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1、系统动力学简称SD(System Dynamics),系统动力学原理 建模基本步骤 VensimPLE软件,系统动力学模型(System Dynamics)被誉为实际系统的实验室,是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)福瑞斯特Forrester(Jay W.Forrester)教授于1956年首创的一种运用结构、功能、历史相结合的方法,借助于计算机仿真而定量地研究非线性(Non-linearity)、多重反馈(Information feedback)、复杂时变(Dynamic complexity)系统的系统分析技术。可用于研究处理社会经济生态和生物等复杂系统问题,它可在宏观层次和微观层次上对复杂、多

2、层次、多部门、非线性的大规模系统进行综合研究。,反馈(feedback)是控制系统的一种方法。它是把系统输出去的一部分信息(给定信息)作用于被控对象后产生的结果(真实信息)再返回给输入,并对系统的再输出产生影响的过程。系统所具有的这种功能和过程称之为系统反馈。系统动力学认为几乎所有人工的系统都是反馈系统。,动态(Dynamic)即系统动力学所包含的量是随时间变化的,能以时间为坐标的图形表示。譬如,人口的增长,就业人数的增减,城镇与农村的生活质量和物价的涨落等都是动态问题。学习定义动态问题的技巧是学习系统动力学的第一步。,1系统的流,系统动力学主要利用四种流来构成模型 物流订货流资金流信息流,2





7、统,当出现扰动时,开环控制系统就不能完成既定任务。,闭环系统是指系统的输出对系统的输入有影响的系统,也就是系统输出信息对控制作用有直接影响的系统。因此,闭环系统又叫信息反馈系统。输入信号和反馈信号之差,叫误差信号。误差信号送到控制器上,以减少系统的误差,使系统的输出量趋于所希望的目标值。例如,商业中,订货库存系统就是反馈系统。订货与库存水平产生生产决策,生产决策又引起供货、调整库存,最后再引起生产决策,具有市场信息反馈的生产系统是一个反馈系统。该系统根据市场信息控制产品生产。,信息反馈系统又可以划分为两种系统:正反馈系统Positive(Reinforcing)Feedback Loop、负反

8、馈系统Negative(Balancing)Feedback Loop。正反馈系统是指系统运行发生一个持续增长过程,因为在该系统中控制作用引起的结果会导致发生更强的控制作用。负反馈系统,是系统运行时寻求目标,若没有达到目标就会不断产生反应的系统。划分一个特定反馈系统是正反馈系统还是负反馈系统或者开环系统,也是相对的。这取决于观测者确定系统目标时的特殊着眼点(观点)。,6因果关系,系统由相互依存、相关作用的要素组成。如果要素A的量的变化会引起要素B的量的变化,则称A与B之间存在着因果关系。反映系统各要素之间因果关系的图就称为因果关系图。系统动力学用矢线表示系统中两个要素(变量)之间的联系,称为因

9、果链或因果环(Causal Link)。如果有两个因素(变量)A和B,它们之间存在因果联系,如果A变化A,则引起B变化B或-B。这时,可把A看作B变化的原因,B是A的结果。,正因果关系:设有两个因素(变量)A和B。如果A变化A,则使B变化B,A和B变化是同号。也就是说,如果A增加引起B增加,或者A减少引起B减少,即A对B的关系是正因果关系,记作A+B,如人口总数和出生率的关系是正因果关系。负因果关系:设有两个因素(变量)A和B。如果A变化A,则使B变化-B,A和B变化是异号。也就是说,如果A增加引起B减少,或者A减少引起B增加,即A对B的关系是负因果关系,记作A-B。如死亡率和人口总数的关系就



12、。一个系统就是一个模型。一个复杂模型可以分解为若干个子模型(模块)。一个子模型中又有若干个反馈回路,包括正、负相结合的反馈回路,把这些反馈回路按其内在因果关系联结起来,就构成整个模型的因果反馈图。,一阶正反馈回路,一阶是指一个水平变量 举例:已知人口的年增加值和总人口构成一阶正反馈回路,现假设人口的年增长率为2%,期初人口为100万。试构造因果反馈结构并进行计算机仿真模拟。,手工仿真计算的前几步:,(1)birth=birth rate*populationUnits:Year(2)birth rate=0.02Units:*undefined*(3)FINAL TIME=100Units:Y

13、earThe final time for the simulation.(4)INITIAL TIME=0Units:YearThe initial time for the simulation.(5)population=INTEG(birth,100)Units:*undefined*(6)SAVEPER=TIME STEPUnits:Year 0,?The frequency with which output is stored.(7)TIME STEP=1Units:Year 0,?The time step for the simulation.,注释:INTEGRAL:积分即

14、population是birth的积分,初始值为100。SAVERPER:the frequency with which values are saved for latter displayTME STEP:the integration solution interval.,Time(Year)population Runs:0 10011022104.043106.1214108.2435110.4086112.6167114.8698117.1669119.50910121.89911124.33712126.82413129.36114131.94815134.58716137.2

