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1、老虎与鹿兔鹰的故事 谓语与非谓语关系,老虎与鹿兔鹰的故事,鹿、兔、鹰,V-ed 鹿,To do兔,V-ing鹰,鹿、兔、鹰,将来,被动与完成,主动与进行,(一)捕兔虎(V)兔(to do),虎:动词兔:不定式(to do)捕兔虎:专捕杀兔子的老虎,比喻只接不定式的动词,捕兔虎,Offer,learn,plan;ask,promise,help;prepare,decide,determine,be determined,make up ones mind,refuse;dare,manage,hope,wish,expect,longfail,pretend.,He promised_me.(

2、帮助)Dont pretend_(在学习)答案1._2_他拒绝接受我的邀请He refused to accept my invitation.史密斯先生决定在临泉开公司Mr smith decided to run a companyIn the old days,many people couldnt afford _their children to School.A.sent B,sending C,to send D send,to study,例子:,to help,c,以上的动词可以放在下面的一首汉语小诗中帮助记忆,有利于全面彻底地解决问题。,提出学会的打算,要求答应来帮忙,准备

3、决定遭拒绝,敢于设法有希望,未能做到莫装懂,破釜沉舟要自强。,省to 不定式的固定句型,1,had better(not)do you had better stay at home 2,would rather do.than do Id rather stay at home than go out 3,prefer to do.rather than do Id prefer to die rather than steal 4,cannot but do 不得不必然 He cannot but agree.5,cannot help but do.不得不Eg:I could not h

4、elp but realize that I was wrong我这才意识到我错了。,6,do nothing but do.nothing to do but/except do 只能,只有Eg:I had nothing to do but wait there.7,why(not)do.Why not ask your teacher for help?8,当主语部分有do,则表语可省to Eg:What I want to do is run a school=His wish is to run a school 9,当两个或更多相同的不定式并列使用时,除第一个不定式带to 外其余的

5、不加。She told the child to stay there and wait till she came back.注:如果两者有比较关系,那么每个不定式前都得加to To try and fail is better than not to try at all.,省to 不定式的固定句型,不省“to”的情况,(1)在used to be going to mean to ought to plan totry towould like to would love to hope to want to下列句子中,to 通常都得留 Eg:He doesnt get up early

6、,but he used to can you work out this maths problem?-Ill try to(2)在 be+adj(如:glad,happy,pleased,anxious,willing,ready)等此后保留toEg:-Would you like to join us in the game?-Id love to,3.在ask,advise,allow,permit,persuade,tell,wish 等词的复合结构中to通常保留Eg:Do the experiment as your teacher tells you to4.不定式的否定形式后保

7、留toEg:He wanted to quiz school and I advised him not to注:to 后若是主动词have 或 be时,必须保留。Eg:-Sorry,I didnt finished doing my home work.-You ought to haveOur school is no longer what it used to be,(二)追鹰虎(V)鹰(doing),虎:动词鹰:ving形式(doing)追鹰虎:专追逐老鹰的老虎,比喻只接ving形式的动词,追鹰虎,k keep ppractise s suggest/stand mmind/miss

8、 eenjoy/escape/excuse iimagine/insist on ddelay cconsider/cant help aavoid/appreciate rrisk/resist ffinish/fancy,小结,Kpsmeidcarfe(可不吃霉的咖啡)用谐音记忆法可记住这些常后跟动名词的动词。每个字母代表一个动词。,例子,我很喜欢弹钢琴你错过抓住这次机会1.Would you mind _ the door?A.open B,opening C,to open D,opened2.Have you considered _ to improve your spoken E

9、nglish?A.practising listening and speaking B.practising to listen and speak C.to practise listening and speaking D.to practise to listen and speak,A,B,You miss catching the chance,I enjoy playing the piano.,以介词to结尾的常用短语:带宾语的介词to,be/get used to,come to,devote oneself to,listen to,look forward to obje

