1、Lesson Three,Anxiety:Challenge by Another Name,1,Difficult Sentences,Warm-up Questions,Main Idea,Background Information,Language Points,Keys to the Exercises,Catalogue,2,Background Information,3,Background Information,James Lincoln Collier is a journalist,author,and professional musician.Collie grad
2、uated from Hamilton College in 1950.A journalist with thirty years of experience,Collier worked with his brother,Christopher Collier,to create works of historical fiction designed to be fun and educational for children.,4,Background Information,Colliers notable literary works include My Brother Sam
3、Is Dead,a Newbery Honor book that was also named a Notable Childrens Book by the American Library Association and nominated for a National Book Award in 1975.In addition to his writing,Collier is an accomplished jazz musician who plays the trombone professionally.,5,Warm-up Questions,6,Warm-up Quest
4、ions,1.Two sides of anxiety2.Tell your own story about how you face anxiety.3.How to reduce stress.,7,Warm-up Questions,Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks:,8,Warm-up Questions,Program:Talk of the DayTodays topic:_Guest speaker:Dr.Elizabeth SanderDefinition of stress:_Caller:Judy,Stres
5、s and how to manage it,A physical or psychological response to the demands that were placing on ourselves.,9,Warm-up Questions,Question 1:Any warning signs?Answer:Some of the most common warning signs:_,fatigue,listlessness,sleeping problems,a loss of appetite,sudden stomach disorders,heart palpitat
6、ions.,10,Main Idea,11,Main Idea,Anxiety,the fear of confronting something new and different,is a common human experience.In this article,James Collier,presents his view that anxiety producing situations can be an opportunity for growth and achie-vement.As a young man his anxieties resulted in his mi
7、ssing real opportunities for enjoyment and personal growth.He regretted these choices,felt badly for having made them and wished that he could learn to behave,12,Main Idea,differently.Upon graduating from college he resolved to confront these anxieties.Collier goes on the describe some of these chal
8、lenges,his fears,and his growth as he went on to become an accomplished journalist,author and jazz musician.The story is straightforward,but it contains many descriptive idioms and references to individuals he encountered in his career.,13,Language Points,14,Language Points,1.ranch n(line 2,para.1)a
9、 very large farm where sheep,cattle,or horses are bred,15,Language Points,2.fabled adj(line 4,para.1)literary famous and often mentioned in traditional stories;legendary 西湖有十大神话般的美景。The West Lake offers ten fabled sceneries.传说那房子曾住过鬼怪。The house is fabled to have been inhabited by ghosts.,16,Language
10、 Points,3.daunt vi(line 8,para.1)to cause to lose courage 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进。Their guide deserted them,but,nothing daunted,they pressed on into the jungle.再大的自然灾害也压不垮我们。Even a greater natural calamity cannot daunt us.,17,Language Points,4.waver vi(line 3,para.5)to not make a decision because you
11、 have doubts 人们的意见仍摇摆不定。Opinion seems still to waver.科尔曼坚称他是无辜的。Coleman has never wavered in his claim that he is innocent.,18,Language Points,5.deep in ones gut(line 2,para.6)in ones heart.This refers to what you really really want.,19,Language Points,6.jittery adj(last line of para.7)infml anxious
12、 or nervous 可能是这种紧张气氛使他焦躁不安。It was probably the tension that made him jittery.你就别妖言惑众了,弄得人心惶惶。Dont spread fallacies to deceive people.It is making everyone feel jittery.,20,Language Points,7.uproot vt(line 3,para.8)to move(people)forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment 我没想过让儿
13、子离开现在的家去别处居住。I have no wish to uproot my son from his present home.他们有背井离乡给他们造成的心灵创伤。They had the trauma of uprooting themselves from their homes.,21,Language Points,2)to destroy completely 连根拔起,根除 几秒钟内,龙卷风就能连根拔起大树。Within seconds a tornado can uproot trees.他们已被迫将葡萄藤连根拔除,改种小麦。They had been forced to
14、uproot their vines and plant wheat.,22,Language Points,8.sophisticated adj(line 3,para.10)1)altered by education,experience,etc.so as to be worldly-wise;not naive 老练的,老于世故的 玛丽是一个聪明老成的年轻人。Mary is a smart and sophisticated young woman.史密斯先生是一位老练的环球旅行家。Mr.Smith is a sophisticated world traveler.,23,Lan
