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1、How to reduce employee turnover如何降低员工离职率,John Z.YangFordham University GBABiMBA,Peking University,Why are employees leaving the organization-personal issues员工离职之个人原因,Family responsibilities 家庭责任Plan to study MBA MBA进修计划Plan to become self-employed 自己创业Health reasons 健康原因Spouse relocation 配偶工作地点变化Imb

2、alance between work and personal life 工作与个人生活的不平衡Too long to commute to work places 上下班交通耗时,Why are employees leaving the organization-career issues 员工离职之职业发展原因,Lack of career/promotion opportunities 缺少职业发展及晋升机会Mismatch between job and career goals 工作与职业目标不符Lack of opportunity to develop new skills

3、缺少提高技能的机会Lack of trust to make important decisions 缺少上级信任,无决策权Limited training programs 培训机会有限Glass ceiling 等级限制Lack of challenging assignments 工作缺乏挑战性,Why are employees leaving the organization-compensation员工离职之薪酬原因,Overall dissatisfaction with pay 对整体薪酬不满Dissatisfaction with company benefits 对公司福利

4、不满Pay is below industry average 薪酬低于行业平均水平Lack of incentives such as bonus/options 缺少激励机制,如奖金,期权等Skills are not rewarded with better pay 技能未能得到更好的回报Compensation is seniority-based 资历决定薪酬There is inequality in income distribution 公司存在收入分配的不平等,Why are employees leaving the organization-job-related iss

5、ues员工离职之工作原因,Gap between expectation and real work 工作内容与期望不符Overwork with too many responsibilities 工作责任过重No opportunity to use skills and knowledge技能和知识无法发挥Uninteresting and unchallenging work 工作乏味无挑战性Lack of clarity about job&responsibilities工作职责不清Lack of quick feedback on performance 缺少对工作表现的反馈La

6、ck of trust from supervisors 上级缺少信任,Why are employees leaving the organization-work relationships员工离职之责任原因,Conflict with my immediate supervisor 与直接上级的矛盾Conflict with my co-workers 与同事的矛盾Conflict with my subordinates 与下级的矛盾Conflict with customers and vendors 与客户及供货商的矛盾Management has no confidence in

7、 me 管理层的不信任Have lost trust in senior management 对高层管理人员失去信任My immediate boss is a jerk 直接上司无能,Why are employees leaving the organization-work structure 员工离职之工作结构原因,Lack of flexible work arrangements 工作缺乏灵活性Physical working environment is not good 工作环境不好Inadequate systems support for the job 工作中缺少系统的

8、支持Receive little training to perform my job 几乎没有培训Inadequate resources to accomplish job 缺少工作必要的资源No recognition for my accomplishments 成绩得不到认可Too much political obstacles to do my job 工作中的政治障碍过多,Why are employees leaving the organization-management员工离职之管理原因,Lack of team spirits in the company 公司缺少团

9、队精神Lack of business integrity 缺乏商业诚信Lack of good communication with staff 与员工缺乏沟通Unclear company business strategies 公司战略不明确Inconsistent company policies 公司政策缺乏一致性Reluctant to innovate and change 不愿创新和改变Too much uncertainties in the organization 公司不确定因素过多,Key Factors Affecting Current Work Incentive

10、s of Chinese employees 影响中国员工工作积极性之主要因素,影响中国员工工作积极性之主要因素,稳定性与安全感,工作动力,职业发展与晋升机会,薪酬福利,公司文化,公正公平,上下级及同事关系,工作内容与职位,公司组织形式与性质,How to reduce turnovers-some basic theories of motivation如何降低员工离职率-基本激励理论,1.Theory of hierarchy of needs 需求层次理论2.The hygiene and motivating factors 3.Social equity theory 社会公平理论4

11、.Theory X and theory Y X理论与Y理论5.Expectation theory of motivation 激励的期望理论6.Reinforcement theory of motivation 激励的加强理论7.Job design theory of motivation 激励的工作设计理论,How to reduce turnovers:two factor theory by Frederick Herzberg 如何降低离职率:双因素理论,人的两大需求:动物本能需求:吃,安全人的特殊需求:成就满足感 使人受到激励的因素工作成就感本人受到社会承认工作本身的内涵与挑

