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1、Contrastive Analysis of English&Chinese,词是具备形、音、义,可以独立运用的最小语言单位,也是最小的语法单位。,Teaching Plan,Teaching Contents:1.An introduction to Chinese language from the views of language family,Language types,Writing system,Phonetics,Vocabulary,Word order,Function words,Sentence structure,Style,etc.2.An introducti

2、on to English language from the views of language family,Language types,Writing system,Phonetics,Vocabulary,Word order,Function words,Sentence structure,Style,etc.3.Comparison and Contrast of C-E languages,1.5 Vocabulary,I.Sematic contrast1.汉语:“历史悠久”英语:“融汇百川”2.汉英词汇对应的依据:客观世界大体相同 人的生理结构一样3.汉英词汇不对应的原因

3、:文化(自然环境、社会历史、思维方式、宗教信仰、风俗习惯等)表现为:词汇空缺、词汇冲突,1.The comparison of Chinese and English word formationThe Similarity of word formation between Chinese and English:Compounding(合成法):such as 心跳,心眼,分明,血迹 greenhand,overtranslation,deaf-muteAffixation(缀合法):such as 非人,非金属,老鼠,老虎International,worker,impossible,S

4、ound-changing(音变法):传授,传记;成长,长短record,present,surveyAbbreviation(缩略法):北京大学北大;西藏民族学院民院very important person-VIP;April-Apr.borrowing(借词):安琪儿,交响乐,冰激淋;litchi,jiaozi,panda,moon cake,Peking Opera,brick tea.,2.The differences of word formation between Chinese and English:Chinese can use Reduplication to cre

5、ate new words,such as 爸爸,毛毛雨,仔仔细细等。And English can use Back-formation and Clipping,conversion to create new words.babysitter babysit;editor edit,burglar burgle smog+=smoke+fog;medicare=medical+care,2.汉英词义对比词具有指称意义(denotation)和蕴涵意义(connotation),因而难译。,Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word

6、,the dictionary definition.For example,if you look up the word snake in a dictionary,you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is any of numerous scaly,legless,sometimes venomous reptiles having a long,tapering,cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions.Connotation

7、on the other hand,refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word.The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings.The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.,下面几例是“道”在第三回的4种译法.“道”在早

8、期文言中,是“说”的意思。宝玉初见黛玉,送她“颦颦”为别名,探春问宝玉取此名的缘由,宝玉引经据典说得头头是道,然后便有了以下的对话:1)探春笑道:“只恐又是你的杜撰.”宝玉笑道:“除外,杜撰的太多,偏只我是杜撰不成?”“Youre making that up,Im afraid,teased Tan Chun.“Most works,apart from the FOUR BOOKS,are made up;am I the only one who made things up?”he retorted with a grin.(杨宪益,戴乃迭译),2)贾母笑道:“你不认得他,它是我们这里

9、有名的一个泼皮破落户儿,南省俗谓作辣子,你只叫他凤辣子就是了.”“You dont know her,”said Grandmother Jia merrily.“Shes a holy terror this one.what we used to call in Nanking a peppercorn.You just call her Peppercorn Feng.Shell know who you mean!”(David Hawkes 译),3)贾母因笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹!”With a smile at Pao-yu,the Lady Dowager

10、scolded,“Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor.Hurry up now and pay your respects to your cousin.”(杨宪益,戴乃迭译)4)贾母笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?”“Youre talking nonsense again,”said his grandmother,laughing.“How could you possibly have met her?”(杨宪益,戴乃迭译),1.汉英词语完全对应(word for word correspondence)A

11、spirin;Marxism;Capitalism;modernism.2.汉英词语部分对应(one word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning)Wife:妻子、爱人、老伴、内人、贱内、夫人、老婆;president:总统、主席、校长、议长、会长、社长;Morning:早晨、上午部分对应造成翻译时的选择,如对于morning 的翻译:Late in the morning 接近晌午/Early in the morning 一大早;而mid-morning 等最好用时间表示:Mid morning:上午十点左右 Mid-afternoo

12、n:下午三、四点In the middle of next week:下周三前后,英汉词汇意义的对应程度,大致有以下三种情况,3.汉英词语不对应(words without correspondence):Teenager:13至19岁的青少年;Clock-watcher:老是看钟等下班的人;Prey:被捕食的动物;Porridge:牛奶燕麦粥(Combination of milk and oatmeal);Individualism 个人主义;Dink=double income no kids 丁克家族,1)词义相符(semantic correspondence)2)词义相异(sema

13、ntic non-correspondence)第一种是指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异 第二种情况是指称意义和蕴涵意义相异3)词义空缺(semantic zero),词语的空缺(无对应)和词义的差异(部分对应)例1山hill,mountain 你,您you 鸡hen,chick,cock,rooster江,河river青blue,green父,母parent借lend,borrow兄,弟brother兔hare,rabbit枪,炮gun鼠mouse,rat嫁,娶marry乌鸦raven,crow叔,伯uncle,例2舅舅从桌上把花瓶拿去了。Mothers brother has taken the

