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1、期中考试,范围:课本前4个单元5大题型:1.选择题【20分:出自练习册的选择题部分】2.阅读【40分:15选10(课外)和深度阅读:(1练习册+1新起点+1课外)】3.选词填空【10分】4.词汇连线题【10分】5.翻译题【20分】,3.选词填空:课后练习中working with words中,Unit1-TextAP6 1.Ive got a new mobile phone and it has lots of great features.2.It is easy to repair a car if you have the _know-how.3.Last year Europe s

2、uffered a really severe_ winter which resulted in the closure of a lot of airports.4.The commercial side of the business is run by Mr.Browne.,5.Due to the economic crisis we have not made a profit for the last five years.6.Shanghais streets are always blocked by vehicles of all kinds.7.In order to r

3、each your target you must make a turnover of over$800,000 every year.8.Apple and Amazon are very successful global players.,Unit1-TextB,P14:People always(1)expect to have an instant(2)connection to the Internet and when this is less than(3)perfect they very quickly adopt a negative attitude towards

4、the server.They will maintain that the reason for the fault being the(4)existence of a virus on their computer.However,in many cases the(5)absence of a virus or firewall could be the answer and perfection can be easily achieved once again by the installation of such an anti-virus program.,Unit2-Text

5、A,P281.These talks are _critical_ to the future of our company.2.A business letter needs to be written in a(n)appropriate style.3.Our key customer will probably place two big orders with us this month.,4.All correspondences to the key customers must be read by the boss before being posted.5.You shou

6、ld discuss any issues that worry you with your boss.6.If your workplace is not big,you can always use the conference room for your meetings with the customer.,Unit3-TextA,P45 1.In my job I am responsible for buying the raw material necessary for the car production.2.I take pride in finding the best

7、material at the best price.3.I am prone to negotiating for days before placing an order with suppliers.,4.I once managed to find very good material at a fraction of_ the normal price we usually pay.5.However,we had to allow for a long delivery time,which was a disadvantage.6.We ended up having to bu

8、y more expensive material so that we had enough for the meantime.,7.The efficiency of our production team results in a great product.8.We have even been called upon to manufacture cars for the Royal family.9.The firms motto is that good products lead to higher sales and higher sales to more work and

9、 more work to more jobs.,Unit 3-TextB,P531.To get all the qualifications(qualify)necessary to become an electrician,you have to go to college for three years.2.I take great pride(proud)in and enjoy(enjoy)being able to do something with my hands.3.It is not lawful(law)to employ untrained people on an

10、 assembly line.They first have to be qualified(qualify).,4.An apprenticeship(apprentice)usually takes three years and at the end you will be a fully qualified(qualify)electrician(electric).5.In order to apply(apply)for the job in the hospital,my sister first had to write a letter of application(appl

11、y).6.Many students(study)leave university before they become qualified as they find the course too difficult for them.7.If your parents are supportive(support)in what you want to do,it is always a lot easier.,Unit4-TextA,P671.The amount of CO2 has decreased so it is now less than it was last year.2.

12、ICLEI is the international council for local environment issues(or problems).3.The ice sheets in the Antarctic are melting rapidly i.e.they are getting smaller.4.The awareness amongst the people about the environmental dangers has increased,which is a good thing.,5.The critical stage has been reache

13、d and we must do something to change the situation today.6.Summers in Spain and Greece have become hotter and drier.7.Some scientists are remaining calm but most are starting to panic.8.They are trying desperately to find a solution but they fear it may be too late.,9.Islands in the Indian Ocean hav

14、e become rare so the number has dropped.10.In some countries a cooling wind would be a welcome change to the hot summer they are suffering from.,Unit4-TextB,P741.Too much hectic stress can cause heart problems.2.You can reuse those glass jar when you make your own jam this summer.3.We have turned in

15、to a throwaway society that produces a lot of garbage.4.The unique selling features of this car is its low emission.5.A rolling stone gathers no moss is my favourite saying.,6.Sometimes the gift wrapping is more expensive than the present itself.7.The ecological price we pay for the garbage we produ

16、ce is really too high.8.Many people would like to lead a different life than they do but they cannot.,9.The amount of domestic waste produced is different from country to country.10.A lot of water is used in the manufacturing of aluminum foil.,4.词汇连线题:从课文单词表中出题,英语连汉语。,Unit4 desperately 极强烈地 generati

17、on 世代 crisis 危机 cheat 欺骗environment 环境 apartment 公寓 hectic 忙乱的 jar 罐子,坛子committee 委员会 pullover 套头衫 felt 毛毡 ridiculous 荒唐的 industrial 工业的 throwaway 一次性的 packaging 包装climate 气候;环境 ecological 生态的 aluminum 铝 foil 箔process 过程,进程 non-degradable 不可降解的 garbage 垃圾gradually 逐渐地 bin垃圾桶 professional 专业人 员increa

