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1、,Procedure,Review the first part of the novel After Twenty Years,Continue to read the second part of the novel After Twenty Years,Learn to practice critical thinking andproblem-solving by understanding the theme of the novel.,C:,After twenty years,by O.Henry,Part One:Review 前情回顾,expressions and rete

2、lling,barely adjchilly adjavenue n.impressively adv.cast his watchful eyes ona guardian of the peacethe majority of lean vi.,仅仅,几乎不刺骨的 大街 n.令人印象深刻地 adv.警惕地巡视和平的守卫者大部分倚靠 vi.,un unlighted cigar make an appointment funny adj.strike a match(struck,striken)light a cigar(lit,lit)a pale facekeen eyes make

3、ones fortunedrag dragged dragged vt.,一支未点燃的香烟做约定滑稽可笑的划一根火柴点燃雪茄一张苍白的脸敏锐的眼睛发财拽,Review 前情回顾,setting,characters and relationship,when,where,The policeman,Bob,surrounding,retelling,relationship,setting(when,where,surrounding),.The time was,but,barely 10 oclock at night,chilly gusts of wind with a taste o

4、f rain,in them,had well depeopled 使人减少the streets.,taste the original work,.The Vicinity was one but,that kept early hours,now and then you might see the lights of a,cigar store.,chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain,in them,main characters(the policeman),taste the original work,.Trying doors as

5、 he went,the policeman.The officer,make.,main characters(Bob),taste the original work,.In the doorway of.,a man leaned,.The policeman.Bob is just.Its an appointment.Bob struck a match.The light showed.,main characters(relationship),taste the original work,.Bob said Jimmy.They were raised.Bob left fo

6、r the West to.They figured that.However,.,After twenty years,by O.Henry,Part Two:Reading后情发展,Try to catch the structure of the novel by finishing the mind map思维导图.,Read and think:,后情发展,development,conflict,surrounding,who appeared,behaviours and feelings,surrounding,their behaviours,ending,their beh

7、aviours,feelings,development(surrounding,who,behaviours),.There was now a fine,cold drizzle falling,and the wind had risen from its uncertain puffs into a steady blow.About twenty minutes,a tall man in a long overcoat,withcollar turned up to his ears,hurried across from the oppositeside of the stree

8、t.He went directly to the waiting man.The two men started up the street,arm in arm.The man from the West,was beginning to outline the history of his career.The other,submerged in his overcoat,listened with interest.,conflict(surrounding,behaviours,),taste the original work,.At the corner stood a dru

9、g store,brilliant with electric lights.When they came into this glare each of them turned simultaneously to gaze upon the others face.The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm.Youve been under arrest,Silky Bob.the tall man said.Now,before we go on to the station heres a note I was

10、asked to hand you.Its from Wells.,ending(behaviours and feelings),taste the original work,.The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper.His hand was steady when he began to read,but it trembled a little by the time he had finished.Bob:I was at the appointed place on time.When you struck

11、the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago.I couldnt do it myself,so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.JIMMY.,后情发展,development,conflict,surrounding,who appeared,behaviours and feelings,surrounding,their behaviours,ending,their behaviours,fe

12、elings,development(surrounding,who,behaviours),.There was now a fine.and the wind.About twenty minutes,a tall man.hurried across from.He went.The two men started.The man from the West.The other,.,conflict(surrounding,behaviours,),taste the original work,.At the corner.When they came into this glare.

13、The man from the West.The tall man said:”.”.,ending(behaviours and feelings),taste the original work,.The man from the West.His hand.,but it.Bob:I was.When you.I saw.I couldnt do it myself,so.JIMMY.,Lets focus,The few foot passengers astir活动的 in that quarter hurried dismally and silently with coat c

14、ollars turned high and pocketed hands.,with 复合结构助力人物环境描写,About twenty minutes he waited,and then a tall man in a long overcoat,with collar turned up to his ears,hurriedacross from the opposite side of the street.,In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned,with an cigar unlighted in his

15、 mouth.,with 复合结构 微课,Practice makes perfect,高考链接:在这种吓人的情况下没有人可去求助,她感到很无助。(turn to sb for help)With_in such a frightening situation,she feels helpless.,no one to turn to,Have a critical thinking:,What will you do if you are Jimmy?,.Will you choose loyalty to friend or devotion to duty?,.Will you have your friend arrested逮捕?,Homework,Theme exploration:,Reference:,A sincere friendship is too expensive to buy with the most valuable treasure.It is easy to live when we have many friends.Many friends make the path.,


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