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1、The Present Perfect Tense,Eg:Weve already read the book.我们已经看过这本书了。They have known each other.他们彼此已认识了。I havent swept the floor yet.我还没扫地。,表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常用的时间状语有already,yet,by the time,just,so far ever since 等。,表示过去有过某种经历或经验.常用的时间状语有:often,even,once,twice,before,ever since.等.,Eg:I have

2、 been to Beijing twice.This is the most expensive meal I have ever had.Its the first time that I have visited the factory.,表示过去已经开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。常见的有:for+一段时间;eg:for three minutes,for thirty years since+某一时间点 eg:since September,since nine oclock this morningsin

3、ce+从句(用一般过去时)eg:They have known each other since they were boys.,1.Have(has)been to/have(has)gone to have(has)gone to 表示某人去了某地,不在说话的地方;have(has)been to 强调去过某地。,Eg:He has been to Hawaii twice.他到过夏威夷两次。(人已回来了)She has gone to Shanghai.她到上海去了。(她可能已在去上海的路上或已到上海了。),2.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别,一般过去时只单纯表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不

4、发生联系;现在完成时表示某一完成动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况。,1)当有一个表示过去的时间状语,如:last year,two days ago,yesterday,just now等时,不能用现在完成时而多用一般过去时。Eg:When did he leave?We werent in last night.She often came to help me When we were very young.,2)当有一个表示到现在为止这段时间的状语如recently,this month,these days,so far,up till now 以及since引导的表示时

5、间的状语从句时一般用现在完成时。Eg:We have learned a lot since we came to this school.,3)在用already,yet,just,ever,never这类副词作状语时,常用现在完成时。Eg:I have never heard of that before.,4)单纯谈过去的动作,不涉及它对现在的影响时,用一般过去时。若谈一件已发生的事,主要考虑它对现在的影响,用现在完成时。Eg:What did you have for your lunch?Have you had your lunch?,5)有些时间状语,如this morning,

6、tonight,this month等,可用于现在完成时或一般过去时,但它们表达的意义不一样。用于现在完成时则包括“现在”在内,而用于一般过去时则与现在无关。,Eg:I have read this story this April.我今年四月份看过这个故事了。(讲话时仍然是四月份)I read this story this April.我今年四月份看的这个故事。(讲话时四月份已过)I have written two letters this morning.今天上午我写了两封信。(讲话时仍是上午)I wrote two letters this morning.今天上午我写了两封信。(讲

7、话时已是下午或晚上),用动词的正确形式填空。1.A:Do you want a pen?B:No,I dont.I _ _(buy)one.2.How long _ you _(study)in this school?3.A:Where is your mother?B:She _(go)shopping.4.My uncle _(teach)here since he came here.5.Li Lei _ already _(give)the nuts to Polly.6.Miss Gao _(teach)English very well.7.Listen!Someone _(kn

8、ock)at the door.8.My father _(go)to Beijing.He isnt at home.9.Mother said she _(take)me to my Uncles the next Sunday.10._ you ever_(be)to London?,have bought,have,studied,has gone,has taught,has,teaches,is knocking,has gone,would take,been,given,Have,延续性动词表示是动作是一种延续的动作,这钟动作可以延续下去或产生持久的影响。Eg:study,wo

9、rk,keep,have,wait,sing,sleep,live 等。,3.延续性动词与终止性动词,终止性动词表示的动作不能延续,即动作发生后立即结束,产生某种结果,动作不能再继续下去。Eg:come,leave,die,arrive,begin,finish,buy,borrow,open 等。,终止性动词的用法中应注意:1)终止性动词可用于现在完成时。Eg:The people have arrived.Have you borrowed the book from the library?2)终止性动词表示的动作极其短暂,所以其现在完成时的肯定式不能和表示一段的时间状语(如:for+时

10、间段 或since+时间点以及由how long 引导的特殊疑问句)同时使用。.Eg:He has died for five years die是终止性动词不能和表示一段的时间状语for five years同时用在一个句子中。,可以采用以下三种方法:用能够表示持续状态的同义延续性动词替代句中的终止性动词。例如上面错句可改为:He has been dead for five years.,记住下列终止性动词改为延续性动词的表达法:A.动词改为“be+相应的介词”如:go,come,arrive,get,B.动词改为“be+对应的形容词”如:close-be closed open-be o

11、pen die-be deadfinish,end-be over get up-be up leave-be away begin,start-be ongo out-be out fall asleep-be asleep begin-be on C.其它改法如:become-be buy-have borrow-keep join the army-be in the army(be a soldier)join the Party-be in the Party(be a Party member)catch a cold-have a cold,用“It is+时间+since+含有

12、一般过去时的从句”例如上句改为:It is five years since he died.,把表示一段的时间状语改成表示对应过去时间的状语,同时把完成时改为一般过去时。即用ago 代替for.例如上句可改为:He died five years ago.,3)终止性动词现在完成时的否定式,已成为一种可以延续的状态,因此可以和表示一段的时间状语连用。例如:I havent heard from her for two years.,1.My brother _ for a week.A.has had a cold B.caught a cold C.has caught a cold D.

