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1、课程安排,一、完形填空1、时间:15分钟 分值:10%2、目标:10到14个正确率3、样题分析2006年6月24日四级完型(67)wait-A beside B near C for D around以最简单的思维做题,(72)can-A effect B affect C reflect D perfect先找出哪2个是近义词(73)in much the-way as.A familiar B similar C identical D same先找出哪个是近义词,再以最简单思维解题,(81)time at-A where B this C which D that考点:和介词搭配的连词4

2、、解题最大思路:化繁为简(1)最简单的搭配(2)把长句子拆分成简短的句子,5、复习方法:考前20天的重复工作(1)为什么是重复?2007年12月完型.in-the same way as关于affect和effect的重复,(1)We are interested in the weather because it-us so directly-what we wear,what we do,and even how we feel.(P326-45)A benefits B affects C guides D effects(2)Once out of the earths gravity

3、,the astronaut is-by the problem of weightlessness.(P331-61)A affected B effected C inclined D related,(3)Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has-the quality of the programs.(P374-32)A lessened B declined C affected D effected,关于adapt和adopt的重复(1)I suggest he should-him

4、self to his new conditions.(P359-42)A adopt B regulate C suit D adpat(2)The old couple decided to-a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.(P344-38)A adapt B bring C adopt D receive,(3)The newcomers found it impossible to-themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent h

5、omes in the new country.(P347-47)A suit B adapt C regulate D coordinate(4)While helping him to-himself to his new enviromentA place B adapt C put D direct,(5).the easier it will be for them to-to the new enviromentA fit B suit C yield D adapt题目难度稍大时,会考察adopt的另外含义What principles should you-when you g

6、o out shopping?A adapt B lay C stick D adopt,2006年6月17日88题We are-a positive approach.A adjusting B admitting C adopting D adapting,总结复习方法:(1)每天精读熟读1篇完型真题5遍,记住其中的生单词、短语;(2)熟读历年考过的单选中得词汇题,二、语法和翻译1、时间:5分钟 分值:5%2、样题分析(1)Scientists agree that it will be a long time-(我们找到至于癌症的方法)(2)-(多亏了一系列的新发明),doctors c

7、an treat this disease successfully.,3、教学内容:(1)常见翻译固定句式(2)常见翻译错误(chinglish)根据国家利益?暂停服务?(3)三大从句(名词、定语、状语),完型填空,一、出题方向1、词汇-85%1)单词-70%2)短语-15%2、语法-10%1)连词 2)不定代词 3)强调4)倒装3、上下文逻辑关系-5%,二、词汇题解题方法,1、找固定搭配简单思维练习:01年6月:satisfied-03年1月:differ-06年6月:wait-07年6月:-many as the earthquake took-those buildings.,It i

8、s the species-typical behaviour that sets humans completely-from all other animals.A apart B off C up D down.preferring that to-in a difficult language(P308-89)A telling B uttering C saying D speaking,.they-applications and send them.(P304-74)A fulfil B finish C complete D accomplishUnlike other soc

9、ial roles that we are expected to-(P308-69)A play B keep C show D do,.deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking-(P300-86)A place B shape C charge D action.there may be one more step they have to-before registering for classes.(P304-81)A make B undergo C take D pass,.which is to pr

10、omote-of warmth,trust,love and affection.(P306-71)A intersts B feelings C friendship D impressionsThe-news is that.(P311-76)A fine B nice C surprising D good,Many birds utter-calls at the approach of danger.(P309-65)A mating B excting C warning D boring,2、指代关系主要指多个近义词之间所用的场合不同,例如褒贬义、正式和非正式、单复数、人畜之分等

11、等。Results/findings和consequenceThe-give little comfort to social critics.A effects B expectations C results D consequences,Purpose和goal2005年1月79题(exception)Machines used for medical and resarch-A finds B prospects C proposals D purposesI just heard the-of the popcorn crunching between my teeth.(P308-

