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1、英汉语的否定句及翻译,英语中的否定形式灵活多样,是一个常见而又较复杂的问题。有的句子在形式上是肯定而实质上却是否定,有的则形式上是否定而实质上是肯定;有的在英语句中否定主语,可译成汉语时就转化成否定谓语,这给学生的理解和翻译造成了很大的困难。英汉语言中的否定都可以分为完全否定,部分否定和双重否定三种类型。,1完全否定(Full Negation),百分之百地否定一个事物的存在、成立或真实性。常用的全部否定词与习惯用语有:no,not,none,never,neither,nor,nothing,nobody,the last 或者not+anyanyoneanybody等。egNeither

2、of the substances dissolves in water这两种物质都不溶于水。,2部分否定(Partial Negation),英语中all,every(及其派生词)both,each,以及always,often,entirely,wholly都带有“全体”的意义,但当和not连用时表示部分否定,可译为:不都是,不全是,不是每个,不总是Every disease is not cured in the same way 并非每种疾病都用同样的方法治疗。All that glitters is not gold 发光的并不都是金子Not both suggestions are

3、 accepted by the committee.并非两个建议都被委员会所采纳,三、双重否定(Double Negation),否定之否定。实际上是肯定。但其语气较强。无论该否定是形式上的还是意义上的,在翻译时,应根据句子语气翻译成肯定句或双重否定句I wouldnt be saying this unless I were sure of the facts 要是我对这些事情没有把握,我就不说这话了。One is never too old to learn活到老,学到老She is not a little interested in computer games她对计算机游戏有浓厚兴

4、趣,No one has nothing to offer to society 人人都可以为社会奉献点什么。He cannot speak English without making mistakes 他一说英语就出错。Nowadays it is not seldom that a man lives to be seventy years old 如今人活到70岁常见的。It is impossible for heat to be converted into a certain kind of energy without something lost一点不损耗就把热能转换成某种能

5、量是不可能的。,四、延续否定(Continuative Negation),在同一句子中,一个否定词之后连续使用否定因素,不管是形式上的还是意义上的,均称之为延续否定(或连续否定、接续否定)可以译成汉语的连续否定句No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned and none remained unmoved by his action 从前线回来的人说起白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动,Before Iib

6、eration he was a cartdriver who could hardIy keep body and soul together,let alone support his family 解放前,他是个赶大车的,连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了At that time we didnt have computers,to say nothing of e-mail and Internet那时,我们连电脑都没有,更不用说电子邮件和因特网了。,五、否定转移(Transferred Negation),在英语中,把否定词或否定成分从其原来应在的位置转移至句子的谓语动词前,这就

7、是“否定转移”。它通常有这样两种情况:主句的谓语动词为think,believe,suppose,imagine,expect,fancy等表示认为,猜想的动词时,其后宾语从句中的否定词not应该移至主句中简单句中否定方式、时间、原因等状语的否定词应移到谓语动词前,I dont suppose anyone who object to the project.我猜测任何人都不会反对这个计划The object did not move because l pushed on it 这物体不是因为我推了才移动的He didnt go to school by bus(=He goes to sc

8、hool not by bus)他不是乘公交车去上学Rome was not built in a day.(=Rome was built not in a day)罗马并非一日建成,六、暗含否定(Implied Negation),1肯定形式,否定句意You have just missed the target 你没有射中靶子Please refrain from spitting in the public place 公共场所请勿吐痰Rain prevented him from going out 下雨了,他没出去其他类似的动词还有:deny,refuse,overlook 等,2

9、否定形式,肯定句意Drinking too much will do no good to your health过量饮酒有损于你的健康。which family doesnt have problem家家有本难念的经。They cannot but admit that in certain aspects of science and technology we are away ahead to them他们不得不承认在某些科学技术方面,我们远远领先于他们,3某些特殊结构和习语表达否定含义,If only hed remembered to buy some fruit 他当时要是记得买

10、些水果来该多好。(虚拟语气表示暗含否定)But that you had seen me in the water,I would have drowned要不是你看见我掉在水里,我早就淹死了。(虚拟语气表示暗含否定)But for your help,they should not have finished the task in time要不是你们的帮助,他们不可能按时完成任务(虚拟语气表示暗含否定),That was a thin argumentThe beauty of the West Lake is beyond descriptionWe cant be too faithful to our dutiesHe turn a deaf ear to all warning。I am quite at a loss what to do next那个论点站不住脚。西湖的美是难以描述的我们必须尽力忠于自己的职责(我们越忠于自己的职责越好)他对所有的警告充耳不闻。我全然不知道下一步该怎么办,


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