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1、,英语句子成分,content,什么是句子成分,CONTENTS,句子成分就是一个句子的各个组成部分。如果把一个句子看成是一棵树,那么一颗树的组成部分有树干、树枝、树叶;而一个句子的组成部分就有主语、谓语、宾语等。,英语中的句子成分主要有:,主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、同位语,各个成分的功能,一、主语(subject):句子说明的人或事物。主语一般位于_。主语的主要类型包括:名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词或-ed分词、不定式、-ing分词和(主语)从句等。,1名词充当主语。Young people love pop music Old people prefer classic

2、al music,句首,各个成分的功能,2代词充当主语。如:It rains quite often in spring She was in a bad mood3 数词充当主语。如:Two plus two makes four Five will be enough4名词化的形容词或-ed分词充当主语。如:The disabled are well taken care of,各个成分的功能,各个成分的功能,5不定式充当主语。如:To study hard is your duty Its not easy to look after a sick old man6-ing分词充当主语。

3、如:Spitting in public is not allowed Being with you is terrific Its no use crying over the spilt milk(形式)主语(真正的)主语,各个成分的功能,7从句充当主语(该从句称作主语从句)。That Miss Gray speaks Chinese surprised us all 关联词主语(从句)How the Cartoon became an instant hit is a long story 关联词主语(从句),各个成分的功能,1.We love China.2.We have finis

4、hed reading this book.3.He can speak English.,二、谓语,二、谓语:说明主语做什么或怎么样。通常由_ 充当.动词常分为实义动词,连系动词,情态动词和助动词.,动词,各个成分的功能,情态动词和助动词不能单独充当谓语,必须和实义动词或系动词一起构成谓语.,They can speak English well.They are playing over there.,各个成分的功能,三、宾语 宾语(object)表示动作的承受者,在句中一般放在及物动词之后。宾语的主要类型:名词、代词、副词、不定式、-ing分词、从句等。(能做主语的词)1名词充当宾语。如

5、:Dry wood catches fire easily General questions cant puzzle the clever boy 2代词充当宾语。如:We can invite them to our party If you dont know the way,ask her,各个成分的功能,3副词充当宾语。如:The athletes left there just now4不定式充当宾语。如:Remember to bring your cell phone5-ing分词充当宾语。如:You wont forget attending his farewell con

6、cert They stopped smoking at last,各个成分的功能,6从句充当宾语。如:Do you know how serious the situation is?I dont understand what you mean,各个成分的功能,双宾语有些及物动词可以有两个宾语:直接宾语(Direct Object)和间接宾语(Indirect Object),称为双宾语.这两个宾语往往一个指人(一般为间接宾语),另一个指物(一般为直接宾语).间接宾语一般放在直接宾语之前.He gave me a book.,间接宾语,直接宾语,有时为了强调间接宾语,也可将间接宾语后置,并

7、在其前加上介词to或for.He gave a book to me.He bought this book for me.注意:如果直接宾语是人称代词,则间接宾语必须后置,并在其前加上介词to或for.Heres your report.Dont forget to show it to your parents.,表语主要用于表述主语的特征,状态,身份等。它位于连系动词后,构成系表结构。,四、表语:,各个成分的功能,系动词,Add your title,表示状态,Add your title,Add your title,Add your title,感官系动词,变得,be,一直保持,ke

8、ep,remain,stay,看起来,似乎,seem,appear,look,sound,smell,taste,feel,become,turn,fall,grow,get,go,come,run,各个成分的功能,各个成分的功能,各个成分的功能,名词 His father is a teacher.b.代词 This book is mine.c.形容词或分词短语 The leaves turn yellow in autumn.The teacher was satisfied with your work.The story is very interesting.,d.数词 One p

9、lus one is two.e.动词不定式或动名词短语 My job is looking after her.What we want to do now is(to)lie down and rest.,各个成分的功能,f.副词或介词短语 Sorry,my father isnt in.Tom is in Shanghai now.g.从句 The question is why we should put off the meeting.,各个成分的功能,各个成分的功能,五、定语:(attribute),定语:修饰主语、宾语和表语,形容词、名词、不定式、分词、介词短语、数词、代词、句子

10、等都可以用来充当定语。在翻译时往往译为“的”,This is a lively and interesting class.,后置定语,There is something difficult to deal with.,有一些难题要处理,这是一节生动有趣的课,前置定语,形容词 Newton is a famous scientist.b.名词 Lets listen to the weather forecast first.,c.动名词 Our school is going to build a swimming pool.d.分词短语或动词不定式短语 She is reading an

11、 interesting book.I have no pen to write with.,e.介词短语或副词 I havent got the solution to the problem.I used to live in the room above.f.从句 The man who is coming toward us is my English teacher.,六、状语:(adverbial),状语是修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分;按用途分,可分为时间,地点,原因,结果,目的,条件,让步,程度,方式,伴随状况等。,副词 Who can write beautiful

12、ly?b.介词短语 Were going to spend the holiday at the seaside.c.分词短语 Not knowing what to do,I decided to give up.,d.动词不定式短语 His mother often comes to see him.e.名词 Please come this way.f.从句 As soon as the teacher came in,all the students stood up.,七、补语:补语最常用于复合结构中,对动词后的宾语进行补充说明。修饰对象是名词,对宾语进行补充说明的是宾补,对主语进行

13、解释说明的是主补。,复合结构:宾语宾补,n,adj,adv.,介词短语,分词短语与动词不定式,各个成分的功能,I consider your brother a clever boy.I found the classroom empty.I saw him enter the room.I believe him to be honest.,I heard the boy crying.He left the girl in the room.,各个成分的功能,八、同位语 在一个句子中,一个名词或代词,或相当于名词的短语或从句,放在另一个名词或代词之后,用以说明它的性质或情况,被称为同位语(

14、Appositive).可作同位语的通常有:,名词 This is my best friend,Tom.b.代词 We all got a surprise.c.数词 This prize is for you two.d.从句 I had no idea that you were here.,主谓(宾)主系表 就是一个最简单的句子构成,被看作是句子的主干。也就相当于一棵树的树干部分。并由此构成了英语的五种基本结构,S+V 主语谓语S+V+P 主语系动词表语S+V+O 主语谓语宾语S+V+o+O 主语谓语双宾语S+V+O+C 主语谓语宾语宾补,各个成分的功能,content,1.S+V 主

15、谓(不及物动词),英语五种基本句型,The sun was shinning.The moon rose.We all breathe,eat and drink.Lucy gets up early every morning.He had slept for a long time when I came in.His parents have worked in the factory for more than 10 years.,content,2.S+V+P 主系表,英语五种基本句型,This is an English dictionary.The dinner smells g

16、ood.He fell asleep.His face turned red.The well has gone dry.He is growing tall and strong.,content,3.S+V+O 主谓宾,英语五种基本句型,Who knows the answer?He enjoys reading.He has refused to help them.He admits that he was wrong.,content,4.S+V+o+O 主谓间宾直宾,英语五种基本句型,He brought you a dictionary.I showed him my picture.He gave me a gift.I told him a story.He showed me how to run the machine.,content,5.S+V+O+C 主谓复合结构,英语五种基本句型,They painted the door green.They appointed him manager.This set him thinking.We saw him out.He asked me to get back soon.,


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