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1、,Welcome to see!,The lord of the rings,contentThe brief introduction of plotThe characters Classic Lines impression of view,The lord of the rings,魔戒 The Fellowship of the Ring An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found,and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobb

2、it named Frodo.When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron,Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it!However he does not go alone.He is joined by Gandalf,Legolas the elf,Gimli the Dwarf,Aragorn,Boromir and his three Hobbit friends

3、Merry,Pippin and Samwise.Through mountains,snow,darkness,forests,rivers and plains,facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go.Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign!,Introduction of plot,魔戒 The Two TowersThe Fellowship

4、has been broken.Boromir is dead,Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee have gone to Mordor alone to destroy the One Ring,Merry and Pippin have been captured by the Uruk-hai,and Aragorn,Legolas,and Gimli have made friends of the Rohan,a race of humans that are in the path of the upcoming war,led by its agi

5、ng king,Thoden.The two towers between Mordor and Isengard,Barad-dr and Orthanc,have united in their lust for destruction.,魔戒 The Two TowersThe corrupt wizard Saruman,under the power of the Dark Lord Sauron,and his slimy assistant,Grma Wormtongue,have created a grand Uruk-hai army bent on the destruc

6、tion of Man and Middle-earth.The rebellion against Sauron is building up and will be led by Gandalf the White,who was thought to be dead after the Balrog captured him.One of the Rings original bearers,the creature Gollum,has tracked Frodo and Sam down in search of his precious,but is captured by the

7、 Hobbits and used as a way to lead them to Mt.Doom.The War of the Ring has now begun.,魔戒 The return of the kingThe War of the Ring reaches its climax as the darklord Sauron sets his sights on Minas Tirith,thecapital of Gondor.The members of the fellowship in Rohan are warned of the impending attack

8、when Pippin cannot resist looking into Sarumans palantir and is briefly contacted by the dark lord.,魔戒 The return of the kingKing Theoden is too proud to send his men to help without being asked,so Gandalf and Pippin ride to Minas Tirith to see that this request is sent.They meet opposition there fr

9、om Denethor,steward of the city and father of Faramir and the late Boromir.Denethors family has acted as temporary guardians of Gondor for centuries until a member of the true line of kings returns.This member is none other than Aragorn,who must overcome his own self-doubt before he can take on the

10、role he was destined to fulfill.,魔戒 The return of the kingMeanwhile,Frodo and Sam continue to carry the One Ring towards Mordor,guided by Gollum.What they dont know is that Gollum is leading them into a trap so that he can reclaim the Ring for himself.Though Sam suspects his deceit,Frodo is starting

11、 to be corrupted by the Rings power and the mistrust of Sam this causes is fully exploited by Gollum.The only way good can prevail in this contest is if the Ring is destroyed,an event that is becoming harder every minute for Frodo to achieve.The fate of every living creature in Middle Earth will be

12、decided once and for all as the Quest of the Ringbearer reaches its climax.,The characters,forces of darknessSauron 索伦,Culture:supernaturalDisembodied when the One Ring was cut from his hand at the Battle of the Last Alliance in the Second Age,the Dark Lord Sauron became a shadowy echo of his former

13、 self.He begin the long search for the only thing that might restore his form and power,the lost One Ring.No more than a terrible will,he appeared as a great eye,lidless and slitted,wreathed in flame.,Saruman 萨鲁曼,Culture:wizardOnce the wisest and greatest of the Lstari,the Wizards of Middle-earth,Sa

14、ruman fell into darkness when he delved too deep into the study of his enemys ways.The Wizards pride and love of power overcame his wisdom,and all those to whom he had known as friend became his enemies.His force of 10000 Uruk-hai were defeated and his fortress of Isengard flooded by the March of th

15、e Ents.,Orcs奥克斯(半兽人),Uruk bal使徒,Gollum咕噜,Culture:stoorTortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring,Gollum is a withered,piteous creature.When the Fellowship is broken,Gollum tries to steal the Ring from Frodo and Sam in The Two Towers,but ends up being their unlikely guide into Mordor,H

16、e is leading them into a trap so he can reclaim the One Ring for himself.Of course,he fail to get it and he died in the end.,witchring戒灵,forces of light,Aragorn阿拉贡,Culture:humanA descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men,Aragorn is fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor.Arag

17、orn is a mighty warrior,wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense.In The Return of the King,he faces several challenges that determine the fate of Middle-earth.,Culture:hobbitFrodo is a most unlikely hero.A Hobbit,small and quiet,but possessing a true and noble spirit,Frodo becomes the bear

