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1、Lesson 14 Do You Speak English?,drank water,had run out of breath,1.I ran out of breath,2.I drank water,I had run out of breath before I drank water.,After I had run out of breath,I drank water.,1.I ate an apple,2.I slept,had eaten an apple,slept,She had eaten an apple before she slept.,After she ha

2、d eaten an apple,she slept.,2.He played ping pong,1.He did his homework,played ping pong,had done his homework,He had done his homework before he played ping pong.,After he had done his homework,he played Ping pong.,过去完成时满足的条件,1.两个动作2.两个动作都要发生在过去3.过去的两个动作要有先后顺序之分,过去完成时:,定义:,表示过去某一时间或某一动作之前完成的动作或状态。强

3、调过去某一动作发生在另一过去动作之前时。即(过去的过去),构成:,主语+had+V.过去分词,过去完成时的否定形式:过去完成时的疑问形式:肯定回答:否定回答:,主语had nothadnt+V.过去分词+其它.,Yes,主语+had.,Had+主语V.过去分词+其它?,No,主语+had+not.,过去完成时标志词常与before,after,when,as soon as,notuntil,by+过去时间点 等引导的时间状语连用。e.g.She had waited for an hour before you called her.,1.在老师进入教室前,李磊擦了黑 板.,LiLei _(

4、clean)the blackboard before the teacher came into the classroom.,had cleaned,2.当我们到那儿时火车已经离开了。,The train _(leave)when we arrived there.,had left,用所给动词的正确形式填空,1.He_(turn off)the lights before he left the classroom.2._ your parents _(have)lunch when you arrived at home?,had turned off,Had,had,1.After

5、he _(finish)his work he went out.,had finished,2.The children ran away after they _(break)the window.,had broken,3.I went to Toms house but he _(go)out.,had gone,Exercises:,4.My friend _(buy)the car two years ago.He _(buy)it for two years.,bought,has had,Millie_ some Chinese before she came to China

6、.A.learned B.has learned C.learnt D.had learnedShe _ the first runner-up prize in a beauty contest before she _an actress.A.have won,became B.had won,become C.had won,became D.has won,became,What did you have last year?,Had you been in a small village?,Who waved to you on the way?,An amusing experie

7、nce.,Yes,I had.,A young man did.,What did you have last year?,Had you been in a small village?,Who waved to you on the way?,Key Words and Expressions,amusing mju:zi a.有趣的experience ikspirins n.经验,体验wave weiv v.挥手ask sb.for a lift 要求搭车apart p:t from 除以外reply riplai n.回答language lwid n.语言journeyd:ni n

8、.旅行reachri:t v.到达,amusing 好笑的,有趣的 amuse(动词)逗某人笑 be amused at/by 因为/被感到好笑 amusement(名词)取乐,消遣。可数名词,每个人都被这个可爱的男孩逗笑了。E.g.:Everyone was amused at the cute boy.这个有趣的故事逗笑了孩子们。The amusing story amused the children.,Experience 名词1)经历,阅历(可数)an amusing experience 一个有趣的经历。2)经验,体验(不可)work experience 工作经验 experie

9、nced(adj)有经验的,有阅历的 inexperienced 没有经验的,没有阅历的,wave 1)本意指物体的上下挥动 a flag waving in the breeze2)挥手 wave to/at 向某人挥手我正在向你挥手 Im waving to you.,Lift1)本意指举起,抬起2)电梯3)搭便车 ask for a lift,Reply 1)回答 答复(一般指书面回答)She has replied to my letter reply to a question answer(用语言行为的)回答,答复跟宾语 answer the telephone,Language

10、1)语言 spoken language,written language,a foreign language,the second language 2)除了文字以外的传达,人造语言 body language,sign language,Journey 旅行 表示旅行的词语 journey 长途的陆路旅行 trip 短途的旅行,I had an amusing experience last year.,After I had left a small village in the south of France,I drove on to the next town.1)in the

11、south of France in:表示大范围中的某个地方(包含关系)to:表示两个地方是相离的(不接壤)on:表示两个紧紧相邻的两个地方(接壤)e.g.Beijing is in the north of China.Japan is to the east of China.Russia is on the north of China.2)副词on紧跟在动词后面表示“向前”,“继续”e.g.He talked on until everyone had slept.3)had leftdrove,On the way,a young man waved to me.1)on the w

12、ay 在途中 on the way to some place 在去某地的途中 on ones way to some place 在某人去某地的途中2)wave 招手,致意 e.g.wave goodbye to sb.,I stopped and he asked me for a lift.give sb.a lift/ride 让某人搭便车 e.g.He always asks my father for a lift when he goes downtown.,As soon as he had got into the car,I said good morning to him

13、 in French and he replied me in the same language.1)as soon as 一就 e.g.Ill call you as soon as I arrive there.,Apart from a few words,I do not know any French at all.1)apart from=except for 除了之外我们玩得很开心,除了这个天气之外。e.g.We had a good time except for the weather.2)notat all 根本不 我一点也不饿 e.g.Im not hungry at

14、all.,Neither of us spoke during the journey.1)neither of表示两者都不,谓语动词用单数2)either of表示两者中任意一个,谓语动词用单数3)both of表示两者都,谓语动词用复数4)which of表示两个或更多选项中更偏爱那一个 e.g.Neither of the answers is correct.Either of you has to leave now.Both of the films are interesting.Which of the two do you like?,I had nearly reached the town,when the young man suddenly said,very slowly.Do you speak English?,As I soon learnt,he was English himself!1)as(conj.)表示“正如的”,相当与动词的宾语 e.g.as we all know 众所周知2)himself表示强调 e.g.I myself want to read that book.,Thanks for listening!,


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