1、1,版本:1.00日期:May 2003,6西格玛绿带培训教材ONE,2,DAY1 第一天(定义阶段):-6西格玛及精简优化与COQ(質量成本)的关系 COQ的脑力风暴-First Pass Yield Exercise II初始直通率的練習 IPO(輸入輸出流程)and flow diagram(IPO和流程圖)Flow analysis of dropping cards onto targetRepeating the exercise重復練習Results and discussions結論和檢討-西格玛培训中的某些质量改进工具 脑力风暴技术 第一天結束 wrap up通過以上的教學引
2、導學員對品質成本的認識運用六西格瑪就是有效的降低品質成本,課程安排,3,DAY2 第二天(Variance Reduction降低变差的理解):-The power of Plato chart and the 80/20 rules柏拉圖表的功能和80/20的規則 Construction of a Plato Chart using computer flow diagram and its associated symbols流程圖和其制作符號含義 Two 实例of flow diagram(using a common scenario)兩個流程圖的實例(使用通用的情節)Barrier
3、s that hinder 6西格玛implementation阻礙開展執行六西格瑪的因素-Break-What is FMEA 什么是FMEA Example of FMEA關于FMEA的實例 Group exercise on FMEA of barriers to 6西格玛implementation FMEA presentations關于FMEA的介紹-Lunch-Concept of precision and accuracy對准確和准確的理解(Cp和Ca)How does it link to the mean and 标准偏差(如何將平均值和標准偏差聯系起來)Precisio
4、n and accuracy example(i.e.Selection of fund manager准確和精確的實際例子Catapult exercise I彈弓拋物發射器的思維練習一-Break-Introducing concept of variance reduction(i.e.PF/CE/CNX/FMEA/SOP)介紹降低變差的觀念Variance reduction 脑力风暴exercise for Catapult用彈弓發射器進行降低變差的腦力風暴練習Catapult exercise II彈弓拋物發射器思維練習二 Computation of Catapult exerc
5、ise result after variance reduction評估計算彈弓發射器游戲中的數據來了解降低變差的含義 Discussion of variance contributors討論降低變差的意義第二天wrap up 在以上學習中通過彈弓發射器游戲的了解在游戲中掌握了解在六西格瑪中(Variance Reduction)降低变差重要性,4,DAY 3(Measure Phase測量階段):Recap of statistical terminology全新的統計學朮語 Histogram and a normal data對直方圖和常態數據的理解 Construction of
6、histogram對直方圖的解釋 Transformation of data數據的轉換 Calculate Cp,Cpk from non-normal data計算非正態數據的Cp,Cpk-Break-The importance of good measurement正確的測量方法的重要性 Direct 和indirect measurement(i.e.Introduction to scatter diagram)Risk of wrong interpretation錯誤解釋的風險-Under and variance concept in measurement system在變
7、異范圍內的測量系統的觀念-Introduction to Gauge repeatability and reproducibility(GR&R)介紹GR&R-Lunch-GR&R example 對GR&R的計算的例子 Calculation of measurement variance測量變異的計算 Rules of thumb in GR&R閱讀GR&R 規則手冊 Calculation of GR&R using computer使用電腦計算GR&R-Break-Interpretation graphical of GR&R解釋GR&R的繪制 Balls circumferenc
8、e measurement exercise測量園球周長的游戲 Result and discussion on measurement exercise以上測量結果和方法的練習 The ANOVA(analysis of variance)method of GR&R對GR&R的方差計算方法 Day 3 wrap up 以上的培訓使學員開始接觸品質分析工具,5,DAY 4(Measure+Analyze Phase測量分析階段):Introduction to GR&R analysis on attribute data介紹GR&R 的數據 Example of attribute dat
9、a GR&R(GR&R 的實際例子)Attribute GR&R exercise(GR&R的練習)Result and discussion on exercise(練習計算和討論)-Break-Computing attribute data GR&R using the computer使用電腦計算GR&R 的數據 what variable data is better than attribute data為什么變差數據比品質數據好 Converting attribute data to variable data將品質數據轉化成變差數據 Example of attribute
10、data conversion(i.e.Wu Fans project on reducing bubble defect)數據運算的實際例子 Introduction to probability theory介紹概率原理-Lunch-Probability approach(classical,relative frequency)概率統計的步驟(古典方式相關頻率)Probability rules概率規則 Probabilities under statistical independence(Marginal,Joint,Conditional)Exercise練習-Break-Pro
11、bability under conditions of statistical dependence概率條件下的統計學原理 Exercise練習 Introduction to probability distributions介紹概率分配 Day 4 wrap up 本天是學員掌握基本的統計原理,6,DAY 5(Analyze Phase分析階段):What is a binomial distribution?什么是二次項分配 Conditions for the use of the Bernoulli trials(流程)Graphical illustration of a bin
12、omial distribution二項次分配繪制的說明 Measures of central tendency and dispersion for binomial distribution 二項次分配的集中趨勢和離散趨勢的測量 Probability calculation with binomial distribution用二項次分配計算概率 Binomial distribution case studies二項次分配的案例學習 Characteristics of the Poisson distribution泊松分配的特點 Probability calculation u
13、sing Poisson distribution用泊松分配的概率計算 Poisson distribution as an approximation of binomial distribution 泊松分配是一個比較接近二次項分配的-Break-Poisson distribution case studies泊松分配案例的學習 Introduction to normal distribution介紹正態分配 Characteristics of normal distribution典型的正態分配 Areas under the normal curve正態曲線內部的區域面積的理解
