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2、”在译文中如果运用得当,不但使译文大为增色,而且能发挥“锦上添花”的作用。,四字格汉译英,四字词组是汉语的一大特色及优势,结构严谨,言简意赅,音节优美,富有感情色彩。四字词语两部分的语法关系可以是主谓、动宾、偏正或并列。因此,四字词组可以分为主谓词组、动宾词组、偏正词组或并列词组。,四字格汉译英,例如:市场繁荣、质地优良(主谓词组)发展经济、优势互补(动宾词组)富裕生活、家庭教育(偏正词组)改革开放、艰难困苦(并列词组),四字词语的翻译,四字词组可分为自由词组和固定词组。例1:在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自谢自开,植被茸茸生烟。Aged trees wave the seasons by,ami

3、d carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation.,四字词语的翻译,例2:花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。The garden was a paradise on earth,with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.,四字词语的翻译,例3:他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。He is determined to turn over a new leaf.例4:这些问题盘

4、根错节,三言两语说不清楚。These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.,四字词语的翻译,四字格的翻译策略:直译:概念意义与文化意义完全相同的这类成语能够直译。例如1、处理人民内部的矛盾,必须坚持和风细雨的方法,坚持“团结-批评-团结”的方法。It is essential to persist in using methods as mild as a drizzle and as gentle as a breeze,and to adhere to the formula of“unit

5、y-criticism-unity”,in dealing with contradictions among the people.,四字词语的翻译,例2、所以这李纨虽青春丧偶,且处于膏粱锦绣之中,竟如“槁木死灰”一般,一概不问 So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes,taking no interest in the outside world,四字词语的翻译,亡羊补牢 to lock the stable door after th

6、e horse has been stolen祸不单行 Misfortunes never come singly.画饼充饥 Draw cakes to allay hunger.剖腹藏珠 cut open your stomach to hide a pearl外强中干 Outwardly strong but inwardly weak礼尚往来 Courtesy requires reciprocity刻骨铭心 To be engraved on ones heart and bones引狼入室 To lead a wolf into the house,四字词语的汉译英,百川归海 All

7、 rivers flow to the sea.口蜜腹剑 To be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted声东击西 To shout in the east and strike in the west重见天日 To see the daylight again,四字词语的汉译英,空中楼阁:castle in the air晴天霹雳:like a bolt from the blue轻如鸿毛:as light as a feather以牙还牙:a tooth for a tooth趁热打铁:strike while the iron is hot易如反掌:as ea

8、sy as turning over ones hand,四字词语的汉译英,B 意译:汉语中一些常用的比喻形象在英语中并不常用。采用意译的方法,舍弃原文中的比喻形象,只译出其本质的含义或做出解释。例如:我要是有个三长两短,你给玉山捎个话!If anything should happen to me,let Yushan know!,四字词语的汉译英,眉飞色舞 死译:His eyebrows are flying and his countenance is dancing 改译:To beam with joy 粗枝大叶 死译:With big branches and broad leav

9、es 改译:To be careless,四字词语的汉译英,无孔不入 To get into every hole To take advantage of every weakness扬眉吐气 To raise the eyebrow and let out a breath To feel proud and elated灯红酒绿 With red lights and green wine Dissipated and luxurious纸醉金迷 With drunken paper and bewitched gold(a life of)luxury and dissipation,

10、四字词语的汉译英,开门见山To open the door and see the mountain To come straight to the point 单枪匹马 With a solitary spear and a single horse To be single-handed in doing sth.大张旗鼓To make a great array of flags and drums On a large and spectacular scale 海阔天空 With a vast sea and a boundless sky(To talk)at random 风雨飘

11、摇 The wind and rain are rocking(of a situation)being unstable,四字词语的汉译英,C 节译:汉语成语很多是由对偶形式组成的,用两个不同的喻体表达相同的喻意。这种四字结构前后两个词语的语意是一样的,如果前后两个词语都翻译就构成语意重复了。对此类汉语四字格通常可采用节译法,即省去并列重复的部分,保留它的基本喻意。,四字词语的汉译英,例如:广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision招商引资 a

12、ttract investment誉满全球,举世闻名 world-renowned,四字词语的汉译英,例1、冷淡的阳光照着他们的愁眉苦脸和长发白眼。The cold,pale sunlight fell on their gloomy faces,long hair and lustreless eyes.,四字词语的汉译英,例2、最可恶的是行里的同仁背后骂我是个老糊涂,瞎了眼,叫一个不学无术的三等货来做我的助理。What is most detestable is that all my colleagues in the bank call me a blind old fool behi

13、nd my back because I have engaged an uneducated third rater as my assistant.,四字词语的汉译英,例3、忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.例4、“这断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远地听得小尼姑的带哭的声音。“AH Q,may you die sonless!”sounded the little nuns voice tearfully in the distance.,四字词语的汉译

14、英,天长地久 eternal like skies 经久耐用 durable 自给自足 self-sufficient 根深蒂固 deep-rooted 花言巧语 sweet words 筋疲力尽 exhausted 随波逐流 to swim with the stream,四字词语的汉译英,层峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest延年益寿 prolong ones life灵丹妙药 panacea/miraculous cure长治久安 a long period of stability求真务实 prag

15、matic审时度势 size up the trend of events,四字词语的汉译英,急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits大黑扫黄 crack down on gangland and pornography德高望重 of high ability and integrity互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial遵纪守法 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law,四字词语的汉译英,D直译加注 汉语典故多出于中国的历史、寓言、神