10、ct to/get down to,prefer.to,pay attention to,refer to stick to,鹰山:带动名词doing的句型(山),It/There is no use/good/help/harm/point/sense+doingIt is useless/of no use/useful+doing 或I think it useful/useless/of no use/useful+doingspend/waste time+doinghave fun doing be worth doing,1be busy(in)doing 2have diffi

11、culty(trouble,difficulty,fun,pleasure,a good,hard time,problem)in doing或There is trouble/difficulty/problem+doing3 stop prevent.(from)doing,鹰山:带动名词doing的句型(山),(三)杂食虎v(兔)/(鹰)v to do/doing,虎:动词杂食虎:既可是兔,又可食鹰;即动词既可带to do,又可带doing,这些动词为表示“开始”与“爱恨”的词。,begin,start,continue,like,love,prefer,hate,dislike,但是表

12、“爱恨”的词加不定式与动名词稍微有点区别。跟不定式表示具体的某一次行为,而加动名词表示经常性,习惯性的行为。,例如:,1.I like to play basketball this afternoon.(特指今天想打篮球)2.I like playing basketball.(指平常的习惯),注意,1)本身是-ing 形式时,其后要接不定式2)如果表示主语有意识地开始做某事,多用动名词3)主语是物多用不定式4)其后的动词是表示情感的或与智力有关的,不用 v-ing 形式know,realize,hate,love,understand,wonder,remember,forget,宁愿虎,

13、prefer to do rather than do 宁愿 而不 prefer doing to doing would rather do than do would do rather than do,纸(只)虎,have nothing to do/do nothing but/except do 只好做(别无选择)enjoy doing nothing but doing 只喜欢做 want nothing but to do 只想做,(四)挑食虎v(兔)/(鹰)v1-to do v2-doing,虎:动词挑食虎:对事物很挑剔,食兔是一意;食鹰是另一意即食兔是食兔;食鹰是食鹰,V-,

14、(四)挑食虎v(兔)/(鹰)v1-to do v2-doing,forget,remember,mean,regret stop,try,go on,be sure,cant help 这九个动词可以用一句话记忆如下:忘记过去意味着不要遗憾,停下来然后尝试着继续进行,我相信这对你是有帮助的。,V-,forget to do 忘了去做某事forget doing忘了做过某事;remember to do 记住去做某事remember doing记得做过某事;mean to do打算去做某事,mean doing意味着做某事;regret to do遗憾地要去做某事,regret doing后悔做

15、过某事,stop to do停下来去做另外一件事,stop doing停下正在做的事;try to do试图做某事,try doing尝试着做某事;go on to do继续去做另外一件事,go on doing继续做原来的事情;,you are sure/he is sure to do相信别人一定会做某事,I am sure of doing相信自己一定会做某事;cant help(to)do不能帮忙去做某事,cant help doing情不自禁地做某事,cant help but do不得不去做某事.,富虎:带宾语复合结构,即带宾语和宾补(to do)的动词富虎捕兔:v+sb to d

16、o只追鹰:v+doing,(五)捕兔,v sb to do又追鹰v doing,(五)富虎捕兔,v sb to do又追鹰v doing,1.We dont allow smoking in the lecture room.2.Any student is not allowed to smoke in the lecture room.,这类动词:,allow,ask,advise,beg,command,cause,encourage,expect,force,get,hate invite like order permit prefer remind tell urge,want,w

17、ish等动词后,用带to的不定式作宾补(allow,advise,admit,consider,suppose,permit,forbid.可采取首字母压缩记忆法记为:3A CS PF(谐音“3A 克死 泼妇”)。例如:,例子,(1)I prefer you not to play all day long.(2)Id like you to help me with my homework.(3)Youd better get more people to do the work.,1、聪明富虎(思维-认为)sb+to do/to have done.如:,富虎:带复合宾语;即sb+to d

18、o/to have done聪明富虎:指表示思维的动词,翻译成“认为”“感觉”等义,聪明富虎(思维-认为)sb+to do/to have done.,富虎:带宾语复合结构,即带宾语和宾补(to do)的动词富虎捕兔 v+sb to do聪明富虎:不仅带复合结构,而且专只表示思维的动词,一般翻译成“认为”等意思,这类动词有:表示见解看法的动词,believe,consider,suppose,thinkdeclare,discover,feel,find,guess,imagine,judge,understand,例如:,1I think everyone to be hard-workin

