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1、曹操简介英文版 曹操简介Cao Cao (155 - March 15, 220), the word Mengde, a Geely, small word hiding, Pei country Qiao County (now Anhui Bozhou) people. The late Eastern Han Dynasty outstanding politicians, military strategists, writers, calligraphers, the three countries in the founder of the regime.The Eastern

2、Han Dynasty, the world chaos, Cao Cao to the name of the emperor in the name of the Quartet, the internal elimination of two Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu table, Ma Chao, Han Sui and other separatist forces, external surrender Southern Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, unified in northern China, and The implementation of a

3、 series of policies to restore economic production and social order, to expand the garrison, to build water conservancy, reward agriculture, mulberry, pay attention to handicraft industry, resettlement of exile, the implementation of rent modulation, so that the Central Plains society gradually stab

4、ilized, the economy turned. The Yellow River basin under the rule of Cao Cao, the political level of a certain degree of Qingming, the gradual recovery of the economy, class oppression slightly reduced, the social atmosphere has improved. Cao Cao in the name of the Han Dynasty to take some of the me

5、asures have a positive effect. Cao Cao alive, served as prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after Wei Wang, laid the foundation of Cao Wei Liguo. After the death of posthumous title for the King Wu. His son Cao Pi emperor, chasing respect for the emperor, the temple Taizu.Cao Cao fine art, go

6、od poetry, to express their political aspirations, and reflect the suffering of the people at the end of the life, the magnificent spirit, generous sad; prose is also clean and tidy, open and prosper the Jianan literature, to future generations left a valuable spirit Wealth, known as Jianan wind, Lu

7、 Xun evaluation of its transformation of the founder of the article. At the same time Cao Cao is also good at calligraphy, Tang Zhang Huai in the book off will Cao Caos chapter as wonderful.曹操为政举措Huang Huai River Basin in the Eastern Han Dynasty warlord melee in the social economy was unprecedented

8、destruction, the people were Tu, land barren, survivors were forced to leave their homes, living in the other side. Can be described as the name is empty and not home, hundred miles no people who can not count, Bone exposed in the wild, thousands of miles without chicken Ming. In the face of this tr

9、agic scene, when Cao Cao lived a series of policies to restore the economy and stabilize the situation. From the performance of Cao Cao in political, military and economic aspects, such as the implementation of reclamation, the construction of water conservancy, the implementation of salt and iron o

10、fficial sales system, the socio-economic recovery and economic rectification played a positive role.PoliticsPunish tyrannicalCao Cao began to take the career on the attempt to use more stringent laws to change the situation at the time of the rampant. As a result of the disaster in the central, Cao

11、can not display their own intentions. To his own control of the regime, only to fully implement the suppression of the tyrannical rule of law policy. He said: husband and punishment, the people of the life also; chaos of the government, to the first sentence. He used Wang Xiu, Sima Zhi, Yang Pei, Lu

12、 Qian, full of pet, Jia Kui and other local officials, to suppress the lawless tyrannical. If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in Jizhou has been practiced to compare the rule, you can see two different situations: Han at the end of politics in the wide, Shao to wide wide, it is not. Yuan Shao in the wide and

13、vertical policy, so that Haoqiang unauthorized, relatives and mergers, the poor people under the poor, on behalf of the rental Fu, Hyun Qiang family wealth, lack of life. In this way, naturally can not make people attached, armor strong. So Yuan Shao, although the larger, more soldiers, food more fo

14、ot, and ultimately Cao defeated. Cao was Jizhou, immediately heavy and powerful merger of the law, which received the people happy effect. Sima Guang said Cao chaos for the rule, is not without evidence.Stabilize the situationHan Xian emperor was the West Liangjun fight, the state state of animal hu

15、sbandry are fighting soldiers self-reliance, cut off tribute. The situation in China as a whole is the separatist separatism and the warlord. In this crisis, Cao Cao hijacked the dead end of the emperor, moved the capital Xuchang, with force to tie the north of the pack, trying to unify China, playe

16、d a stable role in the Eastern Han Dynasty government affairs.Only is the moveHan period selection of officials, the choice of both people should have justice and filial piety and other aspects of moral integrity, but also a noble family background.Cao Cao employment is not heavy reputation, he chos

