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1、,Contemporary College English 现代大学英语 基础写作(下),Content,SummaryManuscript form/Diction/Sentences/Paragraphs/Types of WritingNarration(Units 1 3 5 7)Description(Units 2 4 6)Letters(Unit 8),Summary Writing,1.What a short piece of writing-the main facts or ideas of a story or article 2.Features:objective,

2、complete,balanced 3.Goal to give readers an objective,complete,accurate and balanced understanding of the original paper.4.Where:examination questions newspaper or TV reports employees reports 5.Tips read&master the main ideas figure out important details not adding extra things limit the number of

3、words preserve the mood and the tone,Gathering essential facts summarize the main idea,1.essential facts and main actions2.necessary background 3.leave out unimportant things4.indirect speech and straightforward language5.in chronological(time)order,Differences between summarizing,Diction-figure of

4、speechSentences-sentence types:simple,compound,complex and compound-complex;loose,periodic,balanced and parallel.Paragraphs-coherence-order:time,space,logical(least-most;most-least;obvious-subtle)Types of Writing:narrative;exposition;description;argumentation,There are many different forms of writin

5、g for different purposes,Warm Up,Is there a significant memory in your life?What is it?Try to share it with us.-writing style,Narration,1.Whatthe type of writing which tells a story:personal experience,imaginative fiction,historical narrative2.Essential elements:events arranged in a chosen order tol

6、d by a narrator purpose:to illustrate a point to support an idea to explain a procedure(程序,步骤)to entertain the reader/audience,Narration,3.How to write construct a topic sentence use the first person point of view present your personal experience in chronological order select details that serve your

7、 purpose connect the details by transitions p.s.ordinary experiences are the beat sources for personal narratives,Even within each genre of writing there are different kinds of writing,Narrative,A narrative is a story developed from an event or a series of eventsCharacter,setting and the mood are us

8、ually established at the beginning of the storyThe middle describes events in which a character deals with some kind of conflictThe end of the story or climax,tells how the conflict is resolved,Characteristics,Narrative Has a plot-beginning including an interesting setting(place,time)&characters mid

9、dle end(climax),Activity 1,Check the sentences that you think would make interesting topic sentences for personal experience narrative.And explain it.(p.2),How to write a personal experience narrative,Construct a topic sentenceUse the first person point of viewPresent it in chronological orderSelect

10、 only the detailsConnect the details by using transitions,Personal experience narrative,Narrator:first personStructure:1.beginning:topic sentence(who,when,where,what,why,how.),describing the whole event 2.body:present the experience in chronological order(using some transitions:afterward,later,when,

11、soon,while,before,then.)3.end:summarize the whole text and show the theme(p.3 exercises+reading),Activity:,Compare two passages by your peers(p.8,p.9)“Reunion with my best friend”“what a change”Which one is better?(Title,topic,structure,content,writing skill,language),Writing,List all the ideas of r

12、eunion you have experienced.Make a planDiscuss with your classmateswrite according to your plan improvedEditing,Narration-Effective sentences-action and active verbs,TIPS replace the verbs be with an action verbs dont overuse the patternthere+be use the active voice(P141),Effective sentences,Coordin

13、ation Subordination,coordination,It is combining two or more ideas in one sentence to create equal emphasis.You can coordinate words,phrases and clauses.Coordination of sentences is a grammatical strategy to communicate that the ideas in two or more INDEPENDENT CLAUSES are equivalent or balanced.Coo

14、rdination can produce harmony by bringing related elements together.Whenever you use the technique of coordination of sentences,make sure that it works well with the meaning you want to communicate.,Subordination,It is combining two or more ideas in one sentence to create unequal emphasis.To give un

15、equal emphasis to two or more ideas,you express the major idea in an independent clause and express minor ideas in subordinate clauses,phrases or single words.,Effective sentences,1.coordination(并列),2.subordination(从属),Coordinating conjunctions:for(reason),and(addition),nor(negative choice),but(cont

16、rast),or(choice),yet(contrast),so(result or effect)Conjunctive adverbs:Addition:also,furthermore,moreover,besides,finallyContrast:however,still,nevertheless,nonetheless,conversely,nonetheless,instead,otherwise,stillComparison:similarly,likewiseResult or summary:therefore,thus,consequently,accordingl

17、y,hence,thenTime:next,then,meanwhile,finally,subsequentlyEmphasis:indeed,certainly,specificallyTransitional Phrases:Addition:in addition,equally importantContrast:on the other hand,in contrast,at the same time,on the contrary,even soComparison:in the same wayConcession:of course,to be sure,certainly

