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1、Chapter 6 Blood 血液,Section 1 Body Fluid and Blood(体液与血液)Body fluid(体液):Fluid of existing in body人体内的液体 Intracellular fluid 40%Blood plasma(血浆)4%Tissuefluid(组织液)15%Extracellular fluid 20%Lymph(淋巴)1%Cerebrospinal fluid(脑脊液),Body fluid,机体内环境,1.Components of blood(血液的基本组成),(1)Plasma(血浆)Water 水 Substance

2、 crystal(晶体物质):inorganic phosphate(无机盐)5320mmHg Substance colloid(胶体物质)Others 其它,Functions of plasma protein血浆蛋白的功能:,Albumin(白蛋白):Forming colloid osmotic pressure(形成胶体渗透压)Globulin(球蛋白):Taking part in body immunity and transport of some substances(参与机体免疫和某些物质的运输)Fibrinogen(纤维蛋白原):Taking part in clott

3、ing(参与凝血),(2)Blood cell 血细胞,Erythrocyte,or red blood cell,RBC(红细胞),modality(形态):Function:Transporting O2 and CO2 Cushioning pH(缓冲PH)Quantity:Male:5 1012/L Female:4.2 1012/L Lifespan and produce(寿命与生成),Neural regulation神经调节:Sympathetic nerve(+)交感神经(+)Humoral regulation体液调节:Erythropoietin,EPO(促红细胞生成素)

4、Accelerating system ahaemale progenitor of later period to differentiate and propagate.促进晚期红系祖细胞的分化、增殖 Accelerating young RBC to differentiate and propagate.加速幼RBC增殖,分化,CFU-E 红系前体细胞red progenitor RBC,Blood oxygen partial pressure血氧分压,肾 主Kidney(main)肝 次Liver(secondary),Androgen雄性激素 Stimulating bone m

5、arrow,promoting RBC 直接刺激骨髓,促进RBC生成 Promoting kidney to produce EPO 促进肾脏产生EPO,Leukocyte,or white blood cell,WBC(白细胞)basophoil(嗜碱性颗粒细胞)0-1%granular cell eosinophil(嗜酸性颗粒细胞)1-4%Leukocyte 颗粒细胞 neutrophil(嗜中性颗粒细胞)50-70%白细胞 lymphocyte(淋巴细胞)20-40%no granular cell 无颗粒细胞 monocyte(单核细胞)1-7%Quantity:4-10 109/L

6、,Function of basophil 嗜碱性粒细胞功能:,Releasing heparin stimulating decomposition of blood fat 释放肝素 激活血脂分解 Releasing histamine hypersensitive response 释放组织胺 过敏反应 Releasing eosinophile chemotactic factor A,限制,(释放嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子A),Function of eosinophil 嗜酸性粒细胞功能:,Restricting hypersensitive response caused by bas

7、ophil and fat cells.(限制嗜碱性粒细胞和肥大细胞引起的过敏反应.)Taking part in immune response for worm.(参与对蠕虫的免疫反应.),Function of neutrophil 中性粒细胞功能:,Englobing and killing bacteria(吞噬、杀灭细菌)Clearing away immunity complex and necrosis tissue(清除免疫复合物及坏死组织),Lymphocyte(淋巴细胞),T cell:Function of cell-mediated immunity 具有细胞免疫功能

8、 Function of regulating other immunocyte 调节其他免疫细胞的功能B cell:Taking part in humoral immunity.参与体液免疫NK cell:Killing and wounding tumor cell.杀伤肿瘤细胞,Mononuclear macrophage单核-巨噬细胞,Englobing and killing pathogenic microorganism in cell.(吞噬、消灭细胞内致病微生物)Releasing many kinds of cytotoxic,interferon(INF),interl

9、eukin(IL)and taking part in body defense.(释放多种细胞毒、干扰素和白细胞介素,参与机体防卫机制)Producing factors of promoting endothelial cell(内皮细胞)and smooth muscle cell.(产生促进内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞的因子),Platelet or thrombocyte(血小板),Quantity:100-300(109个/L)Function:Keeping vessel wall completeness.维护血管壁完整性 Taking part in physiological he