14、 vase away from the table.我属蛇。I was born in the Chinese lunar year of the snake.,例3大小size高矮height长短length冷暖temperature参差variations粗细thickness是非trouble先后priority轻重weight,1)词义相符(semantic correspondence),如:医生(doctor),学生(student),环境保护(environmental protection)在寻找语义相符的对应语时,易犯逐词翻译的毛病,找到假对应词,如:学习知识 to lear

15、n knowledge(to acquire knowledge)盐水 salt water(salt solution),Absolute Equivalents(完全对等),东方时空-Oriental Time and Space 德国-Germany等腰三角形-isosceles triangle断层山-fault mountain计算机-computer 助教-assistant teacher场磁铁-field magnet地盾-shield书 架-book shelf新生儿-newborn baby,from beginning to end-从头到尾family property

16、-家产helicopter-直升飞机The Atlantic Ocean-大西洋strike while the iron is hot-乘热打铁lose face-丢脸Failure is the mother of success-失败是成功之母 a near neighbor is better than a far-dwelling kinsman-远亲不如近邻bull market-牛市trump card-王牌,指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异:松、梅、竹(岁寒三友,蕴含不畏严寒,傲然风雪的品德)然而,英语中pine trees,plum blossoms,bamboo不具备上述蕴含意义

17、。“羊”在古汉语中就是吉祥的意思.如“三羊开泰”(Three Rams Bring Bliss)ram 在英语中除表示“公羊”外,还表示“撞击装置”。,第二种情况是指称意义和蕴涵意义相异:phoenix(凤凰):mythical bird of the Arabian desert,said to live for several hundred years before burning itself and then rising born again from its ashes“龙凤呈祥”(Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity),3)词义空缺(se

18、mantic zero),词语意义的空缺是文化现象空缺的结果.翻译时需要用音译,意译或其他方式表示其义.糖葫芦 Tanghulu,a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of childrens favorite food in winter特困生 the most needy students乌纱帽 an official post 站票 standing-room-only tickets 钱先生周岁时“抓周”,抓了一本书,因此得名“钟书”.When Qian was just one year old,he was told b

19、y his parents to choose one thing among many others,he picked up a book of all things.Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name:Zhongshu(=book lover).,1.5 Vocabulary,II.Grammatical contrast of vocabularySimilarities:1.词类数量大致相等,类别基本对应。2.名词、动词、形容词三大类开放性词类在词汇中占较大比重。汉语:实词(名词、动词、形容词、代词、数词和量词)虚词(

20、连词、介词、助词、叹词)英语:实词(Noun,Verb,Adjective,Adverb,Numeral,Pronoun)虚词(Preposition,Conjunction,Article,Interjection),1.5 Vocabulary,II.Grammatical contrast of vocabularyDifferences:1.从词类划分比较:汉语没有冠词,英语没有量词 2.从数量上比较:副词:汉语中少,为虚词 英语中多,为实词 介词:汉语中少,30个左右 英语中多,数不胜数(包括简单介词、复合介词、短语介词)连词:有类似不同,复杂而有趣的量词,一本书、两枝笔、三扇窗、四

21、把锁、五只鸡 一炷香、一抔土、一尾鱼、一床被、一叶小舟、一顶帽子、一方砚台、一出戏、一把锁、一眼井、一笔钱、两撇胡子、一椽破屋一弯新月、一轮明月、一缕炊烟、一抹斜阳、一带远山、一江春水、一派风光、一树梅花、一川烟草、一袭花香、一泓清泉、一垄土地、一缕乡愁一团和气、一丝希望、一门心思,English-SV structureChinese-inner logic and semantic relationsSentence Examples:1)These are the best dictionaries about English idioms which we have in the li

22、brary.2)This morning I came back by train from Beijing where I had visited some of my former classmates after I had finished my task there.3)We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959.4)Rocket research ha

23、s confirmed a strange fact that had already been suspected there is a high temperature belt in the atmosphere,with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground.,1.6 Word order,5)政府主导的医疗改革如果仅仅意味着加大对医疗市场的限制的话,那我们可要三思而后行了。6)她每天清晨在室外高声朗读。7)救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。8)英国是第一个承认人民中国的西方大国。9)如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。,1.7

24、Function words,Function words are articles,prepositions,auxiliaries,coordinators,subordinators and so on.1)a fish/a hill/a well/a book/a marriage/a limited view/a good intention2)He has an eye for beauty/an ear for music.3)Johnson is the man for the job./This is the drink for hot weather.4)To the Ch

25、inese,theirs was not a civilization,but the civilization.(中国人认为他们的文化不是文化中的一种,而是唯一的文化。)5)This was the period when Einstein began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.6)晚霞映红了半边天。8)老人走南闯北,去过的地方很多9)群众齐心了,一切事情都好办。,从词类使用的频率上分析*汉语多用动词而英语多用名词*英语中代词、介词、连词的使用频率高*汉语的数词