18、singly 越来越 convenience food方 便食品 tub 盆形盒;浴盆,violent 猛烈的,激烈的 lid 盖 子 sauce调味汁 container 容器hurricane 飓风 dessert 甜品 deep-fried油炸的 smelly 难闻的 cyclone 暴风,旋风 carton纸板盒 fossil 化石 fuel 燃料 emission排放refugee难民 emission排放 alternative 有选择的,供选择的chaos 纷乱,混乱 solar太阳的 tidal潮汐的 hydroelectric 水力发电melt 融化 billion十亿 nu

19、clear 核的,核能的 vision眼光,远见pray祈祷 announce 宣布 in a row 接连地 slightly 稍微,细微,Unit3,pros and cons 利与弊 error-free 完美的 efficiency 效率 tedious 单调的 assembly line生产线 repetition 重复 prone(to)易于 monotony单调automobile 汽车 typically 一般,通常 motivational 动机性的semi-trailer 半拖货运车 piece rate 计件工资率 payment 工资 take pride in 以自豪

20、 potentially 可能地,潜在地 hourly 每小时的advantage 优势,优点 tradesman 手艺人,技工 waking 醒的estimate估计 home economics 家政学 somehow不知怎地,apprenticeship 学徒资格 challenge挑战 supportive 支持的conscience 道德心 meantime 与此同时 afield在远处 certificate 证书system方法,系统 proudly 自豪地 theory理论 ceremony典礼 leather 皮革 folder 文件夹school-leaving 毕业的di

21、sadvantage 劣势 bookcase 书柜 vocational 职业的 eliminate 去除,排除 ins and outs细节,Unit2,etiquette 礼仪 the ropes诀窍 co-worker 同事 dignified 尊严的;高贵的appropriate 合适的 sneeze 打喷嚏 neat 整洁的 aware 有意识的 indicate 表明 disturb 打扰 critical 关键的 maintenance 维修appreciation 感激;欣赏 contribute 贡献 replacement 替代 gossip 传播闲话dispose(of)

22、去掉 tension 紧张状态 spill 溢出 refrigerator 电冰箱staple 订书钉 issue问题 rejection拒绝 qualification资格 position职位experienced有经验的 inform 通知 pyjamas睡衣 interview 面谈research 研究 entail 牵涉 perk津贴extremely非常,十分 commitment 献身assure保证 resignation辞职 promote 提升responsible负有责任的supplier 供应商,Unit1,Swedish瑞典的 vehicle车辆 machinery

23、机械 withstand 经受住ultimate最终的 anniversary周年纪念 division 部门 regulation 规章制度jointly 联合地 global全球的 partnership 合伙关系 invest投资source 来源turnaround转变,好转 interfere 干涉 know-how 实际知识turnover营业额 whereas然而,但是 range 范围takeover 接管tech技术的titan重要人物,巨擘technology技术 whiz kid神童via经由 consist 由构成 brilliant卓越的assemble组装insta

24、nt 即刻的vanish消失,engineering工程学 financial财政的 salary 薪金 stock股份 visionary 有眼光的creative有创造力的genius天才inspiring 鼓舞人心的mentor 导师 tribute颂词unexpected意外的cancer 癌症executive经理expectation 期望impressive令人印象深刻的 aspect方面decade十年 perfectionist完美主义者bachelor单身汉 mattress床垫 motorcycle摩托车proof 证据 German德国的,5.翻译题:从课本课后的翻译中

25、出题。汉译英的句子也是出自课后的翻译题,但不是整句翻译,是翻译句子中的一部分。,Unit1 Ford did not reach the profits it had promised itself,so,only 11 years later,it sold its interest in Volvo cars to the Chinese motor manufacturer,Geely Automobile,for$1.8 billion.福特没有达到它既定的利润,因此,仅11年后它就将其旗下沃尔沃汽车的股份以18亿美元的价格出售给了中国汽车制造商,吉利汽车。,2.Although th

26、e two companies,Volvo and Geely Automobiles manufactured almost the same number of vehicles last year,Geely only had a turnover of$2.4 billion,whereas Volvos turnover was$12.4 billion.去年,尽管沃尔沃和吉利两家汽车公司生产的汽车数量几乎相同,但吉利的销售额只有24亿美元,而沃尔沃的销售额则有124亿美元。3.That was not a good start to what,hopefully,will be a

27、 successful business meeting.对于本有希望成功的一次商务会谈而言,那可不是一个好的开端。,4.From the Apple II to the iPod was a hard journey but when the iPod came out in 2001 with its instant connection to iTunes via a Mac computer,Apples problems on the computer market vanished.从苹果电脑二代发展到苹果音乐播放器的过程是艰辛的,但自从2001 年苹果音乐播放器问世以来,由于它需