14、The use of normal probability distribution table使用概率分配表 Probability calculation using normal distribution利用正態分配計算概率 Normal distribution case studies正態分配案例的學習 Using computer to calculate probability of different distribution 利用電腦計算不同性質的概率分配-Lunch-,7,DAY 5(Analyze Phase分析階段):Random sampling:Basis of s
15、tatistical inference隨意抽樣統計推理的基礎 Introduction to sampling distributions介紹取樣分類 Concept of standard error and sampling from normal populationProbability of the sample mean樣品平均數的概率 Central limit theorem中心極限定理 Exercise to demonstrate central limit theorem中心極限定律的練習 Result and discussion結論和檢討-Break-Confine
16、d interval and population mean estimation信賴區間和 Continuous data集中趨勢的數據 Discrete data 離散趨勢的數據 Determining sample size決定樣本大小 Continuous data集中趨勢的數據 Discrete data 離散趨勢的數據 Finite and infinite population and the associated impact to the confidence interval Exercise on confidence interval信賴區間的練習 Day 5 和wee
17、k 1 wrap up,課程安排,8,Asia 6西格玛Vision亞洲六西格瑪進行的遠景,Our Mission 我們的任務To drive operational excellence through the deploy of 6西格玛initiatives in optimal-electronics Asia sites.開展六西格瑪是通往卓越的亞洲最佳電子行業的道路GOAL目标 1)To consolidate Asia effort in 流程改进through 6西格玛initiative.2)To share best practices across Perkinelmer
18、 Asia Sites.3)To entrench 6西格玛culture in optimal electronics Asia sites,和make it the way of life for our people.,9,Course 目标,Explain 和motivate others in the 6西格玛哲学Underst和characterize the 6西格玛组织支持结构Describe 和explain the role of 6西格玛黑带,champion 和绿带.Certification 流程in Asia 6西格玛deploymentHow does 6西格玛d
19、rive 产品ivity 质量 deployment Perkinelmer 6西格玛implementation strategyUnderst和the importance of motivating others to inculcate 6西格玛culture,10,What is 6SIGMA?什么是六西格瑪,Vision 和哲学:Develop BETTER,FASTER,和LOWER COST 产品 和services-aggressively attack the cost of 质量(COQ),leading to higher customer satisfaction 和
20、retention,Primary Focus:Eliminates variation in all business 流程es to reduce costs 和increase customer satisfaction,Definition:A 方法 to identify 和minimize variation in a 流程,resulting in 3.44 PPM defective,A Vision,A 哲学,一個基准一個標准,What is 6SIGMA,11,Ways to create business,operation 和technology breakthroug
21、h in meeting goals associated with doing things better,faster,lower cost in all 产品和services6西格玛develop people towards 世界级别优秀culture in company for competitive advantagesMost powerful breakthrough management 工具Drastically improve bottom lineMinimize waste 和increase resources while increasing customer
22、 satisfaction 6西格玛can result in increasing market share,reduce operation costs 和profit growth.,为什么要使用6西格玛?,12,1970sJapanese firm took over Motorola TV factory in USA 和reduced 缺陷by 95%!,1981Motorola CEO Bob Galvin challenged company to a 10 x 质量改进in 5 years,1985Paper on“Defect 和Correct vs.Error Free
23、Assembly”by Smith from Motorola,1988 Won Malcolm Baldrige award for Total Customer Satisfaction,1988 6西格玛Research Institute formed:Implementation strategy-Guidelines-Advanced 工具s,6西格玛的历史,13,使用六西格瑪的巨大突破,14,通过6西格玛获利的实例,交付世界级别优秀质量的产品降低业务活动中的缺陷缺陷和cycle time主打产品和流程知识提供系统的工具和技术Create opportunity for busin
24、ess growth 和increase profitabilityCreating a learning 组织by building teamwork,sharing of success ideas,best practice Improve communication 和teamwork,15,流程改进产品和服务改进投资商关系设计方法供应商改进培训和招聘作出决定的流程,6西格玛对公司产生的价值,Management Leadership in 6西格玛,Communicating 6西格玛visionTake ownership to be a change agent提供支持和reso
25、urcesRemove barriers to successVisible 和Top Down Commitment in 6西格玛DeploymentEstablish a 6西格玛Leadership teams,16,绿带-A part-time person who undertakes projects of lesser scope than a 黑带 project.,黑带-A full-time person who leads critical projects.,Master 黑带-Mentor to Black/绿带s.,Champion盟主-Sponsor of a
