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1、Intellectual Property law,Unit one,Uint1.The introduction of Intellectual Property,Part 1.The class ofIntellectual Property law,Question1.Why do we apply bilingual form to Intellectual Property law lessons?,subjectdirection,situationrequirement,+,OfficialInstruction,+,Noexperience,No Englishoriginal

2、 edition,-,-,Question2.Why protecting Intellectual Property is in conformance with Situation Requirement?For instance:patent,A.patent significance,The significance of the patent market is related with the significance of patents in business.And the main point to raise significance of patents in busi

3、ness is emphasizing the ownership idea.,Through patents,business strategists control the right paths to define a clear market position.Positioning has never been so important as in todays globalized world,because if your position is untouched you can do business in a continued way.,Patent as a buzzw

4、ord.Business peoples minds in PT are changing and should change much more.A new kind of lexicon is emerging.Words like licensing,patenting,branding,positioning,international deals,are becoming increasingly used.This is necessary to make the“market for ideas”at work.In this context,the significance o

5、f patents will raise.,Patent for market needPatent for undertaking development Patent for managing logos,How to understand Intellectual Property significance,Chinese explanation,Data1,B.patent infringement and patent action,In compliance with the requirements of the World Trade Organization(WTO),Chi

6、na amended the Patent Law.It was regarded as a milestone in Chinas 17 years of legislative efforts to protect intellectual property rights(IPRs).Courts and public officials play a major role here,because their decisions on infringement will send important messages to the market.,Negotiation and emen

7、dationinfringement and actionSubstantive compensation,Amend law in response to international requirement,Chinese explanation,Data2,Question2.What we should have learnt before class?,Civil lawPublic administration lawCriminal lawProcedural law International law,Chinese explanation,Part 2.The concepti

8、on of Intellectual Property,Question1.What is Intellectual Property,A.General definition,Law pertaining to property that derives from the work of the mind or intellect,specifically,an idea,invention,trade secret,process,program,data,formula,patent,copyright,or trademark or application,right,or regis

9、tration.,back,B.WIPO definition,The WIPO definition of“intellectual property rights”is as follows:“Intellectual Property means property rights in intellectual creations,particularly inventions and literary and artistic works.Intellectual property rights exist also in registered trademarks and indust

10、rial designs,integrated circuits,trade names and,geographical indications and relate to the repression of unfair competition,including the protection of undisclosed information.Property implies that protected inventions,works under copyright protection,and other objects of protection,can be used onl

11、y with the consent of the inventor,author or other owner of rights.”,back,Origin and analyzing in the concept of Intellectual Property.The 3 styles of definition about the concept of Intellectual Property.How to understand the concept of Intellectual Property.,Intellectual Property,Chinese explanati

12、on,Data3,back,Definition Style,list Style,Amorphous Property Style,Question2.what does Intellectual Property include?,Intellectual Property traditionally includes three legal areas of patents,trademarks and copyrights.Why a single book should includes three divergent subjects.What they have in commo

13、n is a relatively amorphous character and a highly abstract concept of property.,back,Part 3.The classification of Intellectual Property,A.WIPO confines,(1)literary,artistic and scientific works,(2)performances of performing artists,phonograms,and broadcasts,(3)inventions in all fields of human ende

14、avor,(4)scientific discoveries,(5)industrial designs,(6)trademarks,service marks,and commercial names and designations,(7)protection against unfair competition(8)all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial,scientific,literary or artistic fields.,back,Trademark,Patent,copy

15、right,literary,artistic,scientific works,Performances,phonograms,broadcasts,Scientific discoveries,Inventions,Industrial designs,trademarks,service marks,commercial names,designations,protection against unfair competition,Chinese explanation,back,Geographical indications,B.WTO confines,SECTION 1:COP

16、YRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS The rights of authors of literary and artistic works(such as books and other writings,musical compositions,paintings,sculpture,computer programs and films)are protected by copyright,for a minimum period of 50years after the death of the author.,Chinese explanation,Chinese e

17、xplanation,Chinese explanation,Also related(sometimes referred to as“neighboring”)rights are the rights of performers(e.g.actors,singers and musicians),producers of phonograms(sound recordings)and broadcasting organizations.,Chinese explanation,Chinese explanation,SECTION 2:TRADEMARKS Any sign,or an

18、y combination of signs,capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings,shall be capable of constituting a trademark.,For goods Trade Marks,“MERCEDES-BENZ”for cars,“SHELL”for petrol,“Canon”for cameras.For service Trade Marks,“Fedex”for courier servi

19、ces,“Shangri-la”for hospitality service,“Visa”for credit card services.,Chinese explanation,SECTION 3:GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS Geographical indications are,for the purposes of this Agreement,indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member,or a region or locality in that

20、 territory,where a given quality,reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.,Chinese explanation,SECTION4:INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS Members shall provide for the protection of independently created industrial designs that are new or original.,Chine

21、se explanation,SECTION 5:PATENTS patents shall be available for any inventions,whether products or processes,in all fields of technology,provided that they are new,involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application.,Chinese explanation,SECTION 6:LAYOUT-DESIGNS(TOPOGRAPHIES)OF INTEGR

