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1、Inversion词序调整法,要保留原文中信息所负载的内容,就必须改变语言形式。对语言形式改变的程度取决于始源语同目的语之间在语言上、文化上有多长的距离。,Contents,1.Definition and discussion2.Inversion of word/phrase order3.Position of attributive words,phrases,4.Position of adverbial words,phrases5.Inversion of sentence structure,1.Definition and discussion,By inversion in

2、 translation we mean that the constituent elements of a sentence are arranged in a way different from the general rules of word order of the language in question.Each language has its own peculiarities in word order.The natural order in English may mean the inverted order in Chinese.Put it more clea

3、rly,inversion,as one of the translation techniques,means the necessary or even inevitable change of word-order in a sentence according to the usage of the language to be translated into.This change of word order is necessary because,first of all,each language has its own natural word order and its o

4、wn peculiarities in word order,secondly,inversion,as a stylistic device,is often used for emphasis.,汉语在语序上的表达习惯:,(1)汉语一般状语在前,动词在后(2)汉语一般时间状语在先,地点状语在后(3)汉语重人称,人称主语在前,原物称主语在后(4)汉语多主动语态,“真主语”在前,“假主语”在后(5)汉语一般从句在前,主句在后(6)汉语中,定语或定语从句常置于被修饰的名词前,汉语在语序上的表达习惯:,(7)汉语中,行为动作先发生的在前,后发生的在后(9)汉语中,地点状语的语序是,大地方在先,小地

5、方在后,汉语重人称,人称主语在前,原物称主语在后,A wave of cigar smoke accompanied him in.他进门时带进来一缕雪茄烟雾。Hunting is his latest enthusiasm.他最近热衷于打猎。,2.Inversion of word/phrase order,1.Inversion of Word Order in Translating Word-Groups or PhrasesThe coordinating words of an English word-group or phrases are usually arranged a

6、ccording to their shades of meaning:“each is more impressive than the preceding”(Fowler 1965:92).Chinese word order is often the opposite.Thus a common rule for translation is:,loss and gain得失track and field(events)田径运动the iron and steel industry钢铁工业open-door policy门户开放政策peasants who had little or n

7、o land无地和少地的农民Small and medium-sized enterprises中小企业,a small round wooden table一张木制小圆桌 a brave hard-working people一个勤劳勇敢的民族 an outstanding contemporary American writer一位美国现代优秀作家 a modernized,powerful socialist country社会主义现代化强国 a great and most glorious cause 极其光荣伟大的事业,Generally speaking,especially i

8、n colloquial speech or literary works,a series of attributive modifiers in Chinese is seldom completely placed before a noun:with some before the noun,and the rest after.,Keith:A little,yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven beggar.凯斯是一个讨饭的,他身材矮小,面色苍黄,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡子。She was an intelligent,attractive and somewhat

9、 temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington.(The New Encyclopedia Britannica)她是哈丁顿一位富裕医生的女儿,有才华,又迷人,但有点脾气。,3.Position of attributive words,phrases 定语位置调整的说明,1单词作定语。英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此。有时英语中有后置的,但译成汉语时一般都前置。something important(后置)重要的事情(前置)如果英语中名词前的定语过多,译文中则不宜完全前置,因为汉语不习惯

10、在名词前用过多的定语。a little,yellow,ragged beggar(前置)一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛(后置),2短语作定语。英语中,修饰名词的短语一般放在名词之后,而汉语则反之,但间或也有放在后面的,视汉语习惯而定。their attempt to cross the river(后置)他们渡江的企图(前置)the decimal system of counting(后置)十进制计算法(后置),4.Position of adverbial words,phrases,4.1单词作状语。英语中单词作状语修饰形容词或其他状语时,通常放在它所修饰的形容词或状语的前面,