15、7917140.02418142.82519145.681,一阶负反馈回路,举例:一个基本的库存控制系统。现假设初始库存量为 1000吨,期望库存量为6000吨,由当前库存量调整到期望库存量所需要的时间AT为5周,试构造因果反馈结构并进行计算机仿真模拟。,手工仿真计算的前几步:,水平变量是库存量,记为I。订货速率为OR,OR可以为正,也可为负。正的表示订货增加库存量,负的表示将现有的库存量退回供应部门以减少库存量。系统的目标是要求的库存量,记为DI。由当前库存量调整到期望库存量所需时间,记为AT,一阶负反馈回路:库存量模拟结果,Current表示调整时间为2天run2表示调整时间为1天,总结:


17、,Vensim软件介绍,界面及工具建立因果反馈图(causal loop diagrams)和流图(Stock and Flow Diagrams)模拟过程函数:LOOKUP、TIME、STEP,What is Vensim?,Vensim is a visual modeling tool that allows you to conceptualize,document,simulate,analyze,and optimize models of dynamic systems.Vensim provides a simple and flexible way of building s

18、imulation models from causal loop or stock and flow diagrams.By connecting words with arrows,relationships among system variables are entered and recorded as causal connections.This information is used by the Equation Editor to help you form a complete simulation model.You can analyze your model thr

19、oughout the building process,looking at the causes and uses of a variable,and also at the loops involving the variable.When you have built a model that can be simulated,Vensim lets you thoroughly explore the behavior of the model.-Vensim Users Guide Version 5,界面及工具,标题Title Bar,菜单Menu,Toolbar,绘图工具Ske

20、tch Tools,状态条Status Bar,Structural Analysis ToolsCauses Tree creates a tree-type graphical representation showing the causes of the Workbench Variable.因果树图Uses Tree create a tree-type graphical representation showing the uses of the Workbench Variable.使用树图Loops displays a list of all feedback loops

21、passing through the Workbench Variable.反馈图Document reviews equations,definitions,units of measure,and selected values for the Workbench Variable.Dataset Analysis ToolsCauses Strip Graph displays simple graphs in a strip,allowing you to trace causality by showing the direct causes(as shown)of the Wor

22、kbench Variable.显示与所选择变量有直接关系的变量的模拟结果Graph displays behavior in a larger graph than the Strip Graph,and contains different options for output than the Strip Graph.Table generates a table of values for the Workbench Variable.Runs Compare compares all Lookups and Constants in the first loaded dataset

23、to those in the second loaded dataset.,分析工具,Analysis Tool Output,控制板The Control PanelThe Control Panel allows you to change internal settings that govern the operation of Vensim,such as which Workbench Variable is selected or what Datasets are loaded.,2.建立因果反馈图(Causal loop diagram)和建立流图(Stock and fl

24、ow diagram),1)建立因果反馈图(causal loop diagrams):以Savings-Interest为例,演示,3种分析工具:Cause Tree;Uses Tree;Loops,分析因果反馈图的逻辑结构,两个图经由变量savings的因果关系而连接,刚好分别前后对调;当反馈环向后回到该变量,则用括号括起来。,确定savings为变量后,点击Loops,列举全部有关该变量的因果反馈图,Loop Number 1 of length 1 saving interestLoop Number 2 of length 2 saving work effort income,因果

25、反馈图只能描述反馈结构的基本方面,不能表示不同性质的变量的区别,这是其根本弱点。如状态变量的积累概念,是系统动力学中最重要的量,然而因果反馈图全然忽视了这一点。因此,需要建立流图。,2)建立流图(Stock and Flow Diagrams)-以workforce-inventory为例,construct Inventory as a Level,then add a rate flowing in and a rate flowing out.,Now we need to figure out how production gets determined.add the level W

26、 hire rate can either increase or decrease the workforce.,add the proportionality constant productivity.Also,net hire rate is dependent on the value of Workforce.,add in the variables target workforce and time to adjust workforce and connect them.,Add the concept of target production,and connect it

27、to target workforce.We will set target production on the basis of sales.,introduce target inventory,inventory correction and two additional Constants.The idea is simple.target inventory is the amount of stock that should be held based on expectations about sales.The inventory correction is the corre

28、ction for a deviation of Inventory from its target.,3.模拟:以workforce-inventory为例,The following steps are typical for building and using Vensim models.Construct a model or open an existing model.Examine the structure using the structural Analysis tools(Tree Diagrams.).Simulate the model moving around

29、model parameters to see how it responds.Examine interesting behavior in more detail using the dataset Analysis tools(Graphs and Tables).Perform controlled simulation experiments and refine the model.Present the model and its behavior to your audience using SyntheSim results,Analysis tool output cust

