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2、组织中儿歌的运用(二)在字母教学中儿歌的运用(三)在单词教学中儿歌的运用(四)在句型教学中儿歌的运用,上课铃响后,小学生因课间活动剧烈,注意力很难立即回到课堂中来。这时,如果能诵读一首英文儿歌,则可以集中学生的注意力,激发他们的兴趣,营造轻松的课堂气氛。,课前的Warm-up,(一)在课堂组织中儿歌的运用,1.One two three four,One two three four,clap your hands(1 2 3 4,拍拍手)Two two three four,stamp your feet(2 2 3 4,跺跺脚)Three two three four,nod your h

3、ead(3 2 3 4,点点头)Four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4,小手放到膝盖上),Nod your head.Yes,yes,yes.Shake your head.No,no,no.Raise your hand.One,two,three.Put your hand down.Look at me!,2.Look at me,3.Lets count One two,tie your shoe.(伸出手指数数,作系鞋带状)Three four,touch the floor.(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面)Five six,stir and

4、mix.(伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状)Nine ten,count again!(双手反过来再数一遍),4.Shake your body(1)Shake your shoulders,shua shua shua.(上下抖动肩膀)Shake your hands,clap clap clap.(甩甩手,拍三下)Shake your hip,pia pia pia(扭扭屁股,打三下)Shake your feet,dong dong dong(抖抖脚,跺三下),5.Shake your body(2)Shake,shake up.(胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake,shake down.(胳膊

5、和手全部向下摇摆)Shake shake shake shake(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets turn around.(转一圈)Shake,shake up.(胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake,shake down.(胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)Shake shake shake shake(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets sing a song.(做出唱歌的样子),6.Hello Hello,hello,how are you?(左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)Fine,fine,thank you!(依次伸左右大拇指,拱手感谢)Hello,hello,how are you?(左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开

6、)No no,just so so!(双手胸前摆手后体前交叉低头摇晃身体做不好意思状),7.up and down Up up touch your head.(单手依次上举然后摸头)Down down touch your toes.(单手依次向下摸脚)Up and down.(双手齐上下)Touch your hips.(摸屁股)Turn around.(转一圈)Touch the ground.(摸地)Yeah!(双手上举欢呼),8.Follow me Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Hands up,hands down(双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕)

7、Follow follow follow me(双手从右往左拍手四下)Stand up sit down(起立,坐下)Follow follow follow me(双手从左往右拍手四下)Let s turn around(转一圈)Follow follow follow me(双手从右往左拍手四下)Lets sing a song(手拿话筒做唱歌状)Oh lei,oh lei,oh lei(双手头上晃两下)Go go go!,9.Wolf Knock knock knock!(敲门三下)Who is it?(手放耳边听)Its mummy.(捏鼻子装妈妈的声音)Open the door.(

8、双手打开门)Come in,please!(招手)Oh,no(双手胸前摆手)Big bad wolf!(打狼)Go out!(双手推狼出去)Big bad wolf!(打狼),10.Daddy mummy(曲调同对面的女还看过来)Daddy mummy,look at me(左摆手,右摆手,双手OK眼前晃一下)Look at me,good baby!(双手OK眼前晃一下,依次伸左右手大拇指)Daddy mummy look at me,(同上)Clap your hands,follow me!(拍手,指自己),Clap,clap,clap your hands,as slowly as y

9、ou can.Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.Shake,shake,shake your hands,as slowly as you can.Shake shake shake your hands,as quickly as you can.Row,row,row your hands,as slowly as you can.Row row rowshake your hands,as slowly as you can.Round,round,round your hands,as quickly as you can.

10、Round round roundyour hands,as quickly as you can.Pound,pound,pound your hands,as slowly as you can.Pound pound pound your hands,as quickly as you can.,11.Clap your hands,Smoking,smoking,would you mind?Sorry,sorry,I cant stand.Cutting in(a)line,would you mind?Sorry,sorry,I cant stand.,Spitting,spitt

11、ing,would you mind?,Talking loudly,would you mind?,12.Smoking,Are you sleepy in class?E-I-E-I-OAnd,no,no,Im awake in class.E-I-E-I-O Im awake,Im awake.I said I was not worried.Im not worried about study.E-I-E-I-O,13.Sing a song.,字母歌:元音字母歌:,AE,AE,IOU,AE,AE,IOU,AEI,OU,AEI,OU,AEI,OU,I can say my AEIOU.