11、这一点与汉语相同。He was very active in class(前置)他在班上很活跃。(前置)英语中单词作状语修饰动词时,一般放在动词之后,而在汉语里则放在动词之前。Modern science and technology are developing rapidly(后置)现代科学技术正在迅速发展。(前置)英语中表示程度的状语在修饰状语时可前置也可后置,而在汉语中一般都前置。He is running fast enough(后置)他跑得够快的了。(前置),4.2短语作状语。英语中短语状语可放在被修饰的动词之前或之后,译成汉语时则大多数放在被修饰的动词之前,但也有放在后面的。Se

12、eing this,some of us became very worried(前置)看到这种情况,我们有些人心里很着急。(前置)A jeep full sped fast,drenching me in spray(后置)一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水(后置)英语中地点状语一般在时间状语之前,而汉语中时间状语则往往放在地点状语之前。He was born in Beijing on May 20,1970(地点在前)他是1970年5月20日在北京出生的。(时间在前)英语中时间状语、地点状语的排列一般是从小到大,而汉语中则是从大到小。,5.Inversion of sentence

13、 structure,这里,句序是指复合句中主句和从句的时间和逻辑关系叙述的顺序。5.1、时间顺序的调整1英语复合句中,表示时间的从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,汉语中则通常先叙述先发生的事,后叙述后发生的事。I went out for a walk after I had my dinner(从句在主句之后)After I had my dinner,I went out for a walk(从句在主句之前)我吃了晚饭后出去散步。,5.2、英汉语复合句中的逻辑顺序的调整,1表示因果关系的英语复合句中,因果顺序灵活,在汉语中多数情况是原因在前,结果在后。He had to sta

14、y in bed because he was ill(后置)因为他病了,他只好呆在床上。(前置)2表示条件(假设)与结果关系的英语复合句中,条件(假设)与结果的顺序也不固定,在汉语中则是条件在前,结果在后。I still hope you will come back if arrangements could be made(后置)如果安排得好,我还是希望你来。(前置),3表示目的与行动关系的英语复合句中,目的与行动的顺序比较固定,多数是行动在前,目的在后,汉语也如此,但有时为了强调,也可把目的放在行动之前。Better take your umbrella in case it rain

15、s(后置)最好带把伞,以防下雨。(后置),Formerly a worker himself,he was now an engineer.他过去是工人,现在当工程师了。,Practice in class,Translate the following sentences into Chinese,Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.有什么困难,给我们一个信。,Translate the following sentences into English,She reads aloud in the open every morn

16、ing.她每天早晨在室外高声朗读。,Translate the following sentences into English,The meeting ended in disagreement会议没能取得一致意见就结束了。.,Translate the following sentences into English,They were very glad to have accepted the presents offered.他们收下了赠送的礼物,十分高兴。,Translate the following sentences into English,The factory has

17、a staff of 500(people),including 200 men workers,250 women workers and 50 cadres.这个工厂有男工200人,女工250人,干部50人,共有职工500人。,Very often you leave home on a bright,sunny morning and come back by lunchtime when it is pouring.你常常可以遇到这种情况:早上出门时还是阳光明媚,中午回来时却是大雨滂沱。,Homework,1.A thin and weak girl susceptible to di

18、sease,she wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will.2.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world;they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds,if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.3.Cheerful,efficient and warm-hearte

19、d,they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.4.I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.5.He was one of those fellows with a settled,mature body and a young face,such as you often see among workingmen.,keys,她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写出了一部部催人奋进的小说。如果没有那些以昆虫为食的动物保护我们,昆虫将吞噬我们所有的庄稼,杀死我们的牛羊家畜,使我们不能在这个世界上生存。他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上又顺利又舒服。这是我国历史上为争取自由而举行的一次最大的示威游行,它必将载入史册,垂之久远。我今天能同你们一起参加这一游行,感到很高兴。你经常可以在工人中见到这样一种类型的人:身子长得成熟定型了,而面孔却是一副嫩相(但却是一脸稚气/而脸上却稚气未脱/但却长着一张娃娃脸)。他就是这样的人。,


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