18、,granted,admittedlyExample:for example,for instance,as an illustration,namely,specifically,in factSummary/Result:in short,in brief,in summary,in conclusion,as a result,accordinglyTime/Ranking:first,second,third(),next,finally,afterwards,meanwhile,subsequently,eventually,in the first place,at the sam

19、e time,Subordinating conjunctions and their meaningsTimeafter,before,once,since,until,when,whenever,while After you have handed in your report,you cannot revise it.Reason or Causeas,because,since Because you have handed in your report,you cannot revise it.Purpose or Resultin order that,so that,that

20、I want to read your report so that I can evaluate it.Conditionif even,if,provided that,unless Unless you have handed in your report,you can revise it.Contrastalthough,even though,though,whereas,while Although you have handed in your report,you can ask to revise it.Choicethan,whether You took more ti

21、me to revise than I did before the lab report deadline.Place or Locationwhere,wherever Wherever you say,Ill come to hand in my report.,常见连接词Coordinators and Subordinators,To add ideas togetherAnd,also,besides,furthermore,in addition,moreover,too,first,second,finallyTO show emphasis and clarityAbove

22、all,after all,in fact,particularly,that is,常见连接词Coordinators and Subordinators,To show similarityLike,likewise,in the same manner,in the same way,similarlyTo show contrastAlthough,but,however,in comparison,in contrast,in spite of,on the contrary,on the other hand,unlike,whereas,while,yet,常见连接词Coordi

23、nators and Subordinators,To express cause and effect relationshipAs,because,due to,for,for this reason,now that,since,owing t,as a result(consequence),accordingly,consequently,therefore,thusTo point out examplesFor example,for instance,to illustrate,常见连接词Coordinators and Subordinators,To draw a conc

24、lusion,an inference,or a summaryIn a word,in conclusion,in brief,in short,in summary,to conclude,to summarize,to sum up,thereforeTo indicate timeAt times,after,afterward,from then on,immediately,later,meanwhile,next,now,then,until,while.,Activity 1,P140 exercises.Correct faulty coordination or subor

25、dination in the following sentences.P.13,Read and Compare,the two readings from your peers(p18-19)my first experience with death,my first part time job.find out the phrases or words of coordination and subordination as much as possible.Analyzing“experience”in terms of who experience,What is the expe

26、rience,what is the lesson of the experience.,Narration-to describe a person,1.focus on the main character2.briefly describe the main character3.describe an incident to display the character and personality4.conclude with a remark about the implies,Discussion,Discuss in your group about the following

27、 topic:My firstAccording to what you discussed,write a composition.Assignment:P14课外阅读 P16背诵,Narration-Major types of point of view,Point of view-the perspective(观点),Narration,The third person point of view,the objective/dramatic 只叙述故事,不描写心理,the limited omniscient(=all knowing)/limited 仅描写其中一个角色心理,th

28、e omniscient 所有,showing&telling,Short historical narratives,1.be brief account of,a persons life,the history of a family,the establishment&development of an organization,Short historical narratives,2.basic structure,Conclude with,Open with,provide,a brief introduction(name,date of birth,birth place)

29、,a brief account of major phrases(turning point,achievement),a remark or two,Short historical narratives,3.summary paragraphs,Paragraph Writing,1.What a number of sentences-develop an idea2.Structure topic sentence&supporting details a single point a discussible point dont be too narrow(狭窄)or too br

30、oad(宽泛),Paragraph unity(一致性),1.What sentences that explain or support the general statement2.How begin with a discussable point and express it in a topic sentence stick and prove this single point,not only repeat it link words,Paragraph coherence(连贯性),1.What every sentences after the first is connec

31、t to the one before it,to topic sentence,or to both2.How clear order(顺序)correct pronouns link words and expressions,Interesting paragraph,Interesting paragraph,Interesting topic sentence,Enough details,Surroundings,appearances,actions,And so on.,Surroundings,appearances,actions,Surroundings,appearan

32、ces,And so on.,actions,Surroundings,appearances,Surroundings,appearances,actions,Surroundings,appearances,And so on.,actions,Surroundings,appearances,3.parallelism(平行结构,排比),grammatical,equal,parallelism,coordination,所有平行结构都是并列结构,words phrases clauses,4.variety How vary sentence opening use a variety

33、 of sentence structure invert sentences occasionally Tips put an verb before the subject put the verb or direct object before the subject begin the sentence with a prepositional or an infinitive phrase begin the sentence with a subordinate clause,5.conciseness-be brief unnecessary words 1)cut out un

34、necessary repetition empty phrase 2)use appropriate(合适的)language,6.emphasis-emphasize your point coordination 并列结构 subordination 从属结构 sentence ending 强调末尾 parallelism 平行结构 active verb choosing the right subject,Description,Basic Writing(2)Essay Writing,Contents,1.What is descriptive writing?2.Why do

