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1、,Unit 3 Part III language in use,Who does the best in our class?,Li Fang jumps the highest.,Wang Lei jumps the farthest.,Li Lei runs the fastest.,副词的比较级,最高级 的构成 hard-harder-hardestfast-faster-fastestearly-earlier-earliestcarefully-more carefully-most carefullyquickly-more quickly-most quicklyslowly-

2、more slowly-most slowlyeasily-more easily-most easily well-better-bestbadly-worse-worst,一、两者不同级的比较 比较级+than 1)He is taller than I.2)Dave runs faster than Jim.3)My mother gets up earlier than I.4)She walks more slowly than any of us.5)They draw better than us.,比较级+A orB 1)Who is fatter,Tom or Mike?2)

3、Who runs faster,Tom or Mike?3).Who got up earlier,Tom or Mike?4)Who walks more slowly,Tom or Mike?5)Who draw better,Tom or Mike?6).Which is bigger,the sun or the earth?,二.两者的同级比较 as+形容词原级/副词原级+as 与一样,This book is as interesting as that one.My sister is as tall as me.Linda runs as fast as Grace.Tom r

4、eads as carefully as Peter.1 我的书包和Mary的一样大。2我游泳和Mary一样快。,My bag is as big as Marys.,I swim as quickly as my friend.,not as(so)+形容词/副词原级+as:,My bike is not as beautiful as yours.My sister is not so tall as me.Linda does not run as fast as Dave.We do not get up so early as them.,Boys are not as carefu

5、l as girls.,Tom does not speak English so well as Peter.,1.男孩没有女孩仔细。,2.Tom没有Peter英语讲得好。,三.最高级:表示三者和三者以上的比较,形容词最高级前面必须加 the,副词最高级前面可加 the也可不加。后面可带in(of)短语来说明范围。,1).Tom is the happiest of us all.2).The white dress is the most beautiful of the three.3).Amy gets up(the)earliest in her family.4).Lucy rea

6、ds English(the)most quickly in our class.,(二)the 最高级形式+A,B or C?.Which is the biggest,the sun,the earth or the moon?.Who listens(the)most carefully,Peter,Mike or John?.Who likes English best,Lily,Mary or Rose?,.,适当形式填空1.This car is-(expensive)than that one.2.Paul is-(hard-working)than his sister.3.H

7、e is one of-(famous)singers in China.4.I think that Titanic is-(good)of the films.5.Its much-(hard)to learn to drive than to learn to ride.6.Where is-(near)bus stop?7.He can draw as-(good)as his father.8.Mary isnt as-(care)as Kate.9.The weather today is even-(cold).10.Our city is becoming-and-(beaut

8、iful).11.Who runs-(fast)in your class?,more beatiful,more hardworking,the most famous,the best,harder,the nearest,well,careful,colder,more,more beautiful,fastest,Make a dialogue in groups.,Which is the fastest land animal?A:I think the lion is the fastest animal.B:I dont think so.The antelope can run faster than the lion.C:You are both wrong.,worksheet,Make a dialogue in pairs.,A:Your English is very good.B:Do you really think so?A:You speak English very well.B:Thanks.,worksheet,Sports meet In my School,Homework,Thank you!,


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