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1、足球 那 些事儿,Something about,Football,Do you like football?Do you like football players?Whats your opinion about football?,FOOTBALL,An old sports,Football has a long history of more than 2000 years.It stems from(起源)the interesting ancient sport CUJU(蹴鞠)in Han Dynasty(汉朝).,Almost all us know the Britain

2、is the hometown of modern football.In the 11th century,some soldiers and poor workers began to play a kind of sports by kicking a ball filled of fur and leather(皮革),soon,the sport called football became famous all a round the Europe.,Modern football,DO you know who are they?,They are football supers

3、tar,I have in mind the football icon is,He was top scorer in the history of mallorca club,Cameroons top scorer in the history of England,the history of the African nations cup top scorer.Even the national team he scored against England,Argentina,Brazil,Hollands goal!He is a football field cheetah,fr

4、om Africa goal machine-Samuel eto o!,Samuel Etoo,5,4,3,START,Here is Milan!Seoul(首尔)!Even in the restaurant.,Do you know why?,As the worlds first sport,a lot of people like football.,Boys love fotball because,Football has passion!,But why do a lot of girls also love football?,all of the handsome boy

5、s have gone to play football!,Because,however,football doesnt onlyhave passion and handsomeboys!,If you think football is just a game that 20 persons run after a ball,you are completely wrong!,Sometimes,to some people,in some regions,football is really more than itselfIt gives expression to many spi

6、rits.,One of them is struggle!,Another meaning of football is teamwork.,Of course,fun is also one of the reasons why so many peoplelike it.,The most important one,football has no boundary!,Football heal the wound.War could destroy a country,but never a boys dream.,War cant defeat football,Tell you a

7、 secret!,Football unites us.,Just like the song sings:Give me freedom,give mefire,unify us,make us feel proud,when I get older,I will be stronger.,Sometimes,football is violent,sometimes,football can be complicated,sometimes,football hurts.But no matter how it transfer,it still help people believe themselves,help people re-find their dreams.The most important,football wound be a part of life forever.,Football,


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