13、got a cold2.They _ friends since they met in Beijing.A.have made B.have become C.have been D.have turned3.How long _ in the factory?A.have you come B.has he in C.will he be D.has he been 4.Ill lend you my dictionary,but you can only _ for one day.A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.take5.My father joined the P

14、arty in 1948.He _ a Party member for about fifty-three years.A.had been B.has become C.had become D.has been,A,C,D,A,D,1.“_ you _(return)the book?”“Yes,I _.I _ just_(return)it to the teacher.”2.Leave the book there,please.I _(not finish)it yet.I_(read)it this evening.3.Im sure he _(come)to see me be

15、fore he _(leave)Beijing.4.Do you know if he _(come)back in three weeks.5.A:When _ you _(get)your motorbike?B:I _(have)it for about a year.A:_ you _(drive)it much?B:Yes.I _(use)it every day.A:You _(drive)very well.I _ never _(learn)to drive.B:I _(learn)one year ago.,returned,Have,have,returned,havent

16、 finished,will read,have,will come,leaves,will come,get,.have had,did,drive,Do,use,must drive,have,learnt,learnt,1.请问你们有关于化学方面的书吗?2.她过去是一名历史老师。3.她常常从学校图书馆借书。4.他们给了我知识并使我快乐。5.很可能有人会发现它,并且迟早会将它归还。6.一天图书管理员想出了一个主意。7.之后再想出鼓励人们还书的其它办法。8.从图书管理员那儿你能得到一个精美的礼物。9.你曾经坐飞机旅行过吗?是的,只有一次。10.我刚刚读完这本书。,1.Excuse me,ha

17、ve you got any books about chemistry?2.She used to be a history teacher.3.She often borrows books from the school library.4.They give me knowledge and make me happy.5.Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.6.One day the librarian came up with an idea.7.then think of other ways t

18、o encourage people to return books.8.There you can get a nice present from the librarian.9.Have you ever travelled on a plane?Yes,just once.10.Ive just finished reading the book.,1.今天的冲浪运动怎么样?2.你已经从他那里学会了冲浪,不是吗?3.冲浪运动是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。4.夏威夷以她美丽的海滩而著名。5.它终年既不太泠又不太热。6.不管天气如何,你总可以看到正在冲浪运动的人。7.在冬季和夏季,如果可能

19、他们每天冲浪三次。8.在城市冲浪比赛中我已经获过头奖。9.在他完成旅行之前,他又继续游了两个小时。10.他不仅是我们学校不骄傲,也是所有海南人民的骄傲。,1.Whats the surfing like today?2.Youve learnt surfing from him,havent you?3.Surfing is one of the worlds most popular water sports.4.Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.5.It is neither too hot nor too cold all the ye

20、ar round.6.No matter what the weather is like,you can always find surfers out riding the waves.7.they surf three times a day if possible,in both winter and summer.8.I have already won first prize in the city surfing competition.9.He went on swimming for another two hours before he finished his journ

21、ey.10.He is not only the pride of our school,but also the pride of all the people in Hainan.,1.我曾经去过纸厂。2.一首美妙的乐曲突然传到我的耳里。3.其他人一听到乐曲,他们就会带着垃圾出来把它扔到车里。4.它是帮助保持我们城市清洁的一个令人愉悦的方式。5.保持我们环境的整洁是我们每个人的职责。6.如果每个人都能为保护环境做一份贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。7.我们应该种植更多的树以使我们的城市变得更加绿化。8.树越多越好。9.不要忘了告诉我时间,我想参加到你们中来。10.你们班是不是有人已写信给工厂要求

22、他们停止向附近的河流或湖泊排放污水?,1.Ive been to a paper factory.2.Suddenly a piece of beautiful music came to my ears.3.As soo as other people hear it,they go out with their rubbish and throw it in.4.Its a pleasant way to keep our city clean.5.It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.6.If everyone mak

23、es a contribution to protecting the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.7.We should plant more trees to make our city greener.8.the more trees,the better.9.Dont forget to tell me the time.Id like to join you.10.Has everyone in your classs written to a factory to ask them to stop pouring dirty water into the river or lake nearby?,


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