12、81)A voice B sound C rhythm D tone,3、包含关系即大小范围的A包含B的情况The survey on friendship appeared in the March-of Psychilogy Today.A print B copy D issue D publication,4、词性辨析AlikeDislike Unlike-her sister,Tom is quiet.,三、完型整体解题方法,1、复线法中西方行文差别The man had to-the airport several times in order tobecome.(P299-84)

13、A surround B circle C observe D view原文首句:As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong.,2005年1月Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make money go further.actually-your money.A save B preserve C raise D retain,I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and

14、I couldnt face my-apartment.(P307-71)A warm B hot C heated D cool原文首句:One summer night,on my way home from work I decided to see a movie.,The recent surveys on-illiteracy are beginning to numb.(P311-65)A historical B educational C cultural D political原文首句:Historians tend to tell the same joke when t

15、hey are describing history education in America.,Lets look at this-in more detail.(P309-61)A classification B definition C function D perception原文首句:A langeage is a signaling system which operates with symbolic vocal sounds,and which is used by a group of people for the purpose of communication.,2、考

16、察逻辑关系1)并列:and orI had to keep changing the XXX everytime she leaned over to talk to him,-he leaned over to kiss her.(P308-74)A while B whenever C or D and,2)、转折:but however whereas.the great tit is a case XXX;it has about twenty different calls,XXX in human language the number of possible utterance

17、is XXX.(P309-78)A whereas B since C anyhow D somehow,The largest brain XXX examined belonged to a person of weak XXX.On the other hand,some of our most distinguished people have had-brains.A big B small C minor D major,3)、让步翻译成汉语为“尽管”Even if even though though althoughDespite(介词)/in spite of(介词短语)4)

18、、条件翻译成汉语为“如果”If whether(从句再讲解),特例考点:ProvidedProvidingSupposeSupposingWell visit Europe next year-we have enough money.(P352-62)A lest B until C unless D provided,5)、因果学会区分直接原因和根本原因(阅读非人考点)学会区分所有表示“因为”的单词(完型考点)Because as since forBecause of due to owing to,练习:我周围的女生都很喜欢我,因为.你懂的!既然你是学英语的,我想你可以帮帮我!昨晚应该

19、下雨了,因为早上起床地上湿了!,6)、解释举例For example=for instanceSuch as That is to say.冒号、破折号Monkey utter-cries,such as expressions of anger,fear and pleasure.(P309-66)A identical B similar C different D unfamiliar,3、平行结构要求前后文在词性、单复数以及词义上保持平行,主义平行并不等于“相同”Even those who had-or no training in science(P301-88)A any B m

20、uch C some D little,The students were generally-and direct in their comments.(P305-73)A frank B hard-working C polite D reserved,完型练习1,As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong.AsCircleOver和above,The plane was moving unsteadily through the air,and XXX the passeng

21、ers had fastened their seat belts,they were suddenly-forward.A shifted B thrown C put D moved词义辨析题fasten,At that moment,the air-hostess-.A showed B presented C exposed D appeared近义词辨析题Air-hostessShow和appeared区别Pos词根Present含义,She looked very pale,but was quite-.A well B still C calm D quiet词义辨析题Quite

22、和quietstill,Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper,she-everyone that the pilot had-A fallen B failed C faded D fainted词义辨析题A inquired B insured C informed D instructed词义辨析题,Inquire和require关于老师的说法,And asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machinesor at-how to drive a car.A best B least

23、 C length D first短语搭配题,After a moments-,a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilots cabin.A hesitation B surprise C doubt D delay词义辨析题,Moving the pilot-,the man too his seat.A back B aside C about D off短语搭配题and listened carefully to the-instructions that were sent by radio.A patient B anxi

24、ous C urgent D nervous词义辨析题,That were sent by radio from the airport-.A beneath B under C down D below表示下面的区别,The plane was now dangerously close-the ground,A to B by C near D on短语搭配题but to everyones-,it soon began to climb.A horror B trust C pleasure D relief词义辨析题,The man had to CIRCLED复线法 the airp

