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1、初二预科英语,欢迎您的加入,中国人学习英语到底困难在哪,学习的智慧-在中英文之间架一座畅通无阻的桥,英语学习的困难1中英文不同的思维方式2学习方法,农民,渔民,Even if he is alone,An Englishman,forms(形成)an orderly queue of one.即使剩下一个人,英国人也整整齐齐地排成一队。,联系性-词性,天净沙秋思,枯藤 老树 昏鸦小桥 流水 人家古道 西风 瘦马夕阳西下断肠人在天涯,vine tree birdbridge river housestreet wind horsethe west suna sad people on the s

2、kyline,there is a bird near a vine in the tree.there is a house near a river with a bridge.there is a shin horse on the ancient road in the cold wind.,差异性-词序,中国:求同思维西方:求异思维,主次顺序-抓关键,中国:好戏在后头西方:重头戏,The man is a teacher.They are teachers.,How,are,you?,How,old,are,you?,其实英语只有三种基本句型,英文句子的构成-被学生忽视的最宝贵也是最

3、简单的东西。英语中的经纬度-词性和词序;英语中的周易-时间和状态。含有BE的句子(描述是什么,怎么样)there be的句子(描述哪里有什么)含有V的句子(描述干什么),1主+系动词+表(表示状态),1 这个人 是 一个老师。The man is a teacher.,主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(名词),2 他(是)很忙。He is busy.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(形容词)3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(介词短语),beIs am are was were will be,介词短语作定语,The money o

4、n the desk is mine.She is in the classroom on the second floor in the building in the school in BEIJING1.The money on the desk is mine.2.高个子的 男人 是 从英国来的 老师。The tall man is a teacher from England.3.幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。-英国法学家 波洛克 The happiness is a station between too much and too little.,There BE 某人某物 某地,T

5、here is a table in the room.房间里 有 一张桌子。2 There are five people in my family.,3 There is a wallet on the desk.in the classroom on the second floor in the building in the school in BEIJING.Is there a wallet on the desk in the classroom on the second floor in the building in the school in BEIJING?,3 主+

6、谓+宾+状(表示动作),主 谓 宾 The students study English.,学生们 在大学里努力 学习 英语。主 谓 宾 状The students study English hard for the test on Sunday in the classroom in the school in Beijin.,I love you,I love you.I loved you.I will love you.I am going to love you.I would love you.I was going to love you.I am loving you.I was loving you.I will be loving you.I would be loving you.I have loved you.,句子的扩展,从句-连词,


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