22、ATED CIRCUITS,SECTION 7:PROTECTION OF UNDISCLOSED INFORMATION Natural and legal persons shall have the possibility of preventing information lawfully within their control from being disclosed to,acquired by,or used by others without their consent in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices.,

23、back,Chinese explanation,Part 4.relationship in different concepts,Question1.relations in main concepts,COPYRIGHT,TRADEMARKS,PATENTS,industrial designs,trademark patterns,Data4,商标转让;第五类;刘老根:转让价格:面议注册商品:人用药;药酒;卫生消毒剂;空气清新剂;兽医用药;药枕,Question2.relations in closely concepts,relations between invention and

24、 discovery.relations between patents and invention.relations between copyright and authors right.,Chinese explanation,Chinese explanation,Personal rightInventionpatent,discovery,Invention=patent(property)+Personal right,industrial Designs,disabled,legal Prohibited,utility model,invention,Chinese exp

25、lanation,copyrightAuthors rightPersonal right,Part5.Basic characters of Intellectual Property,A.amorphous,What is amorphous of Intellectual Property,1.Amorphous is not only the character,and also the nature of Intellectual Property.2.Amorphous is the right existed but not dominated directly.3.Amorph

26、ous is not unknowable.,Chinese explanation,back,B.Proprietary,What is proprietary of Intellectual Property,Proprietary is different with possession.Instance1:exhibition right of drawing.Instance2:film right of works.Instance3:IP in bridal veil photographing,Chinese explanation,back,C.Regionally,What

27、 is regionally of Intellectual Property,1.Regional(domestic)protection of IP2.For instance:the dispute between CHREY QQ and GM SPARK3.Eliminate regional protection by convention,Chinese explanation,back,D.Timeliness,What is the timeliness of Intellectual Property,1.Timeliness of IP is Valid in legal

28、 time.2.Timeliness of IP is reasonable existing.3.Timeliness of IP is for the balance between creator and society.,Chinese explanation,back,E.Reproducible,What is reproducible of Intellectual Property,1.Reproducible is not matter but information.2.Reproducible is not abstract but material.3.Reproduc

29、ible is free-pouring.,Chinese explanation,back,Part 6.vocabulary,Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Property rights(IPRs)patent,copyright,trademarkliterary or artistic works,related rights,geographical indications,integrated circuits invention,utility model,industrial designs trade names,trade secret

30、,undisclosed information,unfair competition,Part7.Exercises,A.Translate into English,(1).文学艺术作品(2).工业产品设计(3).发明与科学发现,literary and artistic works,industrial designs,inventions andscientific discoveries,(4).集成电路与地理标记(5).商标、商号与商业秘密(6).保密信息与不正当竞争,integrated circuitsand geographical indications,trademark

31、,trade names and trade secret,undisclosed information,unfair competition,B.Translate into Chinese,(1)Intellectual Property,very broadly,means the legal rights which results from Intellectual activity in the industrial,scientific,literary and artistic works.,知识产权,简单地说,就是因从事工业、科学、文学和艺术领域的智力活动所获得的法律权利。

32、,(2)Countries have laws to protect intellectual property for two main reasons.One is to give statutory expression to moral and economic rights of creators in their creations and the right of the public in access to those creations.,国家以法律形式保护知识产权主要是基于以下两个原因。第一,对于创造者基于其创造物而取得的精神和财产权利和公众了解使用其创造物的权利给予法律

33、上的明示。,The second is to promote,as a deliberate act of government policy,creativity and the dissemination and application of its results and to encourage fair-trading which world contribute to economic and social development.,第二,作为一项政府的政策导向行为,目的在于提高主体从事创造的积极性,促进其成果的传播与应用,并同时鼓励对于经济和社会发展有益的公平贸易。,back,(

34、3)The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO),concluded in Stockholm on July 14,1967 provides that“Intellectual Property shall include rights relating to:,1967年7月14日在斯德哥尔摩签署的建立世界知识产权组织公约规定,知识产权包括下列各项权利:,-Literary,artistic and scientific works,-Performances of perfo

35、rming artists,phonograms,and broadcasts.-Inventions in all fields of human endeavor,-Scientific discoveries,-Industrial designs,文学、艺术和科学作品 表演艺术家的表演以及唱片和广播节目 人类一切活动领域的发明 科学发现 工业品外观设计,-Trademarks,service marks,and commercial names and designations,-Protection against unfair competition-All other right

36、s resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial,scientific,literary or artistic fields.”,商标、服务标记以及商业名称和标志 制止不正当竞争 以及在工业、科学、文学、艺术领域由于智力活动而产生的一切其他权利,c.Answer the questions,1.What is Intellectual Property?,Answer 1,Answer 2,Answer 3,智力成果的创造人依法享有的对其智力成果的权利和工商业活动中商业标记所有人对其商业标记的权利的总称-吴汉东,2.What d

37、oes Intellectual Property include?,Answer 1,Answer 2,Answer 3,Diagramindicating,3.Why do countries protect IPRs?,Answer 1,1.Encouragecivilization creation,2.Promoteintellectdissemination,“The patent system has added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.”Abraham Lincoln,4.What are characters of Intellectual Property?,A.amorphous,B.Proprietary,C.Regionally,D.Timeliness,E.Reproducible,


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