18、er of the One Ring when it is left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo.The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can,and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom.At the end of the story,he finished the task.He is a hero indeed.,Frodo Baggins 佛罗多,the three companions of F

19、rodo,Culture:hobbitPeregrin“Pippin”Took 皮平Meriadoc“Merry”Brandybuck 梅利 Samwise“Sam”Gamgee 山姆 Three loyal friends of Frodo Baggins.They have made great efforts on the success of the team.,Legolas莱格拉斯,culture:elf A prince of the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood,Legolas joined the Fellowship of the Ring as a

20、representative of his people.Legolas possesses the keen eyesight and sharp ears characteristic of his race.,Gandalf甘道夫,Culture:wizardAfter the great battle with the Balrog of Moria,Gandalf shed his grey mantle in The Two Towers and took up the title of Gandalf the White.The power that had lain veile

21、d beneath his old grey visage now shines undiluted in the eyes of the pale wizard.Gandalf continues to be a vital part of the war against evil and makes his way to Minas Tirith for the final battle.,Gimili 吉穆力,A proud and strong-willed people,the Dwarves of Middle-earth were great craftsfolk,skilled

22、 in the arts of smithing and metallurgy.When Frodo is appointed his quest,Gimli the Dwarf represents his people as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring.Gimli is none the less loyal and noble in spirit.Once committed,his resolve to the success of the quest is unshakable.,Culture:dwarf,Arwen阿尔温,Cult

23、ure:elfThe only daughter of Elrond,Lord of Rivendell,Arwen is said to be the most beautiful of all living beings in Middle-earth.Born to an immortal life as an Elf,Arwen must chose between it or to forsake this everlasting existence for the love of the mortal Aragorn.In so doing,she dooms herself to

24、 die as a Human.,Faramir 法拉米尔,Culture:humanThe youngest son of Lord Denethor,Steward of Gondor,Faramir is brother to Boromir who perished defending Merry and Pippin.Unlike his brother,Faramir is not beloved by his father,and has spent many years as a ranger,scouting and defending the wild borderland

25、s of Gondor in order to earn his affection.,By rights we shouldnt even be here.But we are.Its like in the great stories,Mr.Frodo.The ones that really mattered.Full of darkness and danger they were.And sometimes you didnt want to know the end.Because how could the end be happy?How could the world go

26、back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?But in the end,its only a passing thing,this shadow.Even darkness must pass.A new day will come.And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.Those were the stories that stayed with you.That meant something,even if you were too small to un

27、derstand why.Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didnt.Because they were holding on to something.,实际上,我们甚至本不该在这,但是我们来了。好像在那些伟大的故事中,佛罗多先生。那些真正重大的事,它们充满了黑暗和危险,你常常不想知道结局,因为结局怎么可能是快乐的?这世界怎么可能回到它从前的轨迹,那么多坏事还没发生的时候?但是最后,这股阴影终究会消失,甚至连黑暗也必定会退散,崭新的一天将会来临,太阳也会闪烁更明亮的光芒。那些伴随着你的故事

28、,它们意味着一些东西,就算你太渺小不明白为什么。故事的角色,有很多的机会转回头,只是他们没有,他们继续向前,因为他们坚持着什么,Classic Lines经典台词,impression of view 观后感 The movie does a good job of interleaving the multiple story lines.In the book,Frodo is absent for the first few hundred pages but you wont have to wait long for his appearance in the movie.All t

29、he actors continued to play their roles well,although Frodos character wasnt explored nearly as well in this movie as in the first.Some of the visual effects are astounding and their cumulative weight recreates Middle Earth convincingly.It seems like no expense was spared,but the movie doesnt get ca

30、ught up in the special effects themselves.They remain transparent and believable,which is no easy feat.The siege at Helms Deep is portrayed astoundingly well.Although this episode is darker in parts,there is also quite a bit of unexpected(intentional)humor.,impression of view 观后感 This movie was defi

31、nitely a surprise with other actors making their appearance(i.e.Owen Wilson).Ben Stiller was hilarious and the movie overall was great along with the special effects.Definitely a great movie that made family laugh and totally enjoy every moment of this movie.This was one of those surprise movies tha

32、t had great special effects and some great surprises and twists and the movie was definitely moving a great speed,not boring at all.Robin Williams was great as President Teddy Roosevelt.For those who think this movie was not that great have no imagination because each one of my sons ranging in age 12-21 loved it and that speaks for itself.I would go watch it again.,members:0706030022 金钊 0706030031刘泽鑫0706030024康灵美 0706030067钟惠玲0706030015何静楠 0706030014关渊珊0706030010甘雯,


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