1、1,校園知識管理及數位倉儲建置之探討,樹德科技大學 資訊管理系 溫嘉榮教授,2009/3,Creating Campus Knowledge Management&Digital Warehouse System,2,網路服務介紹,Web-網頁 http:/網路硬碟 ftp:/ power-on/off-遠端開/關機 http:/:8888 Remote login-遠端登入 VNC,Remote desk top Blog-網誌 http:/www.wretch.cc/blog/jeromewenMMS-影音伺服 mms
2、:/網路影音電話Web office-多人視訊會議(JoinNet)http:/mmc.stu.edu.tw/weboffice/Windows Live-個人數位倉儲 ttp:/,3,壹、前言,學習方式也愈形多元,科技改變了學生應學的知識,也改變了學習的技能校園的教學活動更隨之改變,電腦與網路科技的發展正引領傳統校園進入一嶄新的學習環境,應用網路傳遞學習資訊及內容的學習方式儼然成形透過入口網站,在不受時空限制之下營造自主性的學習空間,數位學習必將是網路時代重要的學習模式數位化的教學活動涵蓋相當廣泛,從學校、老師、教室到學生,都可利用
3、網路的便捷性和分享溝通機制,豐富教學內容與提升教學品質,4,1907 的教室,5,2002 的教室,6,2005(今日)的教室,貳、教育的變革 Change is perhaps the only constant we have in the world today,8,9,10,“The only way to drastically change an institution or the world is to imagine it as fundamentally different from the way it is today Apply too much of the wis
4、dom and knowledge that got us here,and you end up right where you started If you want to get different results,take a fresh look from a new perspective”Jay Allard,How to change?,11,參、資訊化教學的變革(1/2),教學地域:封閉 開放教學方式:單一 多元學習型態:競爭 合作教材呈現:靜態 動態教材內容:穩定 變化,12,資訊化教學的變革(2/2),學習互動:實體 虛擬學習自主:被動 主動學習來源:教室 網路學習區域:
5、區域型 國際化學習者:個人 團隊,13,思維層次布隆姆 Bloom(1956)在認知教育目標分類中把思考大致分為六個層次。,知識(知識獲取),理解(理解),應用(應用),分析(分析),綜合(綜合),評估(評鑑),14,肆、教學數位化的過程,e 化 m 化 u 化(電子化)(行動化)(無所不在)數位化環境溝通分享無所不在,15,手機GSM 56kPHS 64k3G 115k,硬碟,隨身碟,web攝影機,耳機,麥克風,喇叭,印表機,MP3錄音筆播放器,變壓器1224V,卡夾轉接器,網際網路,基地台,網卡,路由器,機房,光碟機讀 燒錄,滑鼠,伍、個人資訊應用工具架構圖,手寫板,無線網卡,AP,16,
6、陸、校園數位化環境,校園知識管理(knowledge management system,KMS)及數位倉儲建置數位學習平台(learning management system,LMS),17,柒、數位倉儲,18,捌、數位倉儲目的及功能,數位倉儲目的:提供全校師生一完整數位空間,供教師存放教學資料,並提供班級及同學網路空間,以便存放教學資料及進行師生互動。2.數位倉儲功能:分為教師網路空間(FTP,MMS)、教師個人網頁(Web)、師生互動分享平台(Sharepoint,Blog)、學生網路空間(FTP),學生個人網頁或部落格(Web,Blog)、班級互動分享平台(Sharepoint)等六
9、四個規範,與教務系統整合,使用者訓練,3必,3選,2必,1選,4必,6選,2必,3選,3必,3選,4必,2選,6必,8選,2必,3選,2必,3選,3必,1選,2必,4選,2必,2選,2必,4選,2必,2選,4必,4選,2必,3選,2必,2選,23,拾、成功的數位學習要件,重要性依序是:1.學生的學習動機2.教師的教學態度3.生動的活動設計4.充實的教材內容5.完善的平台功能,24,拾壹、導入教學數位化的步驟,教師資訊能力的提升 學校資訊設備的規畫與建置 教師教學資料數位化 教學資源的整合及應用(此階段即為實施數位化教學),25,拾貳、個人數位化環境,26,拾參、學校導入數位教學的限制及困境,觀
10、念未建立,時機未成熟 教師資訊教學素養不足 校園數位環境不夠友善 數位化知識管理習慣有待突破 數位化教學的門檻遠高於傳統教學,27,拾肆、Tips for Online Teaching http:/www.cuonline.edu/faculty/teaching_tips.shtml,1.Interaction Give Feedback:Provide ongoing feedback to students and clear policies on when/how you will be available.Students need the reassurance of an a
11、vailable real person on the other end of their computers.2.Engage Learners Create activities where students integrate new ideas with existing knowledge.Provide them a frame of reference within the online environment.,28,3.Use Student-Centered TechniquesAssign group projects:Assign group projects and
12、 small group discussions.Have students role-play,act out simulations,or engage in mock trials and debates.Use peer-review:Use peer-review for projects or papers.Students can assist each other before grading,motivating them to display their work publicly and receive feedback from more than just one p