19、g.2.I think almost everyone to have attended my lecture.,例子,1,We found the rumor true.2,I consider him to have done wrong.3,I always imagine me to be a millionaire.4,I felt him to be a spy,2、富虎追鹰v sb doing,富虎:带宾语复合结构,即带宾语和宾补(doing)的动词追鹰 v sb doing,能带doing做宾补的动词有:,have,get,keep,set,send,leave,catch,h

20、ear,listen to,feel,see,find,look at,watch,observe,notice,例子:,My father had only two men working for him Dont have the horse running so fast,Its dangerous.Have you noticed the boy passing across the street?,3、富虎逮鹿,v sb/sth done,富虎:带宾语复合结构,即带宾语和宾补(done)的动词追鹰 v sb/sth done,能done作宾补动词有,make,have,get lea

21、ve 及感官动词see,watch,look at,find hear listen to,feel 等.宾语与补语的关系是被动含义时,用过去分词作宾补,I was surprised to see so many people seated at the back of the class.I have never heard this song sung so sweetly Youd better get your bike repaired at once,4、上山虎捕兔(吃饱带足),上山虎:上山虎+兔to“短语动词+宾语+带to的不定式”即Vt sb to do,这类动词有:四for

22、四on,arrange for,ask for,wait for,long for call on,count on,depend on,rely on,例子,1.You can not count on Tom to help you.2.Chairman Mao called on us to serve the people heart and soul.,小结:省to的不定式作宾补,被动该to不能弃,一感:feel,;两均可,.二听hear,listento,三使役have,let,make,五看see,look at,notice,observe,watch,一帮help,We of

23、ten see them play football;They are often seen to play football He was made to stand outside for two hours,富虎三类小结,a)感官类:hear,listen to,see,feel,notice,watch,observeb)迫使类make let,have,force,cause,lead drive c)愿望类 want,wish,expect,特别动词:不食病(宾)兔虎,不是宾兔虎:不接宾语复合结构;即无V+sb to do 的结构有这几个单词hope,suggest,agree,d

24、emand,arrange,welcome.,记忆总结:,为了完全准确地记住,我把其首字母取出,可以组成单词,然后再组成一个句子,记为:W has a cd.(wwelcome,hhope,aagree,ssuggest,aarrange,cconsider,ddemand),例子:,例如:1.I hope everyone here to learn English well.(错)I wish everyone here to learn Englush well(对),(六)疑问虎V+Wh(H)+To+Do.,虎:动词疑问虎:带疑问词虎,即带有疑问词+to do的动词,这样的词有:,Kn

25、ow,remember,forget,understand;wonder,explain,find out,seeDecide,tell,consider,think of/about;discuss,show,learn,ask.,要记全这些单词,只需要背下下面的四句话:,知道记住忘理解,想知解释差明白,决定告诉两考虑,讨论表明学问拆。,例如:,Some student still dont know how to learn English.Dont worry,and I will show you how toDo you know where to get the book?I be

26、gan to learn how to cook when I was 18.Have you decided whether to go for an outing?,更多例子:,1 作主语When to start How to go there Where to go Who to do it has not been decided.2 宾语。在discover,findout,know,see,show,understand 等动词后,不直接用不定式作宾语,必须用wh-+to 结构,在下列词中也带这种结构,decide,learn,remember,forget,wonder I d

27、ont know when to start who to do it how to do it where to go whether to do it,更多例子:,3表语 The problem is when to start it who to do it how to go there where to go 4 状语。She was at a loss(as to)what to do 她不知如何是好5 同位语:I have no idea which one to take 我不知道该拿哪个注:why(not)do,(七)丘陵 与土丘,丘陵:With 复合结构 With+名词+形

28、/副/介/名/非谓语 土丘:独立主格结构:名词+形/副/介/名/非谓语,丘陵:with,w:红花It:绿草H:树木,丘陵:with(),With+名词+名词(短语)+不定式(短语)+现在分词(短语)+过去分词(短语)+介词短语+形容词(短语)+副词(短语),He came into the room with Tom and Jane his classmates,with a lot of work to dowith his nose bleedingwith his hair tied at the back.with a pair of sun glasses on his nose.