28、要通过苹果电脑即时连接到配套音乐软件iTunes上,苹果公司在计算机市场上所面临的问题迎刃而解。5.This was one aspect of Steves personality that hadnt changed in decades:he was such a perfectionist that he could never decide on what to buy,thus ended up buying nothing.这是数十年来史蒂夫性格中没有改变的一个方面:他是一个完美主义者,他很难决定到底买什么,所以最后通常是什么都不买。,Unit2,1.You should arr

29、ive early,not just on the first day and you should not be the first to leave at the end of the day.你应该早点到,不仅仅是在上班第一天;一天工作结束时,也不要第 一个离开。2.Try to interrupt others as little as possible and always apologise if you interrupt a discussion,someones concentration or other activity.尽可能别去打搅别人,如果你打断了别人的谈话、干扰了

30、别人的注意 力或其他活动,一定要道歉。3.It is also a good idea to dispose of empty food containers and other items where they wont contribute negatively to the office atmosphere.将空的食品包装盒及其他东西处理到不会对办公室氛围产生负面影响 的地方,这也是个不错的主意。,4.Leave the photocopier in working condition and be sure to take back that borrowed stapler wit

31、h at least a few staples left inside.将复印机设定在工作状态,确保借用的订书机在归还时里面仍有一些订书钉。5.But after a month I was so tired that twice,on my journey home,I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop.但一个月后,我感觉太疲劳了,以至于有两次在回家的公共汽车上睡 着了,坐过了站。6.He also offered to move me from the sales department to the quality assurance d

32、epartment but only in the position of secretary.他还提出将我从销售部调到质检部工作,但职位只是个秘书。,Unit3,According to Henry Ford who installed the first assembly line in 1908 in his Ford Motor Company in Michigan,it is estimated that manufactured goods like automobiles and aircrafts can be produced in a much shorter time

33、using this system.1908年,亨利福特在其位于密西根的福特汽车公司安装了第一条流水装配线,据此人们便判定,使用流水装配线制造如汽车和飞机这类工业制成品所需的生产时间会大大减少。,2.Even if robots do not replace the workers,the efficiency of assembly lines means that one worker can do the work of many,which may lead to an overall loss of jobs in production industries.即便机器人不会取代工人,

34、但流水装配线的高效率意味着一个工人可以干很多人的活,这将可能导致制造业总体工作机会的流失。,3.With an hourly pay rate,employees know they cannot earn any more no matter how hard they work so they may be less likely to push themselves.按小时工资计算,工人们知道无论他们多努力工作也不会赚得更多,因此就不太可能逼迫自己。4.My parents were of the opinion that every waking moment should be sp

35、ent studying.我的父母认为每个清醒的时刻都该用来学习。,5.My sister wrote 50 letters of application and was invited to four interviews but was not offered a job.Finally,she had to accept the fact that she would have to look farther afield and eventually found a job 800 kilometres away in Texas.我姐姐写了50封求职信,应邀参加了4次面试,但都没有找

36、到工作。最后,她不得不接受现实,去更远的地方找工作,她最终在离家800公里的德克萨斯州找到了一份工作。,6.Today I am coming home,not only with my leaving certificate from the college,but also my electricians qualifications AND a contract with a local firm that serviced all the hospitals and schools in the area.今天,我不仅把毕业证书带回了家,还带回了电工资格证以及和一家当地公司签好的劳动合

37、同,这家公司为本地区的所有医院和学校服务。,Unit4,It means that the process of the earth getting gradually warmer,leading to climate change,cannot now be stopped,whatever we do.这意味着,无论我们采取什么措施,地球逐渐变暖导致气候变化的进 程如今已无法阻止。2.Many low-lying islands like the Maldives in the Indian Ocean have disappeared,and soon great coastal ci

38、ties from Shanghai to New York will drown as well.许多海拔低的岛屿正在消失,如印度洋上的马尔代夫,而如上海和纽约这样的沿海大城市也很快会被淹没。,3.We have replaced them with a number of alternative forms of energy,such as solar,wind,tidal and hydroelectric power.我们用许多替代能源代替了它们,如太阳能、风能、潮汐能以及水力 发电。4.And then there is nuclear power,the safe,cheap n

39、uclear technology that EU members first began developing 80 years ago.并且我们还有核能,八十年前欧盟成员国首次开发了这种安全廉价的 核能技术。,5.Her favourite saying was“Waste not,want not.My grandparents threw almost nothing away.她最喜欢的话就是“不浪费,不愁缺。”我的祖父母几乎不会扔掉任何东西。,6.We carried home our weekly Chinese meal,which we love,in three cover

40、ed aluminum foil trays,two for main dishes and one for spring rolls,two plastic tubs with lids,one for rice and one for sauce,and another bigger plastic container for our dessert,usually deep-fried honey banana.我们每周一次将我们喜欢的中餐带回家,在三个密封的铝箔托盘中,两个是热菜,一个是春卷,还有两个带盖子的塑料小碗,一个用来装 米饭,一个用来装调味汁,而另一个大一点的塑料盒里装的是我们的 甜点,通常是油炸蜂蜜香蕉。,


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