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1、英语学习交流,一,目录,1.英语语音2.词汇积累3.英语语法,Each space is to be provided with means of access to enable,throughout the life of a ship,overall and close-up inspections and thickness measurements of the ships structures.Such means of access are to comply with 1.3and 2,规范:,船舶在整个寿命期间内,每一处所都应该设置检验通道,供对船舶结构进行全面检查、近观检查

2、和厚度测量。这样的检验通道应该符合规范第1.3条和第2条。,规范:,语音:,语音的基本概念字母:英语字母分元音字母和辅音字母,例如:a、e、i、o、u;辅音:b、p、t、n、l。音节:元音和辅音构成、以元音为主体的发音单位一。开音节:以不发音的元音字母e结尾,例如:bike,dense,file;以辅音+发音的元音字母结尾。例如:she,onto,tobacco。闭音节:以辅音字母结尾。例如:tool,enough,cup。,5.音标:词的语音形式。例如:cat,它的音标形式为 kt。6.音素:音的最小单位。英语中有48个音素,分元音音素和辅音音素。,语音:,语音:,1.元音 单元音前元音 i

3、:i e 中元音:后元音 u:u:a:双元音 开合双元音 ei ai i u au集中双元音 i u,2.辅音 爆破音 清辅音 p t k浊辅音 b d g摩擦音 清辅音 f s h 浊辅音 v z 破擦音 清辅音 t tr ts 浊辅音 d dr dz 鼻音(浊辅音)m n 舌则音(浊辅音)l r 半元音(浊辅音)w j,语音:,1 元音:1)i:字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he sh

4、e me piece receive ceiling 2)i 发音字母 i y e sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious,语音:,3)发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4)e 字母组合 ea e a head bread pleasure elephant electric remem

5、ber sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5):字母组合ir ur ear ur or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world,语音:,6)字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player spea

6、ker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7)a:字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden fast

7、class last glass plant aunt calm 8)发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9):字母组合 al or au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn f

8、our mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter,10)/发音字母 o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash 11)u:字母组合 oo o u food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full 12)u 字母组合 oo ou u o look good foot book should could put full bull pull push women whose 13)ei

9、 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey,14)ai 发音字母 i y bike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15)au 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse ower down now cow how town 16)u 发音字母 o ow oa

10、home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow oat coat goal 17)字母组合oy oi boy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18)i 字母组合 eer beer deer ear idea near here fierce 19)e 字母组合ear air pear bear chair air fair care there where 20)u tour poor,2 容易混淆的元音 e bad bed hand head man men land lend

11、 pan pen sad said i:ei real rail greet great mean main read raid e ai bet bite red write said side head hide au:house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn au found fond down done gown gone town ton,3辅音 1)p pen pear play pig pour pull push 2)b book big boot bike bread break 3)t

12、 tree two ten ton town twenty city 4)d door dull desk dose do dog dictionary 5)k king kite key look cook book kitchen sky(发音字母k)card cat cream correct climb come account accept(发音字母c)fox box oxygen x-ray(发音字母x)school schedule schema(字母组合ch)6)g girl good goal goat grade long language 7)m man make moo

13、n morning move come comb 8)n pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean 9)uncle bank English think thank junk,4容易混淆的辅音 v w vest west vet wet vine wine very well s sink think mass math miss myth sort sought z close cloth breeze breathe n thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing,12)ar a:farm card g

14、arden mark dollar warm quarrel quarter 13)ea i:e ei i cease season breathe feature meat please bread breast breath meadow weather great break idea realize 14)ear:i learn earth earn heard hear near clear ear fear 15)er:i deserve serve her person teacher driver anger singer serious experience mysterio

15、us fierce,16)ere i here mere fere sere there 17)ir:ai shirt girl skirt admire desire 18)oo u:u:room tool cool moon noon goof food good foot stood wood wool cook wood book blood flood door floor 19)or:short form corn born for work world worm word worst tractor doctor actor sector senior senator 20)oo

16、r:u door floor moor poor boor,21)our u:hour tour flour bourn lour pour court four mourn 22)ou au house mouth mouse sound found enough trouble touch delicious gracious prosperous 23)ow u au window meadow know show low now town how down cow 24)se z s nose suppose gose lose pose rose mouse house 25)th

17、thank think thought cloth clothes that this then than 26)sion n n propulsion tension progression passion protrusion provision conclusion television 27)tion n t n(不常见)station nation translation attention question,词汇积累方法:,词汇:一种语言里所有的词和固定词组的总汇,是构成语言的建筑材料。,一、词汇的积累英语词汇的“核”即基本词汇(或称“共同核心”词汇:A Common Core V