12、,(二)在字母教学中儿歌的运用,Sometimes I am good,Sometimes Im bad.When Im good,my mum is glad,When Im bad,my mum is mad.So I try to be good.,练习字母的发音规则:,(三)在单词教学中儿歌的运用,Numbers:,One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,One,one,one,run,run,runTwo,two,two,go to the zooThree,three,three,swim in the seaFour,fo

13、ur,four,stay at the shoreFive,five,five,buy a new knifeSix,six,six,pick up the sticks.Seven,seven,seven,go to heavenEight,eight,eight,stand by the gateNine,nine,nine,form a lineTen,ten,ten,catch a hen,Family members(说唱歌谣),Father and mother,Help each other.Sister and brother,Play together.Uncle and a

14、untWork harder.Grandfather and grandmotherLive together.,学习家庭成员,eyes,ears,mouth and nose,head and hair,head and hair,eyes,ears,mouth and nose,Hand,foot,leg and arm.,Body song(冀教版身体歌改编),学习人体器官,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,You can play on Saturday,I can play on Sunday,Now you see,No

15、w you see,I can say my seven days.,Week song(字母歌改编),学习星期名称,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,Twelve months together,Lets sing them again!,Month song(铃儿响叮当改编),学习月份名称,spring,spring,spring,green and warm;summer,summer,summer,red and hot;fall,fall,fall

16、,golden and cool;winter,winter,winter,white and cold.,学习四季:,学习形状:,Shape 形状真奇妙,直线、方形、圆、三角,Line 是一条线,Triangle 三条边,Circle是个大圆圈,Square 方形记心间.,Headache,headache,Ive got a headache.Cough,cough,Ive got a cough.Backache,backache,Ive got a backache.Cold,cold,Ive got a cold.,学习表示疾病的新词:,巩固重点句型(生日快乐改编),.,My fav

17、ourite colour is yellow,yellow,yellow,My favourite colour is yellow,yellow,yellow,His favourite colour is red,red,red.His favourite colour is red,red,red.,Crossing the road,Red light red light What do you say?I say:stop stop stopYellow light Yellow lightWhat do you say?I say:wait wait waitGreen ligh

18、t Green light What do you say?I say:go go go!,One,two,one,two,Its a fish,its a fish.Three,four,three,four,Its a rabbit,its a rabbitFive,six,five,six,Its a bird,its a bird.Seven,eight,seven,eight Its a dog,its a dogNine,ten,nine,ten,Its a cat,its a cat.,巩固一般现在时,What do you do on Monday?I get up at si

19、x thirty.What do I do on Tuesday?You have supper at ten to seven.What do they do on Wednesday?They watch TV at eight ten.What does father do on Thursday?He gets up at six oclock.What does mother do on Friday?She has lunch at half past six.What does brother do on Saturday?He watches TV at eight to fi

20、ve.,(两只老虎改编),巩固重点句型,Are you clever?Are you clever?Yes,I am,Yes,I am,I am clever,He is clever,We are clever,We are clever.Are you naughty?Are you naughty?No,I am not,No,I am notI am not naughty,shes not naughty,We arent naughty.,How many people are there in your family?There are five people in my fam

21、ily.Who are they?Who are they?Who are they?Theyre father,mother,brother,sister and me.,学习家庭成员,(两只老虎改编),巩固There be 句型,In a big,big school,theres a big,big classroom.In a big,big classroom,theres a big,big desk.In the big,big desk,theres a big,big bag.In the big,big bag,theres a big,big pencil case.In

22、 the big,big pencil case,Oh,my God!Theres a small,small mouse!,操练this is和is this?句型,This is big.This is small,This is big and small.This is heavy.This is light,This is heavy and small.Is this big?Is this small?Yes,yes,yes.Is this heavy?Is this light?No,no,no。,巩固重点句型,(两只老虎改编),Whats your favourite?Wha

23、ts your favourite subject?Mine is art,yours is maths.Lets get to learn.,I love apples.I love apples.Have you got any?Have you got any?Yes,I have.Yes,I have.Ive got some apples.,巩固重点句型(两只老虎改编),巩固现在进行时,Are you eating?Are you eating?Yes,I am,Yes,I am,I am eating,He is eating,We are eating,We are eating

24、.(可让学生用 she,he,they替换),(两只老虎改编),Hello,Do you know my number?No!Do you want to know?Yes!I will tell you my number.Thank youI hope you can remember.Sure!,130 6107 3408I hope you can remember.Teacher!130 6107 3408I am sure I can remember!,(吉祥三宝改编),祈使句,Smoke,smoke,smoke.Dont smoke here.You shouldnt smok

25、e here.Litter,litter,litter.Dont litter here.You shouldnt litter here.Park,park,park.Dont park here.You shouldnt park here.Drink,drink,drink.Dont drink,here.We shouldnt drink here.Touch,touch,touch.Dont touch here.We shouldnt touch here.,She was deaf,She was blind,She was deaf and blind.Who was she?

