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1、Unit One A Brush With The Law,1.circumstance:(1)n.C通常复数 condition or fact connected with an event or action 环境;情形,情况,.New Words:,Circumstances forced us to change our plans.客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。The manager was found dead in suspicious circumstances.经理死亡时的情形很可疑。,(2)复数形式financial position 经济状况 in easy/poor c

2、ircumstances 处于富裕/贫穷境况 What are his circumstances?他的经济状况如何?,(3)in/under the circumstances:this being the case;such being the state of affairs 在这种情况下,Under the circumstances he felt unable to accept the job.在那种情况下,他觉得无法接受该项工作。,The result was the best that could be expected under the circumstances.在这种

3、情形下,那种结果是所能指望的最佳结果。,Under no circumstances:in no case;never 在任何情况下都不Under no circumstances should you lend him any money.你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。,2.subsequent:(1)ing after or following sth.else:随后的,接下去的,Subsequent events proved me wrong.后来发生的事证明我错了。These skills were then passed on to subsequent generations.其时

4、这些技艺又传给了子孙后代。,(2)短语 subsequent to:prep.Following,after 继之后,Subsequent to its success as a play,it was made into a film.该剧在舞台上获得成功之后,又被搬上银幕。,He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.他供认了抢银行之后又犯的其他罪行。,3.temporary:(1)lasting for only a limited period of time 临时的,短暂的,A lot of work now

5、 is temporary or part-time.现在许多工作是临时的或兼职的。,The accident caused a temporary disability.事故造成了短暂的机体无能。,mit:vt.(1)Do(sth.illegal,wrong or foolish)做(不合法的、错的或 愚蠢的事);犯,commit murder,suicide,theft,an unforgivable error,etc.谋杀,自杀,行窃,犯不可原谅的错误Women commit fewer crimes than men.女子比男子犯罪少。,(2)give or transfer sb.

6、/sth.to(a state or place)for safe keeping,treatment,把交给/托付给,commit a patient to a mental hospital 把病人送进精神病院,(3)make it impossible for sb.not to do sth.,especially because of a promise,etc.承诺、担保,Signing this form commits you to buying the goods.你在此表格签名后就一定得买这批货。,I am committed to taking part in the m

7、eeting.我答应参加这个会。,5.offence:n.(1)C breaking of a rule or law;illegal act;crime 犯法,违法行为;罪行,Driving while drunk is a serious offence.醉酒驾车属重罪。Because it was his first offence,the punishment wasnt too severe.因其初犯而获从轻惩处。,(2)U(an act or cause of)upsetting or annoying(sb.);insult 使(某人)不悦、恼怒(的行为或原因);冒犯,The p

8、roblem was how to get rid of her without causing offence.问题是如何甩掉她而不触怒她。,(3)派生词offend vt.触怒、冒犯She was offended at/by his sexist remarks.他那些带性别歧视的话把她惹恼了。,offender n.冒犯者;犯法者offensive adj.惹恼人的;冒犯的;讨厌的,令人反感的She finds tobacco smoke offensive.她对烟草的烟味很反感。,6.confirm:vt.(1)provide evidence for the truth or co

9、rrectness of(a report,an opinion,tec.);establish the truth of 证实,证明(报告、意 见等)的正确性;确认,The rumors of an attack were later confirmed.发动攻击的谣传后来得到了证实。When asked,she confirmed that she was going to retire.有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。,(2)make definite or establish more firmly(power,a position,etc.)肯定,巩固或加强(权力、地位等),Thei

10、r advice confirmed my decision.他们的劝告更加强了我的决心。,7.conduct:vt.(1)lead or guide(sb./sth.)领导;指导,引导,I ask the attendant to conduct him to the door.我让服务员领他到门口。The guide conducted us round the castle.向导领着我们四处看了城堡。,(2)direct(sth.);control;manage 指挥、控制;管理、经营 conduct business,a meeting,negotiation,etc.经营生意、主持会

11、议、主 持谈判等。,(3)指挥(乐队等)He conducted the orchestra.他指挥管弦乐团。,(4)导(电、热)Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.铜的导电性能比其他材料好,8.witness:n.(1)C(=eye-witness)a person who sees an event take place(and is therefore able to describe it to others)目击者,I was a witness to their quarrel.我是他们吵架的目击者。

12、,(2)C a person who gives evidence in a lawsuit after swearing to tell the truth(在法庭上经宣誓的)证人,I was called as a defense witness.我被传唤作被告证人。,(3)U;C what is said about an event,especially in a lawsuit;(thing that serves as)testimony or evidence 证词(尤指法庭中的);证明;证据,His ragged clothes were(a)witness to his po

13、verty.他破烂的衣服是他贫穷的见证,(5)派生词 witness vt.见证;目击 Did you witness the accident?你亲眼看到那次事故了 吗?,9.trial:n.C;U(1)a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime 审问,审讯,审理,审判,The defendant claimed that he had not had a fair trial.被告声称未获公正审讯。The case comes t