18、ocabulary)。有 人做过研究表明:“构成英语核心的两、三千个词完成表达和交流所需的90”。掌握英语词汇,首先要从这两三千个核心词着手。它包括:动物、植物的名称,自然现象的名称,日常生活用品及劳动工具的名称,身体各部分的名称,表示时间、空间、位置和四季的词,表示事物的颜色和一般性质的词,表示动作和身心感受的词,表示人与人相互关系的词。除此之外,英语中的冠词、代词、数词以及表示语法关系的助动词、情态动词、介词和连词也属基本词汇。由于基本词汇具有全民性、稳定性、构词能力强、含义广、搭配能力强的特点,成为英语词汇中最重要、最复杂、使用率最高的核心部分。因此,要学好英语,记忆与积累基本词汇是第一

19、步。,(二)了解构词法 英语词汇中有很大一部分符合构词法。掌握了基本词汇,运用构词知识,不仅可以大大提高记忆效率,而且在阅读中还可以逆向利用构词知识分解单词、破解词意、消除阅读障碍。构词法主要包括:1派生法:通过在原有词或词根的基础上加前缀或后缀而构成新词。前缀通常用以修饰或改变词意。常见前缀有:in-(il-,im-,ir-),non-,dis-,a-,un-,de-等表示否定、相对;super-,arch-,out-,over-等表示等级、大小;co-,counter-,anti-,pro-,trans-,sub-,fore-,pre-,post-,re-等表示态度、位置、时间、顺序。后缀


21、alize,nationality,nationalization,international,internationalization。,2复合法:即由两个或两个以上的词组合成为一个新词。可构成复合形容词、复合名词、复合代词、复合动词、复合副词等。多数复合词可以通过其组成部分猜测到词意。复合词往往使语言表达言简意赅,形象生动。只要稍加注意,就会发现复合词的使用比比皆是。如:carefree,headfirst,overcome等。3转换法:即单词词性转换。词性转换后其意义与原意有着密切联系。如:His smile could not very well mask his anger其中 ma

22、sk即由名词转化为动词,而动词意义是名词意义的衍生。4混合法:即取不同单词的各一部分合成为一个新词,其意义则是两个单词意义的组合。如:motelmotorhotel,comsatcommunicationsatellite,newscastnewsbroadcast。5裁减法:即把一个较长的单词裁减为一个较简单易懂的词。如:zoological gardenzoo,automobileauto,laboratorylab。6缩略法:即将几个单词的首字母以大写形式缩合到一起成为一个新词。该法多用于专有名词,方便易记。如:IOC-International Olympic Committee,NM

23、D-National Missile Defense,船厂dockyard/shipyard,船坞dock/boatyard 船东ship-owner,船舷Ships side船码头quay/dock,船的栏杆Ships rail,船舱hold,甲板Deck,船籍Ships registry 住舱甲板accommodation deck船首bow,梁拱甲板arch deck船梯ladder,载货甲板cargo deck船尾stern,首楼甲板Forecastle deck上甲板Upper deck,下甲板Lower deck主甲板Main deck,货舱甲板Hold deck桥楼甲板Bridg

24、e deck,水密甲板Watertight deck,围板Coaming plate,首段Bow block,连续板Connection plate中段Midship block,驾驶甲板Navigation deck铜-钢复合板Copper sheathing steel plate艇甲板Boat deck,甲板边板Deck stringer plate罗经甲板Compass deck,斜板Sloping plate板Plate,加强板Reinforcement plate舭板Bilge plate,舵板Rudder plate船底板Bottom plate,舷侧外板Side plate船外

25、板Shell plate,裙板Skirt plate船首外板Bow plate,首柱板Stem plate肘板Bracket plate,尾柱板stern plate舱壁板Bulkhead plate,平台platform槽形舱壁板Corrugated bulkhead plate机舱平台Engine-room platform,舷墙板Bulwark plate,分段Block,尾段Stern block,甲板下纵桁Underdeck girder左舷por,t舭纵桁Wing girder右舷Starboard,支柱Pillar纵桁Girder,肋骨Frame,型材桁Bar girder基础台

26、架Base frame,中底桁Bottom center girder支架Bear frame,中内龙骨Bottom center line girder舭肋骨Bilge frame,底桁材Bottom girder船底肋骨Bottom frame,旁桁材Bottom side girder首肋骨Bow frame,甲板纵桁Deck girder肘板框架肋骨Bracket frame,横桁Cross girder球鼻首肋骨Bulbous bow frame水平桁Horizontal girder,球曲型肋骨Bulbous frame舱口边梁Hatch coaming girder,主肋骨Chi

27、ef frame机座纵桁Engine girder,首肋骨Fore frame桁架梁Girder frame,舭纵桁舭纵骨Bilge longitudinal舯部肋骨Middle frame,船底纵骨/纵桁bottom longitudinal尖舱肋骨Peak frame,船底腹板纵桁bottom web longitudinal加强筋Stiffened frame,甲板纵桁Deck longitudinal,横框架肋骨Transverse frame,内底纵桁/纵骨Inner bottom longitudinal肋距F.S.(frame space),舷侧纵桁/纵骨Shell side l