13、erson.Involve learners:Involve students in their learning,remember the adage that students remember only 10%of what they read or see,but 80%of what they do and 90%of what they teach others.,29,4.Motivate Students OnlineRequire class participation:Make class participation a weighty part of student gr
14、ades.Use the Threaded Discussions as you in-class time.Give positive feedback:Use the Web to help motivate students.Send them on virtual vacations or send virtual greetings or gold stars for outstanding work.Engage silent students:There will be some-reach out to them with private email/phone message
15、s of concern.Its easier for students to drop out in this environment.,30,5.Design with Appropriate Use of TechnologyUse technology appropriately:You want students to spend their time learning the course content,not tinkering with new technology.Establish a time framework:Design your units within som
16、e time framework.Students then know what to expect and can get into a weekly routine.,31,6.Preparation Learn the technology:Get you computer literacy and knowledge of the system up to speed well in advance of the course start date.Allow enough time:Plan on taking longer to design the structure of an
17、 online course.More time spent in design up front will lessen course maintenance time.Use students perspective:Go through course from a students perspective before class starts-make sure what is expected of students is clearly stated.Dont forget to include when and how to submit course work.,32,Be o
18、pen minded about sharing life,work,and educational experiences as part of the learning process.2.Be able to communicate through writing.3.Be Self-motivated and self-disciplined.4.Be willing to speak up if problems arise.5.Be willing and able to commit to 4 to 15 hours per week per course.,拾伍、10 tips
19、 for a successful online students,33,6.Be able to meet the minimum requirements for the program.7.Accept critical thinking and decision making as part of the learning process.8.Have access to a computer and a modem.9.Be able to think ideas through before responding.10.Feel that high quality learning
20、 can take place without going to a traditional classroom.,34,“The best time to change is when you still dont have to”Greg Butler,When to start?,35,“If you keep doing pretty much what youve always done,youll keep on getting pretty much what youve always got”Jack Canfield,What will happen if you do no
21、t change?,36,拾陸、結論,(一)從知識管理的角度而言,資訊是知識的輸入端,智慧是知識的輸出端,知識是需要經過客觀分析與主觀認知才能成形,當知識大規模的參與且影響社會活動時,即謂”知識經濟”。生活在知識經濟的社會中,每個成員都必須不斷地吸收知識及管理知識,並將知識作最有效運用。(二)師者傳道授業解惑,授課過程就是技術及經驗的傳遞,知識即為傳播標的,新知不停創新,授課的知識內容並非一成不變,而是與日俱增,內容亦不時在改變,當知識累積至一定程度後必須做有效的管理,也需要特定工具的支援,才能做最有效益及最有效率的運用。,37,(三)數位倉儲應是學校知識管理的利器。學校課程也必須不斷的更新,