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1、PowerTemplate,3-D Pie Chart,A.Products,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,B.Products,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,品牌成功关键因素分析,Product A,Product B,Product C,Product D,Product E,Please insert TitlePlease insert su

2、b-title,Your own text,Add Text,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,Text,Text,Text,Text,Your own text,Your own text,Your own text,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,Product C,Product B,Product B,Product C,Product A,Product A,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,样例,高市场份额的企业在营销和研发上

3、同比例费用,其绝对数比竞争者高。,高质量、创新和流程优化能力提高的可能性增加,高价格带来的好处进行再投资,竞争性的价格提升了产品的价值,市场地位增大了销量,增强了现有的规模效应,增加市场份额,差异化,高市场份额竞争者的良性循环,规模优势,高市场份额,样例,Chart Documents,Click to edit title style,Click to add TextClick to add TextClick to add Text,Click to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to add TextClick to a

4、dd TextClick to add Text,Description of the contents,“ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.”,01,Description of the contents,02,Description of the contents,“ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.”,03,竞争对手增长

5、率-份额矩阵,Competitor,Competitor,Competitor,Competitor,Competitor,Other,Competitor by Growth and Share,Diagram,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents,Title in here,Title in he

6、re,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Diagram,Text in here,Text in here,contents,Description of the contents,Title in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,your own text,your own text,your own tex

7、t,Your own statement,your own text,your own text,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,Diagram,Title,Title,Title,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,完全独占,完全寡占,差异化寡占,完全竞争,独占性竞争,产品差

8、异化弱,产品差异化强,一个供应者,少数供应者,许多供应者,微软,石油,香烟、啤酒,最佳模式:通路优势成本优势心理差异,汽车业,餐饮,餐饮,面对成熟期的市场,产品成功的关键在于差异化的策略,主要问题:,产品生命周期管理,低附加值的生活必需品,建立新的细分市场品牌差异化其他差异化变量:渠道、人员、服务、形象,新价值的提供,高品类优势与高品牌优势,专业XX大米供应商,例:,样本,Text,Text,Text,Text,Your own text,Your own text,Your own text,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,不同类型消费者

9、的态度的比较,(样本=512人),实用型消费者,最大家电企业,最大白电企业,最大TV企业,合资独资企业,进口品牌,本地品牌,技术最先进企业,时尚型消费者,档次型消费者,技术型消费者,Source:东方市场调查公司,45%,47%,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Please insert TitlePlease insert sub-title,注重技术,注重实用,注重档次,注重时尚,样本,Diagram,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Creating a Performance Management Ar

10、chitecture,Managing Ongoing Strategic Performance,1.Business StrategyUse the business strategy as the starting point,2.Business ObjectivesDevelop key business objectives that will help you to attain your strategy,3.Measures&MetricsDevelop specific indicators to track progress,4.ImplementGather measu

11、res,create the scorecards and use it to make decisions.Incorporate all involved parties in the organization in the process,Use strategy to identify the objectives,Use objectives to identify the measures,Use measures to build the scorecard or other reporting architecture,Measures should be well groun

12、ded in the organization.Let key stakeholders be part of defining KPIs,Set performance targets and take corrective actions if they are not met,Use progress against objectives to confirm strategy,感性消费时代,重视品牌、设计及适用性,喜欢、不喜欢为判断,感动消费时代,重视满足感及喜悦,满意、不满意为判断,消费形态的变化,理性消费时代,重视质量、性能及价格,好、坏为判断,高档,中档,低档,80年代,新世纪,

13、90年代,认知价值,传播创造认知价值,客观、真实的品质必须转换为消费者认知的品质,样例,Proposal,-Web Site System,Value,2003,2004,2005,2006,/,e-Branding B2B/B2E Web(EIP)personalization(e-CRM/DM),E-Biz,1,2,3,Branding&Identity(Web CI)Business/(Site Concept)System&Solutions,Text,Your own text,Your own text,Your own text,Text,Text,Please insert T

14、itlePlease insert sub-title,Click to edit title style,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Description of the products,Thank you,


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