26、project.,Roles in 6 Sigma Deploy開展六六西格瑪的角色,17,開展六西格瑪的方法和流程,PROBLEM,18,Linking to the Goal Deploy Matrix目標開展矩陣圖,19,Management Roles in 6西格玛,Identifying key business areas where breakthrough is neededIdentifying area with the highest saving Identify the right 6西格玛candidates in accordance to selection
27、criteria提供支持of resources to train 和equip people to attain stretch goals Set measurement matrix 和track progressRecognition 和reward successCreate opportunity 和channel to propagate success stories to generate culture change,20,6西格玛Leadership Team,Trained in 6西格玛Develop a 6西格玛Deployment PlanWork with ma
28、nagement to identify right 6西格玛candidatesDevelop a Focused Schedule 培训Serve as mentors for candidatesCertify 6西格玛CandidatesIdentify MentorsMonitor project selection 和progressWork with management sponsors on reward system 和propagating successDevelop a 6西格玛Network to enhance communicationReview 和Impro
29、ve 6西格玛流程,21,黑带 Roles,22,绿带Roles,Focus on Projects that tie directly to their daily workTo help deploy the success of 6西格玛Lead 改进projectsGathering 和analyzing dataExecuting experimentsCapture 和Sustain 6西格玛Gain提供leadership in areas of uses 6西格玛methodologies,23,Over View of Leaders Roles,24,6西格玛PROJECT
30、 MASTER STRATEGY,DEFINE,ANALYZE,MEASURE,IMPROVE,CONTROL,1.What 流程es are you responsible for?Who is the owner of these 流程es?Who are the team members?How well does the team work together?2.Which 流程es have the highest priority for 改进?How did you come to this conclusion?Where is the data that supports t
31、his conclusion?,3.How is the 流程performed?4.What are your 流程performance measures?为什么?How accurate 和precise is your measurement system?5.What are the customer driven specifications for all your performance measures?How good or bad is the current performance?Show me the data.What are the 改进goals for th
32、e 流程?6.What are all the sources of variability in the 流程?Show me what they are.7.Which sources of variability do you control?How do you control them 和is it documented?8.Are any sources of variability 供应商-dependent?If so,what are they,whos the 供应商和whats being done?,9.What are key variables that affec
33、t the average 和variation of the measures of performance?How do you know this?Show me the data.10.What are the 关系hips between the key variables 和流程output?Do any key variables interact?How do you know for sure?Show me the data.,11.What setting for the key variables will optimize the measures of perfor
34、mance?How do you know this?Show me the data.12.For the optimal setting of the key variables,what kind of variability exists in the performance measures?How do you know?Show me the data.,13.How much 改进has the 流程shown in the last 3 months?How do you know this?Show me the data.14.How much time and/or m
35、oney have your efforts saved or generated for the company?How did you document all of your efforts?Show me the data.,25,Characterize 和Optimize,DMAIC,缺陷are easy to see,but are expensive to fix,Sustain The Gain,Define,Analyze,Improve,Control,Project Objective,Statistical Problem,Statistical Solution,P
36、ractical SolutionStatistical Control,26,Stage of 6西格玛Implementation,Recognize,Key business issues from the executive viewpointBaseline major 流程:FPY,cycle time,ppm,dpuEvaluate customer perceptionsDetermine the cost of 质量(COQ)Customer requirement Increase market share,profits margin,expansion,stock pr
37、ice,etc,Vision,Set customer goalsSet goals for stock price,market share,sales,profiles,etcSet 6西格玛goals for dpu,FPY,cycle time,COQ,etcSet goal that tied to performanceDefine“世界级别优秀culture“in PerkinElmer,Deploy,Communicate vision,plan 和needTrain all level manager to be champion,黑带s,绿带sTrain operator
38、和supervisors提供resources,software 和hardwareApply 方法(DMAIC)Schedule weekly mentor 和expert meetings,27,Monitor,Quarterly briefing to executives 和financeSchedule monthly meetings to share ideas,group consulting,脑力风暴,progress reports,etc.Identify 和removed barriers Stay focused 和committed提供d consulting on