25、ort several times in order to become-with the controls of the plane.A intimate B familiar C understood D close词义辨析题IntimateBe familiar with,-the danger had not yet passed.A then B therefore C but D moreover上下文逻辑题最常考2个逻辑Yet和but的区别,The terrible-came when he had to land.A moment B movement C idea D aff

26、air词义辨析题Following-,A impression B information C inspections D instructions,It shook violently-it touched the ground.A as B unless C while D so词义辨析题and then moved rapidly-the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.A around B over C along D above短语搭配题,句子,英文句子总共三类:1、简单句2、并列句3、复合句(从句)1)、名词性从句2)、形

27、容词从句-定于从句3)、副词性从句-状语从句,简单句,一、主系表结构这种句型谓语动词是系动词(常见的就是be动词),这种动词本身没有具体的动作,后面所接的成分是用来说明主语的特征、特点或者性质。系动词种类,1、单纯表示主语的特征、状态看起来look 闻起来smell 听起来sound 是be尝起来taste 摸起来(感觉起来)feel 似乎seem/appear 他似乎生气了。He seems/appears angry.,2、表示主语由一种状态转变到另外一种状态 Become turn grow fall come go她最近变得有点肿。She becomes/turns/grows/fal

28、ls a little bit fat.,考点:Go和come请比较:Go mad/hungry/bad/crazy/wrongCome true/correctGo作为系动词一般用于贬义,come作为系动词则是褒义,3、表示主语保持某种状态 Keep remain stay hold(握住、认为)continue 求知若饥,虚心若愚。Stay hungry,stay foolish.(乔布斯)当个吃货,做个SB。,小结:所有的系动词后面可以接各种形式,名词、形容词或者是不定式短语,但是没有副词。,二、主谓结构该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词,也就是句子当中没有宾语。需要主要的是,有部分动词本身既

29、是及物动词也是不及物动词。You changed!I changed him!,三、主谓宾该句型的谓语是及物动词,它告诉我们由主语发出的动作所针对的对象,也就是我们说的宾语。我把他给甩了。I abandoned him.,四、主谓+间接宾语+直接宾语该句型的动词后面所接的成分有人又有物,人称之为间接宾语,物称之为直接宾语。我买了一把牙刷给他。I bought him a toothbrush.他给我展示了他的卧室。He showed me his bedroom.,对于这种句型,咱们通常可以进行改写,把直接宾语和间接宾语的位置调换,变成:I bought a toothbrush for hi

30、m.He showed his bedroom to me.考点:调换过后什么时候是to什么时候是for?,交换两个宾语位置后用to的常见动词有:Giveto/offerto/handto/pay.to/readto/selltoAwardto/bringto/lendto/passto/promisetoSendto/taketo/writeto/oweto交换两个宾语位置后用for的常见动词有:Bookfor/choosefor/findfor/getfor/keepforOrderfor/preparefor/singfor/fetchfor/savefor,五、主谓+宾语+宾语补足语他

31、们任命我为女生协会主席。They appointed me chairman of the Girls Union.(注意不是the chairman)该句型看似和第四种结构装宾语一样,我们如何区分?,如何区分双宾语和复合宾语?方法:在第一个宾语后面加上be动词,如果能构成一个语义通顺的句子,则是复合宾语(即主谓宾宾补结构),我们使他成了主席。We made him our chairman.我给他做了一个蛋糕。I made him a cake.在第一个宾语后加上be动词成为:Him is our chairman语义通顺,即是主语+谓语+宾语+宾补句。Him is a cake语义不通顺,

