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1、1.精神残疾 2.脑部损伤 3.打鼓 4.获得一枚金牌 5.大学入学考试 6.对.有益7.残疾人 8.换句话说 9.使自己适应 10.缺了很多功课,Unit 1 Living well,mental disability brain injury play the drum win a gold medal university entrance exam be beneficial the disabled in other words adapt/adjust oneself to miss a lot of school/lessons,11.上气不接下气 12.在某人不在的时候 13.

2、总而言之14.过着跟你一样丰富 充实的生活 15.取笑 16.为 感到难过 17.独立自主18.毕业证书 19.祝贺某人某事 20.特别,尤其是 21 电影的入口处,be/get out of breath in ones absenceall in all live as rich and full a life as you make fun of feel sorry for independent graduation certificate congratulate sb.on sth.in particular the access to the cinema,Unit 2 Rob

3、ots,1 科幻小说 2.某物被用来做 3.考验,science fiction sth.be used to do test out,4.渴望5.面部表情 6.社会地位 7.一堆 8.使某人高兴 9 打电话给某人 10 转向、回转 11.从 摔下来 12.别惹;让 一人呆着 13 一个全职作家 14.将 放一边;节省(钱,时间),desire to do facial expression social position a pile of please sb.ring sb.up turn around fall off,leave.alone a full-time writer set

4、 aside,15离婚16平滑的,顺利的17 使困窘,使局促不安18 宣布19 传记20 婚姻21 服从 顺从22 解释,get divorcedsmoothembarrassdeclarebiographymarriageobeyexplanation,1.分类,整理2.吓死了3.乱七八糟,颠倒4.大喊5.在远处6.一群,大量7.思考8.浮出水面9.与此同时,在此期间10.饱餐一顿11.害怕(做)某事12.托着,举起13.帮助(摆脱困境)14.意识到15.在前面,1.sort out 2.(be)scared to death 3.upside down 4.yell out 5.in th

5、e distance 6.a pack of 7.reflect on 8.float up to the surface 9.in the meantime 10.have a good feed on 11.be terrified of doing sth.12.hold up 13.help out 14.be/become aware of 15.ahead of,Unit 3 Under the sea,16 奇闻轶事 17 目击者;当场见到18 住所,住宿19 放弃20有毒的21 浅的,ancodotewitnessaccommodationabandonpoisonoussha

6、llow,1.接到 的信 2.极想;渴望(die)3.偶然遇到或发现(come)4.伸出(stick)5.完全变干;干透 6.(指河流、井等)干涸 7.在困难中;在危急中 8.多达;一直;胜任;9.作安排10.前些天;那天 11.当地人 12与某人或某事有关的,hear from sb.be dying to come across stick out dry out dry up in need up tomake arrangements for the other day local people be relevant to sb/sth,Unit 4 Sharing,13.参加 14

7、.一个训练有素的裁缝 15.赚得一些收入 16.捐赠 17.门诊 18.缝纫机19.志愿者20.箱式(柜式)图书馆21 特权;殊荣22 周年纪念23 否则,不然 24 分配25 月台,讲台,participate in a trained tailor make some income donate sth.clinicsewing machinevolunteertrunk libraryprivilegeanniversaryotherwise distributionplatform,1.保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 2.相适应;相融合(fit)3.对 适应;习惯 4.就 而言 5.感觉自在

8、;无拘束 6.旅行代办人;旅行代理人 7.(迁入新居)安顿下来 8.用.代替.9.上了飞机10.做演讲 11.建议做某事;,keep it up fit in be/get used to doing as far as one is concerned feel at home travel agent,settle in substitute board a plane give a lecturerecommend doing,Unit 5 Traveling abroad,12.推荐某人 13.上交 14.缺乏自信 15.社交活动 16.大学俱乐部 17.忙于某事 18.在.方面取得成

9、功 19.学术要求 20.工商资格证书21.到某人的目的地22.护照 23.平行的 24.承认;答谢,recommend sb.hand in lack confidence social activities university club be occupied in doing sth succeed in doing sth.academic requirement a business qualification reach ones destination passport parallel acknowledge,1.深度 2.出租;租用 3.海军;海军部队 4.天才;特殊的能力 5 地毯 6.视力 7.工业;行业 8 政治 9 卡通片 10.(书中的)章;篇;回 11.柔软的,depth rent navy talent carpet eyesight industry politics cartoon chapter soft,


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