12、战工作成长的机会工作提拔的机会,使人降低不满意的因素公司政策,经理的监督行为,公司内部人与人的关系,工作环境工作条件,工资福利,公司地位,工作保障人力资源的三个理论:组织科学理论:组织结构工业工程理论:激励机制行为科学理论:员工态度,How to reduce turnovers-match imbedded interests with the job,能力,价值和人生追求的兴趣是使人工作高兴主要原因好的经理必须善于观察发现员工最大的兴趣和特长。只有工作与人生内心深处的兴趣合拍时员工才肯留下人生内心深处的兴趣是以价值为导向的,一生追求的一种热情,与个性有直接关系这种兴趣未必与人的能力有关联,

13、但是它可以使人兴奋,进而导致人对职业的忠诚,“工作雕塑”是把人和工作结为一体乃至使人把自己一生最憧憬的兴趣表现出来工作雕塑要求经理扮演双重角色:侦探和心理学家。关键是:人们一生中都在按着别人的期望做事,对自己内心憧憬的兴趣一无所知。许多人找工作完全根据工作的收入合工资的水准。结论:员工追求的兴趣要与工作的性质密切结合起来,Use Market Mechanism to retain employees by Peter Cappeli,HBR,Jan 2000,市场,不是公司,可以决定人员流动的走向战略的转变:从降低人员流动到明确公司什么人在什么时间可能离开企业公司目标不在于控制水的流出,而是

14、水的流向和速度。把企业的人员分类:一类是企业期望永远保留下来的骨干;一类是短期的专业人员;一类是可有可无的员工。招聘好的但非一流的员工,“金手铐”的做法往往容易被其它公司模仿效用。股票期权手段往往无效而且起反作用。这是卫生因素。设计奖金期权方案使员工把自己的命运拴在公司身上。针对特殊人才,企业重新设计工作的内涵以刺激积极性根据员工技能,不是表现,在企业内部重新调整工作。鼓励员工发展之间社会关系重新调整企业的地理位置。,How to reduce turnovers:locate and retain young managers,招聘方式:划分劳务市场,明确招聘对象,设计新的工作环境留人策略:

15、发放“留下”奖金及各种不同类型的激励计划。事业发展:制定短期和长期员工事业发展的路线与规划,契约招聘(OUTSOURCE)通过契约方式招聘专家,技工和经营人员重新设计工作环境:灵活的工作时间,多样的工作内容,丰富的培训计划,重表现的管理风格,相应人的企业文化,How to reduce turnovers:establish merit-based practices 建立以绩效为基础的措施,Merit-based salaries 绩效工资Merit-based benefits绩效福利Merit-based promoti基于绩效的升迁Link skills with pay 收入与技能挂

16、钩Link training with pay 收入与培训挂钩Pay on job analysis 收入基于工作分析Positive reinforcement 积极的强化Negative reinforceme消极强化,Options based on performance 基于表现的期权Bonuses based on performance appraisal 根据表现评估结果决定奖金Reward team work and individual work 对团体的工作和个人的工作给予回报Little use of seniority-based principles 尽可能不以资历

17、为薪酬基础,How to reduce turnovers:enhance career development 加强职业发展,Regular job training 一般岗位培训Off the job learning 工作以外的学习Encourage job rotation 鼓励岗位轮换Internal job postings 内部职位招聘Match job with staff core competences 工作与员工核心能力一致Make jobs more interesting/challenging 提高工作的趣味性/挑战性,360 degree job evaluati

18、on 360度工作评估Short and long-term performance appraisal短期与长期表现的评估Quick feedback 快速反馈Specialist track based on skill sets 基于技能的职业道路Generalist track based on overall knowledge 基于一般知识的职业道路,How to reduce turnovers:Build competent management teams 建立能胜任的管理队伍,CEOs vision CEO的远见卓识 Corporate mission 公司使命Unique

19、 firm culture 独特的公司文化Establish trust 建立信任Develop clear business strategies and tactics 形成明确的战略策略Sensitive to human needs and growth 对人的需求和成长具有敏感性,Task/human oriented 工作为本/以人为本Flat firm structure 平坦型结构Team-based matrixes 以团队为基础的矩阵结构Quick response to market changes 对市场变化的快速反应Define responsibilities and incentives 确定责任和激励因素Never behave as jerk 永远不要做蠢人,


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