10、mostasis 参与生理止血(见后),Section 2 Function of blood 血液的机能,1.Function of carrying and integrating(运载作用和联系作用)Water,Red blood cells,plasma protein,2.Keeping stability of internal environment(维持内环境的稳定)HL+Na HCO3 NaL+H2CO3H2CO3 H2O+CO2 Stimulus respiration OH-+H2CO3 HCO3-+H2O,3.Function of defense and protec

11、tion(防御和保护作用),neutrophil 中性粒细胞Phagocytosis 吞噬作用 monocyte 单核细胞 cellular immunity 细胞免疫 TImmunity humoral immunity 体液免疫 B,Section 3 Blood volume,Blood Transfusion and Blood Groups 血量 输血 和血型,1.Blood volume(血量)Blood volume 血量:It is total of blood in body,7-8%of body weight,Preserving blood volume 血量的维持:L

12、ess blood loss 少量失血,20%,Clinical symptom(临床症状)The most blood loss 大失血 30%,Blood transfusion(输血),Recovery blood volume 血量的恢复:Water,saltplasma protein blood cell 水,盐血浆蛋白血细胞,2.Blood group(血型),Agglutination(红细胞凝集):It is the a bunch of irregular cell agglutinates which is agglutinated by Red blood cell.(

13、红细胞彼此凝集成一簇簇不规则的细胞团.)Rouleaux formation(红细胞叠连):The red blood cells which are attach hollow side to each other overlapped to accelerate blood sank.(红细胞彼此以凹面相贴,重叠在一起使血沉加速.),Agglutinogen of red blood cells agglutinin of blood serum blood group 红细胞上的凝集原 血清中的凝集素 血型 A B A B A B AB AB AB O,3.Principle of bl

14、ood transfusion(输血原则),Red blood cell Red blood cell Blood donor Blood recipient 供血者 受血者 Blood serum血清 Blood serum血清 Cross-match test(交叉配血实验),主侧,次侧,Section4 Blood Coagulation and Fibrillarin Dissolution 血液凝固和纤维蛋白溶解,1.Hemostasis mechanism of small blood vessel impairment小血管损伤的生理止血机制,Hemostasis生理止血:It

15、is a kind of phenomena that small blood vessel is impaired normally and after several minutes bleeding was stopped naturally.正常时小血管损伤出血,经数分钟后出血自然停止的现象。Process:Small blood vessel contraction小血管收缩 Platelet thrombus血小板血栓 hematopexis血凝Fig 6-7,2.Blood coagulation(血液凝固),Blood coagulation(血液凝固):It is a pro

16、cess that blood changes fluidity into solid agglomeration.血液由液体状态变为不流动的胶冻状凝块的过程.Serum(血清):It is a kind of fluid which is generated by blood clot retraction after hematopexis.血凝后,血凝块回缩释出的液体。,(1)Process of blood coagulation凝血过程,astep 1 prothrombin activator凝血酶原激活物+PF3step 2 astep 3 a,Activator of fact

17、or X,Activation pathway of factor X因子的激活途径:,Intrinsic pathway(内源性激活途径):It is a process that blood coagulation factor of plasma activated factor X.完全由血浆内凝血因子激活因子的过程。Extrinsic pathway(外源性激活途径):It is a process that factor activated factor.由因子触发激活因子的过程。,Intrinsic pathway内源性途径 Extrinsic pathway外源性途径 Bloo

18、d vessel is damaged Tissue is damaged.Platelet,Collagen was revealed Releasing blood coagulation factor+Ca2+a Prothrombin activator Prothrombin activator(a,Ca2+,phospholipid)Thrombin Fibrinogen Fibrillarin,a,粘着 聚集,(2)Acceleration and delay of processes of blood coagulation 凝血过程的加速与延缓,Acceleration:Ab

19、normal surface;异常表面 Heat 加热Delay:Smooth surface;光滑表面 Defibrination 去纤维蛋白 Decalcium 去钙 Heparin 肝素 Antithrombin 抗凝血酶,3.Fibronolysis 纤维蛋白的溶解,Process Blood vessel activator Plasma activator Tissue activator Step1 Plasminogen Plasmin Antiplasmin Step2 fibrillarin FDP纤维蛋白 降解产物,Damage/movement,a,Damage,1.enter“Chapter 7 Blood circulation”2.back to“introduction”3.over4.back to menu,


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