26、Who was she?She was Helen Keller.With her teacher,With her finger,Famous in the world.difficult,wild.Who was she?Helen Keller.With the courage,Touch the world.Learn from her,Give up?Never!,Lets chant,下课前诵读儿歌有利于学生消除疲劳,保持乐学的状态:Two little hands go,clap,clap,clap.Two little feet go,tap,tap,tap,One littl

27、e body turns around,One little child can go out.,课堂小结,A:Can I help you?Can I help you?Can I help you today?B:I want meat,he wants meat,We want meat today,How much?How much?How much are they?A:30 yuan,5 yuan,thirty-five together.,五、歌曲教学中应需注意的问题:,在平时的英语教学中,教师有目的地选一些易教、易懂、易学的英文歌曲童谣教给学生,使其巧妙地与教学内容相结合,不但

28、能活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性,主动性,收到事半功倍的效果。但同时儿歌只是为教学服务的,切不可喧宾夺主。只有这样才能有效的培养学生学习英语的兴趣,保持学生学习的动力,使学生愉快的学习,从而实现理想的教学效果。,创造良好的英语课堂语言氛围,是调动孩子积极性、进行有效教学的必要手段。所以,教师在课堂上要尽量多讲英语,使孩子能耳濡目染,渐渐地跟随老师自然地讲英语。,小学英语课堂用语,第1部分 课前准备和上课,1.before class begins(上课前)Let go in.咱们进去吧。Hurry up!快点 Hi,guys,lets go inside.喂,孩子们,咱们进教室吧 Co

29、me in and sit down.进来,坐下.Come in and close the door.进来把门关上。,2.Greetings 问候Good morning/afternoon,everybody/boys and girls/children.大家/孩子们下午好。Hello,everyone.大家好。Nice to meet you all.很高兴见到你们How are you getting on?近来怎么样?Hows life?生活怎么样?Howre you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样?Are you all well this morning?今天上午

30、你们感觉都很好吗?,3点名 Let me call the rolls.让我来点一下名。OK!Next Ill call your names.下面我要点一下你们的名字。Be quiet,please.Ill see if youre all here.请保持安静。我要看看你们是否都在这儿。,4问缺席情况 Now!Lets see whos absent.今天谁缺席?Who is not here?今天谁不在?Is anybody absent?有缺席的吗?Is everybody here?大家都在这吗?Do you know why he is absent?你知道他为什么缺席吗?,Ple

31、ase come earlier next time.下次请早点来。Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了。Get to your seat.we have already begun the lesson.到座位上去。我们已经开始上课了。Try not to be late next time.下次尽量别迟到。Try to be here on time next time.下次尽量准时到。Dont let it happen again.不要再迟到了。,5对迟到的学生,6.starting the class(开始上课)Its time for class.上课的时间到

32、了。Lets begin(the class).开始上课。Shall we begin?Yes,lets begin.我们开始吧?好,我们开始。There goes the bell.Now class begins.铃响了,现在上课。Who is on duty today?今天谁值日?,7.asking questions(问各式各样的问题),1)about date(关于日期)Whats the date today?今天几号?What date is it today?同上Whats todays date?同上What day is it?今天星期几?What month is it

33、?这是几月份?What year is it?这是哪一年?,7.asking questions(问各式各样的问题),2)about weather(关于天气)Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?Is it cold or hot?天气冷还是热?Whats the temperature?温度是多少?What season is it?现在是什么季节?,7.asking questions(问各式各样的问题),3)about identity(关于身份)Whats your name?你叫什么名字?How do you spell it?你的名字怎么拼?W

34、hats your English name?你的英文名字叫什么?Where do you live?你住哪?Whats your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?How old are you?你多大了?How many people are there in your family?你家几口人?Have you any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟或姐妹吗?What are their names?他们叫什么名字?,7.asking questions(问各式各样的问题),4)about interests and hobbies(关于兴趣爱好)W