35、 we use descriptive writing?3.How to write description4.Assignment,DeliciousTastyYummyGoodFinger-licking good,What is descriptive writing?,A sentence definition of description:Description is to paint in the mind of the reader an image or a series of images by means of language.,Why do we use descrip

36、tive writing?,The purpose of a purely descriptive essay is to 1.involve the reader enough so he or she can actually visualize the things being described.2.make narration or exposition more lively,colorful and exciting when combined with them.,How to develop an essay of description effectively?,1.A d

37、escriptive essay is generally developed through sensory details.The impressions of ones sensessight,hearing,taste,smell,and touch.,What makes good descriptive writing?,Sensory Details(Asking questions):SightSoundSmell Colors?Loud/Soft?Sweet/Sour?Shapes?Piercing/soothing?Sharp/mild?Sizes?Continuous/o

38、n and off?Good?(Like what?)Patterns?Pleasant/unpleasant?Bad?(Rotten?)Shiny/dull?Does it sound likeNew?(Like what?Does it anything else?leather?look like plastic?)anythingOld?else?Does it smell likeanything else?from Susan Ankers Real Writing with Readings(2001),What makes good descriptive writing?,S

39、ensory Details(Asking questions):TastesTouch Good?Hard/Soft?(What does goodLiquid/Solid?taste like?)Rough/Smooth?Bad?Hot/Cold?(What does badDry/Oily?taste like?)Textures?Bitter/Sugary?Does it feel like something else?Metallic?Burning?/Spicy?Does it taste like anything else?from Susan Ankers Real Wri

40、ting with Readings(2001),Types of description,Objective description-record details without making any personal comment.Subjective description-the writer is free to interpret details for the reader/audience.Note:Few descriptions outside of science writing,however,are completely objective.,Ways to dev

41、elop a description essay,Through the impressions of ones senses-sight,hearing,taste,smell,and touchUsing spatial order:describing the physical layout of the place(leftright,bottom top,clockwise/counterclockwise,insideoutside)Using chronological orderUse specific wordsDecide on the dominant impressio

42、n,Dominant Impression for Good Description,Decide on a dominant impression-an overall attitude,mood or feeling about the place you are describing(the hustle and bustle of a market place,a haunted castle,a breathtaking scenery spot),How to develop an essay of description effectively?,2.A descriptive

43、essay has one,clear dominant impression.E.g.describing a snowfall-let your reader know if it is threatening or lovely,dangerous or peaceful;,What Is the Dominant Impression in the Following Photos?,What Is the Dominant Impression in the Following Photos?,General and Specific Words for Good Descripti

44、on,Specific words help to make writing clear,exact,vivid,and striking,for they are more informative and expressive than general words.Compare:a good mankind,honest,just,generous,sympathetic,warm-hearted,selfless,brave,honorablegood foodtasty,delicious,nourishing,rich,wholesome,fresh,appetizing,abund

45、ant Housemansion,villa(别墅),chateau(庄园),cottage,bungalow(平房),cabin,hut,shack,shanty,barn(仓房),General and Specific Words for Good Description,PracticeEg.Laugh:smile,grin,chortle,guffaw,sneer,titter,giggleCry:sob,weep,blubber,snivel,howl,bawl,wail,moan,Animal:Flower:Wind:RainTree:Walk:Angry:Look at:,Ge

46、neral and Specific Words for Good Description,General:It is often windy and dusty here in spring.Specific:In spring there is often a very strong northwest wind.It carries so much fine dust with it that sometimes the sun becomes obscure.There is no escape from the fine dust;it gets into your eyes,you

47、r ears,your nostrils,and your hair.It goes through the cracks of closed windows and covers your desks and chairs.,General and Specific Words for Good Description,General:The room was a mess.Specific:As I walked into the room I could barely find a clean place to step.There were clothes all over the f

48、loor,along with papers,books,and possibly what looked like an old,moldy sandwich.The stench was unbearable.,General and Specific Words for Good Description,General:I love the smell of sunshine.Specific:?Your turn,Describing a place,Describing a Place,Places may be described for their own sake,as in

49、essays on visits to famous scenic places,but also for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person,or creating a feeling or mood.Eg.A clean and tidy room might show that the occupant is an orderly person.Eg.The howling of a chilly wind,the falling of autumn leaves,a house stand

50、ing in solitude on a barren mountain,all help to build up a somber mood and increase the feeling of depression.,Practice:What is the dominant impression of this place?,This room was chill,because it seldom had a fire;it was silent,because remote from the nursery and kitchen;solemn,because it was kno


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