30、omer Graphs and Tables.,1)open an existing model:c:Program FilesVensimmodelsguidechap03WFINV.MDL,2)Examine the structure using the structural Analysis tools(Tree Diagrams.).,Causes Tree Diagram(Workbench Variable,Inventory,is on the right and everything that causes it to change(up to 2 connections d

31、istant)is on the left.),the Workbench Variable on the left and where it is used in the model(what it causes change,up to 2 connections distant)on the right.,Uses Tree Diagram,the Loops Analysis tool:variable net hire rate,Loop Number 1 of length 1 net hire rate WorkforceLoop Number 2 of length 6 net

32、 hire rate Workforce production Inventory inventory correction target production target workforce,displays all variables in all feedback loops(two)that pass through the Workbench Variable(net hire rate).,3)Simulating the Model:amount of Inventory over time.,Double click on the simulation Runname edi

33、ting box on the Toolbar to highlight the default name Current(or click once and drag over the name Current),then type in the name baserun.Click on the SyntheSim button,Double click on the simulation Runname editing box on the Toolbar again and replace the name baserun with experiment.,Using the mous

34、e drag the slider below productivity back and forth.As you move the slider the model will simulate and the results will display in blue,with the results from baserun being shown in red.,4)Examining Behavior,Position the mouse over Workforce and leave it there.A graph should pop up just below workfor

35、ce.,Click on Workforce to select it into the Workbench.Click on the Graph Analysis toolTwo things are worth noting about the above graph.First both runs show a pattern of behavior known as damped oscillation.Second,the two runs are identical except for scaling.,Click on the variable Inventory appear

36、ing in the sketch and then click on the Graph tool,We see a graph of Inventory with oscillating behavior similar to workforce,although Inventory starts out by declining before increasing in value.More importantly,there is only one graph visible.,Click on the Table tool,Only one graph line is visible

37、 for Inventory because the values are identical for both runs.Changing productivity impacts only Workforce,target workforce and net hire rate.This is quite clear just by looking at the model diagram as you drag the slider and occurs because productivity really just scales the number of people requir

38、ed to produce one item.,Click on the Reset Slider button or press the Home key to return the value of productivity to its original setting.Repeat the above experimentation process with each of the three remaining constants.Drag the sliders observing behavior and then bring up more detailed graphs wh

39、en you see something interesting.,The things to be looking for when you are evaluating behavior are the period of oscillation(振动),the extent by which variables change and the degree of damping(衰减).The period of oscillation is the time from one peak to the next on the time graphs.Damping is the decre

40、ase in amplitude that occurs from peak to peak,where amplitude is the distance along the y axis from the eventual value the variable settles to.It should be easy to see that productivity and inventory coverage do not significantly change these while time to adjust workforce and time to correct inven

41、tory do.,time to adjust workforce,5)Causal Tracing,Just as you looked at the causes of Inventory by using the Causes Tree Diagram Analysis tool,you can also look at graphs of behavior of the variables that cause Inventory to change.,Click on the Reset All button or use the key combination Ctrl+Home.

42、Click on Inventory to select it into the workbench.Click on the Causes Strip Analysis tool,A strip graph is generated that shows the Workbench Variable(Inventory)at the top,and all the variables that directly cause Inventory to change below it(production and sales).we will look into production and n

43、ot sales to understand the source of this oscillation.,Causal Tracing is a quick and powerful tool that helps us determine what portions of a model are causing which types of behavior.The Causes and Uses Tree Diagrams and the Table tool can all be used for Causal Tracing but the most commonly used t

44、ool is the Causes Strip tool and we will use that to investigate the sources of oscillation in this model.,4.几个常用函数:LOOKUP、TIME、STEP,1)LOOKUP:说明在一个模拟模型中任意两个变量之间的函数关系;可以描述一个表格包含两个变量的一组值。比如,改变原储蓄存款模型(Saving-Interest)。当存款少于5000¥,利率为5;存款不少于5000¥,利率为7。相当于原来DYNOMA 中的table函数,演示,2)TIME变量一些Vensim功能明显是时间函数,为了

45、使用这一功能,在模型中必须使用TIME当作函数。比如,对某些产品100单位振幅与12个月季节变化需求。时间以月为单位。Variable Demand=100*sin(2*3.14159*Time/12),演示,注意:Time 用符号包起来,表示它是一个隐藏式变量,3)STEP函数,阶跃函数产生一个从零到给定值的一次阶跃。比如WFINV.MDL中sales=100+STEP(50,20)The STEP function is one of the most commonly used input functions.This function returns 0 until Time reaches stime and then it returns sheight.In our example it will return 0 till time 20 then it will return 50 so that sales will start at 100,remain constant till time 20 and then jump to 150.,作业:,1.阅读现代地理学中的数学方法P370-3782.试构造一个问题的因果反馈结构(要求至少包括正负反馈回路各一个)3.熟悉下周上机内容:VensimUsersGuideP11-22;P23-40;P75-P90,


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