35、hat are you interested in?你对什么感兴趣?Whats your hobby?你有什么业余爱好?What do you do in your spare time?你业余时间做什么?What do you do at weekends?你周末做什么?,第2部分 教学过程,Lets play a game.我们玩游戏吧。Lets begin./start.我们开始。Are you ready?准备好了吗?One,two,three,go!一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one?谁是第一名?Who is winner?谁赢了。Who wants to t

36、ry?谁愿意来试一试?Its your turn.轮到你了。Please follow me.请跟我学。I will divide you into two teams.我要把你们分成两组。,游戏及活动用语-1,游戏及活动用语-2,Hurry up!赶快!Take it easy!慢慢来!Come on!加油!Lets jump.我们一起跳。Thats it!Keep going!就是这样!继续!Lets hop.我们一起单腿跳。Lets hold hands.我们一起手拉手。Clap your hands.拍手。Stamp your feet.跺脚。Raise your hands.举手。W

37、ave your arms.摆臂。Show me your left hand.让我看看你的左手。,Stretch your arms/legs.伸伸胳膊/腿。Nod/Shake your head.摇摇头/点点头。Open/Close your eyes.睁开、闭上眼睛。Read after me,please.请跟我读。Open your books and turn to page_.打开书,翻到第_页。All together please.请一起来。Lets read a chant.我们一起来念儿歌。Lets sing a song with actions.我们带着动作唱首歌。Y

38、es or no?好不好?Do you like it?你们喜欢吗?Lets listen to the music.我们一起听音乐。,游戏及活动用语-3,Turn around.转个圈。Hands up/down.手举起来/手放下去。Put up/down your hand.举起手/放下手。Pick up the cards.拿起卡片。Point to the cards.指着卡片。Who can tell me?谁能告诉我?Who can answer my question?谁能回答我的问题?What else?还有呢?Do you understand?明白了吗?Please say

39、 in English.请用英语说。Please say it one by one.请一个一个地说。Paper,scissors,rock.石头、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戏),游戏及活动用语-4,Please stop talking.请不要讲话。Listen carefully.注意听。Please be quiet.请安静。Please keep quiet.请保持安静。Dont push others.不要推其他人。Please pay attention.请注意。You are too noisy,please stop.你太吵了,请停止。Please dont make noise.不要

40、吵。Return to your seat.回到你的座位上去。,课堂规则,Pretty good!非常好!Good job!干的不错!Good boy/girl!好孩子!Good idea.好主意。Excellent!真棒!Supper!超级棒!Amazing!太神奇了!Very nice!非常好!Nice try/job!不错的尝试!Wonderful!真棒!You are wonderful!你太棒了!,表扬及鼓励用语-1,表扬及鼓励用语-2,Beautiful!真漂亮!Lovely!真可爱!Pretty!真漂亮!Not bad!不错!You can do it.你能行!Brilliant

41、!真精彩!You are smart!你真聪明!You are so cool!你真酷!I agree.我同意。Really?Wow!真的!太棒了。Fantastic!太棒了!,第3部分 结束课程,Lets have a break/rest.我们休息一下。Break time.休息时间。Time is up.时间到。Class is over.下课。Thats all for today!今天就到这儿。We stop here.我们到此结束。Lets call it a day.今天就到这儿。Goodbye everyone!大家再见。See you next time.下次见。See yo

42、u later.回头见。,英语游戏教学 在激发学生的学习兴趣、活跃课堂、掌握新知识、培养观察思维能力以及语言交际能力等方面有着重要的作用,是一种行之有效的教学形式。,英语游戏教学,1.点名 目的:检查学生听字母的能力。规则:1.准备好字母卡片。2.要求学生每人拿一张卡片,卡片上的字母即为学生的名字。3.教师说字母(如Aa),持Aa卡片的学生即说:“Here I am.”4.加快说的速度,出错者出游戏,坚持到最后者为优胜。,字母教学,2.抢答字母组将全班分成两个小组,游戏开始,教师用中文说:“乐谱的七个调”,“美国”,“圆心和半径”,“中华人民共和国”,“中央电视台”,“厕所”等,持有这些字母卡

