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1、.翻译以下句子:(先行词是人时)1)她是唱歌最好的女孩。2)医生是在医院里工作的人。3)飞行员是开飞机的人。4)我最喜欢的运动员是田亮。5)你昨天看见的那个女人是我的英语老师。,She is the girl who/that sings best of all.,A doctor is a person who/that works in a hospital.,A pilot is a person who/that drives a plane.,The player who/that/whom I like the best is Tianliang.,The woman who/th

2、at/whom you saw yesterday is my English teacher.,.翻译以下句子:(先行词是物时)1)这就是你要的书。2)在河边的建筑物是我们的学校。3)这就是我们去年住过的房间。,This is the book which/that you want.,The building which stands near the river is our school.,This is the room which/that we lived in last year.,.翻译以下句子:(表示所属关系时)1)我认识那个学生,他的妈妈是一个医生。2)那个男孩英语学得不

3、好,他爸爸已经到美国去了。3)我想要一间窗口面向南边的房子。,I Know the student whose mother is a doctor.,The boy whose father has been to USA isnt good at English.,I want a house whose windows face south.,*在定语从句中,表示所属关系时用关系代词whose,既可以用于修饰人,也可以用于修饰物,任何情况下不能省。,translate the following sentences,1 钢琴家就是钢琴弹得非常好的人。2 那个在事故中脚部受伤的女孩被送去了

4、医院。3 我最喜欢的歌手是刘德华。4 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。5 我有一个喜欢问问题的朋友。,A pianist is a person who/that plays the piano very well.,The girl whose legs were hurt in the accident wassent to the hospital.,The singer who/that I like the best is Liu Dehua.,She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.,I have a friend who

5、/that likes asking questions.,4.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天。,3.我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。,2.你知道他打算娶你的原因吗?,1.昨天被我家的狗咬的人今天又被你家狗咬了。,翻译 练习,The man who was bitten by my dog yesterday was bitten by your dog today again.,Do you know the reason for which/why he is going to marry you?,I will never forget the autumn when/in whic

6、h I studied and lived with you.,I hate the hotel where/in which I lived.,5.正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。,翻译 练习,As the teacher said yesterday,he didnt pass the exam.,6.昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我妈妈给我买的那个苹果。,Yesterday,he told me who had eaten my apple which my mother bought for me.,7.我认识一个男孩,他的父亲是个医生。,I know the boy whose fat

7、her is a doctor.,翻译 练习,8.这是我们去年参观过的工厂。,This is the factory that we visited last year.,9.昨晚我看了一部非常优秀的电影,这部电影是关于二战的。,Last night I watched a wonderful film,which is about World War.,10.她就是那个女孩,她父亲是我国著名的科学家。,She is the girl whose father is a famous scientist in our country.,翻译 练习,11.我要买一本在英语学习上对我有帮助的书。,

8、I will buy a book which can help me with English.,12.手机是一种能帮助人们相互沟通的仪器。,A cell phone is a kind of instrument that can help people communicate with each other.,13.这是我们在阅读中经常碰到的单词之一。,This is one of the words that we often meet in our reading.,14.我今天下午4点来看你,那时候我有空。,I will come to see you at four oclock

9、 this afternoon,when/at which I will be free.,翻译 练习,15这就是我们要看那场精彩电影的现代化电影院。,This is the modern cinema where/in which we will see that wonderful film.,16.他有两个兄弟,对我们都很好。,He has two brothers,both of whom are friendly to us.,17.他是我们村唯一不喜欢工作的村民。,He is the only villager in our village who is not intereste

10、d in work.,翻译 练习,曾有一段时间,中国的经济落后于世界许多国家。随着经济的发展,中国人被歧视的日子一去不复返,所有中国人都为此感到自豪。,There was a time when Chinese economy was far behind many other countries in the world.However,with the development of the economy,the days are gone forever when the Chinese people were looked down upon,of which all Chinese are proud.,


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