39、 6西格玛工具through masters For each project:define,measure,analysis,improve,control 和review,Evaluate,Evaluate goals 和timelinesEvaluate business impactEvaluate problematic projectsEvaluate executive level 和mentor or sponsor supportFinance link the gain to bottom lineRefocus 和re-commit,Sustain,Develop con
40、trol planCommunicate success-motivate all personnel through executive briefings videos 和organizational newslettersReward success as plannedMake appraisals reflect performanceSelect new projects,Stage of 6西格玛Implementation(cont),28,Goals of the Certification 流程:,Develop associates having the followin
41、g attributes Understanding of 6西格玛工具s Appropriate applications of the 工具s Demonstrate results using the 工具sHave consistence certification criteria 和judgment,6 Sigma Certification 流程,29,Definition,黑带Candidate who are full-time working on 6西格玛projects.Responsible to:Lead the team in effective utilizat
42、ion of 6西格玛方法 Select,teach 和use the most effective 工具s Oversee data collection 和analysis Complete 2 projects a year绿带 Candidate who is doing 6西格玛projects on a part time basis.Responsible to:Assist the 黑带 Complete 1 project a year,30,流程to 6西格玛GB/BB certification,Phase 1;Project/Candidate Selection,Ca
43、ndidate Selection,To fill in;Characteristics of 6西格玛candidate Score-sheet 和Summary Leadership Values Score-sheet 6西格玛Candidates Leadership Values Summary 6西格玛Candidates,Project Selection,To fill in;6西格玛Project Selection Summary Ease of Implementation Assessment ROI Impact Assessment,Candidates must
44、score greater than 2.5 pts for each to qualify,Candidates must score at least 0.9 pts in the in the 6西格玛Project Selection Summary to qualify,6西格玛Project Summary,Matching right project to the right people,31,Phase 2;6西格玛培训和application of 6西格玛工具s,Collect Baseline Data on Project,yield COQ Cost Cycle T
45、ime Inventory level,To fill in;6西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet 6西格玛COQ Template 6西格玛Project Progress Report To get all relevant parties approval signatories,Attend 6西格玛GB/BB Academic 培训,Application of 6西格玛工具to Project(s),PF/CE/CNX/SOPs FMEA MSA PARETO PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION ANOVA DOE STATISTICAL INTER
46、VAL SPC,Create Certification Template,Follow DMAIC Presentation Summary Rev A,to complete each phase of the project,流程to 6西格玛GB/BB certification,32,Phase 3;Certification of Candidate,Complete Closure Technical Report,Presentation of 6西格玛Certification Project(s),Site Assessment of Project(s),Issue Pl
47、aque/Certificate Achievement to candidate,Update Candidate LOR Career Profile on 培训和Recognition,Finance to verify project savings Champions 和MBB to assess candidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation Form,流程to 6西格玛GB/BB certification,Finance to verify project sa
48、vings Champions 和MBB to assess candidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation Form,33,Requirements for Certification,Completion of 6西格玛培训course Successful project completion(goal achievement 和documentation)Demonstration on the understanding of 6西格玛工具s Effective 和s
49、uccessful completion of steps to“hold the gain”Completion of each project within 1 yr 绿带Certification;completion of 2 projects with minimum saving of US$25,000 per project 黑带 Certification;completion of 2 projects with minimum saving of US$100,000 per project,交付ables for Certification,Demonstration
50、of six-sigma though 流程 Completion of 6西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet Completion of 6西格玛 Project Progress Report Completion of 6西格玛COQ Template Completion of DMAIC Presentation Summary Completion of Closure Technical Report,34,Certification 结构,Candidate Certification Board Site Leader Champions Master 黑带