17、e officials to express justice, to the rule of law. With Cui Yan, Mao Yu in charge of the election, its use, are clear people, although the prestigious and not help the line, the end did not get into. To frugal, by the people of the world Section of self-encouragement, although your pet of the minis

18、ter, the public service not too . Social atmosphere has improved.For the maintenance and development of forces, so that more people for their own business services, not subject to the above restrictions, stressed that only is the move. As long as talented, even if the lack of feudal moral quality, b

19、orn under the people, he also pay attention to promotion. 210 years to 217 years, he has three times under the mercy order, the selection and appointment of some talented people. To break the concept of the door of the family, to the landlord class middle and lower class characters, to suppress tyra

20、nny, to strengthen the centralization. The socio-economic areas of the ruling areas have been restored and developed.Shang Li heavy lawCao Caos thought is influenced by Confucianism, its foundation belongs to the category of Confucianism, Shang Renyi comity, and try to justice, morality, comity and

21、education and administration, that is, etiquette ceremony. On the other hand, Cao Cao heavy law still surgery, torture law, history is very clear, which constitutes another important side of Cao Caos thinking. This is the appropriation for the first. So, Cao Caos thought is a contradictory unity. In

22、 the chaos of the Cao Cao both stressed the criminal law, did not forget the use of etiquette. He always rude and heavy law, both hands use, and both in the ceremony, both hands with the show in the unique deceitful fraud can.MilitaryUnified northCao Cao skilled in the art of war, played a positive

23、role in the unity of the North, the Yellow River after the uprising, the disintegration of the Eastern Han Dynasty, warlord melee. In the melee, not only Dong Zhuo, Li and other Liangzhou warlords everywhere slaughter the people, robbery of property, which generally appeared people eat, state depres

24、sion desolate scene. From the beginning of two years (191 years) to Jianan thirteen years (208 years), Cao Cao has eliminated the north and south of the Yangtze River separatist forces, unified most of northern China. Cao Cao in the reunification of the northern war lasted 17 years, is the battle of

25、 the founding of Cao Wei, and later for the Western China unified China laid a solid foundation.Proficient in artCao Cao studied art of war, a profound military theory, has been familiar with Sun Wu, Wu Qi and other writers of the previous generation of military writers, in the study of the basis of

26、 their martial arts, written as Bingbushuji a book, combined with their own experience to discuss the war. Written by the grandson slightly solution, to create a note Sun Tzu thirteen precedent, rich and the development of ancient Chinese military theory. Advocated soldiers to Yi moving concept of w

27、ar, stressed that the famous teacher, in line with morality. In the strategic and tactical flexibility, because of things surprising, any success, soldiers tirelessly.Rule the military strictIn the military side, he governed the military strict, strict laws and regulations, one on the march on the w

28、ay, Cao Cao will not be allowed to trample on the wheat field, if any violation, all beheaded. Soldiers are dismounting, for fear of bad wheat seedlings. Can be Cao Caos horses because of fear of stepping on the wheat field. He cut his sword cut off a lot of hair, to show punishment, which shows law

29、 enforcement seriously. Code of the military Code included in the Wei Wu Jun order, Wei Wu boat war, Wei Wu step war and so on, but also reflects his strict military orders.In the use of the military, the history of his marching teacher, much more than Sun Wu of the law, and because of things odd, t

30、he enemy of the enemy to win, change as God. Self for military books more than ten thousand words, Zhujiang conquest, are new books, And in the series of fighting, often used to attack the West, to avoid the virtual, ambush, outflanking, and so on, in the case of Lu Bu, Zhang Xiu, Yuan Shao, Ma Chao

31、, Han Sui and a series of fighting, Raid, from the room, robbing food, attack him to save this, to lure the enemy and other tactics, rivalry enemy wins, weakened strong. He is indeed a very outstanding military strategist. Li Jings Li Weigong asked right, where the non-Dr. He prepared and other work

32、s are praised Cao Caos march.Care for the futureIn the Royal will, Cao Cao in the ban, music into the line between the array, take Zhang Liao, Xu Huang in the death of the prisoner, are Zuo Li meritorious service, as a star. Cao Cao can be based on the characteristics of generals, with its long. For

33、 example, Xu Chu, Code Wei strong and powerful, loyalty to the law, Cao Cao let them war for the army, the situation is the body of the body; Zang Pa has the letter in the East soil, Cao Cao will be green, Xu two state entrusted to him, which can concentrate on Yuan Shao, do not have to look at the

34、East; down the text of the text is Liu table account under the generals, in Jianghan area quite Wei En, Cao Cao Ren Jiangxia Prefecture, commissioned by side, so Royal Sun Quan.EconomyImplementation of the fieldBetween Han and Wei, social production suffered serious damage, the emergence of famine.