43、片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母ABCDEFG,USA,o,r,PRC“,“CCTV”,“WC”等,答得既快又准的组获胜。,3.看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。,4.传递字母每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一个字母或字母组(如:JF-PV),在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生即用耳语把卡片上的内容告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的内容告诉前面的学生这样依次进行下去,最后第

44、一排的学生把所传的字母或字母组写到黑板上,传得最快,最准确的组获胜。,5.字母书写传递比赛 这是一个训练学生书写字母的游戏,以每一排为一组,将全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每组最后一排的学生一张纸片,上面写有一个字母,只允许这个学生看这个字母,在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生即用手指把纸片上的字母写在前面学生的背上这样依次进行下去,最后第一排的学生把所传的字母写到黑板上,传得最快最准确的组获胜。,单词教学,1.看图写单词这是让学生们复习学过单词的游戏,教师事先把需复习的20个单词用简笔画画在小黑板上或大白纸上,先不要让学生们看见,然后将全班按前后左右四人一组分成若干小组。竞赛开始,教师将小黑板或白

45、纸挂起来,让学生们看一分钟,然后收起来,再给学生们两分钟时间将看到的单词写出来,写得最多最正确的组获胜。,2.猜颜色a.教师先准备一些单词的图片。如白色的飞机,红色的小汽车,黑色的鞋,绿色的上衣等。游戏开始,请一名学生到前面来猜,猜的学生面对全班站立,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中并说:“This is a plane(car).What colour is it?”猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it red(black)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。b.老师说出某物体名称,然后要求学生说出该物体的颜色,并且说出一个完整的句子。例

46、如:老师说:The trees学生说:The trees are green。,3.传递单词每一排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写个单词。在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生即用耳词把纸上的单词告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的单词告诉前面的学生这样依次进行下去。最后,第一排的学生把所传的单词写到黑板上,传得最快,最准的组获胜。,4、听指令作动作:这是训练学生听单词并快速作出反应的游戏,在学了单词nose,ear,eye,leg,hand,arm,finger等单词后,教师可快速发出指令如:Touch your head(eye ear nose),Put up

47、 your hands.Close your eyes.等,学生听到后边做这一动作,最快、最准地获胜。这个游戏也可以用竞赛的形式,可将全班分成若干小组,每组抽一名学生,一起到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜,给该组记10分。然后各组在抽另一名学生到前面来,游戏继续。,5萨姆说(Simon says)这个游戏也称“Polly says”,玩法与前一个游戏差不多,不同的是教师在发出指令前可以说“Simon says”,则学生做此动作,指令前没有说“Simon says”则学生不做此此动作,如教师说“touch your nose”,而学生作乐摸鼻子的动做,就算错了,要扣分。这

48、个游戏同样可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组凑一名学生,一起到前面作动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为胜。,1、猜袋中物 这个游戏可以用来练习说“Is this.?”“Are these.?”,“Are there.?”等问句。方法是让两位学生上前来,一位背过脸去,另一位向学生们借一件或一些东西,如一本书,两枝铅笔等,并将这些东西放入一只袋子。然后让那位学生转过脸来并问他:“What is in the bag?”猜的学生可问“Is this a pen?”“Are these pencils?”全班学生用“Yes.”或“No.”回答。这个游戏还可以用来问东西的数目,如可以问猜的学生“How

49、 many pencils are there in the bag?”猜的学生可问“Are there three pencils in the bag?”等。,句型教学,2、会观察 这个游戏可练习使用情态动词can。教师事先要准备好一些卡片,上面写上物品的名称如:book、pen、fish、watch、knife等。然后将全班分作两组,甲组第一名学生抽一张卡,向乙组第一名学生提问,如抽到的卡片上是“book”,则可以问“What can you see?”答的学生可说“I can see”答不出来或答错的扣一分。然后由乙组第一名学生抽卡片并向甲组第二名学生提问。游戏依次进行下去,最后扣分少

50、的组为优胜。,3、猜位置 叫一学生背对大家,由另一学生把一件东西(文具之类)藏起来,然后问他“Where is my(her,Jims)ruler?”猜的学生只能用on,in,under,near 等介词来提问,如:“Is it in your(his)pocket?”“Is it under the book?”等。全班学生用“Yes.”或“No.”回答。猜的次数最少就而且猜对的就是优胜者。,4、排队造句 这个游戏可以用来练习陈述句和一般疑问句的变换。教师根据句子的长短准备若干卡片。如句子“This is a red pen.”要准备6张卡片,其中“this”和“is”,要在正面大写“Thi


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