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1、人称代词,1.Your football clothes are on the desk.Please put _(they)away.2.(We)_ English teacher is Miss Ma.We all like _(she).3.(My)_ cant get my kite.Could you help _(I)?,them,Our,her,I,me,4.Tom cant get down from the tree.Can you help _(he)?5.We cant find our bikes.Can you help _(we)?6.These are _(he)

2、planes.The white ones are _(I).,him,us,his,mine,1._ is my aunt.We often visit _.(she)2.China is a developing country._is in the east of Asia.(its)3.What day is _ today?_ is Thursday.(its)4.I own a blue bike.The red one isnt _.(I)5.These new houses are so nice._ are very expensive.(them)6.The fisherm

3、en caught lots of fish,didnt _?(them),She,her,It,it,It,mine,They,they,7.Ling Ling is a girl._ studies in a primary school._ brother lives with _ and helps _ with_ lessons.(she)8.Mike is my classmate._ is good at English.(his)9.Kate wants a glass of milk.Will you pass it to _?(she)10.Whats the weathe

4、r like today?_ is cloudy.(its),She,Her,her,her,her,He,her,It,1.I ate all _ sandwiches yesterday.(I)Can I have one of _?(you)2.George has lost _(he)pen.Ask Mary if she will lend him _.(she)3.Jack has a dog and so have I._(he)dog and _(I)had a fight(打架).4.The teacher wants you to return that book of _

5、(he).5.Mr.and Mrs.Green and a friend of _ are coming to see us.(they)6.We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of _.(we),my,yours,his,hers,His,mine,his,them,ours,1.This isnt_knife._ is green.(she)2.These are your books,Kate.Put _ in the desk,please.(they)3._ must look after _ things.(you)

6、4.Wei Fang,is that _ ruler?Yes,its.(you)5.They want a football.Give _ the green one,please.(they)6.Its Lin Taos bag.Give it to _.(he)7.Is this pencil-box Li Leis?No,_ is very new.(he),her,Hers,them,You,your,your,them,him,his,8.This box is too heavy.I cant carry _.Dont worry,Let _(I)help _.(you)9._ i

7、s a boy _ name is Mike.Mikes friends like _ very much.(he)10.My sister is in _ room._ is a teacher.11.Jane is a little girl._ mother is a nurse.(she)12.We are in _ classroom(we).But _ is bigger.(you)13.He and she are teachers._ are busy14.You are a pupil.Is _ brother a pupil,too?,it,me,you,He,whose,

8、him,her,She,Her,our,yours,They,your,(1)Are these _(you)pencils?Yes,they are _(our).(2)Whose is this pencil?Its _(I).(3)I love _(they)very much.(4)She is_(I)classmate.(5)Miss Li often looks after_brother.(6)Are these _(they)bags?No,they arent _(their).They are _(we).,your,ours,mine,them,my,her,their,

9、theirs,ours,1.Mary works in a book store._ likes _work very much.2.John and I are in the same school._ go to school together.3.Everybody likes that sport,do _?4.She is a friend of _.We got to know each other two years ago.6.I have many friends.Some of_are good at English.7.May I use _ bike?_is broke

10、n.,She,her,We,they,mine,them,your,Mine,1.Theoldmanlivesby_.2.IamsureIcandoitallby_.3.ThatboycalledCokeBoyWenchuanEarthquakefinallycameto_.4.Maryisoldenoughtotakecareof_.5.Itisperfume.Imadeit_.6.Canyoucarrythisboxupstairsby_.,himself,myself,himself,herself,myself,yourself,7.Thestory_wasverygood,butyoudidnottellitwell.8.Didyouenjoy_atthepartyyesterday?9.Welcometomyhome,justhelp_tothedishes.10.Manytopstudentsinourclasscanteach_afterschoolathome.11.I gave _ a cellphone as a birthday gift.,itself,yourself,yourselves,themselves,myself,


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