26、使用得多,因为汉语的成语及缩略语靠数词构成*汉语的量词使用频率高,正如英语的冠词一样,1.7 Function words,汉英词类划分的理据比较及对汉译英的意义,1.汉英词类划分的理据汉语词类的划分主要依据词义,即词义的实与虚、动与静、具体与抽象等;英语的词类划分依据是语法,词类与句子成分有严格的对应关系,词义倒在其次。结果:汉英词类名同实异,同名异质语言现实中:形异实同因此:转类法,2.对汉英翻译的意义(启示)*由于汉英词汇意义存在不对应现象,翻译时应通过各种手段对译入语加以补充或限定,技巧上表现为词语的增减阐释借用音译等手段的运用;*由于词汇使用频率不对应,翻译时不能拘泥与字面的对应,而

27、应该以整体意义为重,灵活变通。*由于词类的性质不同,词类转换便成了汉英翻译中经常使用的技巧。,英语中词类转换,一词兼几类的现象比较普遍,“You can happy your friends,malice or foot your enemy,or fall an axe on his neck.”-Shakespeare,Who chaired the meeting?It can seat 1000 people.We should shoulder these responsibilities.I hope we can room together.They breakfasted at

28、 the guesthouse.,Exercises for Word Translation,地下游览惊险刺激。郭彩娣笑了,赞赏他的口才说:说话真会绕弯。别了,司徒雷登!你能算出那颗子弹的初速度吗?我在校门口和他分手。她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又吞了下去。他吹得天花乱坠。打得赢就打,打不赢就走。,The underground voyage is full of dangers and risks.The underground voyage is full of adventure and risk.Guo Caidi smiled and said appreciatively:He

29、certainly knows how to beat around the bush.Guo Caidi smiled and said appreciatively:He certainly knows how to keep you guessing.”Goodbye,Leighton Stuart!Farewell,Leighton Stuart!Can you calculate the initial speed of the bullet?Can you calculate the initial velocity of the bullet?,Key to exercise,I

30、 parted with him at the school gate.I parted from him at the school gate.She was afraid of being snubbed,so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.He bragged in the most fantastic terms.(give an extravagantly colourful description)Fight when you can win,move away when you cannot win.,Thereiss


32、,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?,Practice:,Practice 在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义。人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的是他或她的优点。这一点颇像在餐馆里用餐的经验。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了 这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。这是因为,第一,开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜。第二,你初到一个餐馆,开始举筷时有新鲜感,新盖的茅房三天

33、香,这也可以叫做“陌生化效应”吧。,Notes:本文选自王蒙的陌生化效应,属于哲理性的小品文,运用比喻的写作手法来描述人际关系,其中很多形象的比喻多难理解,是较难的汉英翻译之一。1.第一句“在人际关系浪漫主义”中,人际关系:human relationship,或interpersonal relationship。2.第四句中的“头盘或冷碟”,“头盘”即第一道菜,可以译为the first dishes,或starter or cold dishes。3.从“开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,”到“于是转喜为怒,转首肯为摇头。”都是无主句,但后面句子中出现了第二人称单词“你”,因此翻译时可用增词法,添

34、加主语you,使上下文一致。4.“责备挑剔”可译为scolding and nit-picking。5.翻译“转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头”时,用一个与原文类似的平行结构将原文含义及语言特点体现出来。如可译为Then happiness turns to anger,praise to scolding and nit-picking,。6.翻译“饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜”,最好用意译的方法,the bran tastes as sweet as honey.,参考译文1 In interpersonal relationships,we shouldnt be too ro

35、mantic.Human beings are interesting.Usually,when they meet a person they will first notice his or her merits.Its just like the experience of dining in a restaurant.The starter or cold dishes will leave you a very good impression.You will be full of praise while eating the first two main courses.The

36、more you eat,the calmer you will become.At the end of the dinner all the shortcomings come out.Then happiness turns to anger,praise to scolding and nit-picking,and head-nodding to head-shaking.This is because:firstly,you are hungry when you begin eating.When you are hungry,the bran tastes as sweet a

37、s honey;however,when you are full,even the honey tastes insipid.,参考译文2 With respect to person-to-person relationship,we should not be too impractical.Man is an interesting creature and tends to notice a fellow human beings merits at first sight.This is like the dining experience at a restaurant.The

38、first or the cold dish is much welcomed.The initial courses/dishes are more than appreciated.As the meal progresses,however,he becomes increasingly calm,and by the time the dinner is over all the defects of the dishes are out on the table.Then joy turns into anger,praise into nitpicking and,finally,nodding into head-shaking.All this is due,first of all,to the fact that,when one starts to eat,one is hungry and hunger makes rice husk taste better than honey while full filling turns one away from the sweetest honey.,


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