32、即是主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语。,练习:哪句话是主谓+双宾语的结构?并翻译She will make him a good husband.She will make him a good wife.她会使他成为一个好丈夫。她会成为他的好妻子。,并列句,概念:用连词将多个简单句连接在一起的句子。如何将下列句子组合成并列句?我们钓了一天的鱼。We fished all day.我们什么都没钓到。We didnt catch anything.,错误思维:逗号无力We fished all day,we didnt catch anything.方法1:用分号We fished all day

33、;we didnt catch anything.方法2:用并列连词(and/but),前面加上逗号We fished all day,but we didnt catch anything.,从句1:定语从句,一、基本概念1、什么是定语?起修饰作用的部分为定语,通常情况下为一个独立的形容词。She is a beautiful lady.2、什么是定语从句?我不喜欢表现得妖米日眼的人。I dont like the people who act in a funking way.,3、用一句话来代替句子当中起修饰作用的单词(形容词)的句子为定语从句。4、先行词:people5、关系词:关系代

34、词:that/which/who关系副词:when/where/why,6、关系词的作用1)、重复指代先行词2)、连接主句和从句3)、在从句中充当成分,即作为从句中得主语、宾语或是表语I dont like the people who act in a funking way.Who在后面的从句中作为主语存在。,二、定语从句的翻译方法:找出汉语中表修饰的那一陀,即汉语中带“的”的部分,那么它就作为从句放到最后翻译。1、住在我家隔壁的女人是个寡妇。表修饰部分的是?住在我隔壁的The woman is a widow who lives next to me.,注意:一般从句要紧跟在被修饰的先行

35、词之后,所以该句更好的表述为:The woman who lives next to me is a widow.,2、我喜欢有幽默感的男人。表修饰的部分是?有幽默感的I like guys who have a sense of humour.,3、她是我见过的最胖的英语老师。表修饰的部分是?我见过的 最胖的出现2个或多个修饰怎么办?定语从句就是用一个句子来表达修饰,在上述两个修饰部分中哪个是必须用句子来表达,哪个是可以用一个形容词来表达?She is the fattest English teacher who I have ever met.,4、我有一个我能完全信任的朋友。表修饰的部

36、分是?我能完全信任的I have a friend who I can trust completely.,5、我喜欢和我一起工作的人。(注意人的翻译)表修饰的部分是?和我一起工作的I like those who I work with.,6、我喜欢那些与我有共同点的人。表修饰的部分是?与我有共同点的I like those who I have something in common with.,三、关系词的省略即并不是所有的定语从句都需要我们将that/who/which都写出来在从句中作宾语的关系词可以省略I dont like the people who act in a funk

37、ing way.Who在后面的从句中是做了主语,所以不能省略,练习1:判断下列句子中得关系词可否省略1 I like the one who could make my life meaningful.2 I hope I never have a boss who I cant talk to about my problems.3 I am talking about friends who you can share almost everything with.,练习2:改错He is the man who he is teaching us English.Id really li

38、ke to find a friend that I can trust him completely.,四、关系代词who/whom/whose1、先行词指认才能用who/whom只有有耐心的人才能成功。表修饰的部分是?有耐心的Only those can succeed who have patience.Only those who pave patience can succeed.,只有有耐心去做简单事情的人才能成功。表修饰的部分是?有耐心去做简单事情的Only those can succeed who have the patience to do simple works.On

39、ly those who have the patience to do simple works can succeed.,考点:Who不能放在介词之后,在其它任何情况下都可以替换whomI am talking about friends who you can share almost everything with.Who是接在with后面的介词宾语,既可以用who也可以用whom但是.,不能写成:I am talking about friends with who you can share almost everything.只能写成:I am talking about fri

40、ends with whom you can share almost everything.,2、表示人或者物的所有关系用whose我有一个同事,他的父亲是柬埔寨人。(我有一个父亲是柬埔寨的同事)表修饰的部分是?父亲是柬埔寨人的谁和谁是所有关系?同事和父亲I have a workmate/colleague whose father is a Combodian.,我们坐在窗户破烂的教室里面。表修饰的部分是?窗户破烂的谁和谁是所有关系?教室和窗户We are sitting in a classroom whose windows are broken.,我朝窗外看去,看见了Hu Yue,

