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1、一般过去时,2.时间词:yesterday,one week ago/two days ago,last week/month/year/Sunday.,1.表示:过去一段时间内所发生的事情或 动作 动词过去式(动词+ed),动词+ed的变化规则,1)直接加ed,如:play-played,2)以e结尾的,直接加d,如:dance danced,3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,改y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied,4)不规则变化:taketook seesaw readread do-did,get-got go-went,eat-ate,sing-sang,do seeget

2、readeattakesinggo,saw,went,took,read,ate,sang,did,got,play,clean,visit,watch,wash,dance,study,played,cleaned,visited,watched,washed,danced,studied,bought,buy,swim,swam,一般过去时的四大公式,(问动作)1.What did do+过去的时间?+动词过去式.(尽量避免用went 的短语),例:What did Miss Tang do last night?She watched TV.,What did you do three

3、days ago?(做作业)2.What did she do three days ago?3.What did he do three days ago?4.What did they do three days ago?5.What did Sally do three days ago?6.What did Mr.Liu do three days ago?,例:1)Where did you go on your holiday?I went to Canada on my holiday.2)Where did you go on your holiday?We went to t

4、he cinema.,(问位置)2.Where did go+过去的时间?went to+地方 或:went to the+地点.(其中go to school 与go home 是例外的),Where did you go three days ago?(去佛山)2.Where did she go three days ago?3.Where did he go?(去书店)4.Where did they go?5.Where did Sally go?(去学校)6.Where did Mr.Liu go?,(问交通 3.How did go/与go有关的短语)?方式)+went+交通方式

5、.,例:How did Coco go?Coco went on foot.How did Coco go to school?Coco went on foot.,How did you go to Beijing?2.How did she go to Japan?3.How did he go to Sichuan?4.How did they go to the USA?5.How did Sally go to school?6.How did Mr.Liu go home?,例:1)When did she go?She went last Sunday.2)When did sh

6、e go to Bejing?She went last winter holiday.,(问时间)4.When did go/与go有关的短语?went+过去的时间.,或:When did+动词(原形)?+动词过去式+过去的时间.(完整的动作),3)When did he play football?He played football two days ago.4)When did he go to bed two days ago?He went to bed at 9.,When did you go?(上周末)2.When did she go?3.When did he go to

7、 the cinema?(上周)4.When did they go to the cinema?5.When did Da Ming row a boat?6.When did Da Ming do homework?7.When did Sally go hiking?8.When did Mr.Liu go to bed?,其他:Did+动词(原形)?Yes,did./No,didnt.如:Did you play football yesterday?1)Did you_ the room?2)Did she _ swimming yesterday?3)Did your leg hu

8、rt last Monday?,其他:1.Was?Yes,was./No,wasnt.如:Was it sunny yesterday?Was the weather rainy yesterday?Was Miss Tang excited last week?Was Huang Junjie bored?,其他:1.Were?Yes,were./No,werent.如:Were you at home yesterday?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.Were the boys happy yesterday?Were you a student last week?,练习:

9、选择题1)-Where did Zoom go on his holiday?-He.A.saw pandas B.went by subway C.went to a park 2)-did John here?-He went by subway.A.What B.How C.Where D.When 3)-did you see?-I saw the rabbits and the trees.A.How B.What C.Where D.When,C,B,B,4)-When did you go to the Zoo?-I went there.A.next Sunday B.in t

10、he afternoon C.yesterday-Where you on your holiday?A.did do B.did go C.do go D.do did,C,B,Please answer the questions.(回答问题)1)Where did you go last holiday?2)How did Funny go to the park?3)How did John go to Beijing?4)What did Amy do in the Zoo?5)When did David go swimming?,What are you doing?(看书)Wh

11、at are you going to do?What did you do?,Where is she going?(邮局)Where did she go?Where does she work?,How do you go to school?(乘地铁)How does he go to school?How is he going to school?How did he go to school?,When does Sarah usually do homework?When is Sarah going to do homework?When did Sarah do homework?,Meimei _ tonight.Meimei_ now.Meimei often_.Meimei_yesterday.2.Listen,Kiki _.Sometimes Kiki _for me.Kiki _next week.Kiki_last week.,


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