go across the road,F,D,A,B,E,G,C,Exercise-2-1,Look and choose.看图,选择恰当的词语描述图中的动作。,1,2,3,a.Go across the road.b.Turn right.c.Turn left at the crossing.d.Turn right at the secong crossing.e.Turn le

5、ft at the first traffic light.f.Go along the road.,_,_,_,f,a,b,4,5,e,6,c,d,Paula:Can you tell me the way to the.?Wang:Sure.Turn.at the.crossing,Make sentences,问路的句型:1、Where is the?2、How can I get to?3、Can you tell me the way to?4、Which is the way to,Summary,指路时的短语:1、go along the road 2、go across the road 3、turn left/turn right 4、turn left at the first crossing,Summary,Traffic rules,Everyone should observe the traffic rules,Translate from Chinese into English 1、顺着这条路直走,第二个路口右转2、左转,沿着路直走,然后第三个路口右转。,Homework,


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