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1、+学习中心统考英语B 辅导,主讲教师:*,自1999年现代远程教育试点工作开展以来,我国网络教育蓬勃发展,试点规模不断扩大。试点高校网络教育学生的部分公共课全国统一考试工作在教育部领导下,由全国高校网络教育考试委员会具体组织与实施。2004年3月1日以后(含3月1日)入学注册的学生的统考合格成绩作为教育部高等教育学历认证书电子注册资格的条件之一。其实也就是说统考不合格拿不到毕业证书。英语统考包括三级,A/B/C.对于我们的专业就必须要过英语统考B级。它考察的是一些基础知识,这是我们已经具备的,所以在备考过程中只需要再好好的复习就可以轻松通过了。,统考英语试卷试题类型及分值,(机考:90分钟)1

2、、交际用语 5题 152、阅读理解2篇10题 303、语法词汇5题 104、完形填空一篇(5题)105、翻译4题(英汉)206.、作文1篇 15,一、交际用语答题原则:礼貌原则(平时练习,注重积累语感,英语中的无论询问还是回答都要以礼貌为主,读题要仔细,要所问所答,不要答非所问。)二、我们通过各种途径可以获得很多交际用语的习题,但是认真归纳整理就可以理出以下几个分类:1、感谢;2、问候;3、告别;4、抱歉;5、邀请;6、一般;7、询问;8、介绍;9、建议;10、购物;11问路;12、求助;13、打电话。四、专项练习题:,1.-Thank you ever so much for your lo

3、vely gift.-_.A.Never mind B.I am glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No,itnot so good.-Thanks for your help.-_.A.My pleasure B.Never mind C.Quite right D.Dont thank me2.-Good morning,John.How are you(doing)?-_A.I m pleased.B.Good night.C.Not so bad.And you?D.How do you do?-How do you do?-_A.Fine

4、,thank you.B.How do you do?.C.Not too bad.D.Very well.Hello,how are you?-_A.Hello,how are you?B.How do you do?.C.Fine,thank you.D.Thats OK.Nice to have known you.-How do you do?-_ A.Very well.B.How do you do?.C.Im a doctor.D.Nice to have known you.-How is your family?-_ How about?/What about?A.Thank

5、s all the same.B.Thanks for calling.C.Not too bad.Dont mention it.How is your mother(doing)?-_ A.Sheis very kind.B.She is verty well.C.She is not very old.D.She is doing shopping now.,B,A,C,B,C,B,C,B,-How are you,Bob?_,Ted.A.How are you?B.Im fine.Thank you.C.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you.-Hi,Tom,

6、how is everything with you?_,and how are you?A.Dont mention it.B.Hm,not too bad.C.Thanks D.Pretty fast3.Goodbye for now.-_A.The same to you B.Thats OK.C.See you.D.Long time no see.4.I didnt mean to do that.Please forgive me.-_A.Not to bad.B.Thats all right.C.It s a pleasure.D.Thank you.5.Thank you f

7、or your inwention.-_A.It doesnt matter.B.Its a pleasure.C.Its a small thing.D.Ill appreciate it.6.-What abeautiful dress you have on today!-_A.Its suitable for me.B.No,it isntC.You want to have one,too?D.Thank you.,B,B,B,C,B,D,-I think he is a good teacher.-_A.Sorry,it doesnt matter.B.So do I.C.Yes,

8、it is a good idea.D.I dont mind.7.-What s the matter,dear?-_A.I dont go to school.B.I have a terrible headache.C.I took the kids shopping today.D.Its a beautiful dress.-Is Mary there?-_A.Speaking B.Im not Mary.C.Who are you?D.Mary is well today.,B,B,A,-Thank you for calling.-_A.Dont mention it.B.Tha

9、ts fine.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.8.-Let me introduce myself.Im steward.-_A.What a pleasure.B.Pleased to meet you.C.Idont know.D.Thanks a lot.-Hello,Im Harry Potter.-Hello,my name is Charles Green,but_.A.Call my Charles B.Call me at Charles C.Call me Charles D.Call Charles me9.-Lets go

10、 to the library this afternoon.-_A.Yes,that s all right.B.No,I cant.C.What about you?D.Thats a good idea.-,C,B,C,D,10.-How much is this necklace?-_A.Its very nice.B.Its a birthday present from my parents.C.It cost 50 pounds.D.Its a bargain.11.-How do I get to the cinema?-_A.Its very far.B.Yes,there

11、is a cinema near here.C.Its well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.12.-Can you help me?-_A.No,I dont know.B.Sure.What is it?C.Dont mention it.D.Thats it.,C,D,B,13.-Good morning,may I speak to Mark,please?-_ A.Who is there?B.Who is speaking?C.Who are you?D.Who wants to speak to Mark?-Is Mary there?-_ A.Speaking.B.Im not Mary.C.Who are you?D.Mary is well today.-Thank you for calling._ A.Dont mention it.B.Thats fine.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.,B,A,C,


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