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1、外食族與心臟病,基督教門諾會醫院心臟內科孫德光醫師,Looks great!,Hmmm!,青菜D加啦!,甚麼是心臟?,正常心臟是一個強壯的、中空的肌肉組織,約拳頭般大。位於胸腔內胸骨之後。負責輸送血液至全身。一般健康的人每天心跳約十萬次,要打出8000公升以上的血液,流經全身各處,而且每天廿四小時不眠不休的,為維持人體正常運作而努力。為了維持這樣長年不休的劇烈運動,心臟本身也需要充足的養分與氧氣,而環繞在心臟表面的冠狀動脈(coronary artery),就是供應心臟氧氣和養分的重要血管。心臟分為左右心房和左右心室四個部分,其中以左心室最重要,擔負了將血液輸送到全身各部位的主要功能。同樣的,


3、)等等。,飲食如何影響冠狀動脈硬化?,過多的鹽份:尤其罐頭類,紅燒,燒烤,油炸類等,常因使用醬油或烤肉醬等,而造成鹽份攝取過量。鹽份攝取過量易造成高血壓。若鹽份攝取量控制得當,血壓約可降約510 mmHg.過多的油脂攝取量:易造成膽固醇過高,使罹患心臟疾病的機會比普通人多三倍,因為體內過多的膽固醇會積聚在血管內,使血管日漸狹窄,妨礙血液流通。動脈硬化症發生率與膽固醇總值及LDL膽固醇的濃度成正比關係,而與HDL膽固酵的濃度呈反比關係。,飲食如何影響冠狀動脈硬化?,過多的熱量包括碳水化合物攝取量:長久下來易誘導糖尿病產生,而糖尿病使女性有冠狀動脈心臟病的機會比一般人多一倍,男性多百分之五十。暴飲

4、暴食:酒足飯飽的大餐之後,也常使不健康的心臟血管發生絞痛,尤其在冬天,暖飽之後外出,更容易產生悲劇。肥胖:因為肥胖引致血壓高、血脂肪過高、糖尿病、代謝症候群,而這些疾病又會誘發冠狀動脈心臟病。,CURRENT GUIDELINES,Obesity/lipids/carbohydrates:saturated fat should be less than 7%of consumed calories.Complex carbohydrates:50-60%protein:15%lipid:35%20-30 gram/day of dietary fibers/2 gram of plant s

5、tanols/sterols.,Trans fatty acid should be avoidcholesterol intake should be less than 200 mg/day.Excessive intake of carbonhydrates increases TG.Limitation of sugar/high glycemic/glyceridemic carbohydrates is advisable.Total cholesterol:190 mg/dl LDL should targeted low(115 mg/dl)(ESC guideline),Nu

6、trition and cardiovascular disease,A adequate control of diet is associated to 30%reduction in cardiovascular disease:fruit&vegetables whole grains fishpoultry&lean meatlow fat&fat free products liquid vegetable oils Stampfer MJ.NEJM 343:16,2000Hu FB.Am J Clin Nutr 72:912,2000Trichopoulou A.NEJM 348

7、:2599,2003,Fruit and vegetables,A consumption of three or more servings/day Vs less than three servings was associated to 27%reduction of CV disease risk.Green leafy vegetablesfood rich in carotenoids and vitamine Cat least five servings is suggested Bazzano LA.Am J Clin Nutr 76:93,2003,whole grains

8、 and fiber,The reduction of cardiovascular risk is associated to fiber,vitamins,phytoestrogens,phenols,omega-3 fatty acids,resistant starch and minerals.A meta-analysis study indicated 27%reduction of CAD risk,specially when the intake is three servings/day.Anderson JW.J Am Coll Nutr 19:291s,2000,Le

9、gumes and nuts,Some studies demonstrated reduction of CV risk.Not consistent nuts:good source of monounsaturated fatty acids,fiber,minerals,flavonoids.Walnuts:rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.,Fish and fish oils,The most of benefits comes from omega-3 fatty acids,eicosapentanoic acid(EPA),docosah

10、exanoic acid(DHA).Due to its influence in antiinflammatory/antiplatelet effect,reduction of electrical conductivity of cell membrane,and reduction of TG.Salmon,mackerel,albacore tuna,swordfish,herring,sardine,lake trout.AHA recommendations:two portion of fish/week.Supplemental EPA+DHA up to 1 gm/d i

11、f CAD,in consultation to physician.,Alcohol,Moderate alcohol consumption is associated to lower risk of CAD red wine is particularly helpful 1-3 drinks/daybecause of hazard associated to habituation:INDIVIDUALS SHOULD NOT BEGIN TO CONSUME ALCOHOL AS A MEAN OF REDUCING CORONARY DISEASE RISK.,三少二多的 原則,Thank you!,


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