15、guage Points,2)(of a machine,system)clever and complicated 这是一套十分先进的计算机系统。This is a highly sophisticated computer system.这架飞机有一套尖端的电子导航系统。The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system.,24,Language Points,3)someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about
16、 culture,fashion,and other matters that are considered socially important 克劳德是一个很有魅力、见多识广的伙伴。Claude was a charming,sophisticated companion.最近她的品位越发优雅时髦起来。Recently her tastes have become more sophisticated.,25,Language Points,9.corollary n&adj(line 1,para.12)sth that is the direct result of sth else
17、社会上的不平等是经济自由的必然结果。Social inequality is the inevitable corollary of economic freedom.爱之切必生妒。Jealousy is a normal corollary of love.,26,Language Points,10.exotic adj(line 2,para.15)1)from another part of the world 温室里引进的热带植物 exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse 2)intriguingly unusual or different;ex
18、citingly strange 来自远东的奇异服饰 exotic costumes from the Far East,27,Language Points,11.kick oneself(line 2,para.2)spoken to feel regret for missing an opportunity,or making a mistake that could have been avoided 追悔莫及;严厉自责 我为错过了那个机会而感到懊悔。I kicked myself for letting that opportunity slip by.自责是没有用的。It is
19、no use kicking yourself.,28,Language Points,12.stage fright n u(line 2,para.4)nervousness felt by someone who is going to perform in front of a lot of people 我饱尝了怯场的痛苦。I suffered terribly from stage fright.,29,Language Points,13.crack n c(line 2,para.5)1)infml an attempt to do sth 上学期我学跳舞了。I took a
20、crack at dancing last term.他们为夺取奥运会冠军一试身手。They had a crack at the Olympic title.,30,Language Points,2)cinfml a clever joke or rude remark 他喜欢取笑我的秃顶。He likes to make cracks about my bald head.我总挖苦他是那么蠢。I am always making cracks about how stupid he is.,31,Language Points,3)c a very narrow space betwee
21、n two things or two parts of sth 4)vt you break the shell in order to reach the inside part 把鸡蛋打在一个碗中。Crack the eggs into a bowl.,32,Language Points,14.big name n(line 1,para.9)famous people or things 迈克尔杰克逊在音乐界是个响当当的名字。Michael Jackson is a big name in the music business.,33,Difficult Sentences,34,D
22、ifficult Sentences,1.Do what makes you anxious;dont do what makes you depressed.(line 2,para.3)做使你焦虑的事情,但不要做使你沮丧的事。,35,Difficult Sentences,2.I suddenly realized to my astonishment that I was looking forward to the meeting.What had happened to those butterflies?(line 7,para.10)我惊奇的意识到我居然期待着这个会议,那些焦虑都
23、怎么了?,36,Difficult Sentences,3.The problem,of course,is that it is one thing to urge somebody else to take on those anxiety-producing challenges;it is quite another to get ourselves to do it.(line 1,para.13)当然问题的所在为:鼓励他人去面对会产生焦虑的挑战,是一回事情;而使得我们自己去面对,却是另外一回事情。,37,Keys to the Exercises,38,1.Reading Comp
24、rehension,A.1.C 2.A 3.B4.A5.D 6.A 7.C8.A9.C 10.B,Key to Exercises,Key to Exercises,Keys to the Excercises,39,II.Vocabulary,A.1.D 2.C 3.A4.D5.C6.B 7.A8.D9.A 10.CB.1.in the long run 2.piled up 3.end up 4.turned down 5.take a crack 6.stage fright 7.kicking myself 8.big names 9.guts 10.beg off,Keys to E
25、xcercises,40,III.Cloze,1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C,Keys to the Excercises,41,IV.Translation,1.Right then I learned another lesson.To avoid that kind of depression meant,inevitably,having to endure a certain amount of worry and concern.就在当时我又得出了一条经验,要避免这种郁闷就意味着不可避免地经受一些忧虑。,Keys to the Ex
26、cercises,42,2.Any time,it seems,that we set out aggressively to get something we want,we meet up with anxiety.And its going to be our traveling companion,at least part of the way,into any new venture.看来每当我们开始勇敢地想得到我们想要的东西的时候,我们都会担心。担心将伴随我们人生的旅程,至少部分旅程,伴随我们去进行新的冒险。,Keys to the Excercises,43,3.I had b
27、enefited,I discovered,from a process psychologists call“extinction.”If you put an individual in an anxiety-provoking situation often enough,he will eventually learn that there isnt anything to be worried about.我发现自己得益于心理学家称之为“消失”的过程。如果你经常把一个人置于引发忧率的环境中,最终他会得知没有什么事值得他担忧。,Keys to the Excercises,44,4.A
28、nd ever since,I have never hesitated to head for even the most exotic of places,without guides or even advanced bookings,confident that somehow I will manage.自那以后即使到最不熟悉的地方去,在没有导游,甚至没有预定旅馆的情况下,我也从未犹豫过,坚信自己能安排好这一切。,Keys to the Excercises,45,5.But I dont let the butterflies stop me from doing what I want.Accept anxiety as another name for challenge and you can accomplish wonders.只是我不想让担忧来阻止我去做我想做的事情,焦虑是挑战的别名,接受它,这样你才能创造奇迹。,Keys to the Excercises,46,47,