14、o trial next month.该案将于下月开庭审理。,(2)(an act or process of)testing the ability,quality,performance,etc.,of sb.or sth.(对能力、质量、性能等 的)测试,试验,考验,The company gives every job applicant a trial.公司对每位求职者均进行测试The new drug has undergone extensive medical trials.对这种新药已做了大量的医学测验。,(3)短语 on trial:being examined and t

15、ested 在试验中;在测试中,Take the machine on trial for a week.把这台机器拿去试用一个星期,Democracy itself is on trial as the country prepares for its first free election.这个国家准备进行首次自由选举,民主制度本身正面临考验。,10.dismiss:vt.(1)remove sb.(especially an employee)from a position 免除(职务);开除,解 雇,Bob was dismissed from his post.鲍勃被免职。Will

16、they dismiss Woods for stealing the money?他们会不会因为伍兹偷钱而把他开除?,(2)consider sb./sth.not worth thinking or talking about 对某人/某事不予理会,不屑一提,She was dismissed as a dreamer.人们认为她是个空想家而不予理睬。,He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.他只是笑了笑,认为我的建议 不现实而不屑一顾。,(3)reject(a case,an appeal,etc.)驳回(诉讼

17、案、上诉等),The case was dismissed owing to lack of evidence.诉讼因缺少证据而遭驳回。,(4)派生词 dismissal.n.解雇 The dismissals led to a strike.解雇工人导致了罢工。,11.award:vt.make an official decision to give sth.to sb.as a prize,payment,or a punishment 颁发;授予;给与;判定,Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum phy

18、sics.爱因斯坦因其在量子力学方面的工作而被授予诺贝尔奖。,The court awarded(him)damages of$50,000.法庭判给(他)50,000美元损害赔偿费。,12.given:taking sth.into account 考虑到(某事物),Given her interest in children/Given that she is interested in children,I am sure teaching is the right career for her.考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书是最适合她的职业。,13.meanwhile:adv.(修饰

19、全句的副词)(1)in the period of time between two events 在间隔时间里,The flight will be announced soon.Meanwhile,please remain seated.等候的航班即将报港。这段时间内请坐着别动。,Theyll be here in ten minutes.Meanwhile,well have some coffee.他们过十分钟就到。在他们到来之前我们先喝点咖啡。,(2)while sth.else is happening(与此)同时,Jim went to answer the phone.Mea

20、nwhile Betty started to prepare the lunch.吉姆去回电话。与此同时,贝蒂开始准备午餐。,I went to college.Meanwhile all my friends got well-paid jobs.我上大学去了,那时候我的朋友全都找到了收入不错的工作。,(3)used to compare two things that are happening at the same time 而与此同时,The incomes of male professionals went up by almost 80%.Meanwhile,part-tim

21、e women workers saw their earnings fall.职业男性的收入增长几乎达到80%,而与此同时,临时女工却眼瞅着收入下降。,plain:v.(1)say that one is dissatisfied,unhappy,etc.投诉、抱怨,诉苦,发牢骚(常贬义),People complain that they dont get enough information.民众抱怨他们了解的情况不够。,Neighbors complained to the police about the dogs barking.左邻右舍向警方投诉他家狗叫。,(2)派生词:comp

22、laint n.投诉,抱怨,诉苦,发牢骚(常贬义),You have no grounds for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。,Weve received a lot of complaints of bad workmanship.很多人向我们投诉产品的工艺低劣。,15.apologize:(1)v.say one is sorry 道歉;赔不是(to sb.)(for sth.),I must apologize for not being able to meet you.我因为没能接你而向你道歉。,(2)派生词:apology n.(to sb.)(for sth.)stat

23、ement to say one is sorry for having done wrong or hurt sbs feelings 道歉;谢罪;认错offer/make/accept an apology 道歉/致歉/接受道歉,I made my apologies(to my host)and left early.我(向主人)道过歉后提早离去。,.Information Related To The Text,The sixties“youth counterculture”The word“counterculture”was coined in the 1960s for the

24、 attitude and life style of many young people who rejected conventional social values and demanded more personal freedom.The counterculture first arose in the U.S.during the 1960s and soon spread to Britain,France and other western countries.These young people were,opposed to the Vietnam War and dis

25、satisfied with the existing state of affairs in their society.Yet,unable to find a more constructive way of struggling against these,they indulged themselves in sex,drugs,alcohol and rock music and took great pride in wearing long hair and unusual clothes and in taking up anything that was unconventional.The counterculture declined in the late 1970s.,英国经历二战重创、战后经济繁荣和国际地位的迅速下降,到60年代中后期,整个社会已经完全是另一幅景象。当时的青年人当中反主流文化思潮盛行。许多青年人对当时的社会状况极端不满,却又无力改变,他们转而沉溺于酒色、毒品、摇滚乐,他们披长发、穿异装,凡是与传统的价值观背道而驰的东西他们全都接纳。,


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