16、话传说,具有中国独特的文化色彩。虽然现代汉语中运用典故,只是取其寓意,但是翻译时,我们一般采用直译加注既使译文保留原文习语的生动形象,又使读者充分理解原文,了解中国文化。,四字词语的汉译英,木已成舟:the wood is already made into a boat-whats done is done.伯乐相马:as capable as Bo Le in discovering talents.-Bo Le,named Sun Yang,who was said to be very capable of discovering best horses.,四字词语的汉译英,E直译兼意

17、译:这种方法是指一部分直译,一部分意译,直译可以保留原文的比喻形象,意译则能清楚地传递原文的含义,既兼顾形象,又关注内容。例如:例1、她单身一人,无亲无故 But this girl was all by herself and far from home,without a single relative or friend to help her.,四字词语的汉译英,例2、王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站,七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。Braving the wind and dew,Wang Mian travelled day after day past large posting

18、 stations and small,till he came to the city of Jinan.,四字词语的汉译英,贼眉鼠眼 to behave stealthily like a thief辗转反侧 to toss and turn restlessly斩草除根 pluck up the evil by the roots跃跃欲试 eager to have a try狼吞虎咽 to wolf sth.down,四字词语的汉译英,其他方法如:1、比喻译法:胆小如鼠 as timid as a mouse 瓮中之鳖 like a rat in a bole 如坐针毯 like si

19、tting on a rug of needles 债台高筑 to be up to ones ear in debt 守株待兔 to wait for windfalls 怨声载道 Complains are heard everywhere.,四字词语的汉译英,2、借用译法:汉英成语含义相同,形象一致时可借用英语习语。例1、如今便赶着躲了,料也躲不及,少不得要使个“金蝉脱壳”的法子Well,its too late to hide now.I must try to avoid suspicion by throwing them off the scent,四字词语的汉译英,例2、只有大

20、胆地破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,也许还有翻身的那一天!All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day youll come out on top.例3、我没想到他对同志们的批评竟充耳不闻。I didnt expect him to turn a deaf ear to the comrades criticism.,四字词语的汉译英,3、形象译法活蹦乱跳alive and kicking张牙舞爪to put out a claw蓬头垢面with dishevelled hair and dirty

21、 face,课堂练习,质地优良 品种齐全 款式繁多 选料考究 做工精细 色泽鲜明 零售价格 批发价格 货到付款 泰然自若 水中捞月 苦如黄连鸡皮疙瘩 轻如鸿毛 旁观者清 艳如桃李狐假虎威 物以类聚.非驴非马 如释重负挥金如土 弱不禁风 瞬息之间 泪如泉涌,课堂练习,瓮中之鳖 扬眉吐气 一针见血 不翼而飞小题大做 格格不入 山穷水尽 冷若冰霜半斤八两 孤注一掷 纸上谈兵 白费唇舌同行相嫉 一文不名 质地优良 品种齐全款式繁多 选料考究 做工精细 色泽鲜明零售价格 批发价格 货到付款,课堂练习,II.翻译下列句子1、我厂的地毯图案新颖,色调雅致,美丽大方,富 丽堂皇。2、我们要培养出适应社会主义现

22、代化建设需要的一 代“四有新人”。3、我的事现在搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。4、他们和风细雨,开展了批评与字我批评。5、大会在相互尊重、互相理解、友好合作的气氛中 通过了北京宣言。6、安居工程指中国政府提出的旨在使住房困难的居 民早日获得住房的系统工程。,参考答案,1.The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent for their novel designs and elegant colors.2.WE must bring forth a new generation of well-educated and s

23、elf-disciplined people with lofty ideas and moral integrity.3.But there had been too much publicity about my case.4.They made criticism and self-criticism in a manner of“a gentle breeze and a mild rain”.5.In a atmosphere of mutual respect,understanding and cooperation,the conference adopted Beijing

24、Declaration.6.The Anju Housing Project was put forward by the Chinese government,aiming to improve the living conditions of low-income people in cities.,翻译下列段落,周恩来的品德、人格、风范、情怀为中华民族树立了一座精神丰碑。他那种勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、全心全意为人民服务的精神;那种艰苦朴素、严于律己、心底无私、一心为公的清廉精神;那种顾全大局,不计较个人荣辱得失的牺牲精神;那种实事求是的求实精神;那种言行一致的磊落精神;那种对党、对国家和人民

25、的高度责任感,工作一丝不苟,周密细致的精神,正是我们今天建设社会主义精神文明所迫切需要发扬光大的。,Zhou Enlais moral character,personality,style and noble sentiments constituted a paragon(丰碑)for the Chinese nation.His dedication as shown in his diligent,conscientious and hard working and whole-hearted service to the people,without any complaint;hi

26、s incorruptibility(不受腐蚀的)as shown in his plain living,being strict with himself,selflessness and engrossment(全神贯注)by the public interest;his spirit of sacrifice as shown in his never being concerned about personal honor or disgrace,gain or loss in deference to the interests of the overall situation;

27、his realistic approach of seeking truth from facts;his open and upright spirit of being as good as his words;his high sense of responsibility to the Party,the state and the people;his strict and careful spirit of working conscientiously and meticulously are all that we need urgently to carry forward in fostering our socialist spiritual civilization.,


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