29、with his face red with coldwith nothing on.Do you know the boy?,(八)鹿兔鹰独立团,有些分词不受逻辑主语的制约,已形成了固定的用法,用来表示说话者的观点与态度,这样的分词,我们称之为独立分词,这些分词构成独立团我们可以用压缩首字母法记忆如下。,Doing团,strictly speaking,generally speaking,frankly speaking,judging by/From,broadly speaking/talking of,considering,supposing Taking into conside

30、ration,例子:,Strictly speaking,this sentence is wrong.Judging by the facts,Tom told us the truth.The house cost him,roughly speaking,200,000 dollars,To do团,to tell(you)the truth,to be,honest,to be frank,to be exact,to be brief to begin with,to start with,to do him justice(说句对他公道的话),例子:,To tell you the

31、 truth,I do want to learn English well.To be frank,you have probably done wrong to her.To do him justice,he is quite fit for the job.,参考记忆:Go cast j.,gog generally/frankly/seriously/broadly/speaking;oowing to,cast,cconsidering that(考虑到)aaccording to s suppose/supposing that(假如)t to be frank(坦诚地说)to

32、be exact(确切地说)to tell you the truth(实话跟你说)to make the long story story short(长话短说)to begin/start with(首先)to put it simply(简单地说),j,j judging by/from.例如:Judging by/from his accent,he may be a Guangdongnese,(九)懒(not)兔 鹰,兔鹰:to do和doing懒:1.懒人不干活含否定not 2.懒兔鹰中懒在前,即not位于todo和doing前,即,如果是不定式,not 要放在to do前,如果

33、是动名词,not要放在doing前。,(十)兔鹰寻主人,述:to do和 doing都是动词变化而来虎(动词)是有其主人(主语),因而鹿兔鹰也有其理论上的主人(逻辑主语,又叫准主语),例子:,逻辑主语+鹿兔鹰,称为独立主格结构独立主格:与主语不同的逻辑主语His homework finished,he was ready to go home(He)Waiting for his friend,he was reading,兔寻主,对于不定式,如果讲“做某件事对某人怎么怎么样”,就在不定式前加for sb,如果讲“做某件事是某人的特定品质,就在不定式前加of sb.,例如:,Its very

34、 important for you to learn English well.Its kind of you to make tea for me.(=You are kind to make tea for me),鹰寻主,对于动名词,如果动名词作宾语,要加逻辑的话,逻辑主语可以用名词的所有格或普通格,代词的所有格或宾格,如果动名词作主语,要加逻辑主语的话,无论逻辑主语是名词还是代词,一律只准用所有格。,例如:,1.Your attending my lecture has made me excited.2.What about us/our singing a song?,例子:不定

35、式的复合结构 for sb to do sth,1作主语:Its easy for us to remember a few new words 2作宾语:I find it impossible for Tom to pass the exam.3 作表语:This is for you to decide 4 定语:I have a lot of work for you to do 5 状语:The box is too heavy for me to take,例子:动名词的复合结构(名词或代词的所有格+doing),三、1 作主语:Marys coming late made her

36、 teacher angry Its no use your telling me not to worry 2 作宾语:Mother insisted on my brothers going to college Would you mind my opening the door?注:在口语中,动名词前的代词可用宾格,名词也可不用所有格3 作表语:What is troubling us is their not having enough money,鹿兔鹰种类:1、2、3,过去分词ed只有一种形式 Ing形式有两种形式To do不定式最全面,有三种形式。,一,二,三,上面的结构故而可记为:非谓语123,,过去分词最简单(只有一种形式),Ing形式有两种,不定式形式最全面。完成、进行与一般。,


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