41、其美貌让我惊讶不已。I saw him when I look out through the window,whose beauty took my breath away.,五、关系代词which当先行词指物时,用which愤怒是吹灭心灵之灯的风。表修饰的部分是?吹灭心灵之灯的Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of mind.,他喜欢爬山,这是一项好运动。He likes climbing,which is a good sport.她撕毁了我的照片,这让我很生气。She tore up my photos,which made me ang

42、ry/furious.注意这里的关系代词which指代的内容,六、关系代词thatThat既可指人也可指物考点:1、that指代人时可替换who,指代物时可替换which;2、that不能用在介词之后;3、that不能引导非限定性定语从句;,4、当先行词即有人也有物时,只能用that我对出现在这篇文章中的作者和他的诗歌都很熟悉。表修饰的部分是?出现在这篇文章中的I am very/quite familiar with the author and his poem that appeared in this article.,5、当先行词被下列单词修饰时,只能用thatAll little

43、few much none something anything nothingEverything序数词 形容的最高级形式,练习3:改错I enjoy the music that we are listening to it.The people which live next to me are friendly.He is the man who he taught me English.I gave the book to him that he needed it.The airline has a booklet who will tell you most of the imp

44、ortant things about a trip to Europe.,The man which told me the news refused t give his name.The book which I bought it at the bookstore was very useful.The woman was nice that I met yesterday.I met a woman who her husband is a famous lawyer.Do you know the people who lives in that house?,练习4:将下列定语从

45、句中得that改为who或which,并判断哪些关系词是可以省略的The girl that answered the phone was polite.I didnt know any of the people that Bill invited to his party.The woman that I saw in the park was feeding the pigeons.,I like the barber that usually cuts my hair.The person that I admire most is my father.,七、关系副词when/wher

46、e/why我永远不会忘记我们见面的那一天。I will never forget the day when we first met.这就是我渡过童年的地方。This is the place where I spent my childhood.这就是他迟到的原因。This is the reason why he was late.,考点:并不是在所有表示时间的单词后面都可以用when(where和why类似)比较:Ill never forget the time which I spent in college.Ill never the day when we first met.,

47、如果从句的句子完整(也就是主谓宾齐全),那就应该选用关系副词when/where/why;反之,则用which/who/that因为which/who/that作为关系代词,必须在后面的从句中充当一定的成分,也就决定了后面的句子不能够是完整的。,连词5:选择合适的关系词填空Ill never forget the day-I met you for the first time.Ill never forget the days-I spent with you.The day,-began brightly,ended with a violent storm.I arrived in Be

48、ijing on the day-it was snowing heavily.,This is the town-I was born.This is the town-I want to visit most someday.,完型练习2:亲,最简单思路哦!遇到不会的就选最简单的哦亲!,2004年6月Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America.美国的历史教育出了问题,HistorianMusician/magician/guardian/physici

49、anPhysicist/artist/scientist/dentistTend toTend/tendency/extentDescribe/scribeInscribe/transcribe/circumscribepostscript,.the teacher standing in the schoolroom door-goodbye to students for the summer.A shaking B waving C nodding D speaking短语搭配题请参看P309第一行,.and call-them,”By the way,we won World War

50、2.”A in B after C for D up短语搭配题Call的本意,谁在call?,对于一个单词后接无数种搭配.1、上了考场能回忆起的情况下:要求平时的积累:Call at 拜访某地 call on 拜访某人Call for需要、需求 call off 取消Call in 约见 call up 打电话,2、不能回忆的情况下:就不要回忆只是单纯的看横线前后的两陀处于什么位置,用哪个选项更合适它们的动作方向。,Its the one-.A about B in C for D by不定代词的用法哪些是不定代词?One/it/they/these/those等不能说出具体代表什么的单词,解


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