35、During this period, the supply of food became the biggest problem of military groups, because of insufficient rations and invincible. Cao Cao in the north, the construction of water conservancy, to solve the problem of lack of grain, agricultural production has a certain role in the recovery.Jianan

36、the first year, Cao Cao adopted only the proposal of jujube, the use of broken gold scarf seized the material, in the promise of raising people in the field, then see the results, So Cao Cao ordered the state in the county set up Tian Guan, set up in the field.The implementation of the system is to

37、ensure that the state investment, reproduction efficiency, of course, higher than the ordinary farmers. So a short period of time will be the place into a farmer soldiers field, the sound of dogs and dogs, terraced rice paddies, the thriving, called it a big initiative is not excessive.Tou Tian effe

38、ctively solve the Cao Cao Groups food problem, so Cao Cao said: Then the field, so rich country, destroy the group against, grams of the world. While setting up the garrison, Cao Cao took various measures to support the farmers economy. In view of the current population loss, the situation of barren

39、 land, Cao Cao has to take the flow of migrant workers, migrant population, to persuade farmers mulberry, water conservancy, household registration and other measures, enrich the households, to restore agricultural production. In addition, Cao Cao has also promulgated laws and regulations, to restor

40、e the normal rent system to prevent the tyrannical small farmers. Jianan five years, Cao Cao promulgated a new collection system, to Jianan nine years, but also clear: the income of four acres of land, households out of silk two, cotton two pounds only, he was not good at hair. Cao Cao before and af

41、ter the implementation of This series of measures, so that the brink of collapse of the farmers economy has been restored and developed. This has become a solid economic foundation of Cao Cao Group. Cao Cao ruling area of agricultural production quickly restored. This is Cao Cao in the economy a gre

42、at success.Reform household registrationCao Cao in the break Ye City, in view of the late Eastern Han Dynasty heavy head tax, to households modulation, the landowners (including farmers and landlords) income per mu for four liters, each household out of silk two, This policy has greatly reduced the

43、burden on the peasants and has received unanimous support.Water conservancyCao Cao in the world to vigorously build water conservancy facilities and fruitful, such as Zhou Yus home in the establishment of the seven city of Shuang San Yan has been to the Northern Song Dynasty Song Renzong can also be

44、 poured twenty thousand per day of fertile land.To promote cleanlinessOpen source at the same time, Cao Cao is also very attention to throttling, and set an example, to promote clean. History book called Cao Cao elegant frugality, bad gorgeous, the palace is not beautiful, Shi Yu Fu Fuji, curtains s

45、creen, the bad is satisfied that the production temperature, no edge decoration. Simply put, clothes do not Flowers and whistles, shoes have not carved embroidery color, curtain curtain screen full of patches, bed couch foul of them. Cao Caos vigorous correction, the Eastern Han Dynasty since the lu

46、xury of the wind twisted, the worlds people are honest and diligent self-discipline. Even if the dignitaries are not too much extravagant extravagance, and even some people deliberately worn old clothes to please Cao Caos strange things.Jianan fourteen years, Cao Cao in turn had to order to correct

47、this strange unhealthy tendencies. Cao Caos will, but also reflects his own frugal style: The world is not yet stable, not follow the ancient also. Burying, are in addition to service. The soldiers are garrison, are not from Tuen Department. Convergence to the service, no possession of jade treasure

48、s. In contrast, Sun Quans old age is faint confused. Sun Quan in the prince of the waste of the Hu is more confused by the ministers were confused, has become a laughing stock.CultureCollection of booksCao Cao loves grave code and six arts. In the unification of the north of the melee, pay attention

49、 to the protection and collection of books. Jianan five years (200 years) he defeated Yuan Shao later, ordered to collect their baggage treasures. After Wei Gong, set up in charge of classics officials, widely collected in the war scattered in the Eastern Han Dynasty official and folk books, taboo death, hidden in the three foreign and secretary


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