28、ongitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件longitudinal双层底顶纵骨Top longitudinal of double bottom斜舱壁纵骨Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal舱Tank结构Structure,尾尖舱after peak tank附属结构Accessory structure,尾部水舱after water tank全焊结构All-welded structure,辅助水柜Auxiliary water tank中部结构Amidships structure,辅助压载水舱Auxiliary water ballast tank泊位结构Ber

29、thing structure,污水舱Bilge tank底部龙骨结构Bottom keel structure,底舱Bottom tank船首部结构Bow structure,底边舱Bottom side tank支撑结构Braced structure,货油压载舱Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构Bridge structure,循环水槽Circulating flow water tank首楼结构Forecastle structure,循环滑油舱Circulating lubricating oil tank构架结构Framed structure,清洁压载舱Clea

30、n ballast tank纵桁结构Girder structure,冷凝水柜Condensate catch tank,人孔manhole,语法的学习:,(1)练好基本句型。我国近年来的英语教学实践证明:在初学阶段,采用听说领先、学习基本句型的方法去学习英语语法,是行之有效的。句型学习是通过听说领先的方法去学习传统语法里最常用的语法项目(把它们变为句型去操练)。句型训练实际上吸取了传统语法与结构语法两派的长处。目前国内的英语广播(电视)教学,在入门阶段,多采用句型教学法。因此自学者或者收听广播(收看电视)进行学习,或者根据所选用的课本提供的句型用替换词进行替换练习。所学的句型应该是由浅入深,

31、由简到繁;讲求熟练掌握,不要贪多冒进。每学一个项目,首先要把单项练熟,然后过渡到综合练习,最后则应做到扩大运用。,以定语从句这一项为例。把I read a novel yesterday和It was extremely Interesting这两个单句改为The novel I read yesterday was extremely interesting这就是定语从句的单项练习。首先要反复进行替换练习。如把I saw a man this morning和The man is my teacher改为The man I saw this morning is my teacher把I s

32、aw a film last night和The film was very amusing改为The film I saw last night was very amusing这种练习虽然是枯燥的,却是重要的基本功,务求把定语从句练到脱口而出的地步。这是第一步。,第二步是把定语从句放在一定的语言情景中去综合运用,进行一问一答。如:A:Did you enjoy the opera?B:Which opera?A:The one we saw last night,of course B:Yes,very much,第三步是扩大运用,也就是把定语从句和以前学过的两三个项目放在一起去操练。A:

33、Do you know who Edgar Snow was?(一般问句;名词从句)B:Yes,he was an American writer who interviewed Chairman Mao in Beijing(定语从句)A:Oh,now I rememberHe was the author who wroteRed Star Over China,wasnt he?(定语从句;反意疑问句)B:Exactly,这种回答不但练了定语从句,而且复习了一般问句和反意问句,也给名词从句的学习打了埋伏。进行句型操练,既需要滚雪球(复习已学的项目),也需要打埋伏(预先练一下将来要学习的项


35、语法知识。,(3)对比英语和本族语的语法。英语和汉语属于不同的语系,二者的语法区别很大。英语学习中出现的许多错误,往往是由于汉语语法习惯在自学者的头脑中已经根深蒂固,对英语语法的学习产生了种种干扰。要排除这种干扰,最好的方法是经常对比英语与汉语语法的异同。现举数例:人家问你:Havent you read this book?(你没有读过这本书吗?)如果回答是否定的,依照汉语的习惯,回答通常是:是的,我没有读过。但说英语时,你就得说:No,I havent 汉语说一万,英语却说十个千(ten thousand);汉语说两亿,英语则说:二百个百万(two hundred million)。两种语

36、言关于数目的表达是大不相同的。英语说:She is too tired to run on译成汉语却说:她太累了,不能再跑了。这中间要加上不能这个否定词。我们只有掌握了这些区别,才有可能把语法学到手。可见在语法学习中,自觉地运用语法是很重要的。,(4)进行大量的语言实践。英语语法学得好不好,主要不是看你读了多少语法书,记了多少条语法规则,而是要看你在实践中能否正确掌握所学的这些语法规则能听懂,说得好,写得好,理解得好,译得准确。要达到这个地步,除了在必要的语法理论指导下进行大量的语言实践以外,是没有什么速成的办法的。我们常听到学习的人抱怨说:这个项目一讲就懂,一用就错。这句话说明一般的语法理论知识并不难懂,但就是难用。要掌握好一个语法项目,就得靠多听、多说、多写、多读、多译,也就是做反复的、大量的、多样化的练习。学习英语有没有捷径?我认为是没有的。练习得越多,实践得越多,所学的内容就掌握得越牢,


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