1、狗和流浪狗,Do you love dog?What kind of dog do you like?,Different dogs:,Pomeranian 博美,Alert 警惕的Clever 聪明的Curious好奇的,Tibetan mastiff 藏獒,strong 强壮的fierce 凶猛的Loyal 忠心的,Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬,Docile 温顺的naughty 顽皮的expressive face 表情丰富的,贵宾犬Poodle,Smart 聪明的Cute 可爱的A little hard to feed 不太容易喂养,金毛寻回犬golden
2、 retriever,friendly 友好的enthusiastic 热情的Shapely 匀称的,拉布拉多labrador retriever,Lively 活泼的No offensive 无攻击性的A good guide dog 出色的导盲犬,马尔济斯犬Maltese Dog,Dignified 高贵的 端庄的Slender body 身体修长Womans favorite 女性较偏爱的,迷你雪纳瑞Miniature schnauzer,Obedient 顺从的Good at of pleasing 擅于取悦 a little rude 有些粗鲁,Samoyed(萨摩犬),Steady
3、(沉稳)sunny friendly,习性:Calm,alert(警惕的),strong,lively,not shy,(轮廓匀称的)proof(有耐力的),Dalmatian 大麦町犬,Dog is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.,Dogs have lived with
4、and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet mans best friend.,狗和人相处,为人们服务,获得了“人类最好的朋友”的称号,The films about dog,十约定,1、我们在一起的时候,希望你能耐心一点,给我时间去理解你。2、希望你有一天你可以完全的信任我,能成为你忠诚的朋友,是我最大的幸福。3、你知道吗?我和你一样,是有感情的。4、我不听话的时候,在你责备我之前,能不能想一下自己对我做了什么。5、把你所有的心事都告诉我,我虽然不会说,但我听
5、得懂。6、别打我,其实我可以轻而易举的伤害你,只是我没有这么做。7、有一天我变老了,不知道你会不会像现在这么照顾我。8、我的生命只有十年,希望你能多抽出一点时间和我在一起。9、你有你的同学、你的朋友、你的工作。而我,只有你。10、我永远都不会忘记你和我在一起的时光。所以请你答应我,在我即将离开这个世界的时候,你会陪在我身边。,流浪狗Stray dogs,Some dogs are not Lucky at all 然而一些狗并不那么幸运,They are abandoned by theirowner他们被主人遗弃,they have no food and no kennel to live
6、没有食物,没有窝栖身,fortunately,so many people are kind and full of love 幸运的是,很多人很有爱心,They save many stray dogs and give them a warm house 他们解救了很多流浪狗,给了狗狗们温暖的窝,They also try their best to save more stray dogs and called for more peoples help 他们尽最大努力救助更多的流浪狗,呼吁更多的人的帮助,If you love dogs,please pay more attention and take good care of them如果你爱狗,请好好照顾它们,Regard them as your frend and never leave them将它们视作朋友,永远不离开,Thats all of my presentation Thank you very much!,